Feng Wang put his head closer in doubt, and said, "It's true that there are only pictures of Two-dimensional Shitu and your girlfriend."

However, why are your photos all composed of death?

"Well, I didn't lie to you, did I?"

Lin Qiong calmly fooled the not-so-intelligent Feng Wang, and said, "Ask yourself, am I the kind of bastard who secretly takes pictures of other people's black history, and then uses it to backstab others at critical moments?"

King Feng: "?"

She lowered her head to look at herself who was sealed by Arceus because of Lin Qiong's backstab, and couldn't help but said to Lin Qiong, "Ah Qiong."

Lin Qiong: "Huh?"

Feng Wang looked into his eyes and asked, "Who do you think is the backstab that got me to where I am now?"

"This statement is wrong! What do you mean by 'degradation' and what do you mean by 'end of life'—you're talking as if I locked you in a cage for people to visit, and allowed tourists to pluck rainbow-colored feathers right now!"

Lin Qiong looked at Feng Wang with dissatisfaction, and said, "Have you forgotten what I said to you last time? Look at your current life, wake up, play, hungry, eat, tired, sleep, isn't this hard for gods to change? live?"

"Hey, I'm no longer the Phoenix King who was easily fooled by you in the past—"

Feng Wang, a big roc, spread his wings, looked at Lin Qiong angrily, and said, "No matter what the result is, you can't change the fact that you backstab me!"

'Hiss, she actually reacted? '

Lin Qiong couldn't help but leaned back, looked at Feng Wang in shock, and said, "You're not Feng Wang, are you?"

King Feng: "?"

"The Variety Monster? Zoroa? Zoroark? Or Mew?"

Lin Qiong held the chubby Feng Wang in his hand, then looked her up and down, and said, "Quickly tell me, where did you hide Feng Wang?"

King Feng said angrily: "Tie Baa, what do you mean?"

Lin Qiong shouted: "My Phoenix King can't be so smart!"

Feng Wang was furious: "Lin Qiong! Either you die today, or you die!!"



The know-it-all cat squatted on the outer corridor on the second floor of the Lingwang Hall, looked down at Fengwang, who was fighting with Lin Qiong for [-] rounds, and said to Irene beside him, "How do you evaluate Fengwang?"

"Smart, but not quite smart."

Eileen, who was holding Ersha, summed up the situation of King Feng succinctly, "Obviously, her current attention has been diverted by the young master—is she really a god? Why does it feel like her brain is single-threaded? "

"No way, the gods in the Pokémon world are very simple."

Know-It-All Cat jumped onto an armrest, yawned lazily, and said, "She became what she is now, all because she was infected with the fungus."

Erin: "Qion, Qiong bacteria?"

She twitched the corner of her mouth, why does the young master look like a contagious virus?He... wait, wait! ?

Irene recalled the Dragon Clan in the Sky City, and recalled Jeref and Mebis, and couldn't help but retreat tactically, and murmured: "Qiong, is the power of the Qiong fungus so terrifying!? "

Know-it-all Maomao thought that if you knew the changes before and after Aizen, you probably had to take a tactical back then——

In the past, Aizen, with eyes plucked, hair flicked, outshine others;

Now Aizen has a gentle attitude, serving tea and water, and asking about his health.

To be honest, if [Aizen Soyousuke] becomes [Aizen Soyousuke], then this book will definitely have an extra heroine.


"I said, Fei Shazi—"

The eldest lady looked helplessly at Fei Shazi who was hiding behind the window, and said, "How many days have passed, are you still mentally prepared?"

"Miss! This, how does this make me mentally prepared?"

The secretary looked at the big and small foreheads with teary eyes, and said, "I, how can I and the eldest lady..."

The eldest lady leaned back tactically and asked, "Then you want to watch me die of dehydration?"

Secretary: "..."

Take off, die of dehydration...

She couldn't help swallowing, and stammered and asked, "Miss, is it really as exaggerated as you said?"

"When did I lie to you!?"

The eldest lady widened her eyes. She looked around with a red face, then grabbed the secretary's ear and whispered: "It's not like you didn't see the sheets from the previous two days!"

Secretary: "!"

She suddenly thought of the world map that had almost wet half of the bed sheet—especially when she was tidying the bed sheet, she could smell the strong, hormonal-stimulating smell emanating from it...

In just a moment, the secretary's face burned red.

"Fei Shazi, your reaction, do you mean..."

The eldest lady approached the secretary's ear with a teasing face, and whispered: "You..."


The secretary suddenly raised his voice, and stammered, "I, I, I, I, I, I have no fantasy about the scene of the eldest lady and the young master!"

Miss: "..."

You idiot, do you know what it means not to bring yourself to trouble?



"Suck yo-"

Jingjing Mio sat in the main hall of the Lingwang Palace, took a sip of Guoli Orange gracefully from the teacup, and said with a light smile, "What a group of interesting people."

There is one thing to say, in Mio's opinion, the sum of all the fun in the Soul World from scratch is probably not as interesting as Lin Qiong and others-not to mention, watching Lin Qiong bullying in different ways all day long Feng Wang, it is enough for Mio to eat three bowls of rice!not to mention……

"I hate-"

Realm Mio suddenly showed a resentful expression, the hand holding the teacup slightly squeezed a gap in the side of the cup, and the cold orange juice immediately overflowed along the gap, wetting her arms, sleeves and the cushion under her body , "Why, why are Aqiong and the others not from the Realm World?"

Mio hammered the floor beneath her in pain.

"There's no way to see the future for them, it's too painful -"

Mio hammered the floor below her like a defeated dog, and screamed: "This, is this the pain of chasing fans? Woooooo, Kuluxi—"

If Lin Qiong and the others were native creatures in the Realm World, then she could use her omniscient authority to quickly see the stories behind this group of people—where as it is now, she has to wait hard for the development of the situation.

Jijiji, I am Jijiling King!

"Knock Knock Knock-"

Just when King Ling wanted to roll on the ground, there was a rhythmic knock on the door, and Lin Qiong's voice sounded outside the door: "Sister Mio, I've almost rested, let's proceed to the next stage of training."

"I see, I'll be out right away."

Mio sat up straight with a "shua", then lightly waved her right hand, restored the wet cushion, spilled drink, and broken teacup, and then walked towards the door with graceful steps.

'No, we have to find a way to advance their progress! '

Mio stood at the door, clenched her fists subconsciously, but soon showed a worried expression, "But will I disrupt their original plan if I act rashly?" '

and many more!

A light bulb popped out of her head.

'According to my observation, now only A Qiong is kept in the dark, right?Hum--'

The corner of King Ling's mouth showed a planned expression, "Then I just need to communicate with other people in advance, isn't there no problem at all?" '

I am so smart!



Lingwang Hall, square.

Lin Qiong crossed his arms and sat cross-legged on the cushion, his brows were furrowed, showing an unprecedented expression of facing an enemy, and he murmured: "It's not right, it's very, very, very wrong!"

King Feng: "?"

She tilted her head, glanced at Lin Qiong, who was restless, and asked angrily, "Do you have hemorrhoids?"


"Or is the hemorrhoid burst?"


"Is that internal sore bleeding?"

"No, you have trouble with hemorrhoids, right?"

Lin Qiong had a dark face, looked at Feng Wang with unkind eyes, and said, "Can you speak properly?"

Feng Wang nodded perfunctorily: "So what do you want me to say?"

"Don't you feel something is wrong!?"

Lin Qiong looked at Feng Wang solemnly and suspiciously, and said to himself: "I don't know what's going on recently, I've been having an inexplicable, creepy feeling! It's as if someone is plotting against me!!"

King Feng: "?"

"Are you sick? You are now in the home of the Creator God in the Realm World. Is there anyone who can plot against you? It is unlikely that the majestic Spirit King will plot against you, right?"

She looked at Lin Qiong dumbfounded, and said, "Besides, even if King Ling is going to plot against you, isn't there Miss Wan Shi Tong by your side? It won't be possible for her to join forces with King Ling to plot against you, right?"

"Hiss, what you said seems to make sense?"

Lin Qiong scratched his hair and muttered: "Maybe it's because I was too tired from training recently and used my brain too much to create illusions - forget it, just sleep when you encounter difficulties! Don't do it!"

Miss Know-It-All in the corridor outside the window: "..."

King Feng, with a phoenix like you beside Aqiong, why should our plan fail?

Chapter 0626 Waku Waku Forest Vault

"Congratulations, Aqiong."

King Ling looked at Lin Qiong in front of him, couldn't help showing a peaceful smile, and said, "You have successfully completed this training."

"Yada Thief!"

Lin Qiong clenched his fists and cheered, "It's finally over!!"

He even had a feeling of being tested ashore.

"Well, Aqiong, although I understand your current mood, your performance makes me feel that you are so happy because you can finally leave me?"

Mio looked at Lin Qiong's expression of being so happy that he wanted to jump up, and couldn't help but make a heart-warming gesture, and lamented: "What should I do? Miss Mio's young mind has been indelibly traumatized - "

Lin Qiong: "..."

He leaned back tactically, and then showed an expression as if he had seen the Buddha's Sengoku and Captain Yamamoto fighting over Dark Danzo: "My sister Mio, what are you trying to do?"


Mio, who was pretending to cry, blinked her eyes, then raised her head to look at Lin Qiong openly, and said, "I'm just a little bit, really just a little bit sad because Xiao Qiong's attitude is so cold?"

As if to increase her "little bit" of persuasiveness, she even opened her hands and drew a distance of at least 1.5 meters in front of her.

Lin Qiong: "..."

No, you call that a little bit?

"Sister Mio, if you have anything to do, just tell me directly."

Lin Qiong rubbed the bridge of his nose and said to Mio, "Has anyone ever said that your acting skills are really bad?"

"Hey! Impossible!"

Mio stared wide-eyed, with an incredulous look, and said, "I obviously asked Kiryu and Senjumaru, and they all said that my acting skills are particularly good, so they couldn't tell at all!"

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