Lin Qiong: "..."

Is there a possibility, what they want to say, maybe...

'Lord Soul King, we can't tell at all that you are not acting! '

No self-knowledge belongs to yes!

"Indeed, we can't see it at all."

Lin Qiong nodded perfunctorily, and then asked, "Anyway, Miss Mio, who is only a little sad, what exactly do you want me to do for you?"

"Ahem, actually, it's not a very important matter..."

Miss Mio showed a very awkward expression—as if she wanted to be rewarded by her family very much, but she had to act like a child who didn’t care—and said, “That’s right, cough cough, it’s me from Feng I heard from Feng that you seem to have brought some special products to Arceus..."


Lin Qiong showed a suddenly realized expression, then looked at Jingjing Mio with an innocent face, and said, "If you want it, just talk, how do I know you want it if you don't tell me? So do you really want it?" ? Really? Really? Really?"

Lord Ling looked at Lin Qiong angrily, and said dissatisfiedly, "Ah Qiong is evil-hearted and bullying people!"

"Just kidding, Mio-san, don't be angry—"

Lin Qiong chuckled, then took out a few dragon crystals from his pocket, and said with a smile, "I've prepared the gift for Sister Mio a long time ago!"

"Oh, this!!"

Mio looked at the dragon crystal on the table, quickly took it into her hands, and fondled it fondly, saying, "Is this the law of another world?"

"How to describe this scene..."

Lin Qiong looked delicately at the scene where Jingjing Mio fondled the Dragon Crystal fondly, and thought, "Even if Miss Mio is an ordinary person, the Dragon Crystal is an ordinary crystal, and it feels very reasonable." '

"Sure enough, Ah Qiong still has Miss Mio in his heart."

Jie Jie Mio couldn't help but show a sweet smile. She looked at Lin Qiong with a smile, couldn't help but patted his shoulder with her hand, and said with a teasing look: "In that case, then Sister Mio will tell A Qiong a good idea." News!"

Lin Qiong: "Good news?"


Realm Mio immediately replied: "Congratulations! A Qiong, your good days are coming!"

Lin Qiong: "???"

What, what, what are you talking about?


"After turning yourself into a woman, has your mentality changed?"

After Lin Qiong left, Maomao, the know-it-all, jumped down from the beam, looked leisurely at the Lingwang who was studying with the dragon crystal in his hand, and said, "Showing cuteness, acting like a baby, pretending to be cute, they are a heroic couple among Lingwangs. "

"As a creator god, I have no concept of gender."

Realm Mio put down the crystal in her hand, glanced at the know-it-all cat with a sweet smile, and said, "I chose a male as my appearance in the past, just because I met a future where I would be made a wedge to stabilize the Three Realms. "

Even if there is no concept of gender, Kai Mio is not willing to have her limbs cut off, her internal organs hollowed out, and then her whole body naked and sealed in crystal in the image of a woman.

"Well, then you really worked hard."

The know-it-all cat jumped onto the table in front of Kaimi Mio, and said, "It's a very sad feeling that I have met my own end since I was born."

How should I put it, it's like watching that kind of——

"The Crocodile That Will Die in a Hundred Days"

"The girlfriend who will be ntr in a hundred days"

"The Light Music Department Destined to Disband"

——a story doomed to tragedy.

"It's okay! Because I also met the future where Yuhabach will replace me as a wedge."

Realm Mio blinked and said: "Actually, in my original plan, I would transfer most of my power to Yhwach, and then reincarnate into an ordinary person with the remaining power and live a slow life."

Know-it-all cat: "?"

She couldn't help complaining: "I used to be the Creator King, I chose to end myself and reincarnate as an ordinary person to start a second life of slow living", right?"

"Hahaha, that seems to be the right thing to say."

Jie Jie Mio stood up from her seat, stood on tiptoe slightly, stepped on the ground with her five round toes, gracefully walked to the know-it-all cat, and asked: "Aren't you going to watch it? That's a memorable moment. .”

"No, I'm here to watch you."

In a whirlwind of magical power, the know-it-all cat turned into a human form, squinted his eyes towards Jingjing Mio, and said, "Irene and Fei Shazi will eventually become A Qiong's women, but you are different, so peeping is okay." what-"

Cats are very protective.

Boundary Mio: "..."

Damn it, Ling Wang, are you also guarding against it? ?Be sick! !



in the bedroom.

"Aqiong, do you still remember our agreement?"

The eldest lady leaned against the door of the room, looked at Lin Qiong who was lying on the belly of the wind speed dog and played the remake of Resident Evil 4, and said softly: "If you don't remember, I can help you recall."

Lin Qiong shook his head quickly and said, "No, no! I remember, I remember very much!"

He must have a deep memory - it was the first time in his life that he was tricked by a girl, so of course he has a deep memory.

"It's better to hit the sun than choose the day—"

The eldest lady raised the backpack she was carrying in her left hand, then patted it lightly with her right hand, and said, "Let's complete this agreement today."

Lin Qiong: "..."

He looked at the schoolbag in the eldest lady's hand, recalled the content of the agreement, and couldn't help but said nervously: "This, this..."

The eldest lady narrowed her eyes and asked, "You don't mean to cheat, do you?"

"Just kidding! I, Lin Qiong, spit on a nail in one mouthful, am I cheating!?"

Lin Qiong turned off the game with a stiff neck, then swaggered and lay down on the bed, and said, "Isn't it just to satisfy you for a special PIay? Come here!"

The eldest lady did not take action immediately, but blinked at Lin Qiong and said, "Although, aren't you going to take a bath?"

Lin Qiong: "..."

He pulled the corners of his eyes, then stood up with a sullen face, and walked towards the bathroom. When he came out of the bathroom, he saw the blindfold and leather handcuffs that the eldest lady had placed on the bed, and he couldn't help but leave Dou Da behind. drops of sweat.

Fuck, why is Erina interested in this weird PIay! ?Gan!

"All right--"

The eldest lady raised the blindfold in her hand with a smile and said: "Let's get started, Qiong~"

A few minutes later, the eldest lady looked at Lin Qiong, whose hands were handcuffed to the bedside and wearing an eyepatch with sensory interference runes (provided by Miss Wan Shitong), who was lying on the bed with a bright red face, and said softly: "I'll get it first. Get your clothes ready and take a shower - in the meantime, just wait."

Lin Qiong: "..."

Fuck, is this the legendary placement PIay! ?I didn't expect Erina's rank to be quite high!

By the way, she also prepared clothes?Hiss, it can't be the queen's leather jacket, right?Oops, I'm kind of looking forward to what PIay she's going to use next - do I drench my chest with lube and rub it with my black silk feet?

Kobayashi: I'm full of Pava/(/ /o/ω/o/ /)/


"Crimson Sand—"

The eldest lady put her hands on Fei Shazi's shoulders, and said seriously: "You probably won't run away, right? I've arranged everything."

"Miss, you informed me of this plan half a year in advance—"

The secretary rubbed his face with his hands and said with a wry smile: "Don't worry, I won't let the eldest lady down!"

"very good!"

The eldest lady nodded in satisfaction, then walked cheerfully, walked behind the secretary with a smile, pushed her towards the bedroom, and said, "Take a bath first, and then put on the clothes I prepared for you." clothes, and we're ready to go!"


Lin Qiong soon heard footsteps outside the corridor, his ears moved slightly, and he asked curiously: "Erina, tell me what clothes you have prepared?"


The young lady floating behind the secretary made a "shh" gesture towards the secretary, then slowly stretched out her arms and put her arms around the secretary's shoulders, put her face against the secretary's, and said: " Just look forward to it~ It will definitely be a super~super~big surprise!"

Lin Qiong: Swallowing.jpg

Waku waku!

Chapter 0627 can't get cheap and be good

Because the vision is blocked and the perception is blocked, Lin Qiong can only perceive the movements of the young lady through the hearing that is suppressed by the runes on the blindfold to the level of ordinary people, for example...

"Clatter-da~da da da~ da~"

Amidst the faint sound of water coming from the bathroom, it seemed that the eldest lady's slightly pleasant humming could be heard - well, if Lin Qiong heard it correctly, it was probably the theme song of the first Ultraman.

"Hiss, don't tell me, this kind of unknown expectation is really easy to make people involuntarily think about it..."

Listening to the sound of water and singing coming from the bathroom, Lin Qiong couldn't help but licked his lips, thinking: "I have to say, I've already started imagining Erina's appearance in the shower..."

Thinking of Mr. Shuizhu's wonderful adventure of being born from the shower country, falling from the sky, falling into the collarbone, then climbing the mountain, stepping into the plain, and finally resolutely stepping into the barren land, Lin Qiong felt a kind of blood rush and dry mouth. Dry tongue feeling.

So passionate! !

'Hiss, this placement PIay is a bit of a torture--'

In the silent waiting, as the time passed by every minute and every second, Lin Qiong couldn't help feeling a little restless in his heart, and he couldn't help calling affectionately in his heart: "Erina~ come back~ come back~"

Probably his relentless calling had an effect (it wasn't), the sound of water in the bathroom stopped.

'Oh hoo! '

Lin Qiong exclaimed in his heart, and then focused on his ears, trying to hear the movement in the bathroom—unfortunately, with his now suppressed hearing, he could only hear the sound of bath towels rubbing against his body in front of him .

Hi, I'm so angry!

It's decided, I'll remove this blindfold later!



With the sound of the bathroom door being pushed open, the eldest lady's voice with a hint of a smile sounded in the room: "It's been a long time, Qiong."


The secretary looked at Lin Qiong, who was lying on the bed in big characters and was waiting for him, and couldn't help crying in his heart: "Young master, young master!"You, can you stop looking forward to it! ! '

"Ahem, I haven't waited long."

Lin Qiong coughed dryly, then stuck out his tongue and licked his dry lips, and said firmly, "I'm the most patient man in the world, so it's absolutely necessary..."

Hearing Lin Qiong's words, the eldest lady couldn't help raising her eyebrows, and said, "Oh? If you're not in a hurry, then wait a little longer?"

Lin Qiong: "..."

At that time, I regretted it very much, very regretful!Why do you say you are stubborn! ?


Lin Qiong let out a dissatisfied voice like a child whose parents didn't buy him a beloved toy, so he was lying on the ground and kicking his legs.

"Like a child! Well, here we go—"

Seeing Lin Qiong's shameless appearance, the eldest lady couldn't help but smiled and comforted him, then gently pushed the secretary's back, came to the bedside with her, and said softly, "Are you ready?"

The next moment, Lin Qiong and the secretary nodded in unison.


After a foreplay that made Lin Qiong anxious, the "Missy" rode on him trembling slightly.

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