"Why are you still shaking?"

Lin Qiong's voice had a hint of ridicule, "Isn't it right? Are you so excited?"

Secretary: "..."

Yes, sorry, master, I was nervous (';ω;`).

Oops, my heart is beating so fast.

Miss: "..."

Seeing Fei Shazi's appearance, I seem to be a little excited, what should I do?

Oops, have I awakened some strange attribute?

Although the secretary and the eldest lady had different thoughts, they didn't stop working at hand—Lin Qiong soon felt a pair of hands resting on his chest, followed by a moist touch and...

However, the moment the sharp blade returned to the sheath, Lin Qiong noticed something strange—the internal structure of the scabbard did not belong to the young lady!

"who is it!"

Lin Qiong yelled violently, and the magic power in his body surged, shaking the pair of leather handcuffs in his hands that were far more symbolic than the actual meaning, then tore off the blindfold on his face, and looked at the man riding on him. ...

Secret, secretary! ?

Lin Qiong was dumbfounded, and when he saw the eldest lady who was floating behind the secretary and waving at him with a smile, he became even more restless.

"Wang Defa!?"

Lin Qiong scratched his scalp with both hands, and said with disbelief: "No, please explain to me, what is the situation?"

"Aqiong, are you serious?"

The eldest lady looked at her boyfriend in disbelief, then stretched out her hands amidst the secretary's exclamation, grabbed her fat and pinched it, and asked: "At this time, you still have the mood to ask?" What the hell is going on!? Idiot, it’s over!”

Awesome! !

...and have a blast...


Panting slightly, Lin Qiong looked at the two people lying motionless on the bed, and asked, "So, can you explain to me now, what is going on?"

"You see the picture now, don't you understand!?"

The eldest lady raised her head with difficulty, gritted her teeth and looked at Lin Qiong, and said, "Because I don't want to lose my kidneys or get dehydrated!!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

He opened his mouth, and then said weakly: "Yeah, it's not that exaggerated, right?"

"Not an exaggeration!? You call this not an exaggeration?"

The eldest lady widened her eyes. She pointed to the half-soaked bed sheet, then pointed to the secretary next to her, and said, "Do you dare to say it again?"

Lin Qiong: "..."

He looked at the sheets, and then at the secretary whose legs were still trembling slightly after the lingering rhyme hadn't passed, and showed an awkward yet polite smile.

"At first, I thought it would be enough to pull Feishazi up, but I didn't expect..."

The eldest lady took a look at the secretary who was lying on the bed, she was completely in a romantic style, couldn't help but sighed, and said, "She's not very useful."

There is one thing to say, if the fighting power of the eldest lady is one hundred, then the secretary will fluctuate around ten points—as for Lin Qiong?His current combat power is probably one thousand or even nine hundred.

"Yes, for me—"

Hearing what the eldest lady said, the secretary raised his head in a daze, and said with a face of shame: "I, I am so useless."

There is one thing to say, the eldest lady can at least organize a few waves of effective counterattacks, but the secretary is really like a small sampan in a storm. With the waves of the climax coming one after another, she The child is completely lost in this sea area.

"Feisha, this is not your fault."

The eldest lady patted the secretary's head lightly, then glared at Lin Qiong angrily, and said, "It's the fault of some man who knew it was your first time, but turned out to be merciless!"


Lin Qiong coughed in embarrassment, then moved closer to the eldest lady, and whispered, "Isn't it because you played with PIay that I overwhelmed myself."

"What can I do?"

The eldest lady rolled her eyes angrily, and complained: "If I don't play these tricks, with your character, I'm afraid you won't attack Fei Shazi in ten years!"

"Cough, this is."

Lin Qiong blushed, then rubbed his hands a little embarrassedly, and said, "Don't worry, I will treat her well in the future."

The eldest lady: "?"

She couldn't help but leaned back her upper body, and the bouncing appearance made Lin Qiong's eyes look straight: "How did you accept it so quickly now? I thought you had to hold back for a while!"

"First of all, things have already happened, and no matter how much I tweak, I will not change this fact;

Secondly, I'm a vested interest, and if I get a good deal and act like a good boy, it would be annoying—”

Speaking of this, Lin Qiong pursed his lips slightly, and then said seriously: "More importantly, if I hesitate, hesitate, or resist at this time, what mood should Fei Shazi be in?"

The secretary opened his mouth, then sniffled a little choked up, and said, "Young master, young master, I..."

The faint trace of uneasiness in her heart disappeared immediately, and a strange emotion filled her heart, making her feel like she wanted to throw herself into Lin Qiong's arms.

And she did.

"It seems that our family has grown a lot——"

The eldest lady glanced at the secretary in Lin Qiong's arms, and couldn't help stretching out her hand to pinch her fleshy buttocks under Lin Qiong's dumbfounding eyes, and then said in the secretary's exclamation: "I originally I'm planning to bring Miss Wanshitong and Miss Mio together to enlighten you!"

Lin Qiong was in a state of spirit: "Enlightenment!? What kind of guidance? What kind of guidance?"

The eldest lady: "?"

She couldn't help but tilted her head, and said, "Aqiong, I have every reason to suspect that you are driving, and I have evidence!"

"I'm an old couple, do you still care about this kind of car?"

Lin Qiong waved his hand, and said with a delicate expression: "But listening to what you said, it seems that Sister Mio and Know-it-all Mao Mao are both insiders? Wait, if you say it like this..."

The provocative hand cream that day, the young lady's language trap, Mio-san's mysterious attitude, Miss Know-it-all's attitude as if she turned into a riddle......

"Grass (a plant)!"

Lin Qiong looked at the eldest lady in shock, and said, "So you have been planning all this since then?"


The eldest lady put her hands on her hips, raised her head with a proud look on her face, and immediately replied: "sodayo!? How about it? It's awesome, right?"

Lin Qiong: "..."

He twitched the corner of his mouth, then moved his fingers, and said with a sullen face: "It's going to be severely punished!"

The eldest lady: "?"

She subconsciously took half a step back and said, "You, what do you want to do?"

"Fei Shasha, it's you who decides——"

Lin Qiong waved his left hand ahead, and said loudly, "Hold Erina down! I'm going to make her into a non-expressive style today!!"

Secretary: Σ(Д)! !

"Hmph! Stupid Aqiong, Fei Shazi is my best sister, she will definitely not... wait, Fei Shazi, what are you doing!"

"Miss, I'm sorry, I really want to see that side of you too!"

"Wait, wait! I've had it once, and I'll die again, really, I'll definitely... oh!"

Chapter 0628 Feng, only you can bring me a little comfort

"Tsk tsk-"

The next day, looking at the refreshed Lin Qiong, as well as the young lady and the secretary with sloppy footsteps, the know-it-all cat could not help but smacked her tongue and said, "You don't know how to be restrained."

"Ahem, I was a little excited, so I couldn't help it all at once."

Lin Qiong coughed in embarrassment, and then helped the eldest lady and the secretary to pull out the chairs, and said, "Compared to this, don't you have anything to say?"

"What do I want to say?"

Know-it-all Maomao tilted her head, and suddenly said: "Oh, you want me to praise you for being a gentleman when you help them open the bench?"


Lin Qiong stretched out his hands and grabbed Know-It-All Maomao's cheeks, gritted his teeth and said, "Aren't you going to explain why you lied to me?"

"My dear Mr. Host, did you make a mistake?"

Miss Wanshitong patted the back of Lin Qiong's hand lightly with her meat pad, and said, "I'm not lying to you, but assisting you? If you think about it this way, you have to thank me instead!"

Lin Qiong: "..."


He put his left hand under his arm and put his right hand against his chin. He fell into a brief meditation and murmured: "Why do I feel that what she said makes sense?"

"What makes sense?"

Jingjing Mio sat on the chair beside Lin Qiong with a smile, and asked curiously, "What are you talking about?"

"Aqiong thinks I'm lying to him, and I think I'm assisting—"

The know-it-all cat bit the dried fish handed over by Lin Qiong, chewed it, and said, "I wonder what Miss Mio thinks of this?"

"Hmm, I think it's an assist, right?"

Mio pointed her lips with her fingers, and made a look of thinking, "After all, our purpose is to help A Qiong take the first step!"

"I won't complain about the first step of what this first step refers to..."

Lin Qiong covered his face, and said dumbfoundedly: "Erina is the planner, Fei Shazi is the participant, Master of All Things, Maomao and Mio sister all know about this - I was the only one who was kept in the dark when I co-authored it." Yet?"

"Chirp! What did you just say ass?"

Feng Wang flapped his wings and landed in front of Lin Qiong, and asked with a strange face, "Why did I see you wearing a face when I came here?"

Lin Qiong looked at Feng Wang, whose eyes were as clear as a college student's, and couldn't help but tentatively asked, "You don't know?"

A question mark appeared on Feng Wang's head: "Know what?"

Lin Qiong pointed at himself, then at the eldest lady, and said, "I really don't know?"

Feng Wang said with a speechless face: "No, if you have anything to do, you can just say it, okay? Be some kind of riddle?"

Immediately moved, Lin Qiong stretched out his hands and held Feng Wang to his face, then rubbed her hard, and choked up, saying: "Feng, my Feng! You are my half-brother and sister!!"

Phoenix King: "???"

She was so frightened that her feathers exploded, and she looked as if she had gained weight: "No, no, no, what's going on with you!? What are you doing!?"

Lin Qiong: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu In this world full of intrigues, only the simple A-Feng can bring me the slightest comfort!"

Phoenix King: "..."

Although, although I don't know what happened, but, he should be praising me, right?




"Aqiong, please remember to come back to see your sister——"

Sister Mio held Lin Qiong's hand with a look of reluctance and said, "Sister will miss you."

Know-it-all Mao Mao gave her a sideways look: "I don't even want to expose you, do you want A Qiong or the items from another world in his pocket?" '


"Okay, okay! You can rest assured in the spirit world."

Lin Qiong comforted the malicious and cute Jie Mio and said, "As long as I'm not busy, I will definitely come back to see you regularly."

"Yeah, it's an appointment!"

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