When Jingjing Mio saw the success of being cute, she immediately let go of Lin Qiong's hand with a smile on her face, and said pretendingly: "Okay! Go back quickly, don't make others wait too long!"

"Then I'll take my leave."

Lin Qiong smiled at Jingjing Mio, then turned around and walked towards Tianzhuren - he had to go to Seireitei first, catch the cats and cats in Sifengyuan who were causing trouble there, and then go back Xuquan, instruct a circle of blue dye, and finally leave the realm of the world.

Jingjing Mio looked up at Lin Qiong's leaving back, then slowly turned around and walked towards the Lingwang Hall.Every time she took a step, the clothes on her body would change slightly. The moment she sat on the throne of King Ling, she regained the phoenix crown and xiapei when she first saw Lin Qiong.

"Ichibei, after Aqiong leaves Soul Soul Realm, pass on my order."

Realm Mio lowered her eyelids slightly and said softly: "From this moment on, Aqiong's status is only below me - in this world, his power is supreme."


The monk's eyes narrowed slightly, and then he knelt down towards the Lingwang Hall without hesitation, and replied sonorously: "I obey—"


Soul Realm.

Second squad team building.

"You bastard, instead of following me to the Palace of the King of Spirits, why did you come here to cheat for food and drink?"

Lin Qiong held the neck of Si Fengyuan's cat Destiny and said to her: "I heard that Byakuya Kuchiki was so angry that you smashed three teacups?"

"Can you blame me? It's obviously because Xiaobaicai is not strong enough!"

Sifengyuan Maomao looked at Lin Qiong with a straight face and said, "Who makes him unable to catch up with me?"

Lin Qiong: "..."

"What is your strength, what is Bai Zai's strength?"

Lin Qiong was shocked. He looked at the kitten in his arms in disbelief, and said, "How dare you bully him?"

First of all, as a regular (golden pattern) member of [Shield of the Protector, Realm Squad], she has naturally evolved into the Spirit Race;

Secondly, in the world of Fairy Tail, she also practiced the [White Thunder Tiger: Dragon Slayer Magic] tailored for her by the know-it-all cat.

With the current strength of Shifengyuan Maomao, without counting the strong person like Kkai Mio, she would have no problem at all in fighting for two - but she actually used this strength to bully Kuchiki Byakuya!


"I'm thinking that my younger sister bullied him!"

"Then why do you say he can't catch up with you?"

"He chased me, I can't run? Besides, I didn't fight back when he chased me for thirteen streets. Why do you say I bullied him?"

"So what did you do to make him chase you for Thirteen Streets??"

"That is, every time he was about to love with Fei Zhen, I would use a loudspeaker to call him outside to catch loaches."

Hearing this, Lin Qiong couldn't help leaning back with his upper body: "Good guy, it's me instead, I have to chase you 130 blocks."

The cat from Sifengyuan waved its paws and said matter-of-factly: "I won't do anything to you!"

Lin Qiong was curious: "A cat's loyalty?"

Mao Mao shook his head: "The main reason is that I can't beat you, and I can't run you."

Wow, this reason is too real!

Just when Lin Qiong was about to say something, a rush of footsteps came from the door.

Sifengyuan Maomao: "Oh~ it looks like Broken Bee is back meow!"

"Master Ye, I'll-"

Accompanied by the joyful voice, Suifeng pushed open the door with a look of surprise, and then saw Lin Qiong who was carrying the cat from Sifengyuan—the light in her eyes disappeared at that moment.

"I'm sorry, Captain Broken Bee."

Lin Qiong said to the broken bee who seemed to be happy when he saw his beloved woman riding on another man, "I'm here to take back this naughty cat."

The little bee looked helplessly at the cats and cats in Sifengyuan, and said, "Ye, Master Ye, no, don't you want to stay?"

"The young master came to the door, there is no way to meow~"

The Sifengyuan cat blinked insincerely and said innocently: "More importantly, the food here is not suitable for us! You see, it has only been less than a year, and our coat color has deteriorated! "

Say something!Although the life in Seireitei is very comfortable, you can tease Sui Feng to see her blushing expression if you have something to do, and you can bully Bai Zai if you have nothing to do, and he will run around by him-but the cats and cats in Sifengyuan are sad. It was discovered that her stomach had completely changed into the shape of the castle in the sky, and it could not be changed back.

"Then let's say goodbye."

Lin Qiong glanced at the broken bee, inexplicably having the illusion that his hair color had turned yellow—he couldn't help but glanced down at Sifengyuan Maomao, and said, "It's all your fault!"

Sifengyuan Maomao: "???"

Wish, young master, I am a good citizen!


virtual circle.

Void Night Palace.

"Welcome back, Lord Qiong."

Aizen stood at the exit of the black chamber, looked at Lin Qiong who walked out, and couldn't help but smile and said: "After the special training in the Soul King Palace, Qiong-Jun must have become stronger, right?"

"It's just a little bit stronger."

Lin Qiong waved his hands casually, then looked at Lan Ran with a malicious expression on his face, and said, "Alan, why don't we practice?"

Aizen: "..."

He smiled wryly, then raised his hands, and said, "If Lord Qiong wants to beat me up, you can just say so, and you don't have to use the name of sparring."

"Just kidding, why am I willing to beat you up?"

Lin Qiong smiled, then walked towards the Xuye Palace with cheerful steps, and said to Ai Ran: "I'm done with things in the Realm World for the time being, and I'm going back to Erina's world to take a break—Alan wants to go together Is it?"

"I'll stay in Xuye Palace."

Aizen shook his head very sensiblely, and said with a smile: "When the two of you and your lover go back to their hometown to visit relatives, I still don't want to be the light bulb."

"You guy—for the sake of being so sensible, let me tell you some good news quietly!"

Lin Qiong grinned and elbowed Lan Ran's waist, then winked at him and said, "The world we are going to next is full of a lot of rare rule-based abilities, and that world has countless abilities. You can use them as materials to carry out human experiments as much as you like."

"This is really good news—"

Aizen pushed the glasses on the bridge of the nose with a smile, and then said with a little bit of distress: "Oh! After getting to know Qiongjun, for the first time, I realized that there are too many things to study, and I don't have enough time. distressed……"

This is really a happy trouble.

Chapter 0629 What do you think of Alice?

Food Halberd World.


The eldest lady looked at Senzaemon standing at the gate, and couldn't help showing a smile. She trotted forward and said, "We're back."

"Because the old man can't wait to see his granddaughter and grandson-in-law—"

Senzaemon patted Shiji's head, then looked at Lin Qiong and the secretary who followed closely, and said with a smile: "You guys have made it."

"Puff cough cough——" x3

Lin Qiong, the eldest lady and the secretary, who looked at ease just now, suddenly coughed in embarrassment.

"Grandpa, what are you talking about!"

The eldest lady glared at her old man with an unsteady face, and said, "Don't say such things at the gate!"

"what is the relationship?"

The old man folded his hands in his sleeves and said indifferently: "There are no outsiders here... Okay, let's go in and talk!"

Even the old man, facing his granddaughter's glaring gaze, could only helplessly raise his hands to express his surrender.


Nakiri house, the living room.

Lin Qiong sat cross-legged on the soft cushion, took a piece of seaweed scallop from the basket, opened it and took a bite, then said to the old man: "How did the old man see it? I think we didn't reveal anything, right?"

"Hahaha, haven't you revealed yet?"

Senzaemon was overjoyed. He pointed at the secretary and joked, "When she looks at you, the love in her eyes is almost overflowing with water."

"Eh? Guwu—"

After a brief moment of surprise, the secretary uttered a groan, and then fell to the floor covering his face, "I, am I so obvious?"

"Huo Huo, your eyes are glued to him and you don't want to take it away, and you ask me if it's obvious?"

The old man stroked his beard with his hands happily, and said in a firm voice: "I can tell you for sure—anyone who has a relationship experience can tell it at a glance."


The secretary uttered a lovely mournful cry again, and then completely curled up into a secretary ball, making the eldest lady beside her laugh so hard that she fell into Lin Qionghui's arms.

"Okay, okay, old man, just say a few words less."

Lin Qiong glanced at his secretary who was quietly spreading his fingers, looked at his secretary with pitiful eyes, and said helplessly, "If we go on, Fei Shazi might have to dig a hole to get in."

"Okay, the old man won't say anything."

The old man nodded with a smile, completely unaware that he had the nickname of "The Demon King of Food". "Then you all should have a good rest first, and the old man will go and prepare the ingredients for the welcome banquet later."

Hearing these words, the eldest lady hurriedly stood up and said, "Grandpa, let me—"

"What are you kidding?"

The old man glanced at the eldest lady with a look of surprise, and said: "How can there be any reason for the person who is being received to prepare the reception himself?"

"The old man is right, you just sit here and accompany us honestly—"

Lin Qiong smiled and pushed the eldest lady back on the cushion, then winked at the old man, and said, "I have to appreciate the cooking skills of the Demon Eater!"

"Hahahaha! Now that you've said that, the old man has no choice but to go all out—"

Senzaemon let out a hearty laugh full of confidence, then blinked his right eye at Lin Qiong and said, "Just look forward to my craftsmanship!"

After finishing speaking, he boldly pushed open the door, walked out of the living room with a general air, then walked quickly to a corner where no one was around, and took out his mobile phone.

"Crooked? Yin, it's me!"

"Call Seiichiro over here!"

"It's time to show off today!"


"One thing to say, is it my illusion?"

Lin Qiong looked at the direction where the old man was leaving, couldn't help touching his chin, and said, "Why do I feel that after the old man saw that I had an affair with Fei Shazi, he was not only not angry, but happy instead?"

The shy secretary covered his face again at this time, and mournfully said in his heart: "Woo~ Yes, I have a leg—"

"Isn't this a matter of course? Both Fei Shazi and I are residents of Shiji World, and both are direct descendants of the Nakiri family—"

The eldest lady crossed her arms and said in a very natural tone: "We are all your women, which means that you will pay more attention to the world of food halberds and the Nakiri family."

Lin Qiong: "..."

He twitched the corner of his mouth and complained, "Isn't this reason too real?"

"This kind of thing is too common among the upper class."

The eldest lady curled her lips and said in a natural tone: "However, unlike those families' initiative, our family adopts the policy of letting nature take its course."

Other families: I don't care if you like him or not, you must become his woman to gain benefits for the family!

Nakiri family: If you like him, try to date him. If you fall in love with him, everyone will be happy. If you don't, forget it.

It is true that a judgment is made between superior and inferior.

"I was thinking, if I wandered outside alone, would I be approached by women from the 'those families' you mentioned?"

Lin Qiong wiped his chin, and said with a weird face: "What kind of pure school belle, iceberg goddess, sexy OL?"

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