He couldn't help thinking of the scene when he forcibly commented on the hot dry noodles made by Dojima Gin, and couldn't help but blushed, and said with a straight neck: "My evaluation is not as good as Master Abei!"

Dojima Silver: "..."

His expression became very subtle: "Aqiong, isn't this answer too cunning?"

"Hmph, didn't expect that? This is my answer line!"

Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows at Dojima Gin proudly, and then said eagerly, "Or are you going to practice with me?"

Dojima Silver: "..."

He waved his hands speechlessly, and said, "I'm just a cook, not as powerful as you."


Seiichiro next to him hastily turned his head away, and then coughed violently towards a place where no one was around——Silver, I remember that you have recently started to use heavy trucks as weights to exercise, and it is really true to say such things now no problem?

"Look, Seiichiro can't stand it anymore!"

Lin Qiong shook his head loudly, and said, "Yin Sang, you are dishonest! You already have gourmet cells, are you still an ordinary person?"

"I didn't say I was ordinary, I said 'I'm not as powerful as you'. Is there a problem with that?"

Dojima Gin folded his hands on his chest, and said with a matter-of-fact expression: "No, right? Even if I add one thousand, ten thousand, or one hundred thousand together, I'm not your opponent, is it?"

Lin Qiong nodded and replied, "Indeed."

Dojima Silver: "..."

Although this is true, your answer without hesitation makes me somewhat sad, okay!

"Uncle Yin, don't embarrass Aqiong."

The eldest lady couldn't help laughing and said, "Why don't you let me evaluate your tomato beef brisket stew, how about it?"

"Is it an evolved, fully-formed God's Tongue?"

Dojima Yin took a serious look at the young lady's mouth, then stretched out his right hand, and said in a deep voice, "Please comment!"

At this moment, their identities are no longer uncles and nieces, but chefs and judges.

Lin Qiong: "..."

He felt that he had seen the shadow of a sword, but...

I don't understand!Let's keep showing off.



After enjoying a delicious meal prepared by the old man, Gin Dojima and Joichiro Kohei, Lin Qiong lay on the sofa happily and said, "Sure enough, delicious food will bring people happiness!"

"Oh? I don't see you showing such an expression when you usually eat my cooking—"

The eldest lady sat astride Lin Qiong's lap with a hint of dissatisfaction, and hummed: "Why, am I no longer able to satisfy you?"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He complained: "Can you add the word 'cooking'? Otherwise, I always feel that you are alluding to something."

"That kind of thing still needs insinuation? If I can satisfy you, I won't force you to attack Fei Shazi and Alice, okay?"

The eldest lady pinched Lin Qiong's cheek with her hand, and then said with a look of anticipation: "So what are you thinking about? When are you going to attack Alice?"

Lin Qiong said speechlessly: "No, why do you have the attitude that I have already decided to attack her?"

"Eh? Because Alice has silver hair? Doesn't this hair color just hit your XP?"

The eldest lady looked at Lin Qiong matter-of-factly and said, "What's more, she and I are still sisters? How many men can resist this kind of temptation?"

Lin Qiong: "..."

Speaking of silver hair and blond hair, it reminds me of Heidi and Dumao; when it comes to Heidi and Dumao, it reminds me of Xingyue; when it comes to Xingyue, it reminds me of Master Sanzang; when it comes to Master Sanzang , it reminds me of Journey to the West; when it comes to Journey to the West, it reminds me of the second half of the year...

Oh, long gone?That's fine.

"Aqiong, just imagine - Alice and I are standing in front of you wearing black and white pure white lace nightdresses and suspenders respectively..."

The eldest lady put her mouth close to Lin Qiong's ear, and described the extraordinarily frustrating scene with a voice full of charm.Suddenly, she paused slightly, and then teased with a smiling voice: "Oh, someone said no, but the body is still quite honest~"

Lin Qiong: "..."

Angry and angry, he picked up the eldest lady on his body, then walked towards the bedroom with her shocked expression, and said, "Do exercise after dinner!!"

Missy: "Fei Shazi save me—"

Goo~ You beat me up!

Chapter 0631

The next day, in the morning.

"By the way, is it really okay for you to come here with me?"

Lin Qiong looked at the young lady sitting opposite him, wearing a white dress and crossing her legs elegantly, and couldn't help but ask: "Will it give the other party the feeling of showing off one's power or bullying others?"

"You think too much."

The eldest lady rolled her eyes, then closed the light novel in her hand with a "snap", and said, "I won't let them think about it unless I go there."

Lin Qiong looked at the secretary: "Really?"

"It's true!"

The secretary nodded quickly, and said, "If the eldest lady didn't go with her, father and mother would be worried that she would not want to go because of dissatisfaction."

Lin Qiong: "..."

Well, he doesn't understand the brain circuit of Neon Man.

At this time, they were sitting in the car heading to Xinhu's house, and they were going to visit the secretary's parents. This was Lin Qiong's idea.

"By the way, do your parents really not care?"

Lin Qiong rubbed his hands together, then looked at the secretary worriedly, and said hesitantly, "Then what, after all, this situation...isn't it?"

"Qiong, you asked about these things three times before going to bed last night."

The eldest lady looked helplessly at her boyfriend and said, "And we have answered you three times - not only will they not mind, but they will be very happy."

The secretary added: "Because this also means that the Xinhu family can become the most loyal direct descendant of the Nakiri family through my relationship with the eldest lady."

Let’s talk about an inappropriate metaphor - it’s equivalent to people in ancient times hearing that the emperor said that he wanted to make his daughter a noble concubine. How could he not be happy?I am afraid that if I don’t dream, I will laugh “hehehehe”.

Lin Qiong opened his mouth, and then said with a strange expression: "So, I have to thank them for this idea, so that I can be with Fei Shasha smoothly?"

"if not?"

The eldest lady raised her eyebrows and asked, "Is it possible that you are actually looking forward to being made difficult by Fei Shasha's parents?"

"No no no no."

Lin Qiong shook his head hastily, sneered, and said, "This is very good, very good."

He's not a masochistic masochist, why is he expecting to be made things difficult for him?


When the car stopped at the door of Xinhu's house, the owner of the new household and his wife, who had been waiting for a long time, opened the car door and said enthusiastically, "Master Erina, welcome!"

"Uncle Xinhu, Aunt Xinhu, you don't have to do this."

After Lin Qiong got out of the car, the eldest lady waved her hands towards the two of them, and said, "I'm here to visit this time, and I want to discuss something with you two."

Discuss, discuss?

The head of the new household and his wife looked at each other, and then said in a puzzled way: "What orders does Master Erina have, just say no?"

What else is there to discuss?

"Well, some more personal questions..."

The eldest lady looked around and said, "Uncle Xinhu, let's go in and talk about it."

"Oh, that's right!"

The head of the new household reacted. He suppressed the doubts in his heart and walked at the front with a smile on his face, leading Lin Qiong and the eldest lady into the new household's manor.

Secretary: "..."

Dad, Mom, your biological daughter is here!it's here!Look at me, look at me, hello!

(╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻


"So so, so so..."

After the secretary briefly explained the matter, it was no surprise that he saw the overjoyed expressions of his parents.

"Fei Shasha, you are so good!"

The new household's father just raised his hand to pat the secretary's shoulder as a sign of encouragement, but when he saw Lin Qiong sitting on the sofa, he calmly changed the action of patting the shoulder into a fist pump, saying : "As expected of my daughter, awesome!"

Secretary: "..."

She looked helplessly at Lin Qiong, who was aside, with a "Look, I'll tell you" expression, and said, "Master, do you want to say a few words?"

'Say a few words?Hey, what can I say...'

Lin Qiong scratched his cheek in distress, then looked at Xinhu's father and Xinhu's mother who were looking forward to it, thought for a while and said, "Don't worry, you two, I will treat Fei Shazi well."

"Good good-"

After getting Lin Qiong's promise (even if it was just a verbal promise), Xinhu's father nodded especially excitedly. He looked at his daughter eagerly and said: "Fei Shasha, you must not let the young master and the eldest lady Disappointed, understand?”

"Uncle, don't worry."

Lin Qiong reached out to hold the secretary's hand, then smiled at Xinhu's father, and said, "Erina and I are used to the days when Fei Shazi is by our side—she is our proud secretary. !"


The secretary bit his lip, then smiled heartfeltly towards his father, and said, "Dad, don't worry! I will never give up the status of 'Secretary' to anyone else." !"


New household, back garden.

Lin Qiong and the secretary, who were driven to the backyard by the eldest lady, were having their short double date.

Lin Qiong took the secretary's hand and asked curiously, "Fei Shazi, are there any traces of your childhood in this backyard?"

"Yes, but it's not something to be happy about."

The secretary pointed to a tree not far away with a delicate expression, and said, "When I was a child, I was frightened by a crow in the backyard, and then I slammed my head against the tree. I was in a coma until four o'clock in the afternoon."

Lin Qiong: "..."

He looked at the secretary's forehead, then at the tree, and asked after holding back for a long time, "Didn't your parents notice that you fainted?"


The secretary raised his head, sighed with a complicated expression, and said, "Then my mother mistakenly thought I was asleep and covered me with a blanket."

Lin Qiong opened his mouth, and after holding it in for a long time, he said, "Well, you, your mother, really care about you."

I also know to cover you with a blanket.

"It's just that the focus of concern is not right."

The secretary stretched out his right hand to touch the tree trunk in front of him, and muttered, "If I bumped into it now, I wouldn't faint again, would I?"

"If you hit it head-on, it's the tree that got into trouble."

Lin Qiong glanced at the secretary, and said dumbfoundedly: "With your current physical strength, even steel can be crushed, why bother with a tree?"

"Since the young master has said so, I will let you off this time—"

The secretary stuck out her tongue at the tree trunk, then waved her small fist and said, "Next time, don't knock others unconscious!"

Lin Qiong: "I think it should be incapable of knocking others out on its own initiative."

"Ahem, young master, I will take you to see other places—"

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