The secretary coughed twice, then took Lin Qiong's hand and ran towards another place in the backyard, saying, "I remember there should be a kennel over there..."

Lin Qiong was shocked: "Have you ever lived in a kennel??"

The secretary staggered, then turned to look at him with question marks on his face, his small face was full of great confusion.

"Master, I mean, is there a possibility, just a possibility—"

The secretary looked at Lin Qiong with a twitching corner of his mouth, and said with difficulty: "When I was young, our family had a dog."

"oh oh--"

Lin Qiong stammered and nodded, then showed an awkward and impolite smile, and said, "Didn't you turn your head around for a while? Cough cough, let's go and see your childhood memories go--"

The secretary nodded dumbfounded, took Lin Qiong's hand and ran towards the kennel.



Although Xinhu's father and Xinhu's mother were very enthusiastic to keep Lin Qiong and the eldest lady to have dinner, but the eldest lady saw that Lin Qiong was not used to it, so she declined their invitation.

"Don't look at how Uncle Xinhu and Aunt Xinhu behaved today, but they actually love Feisha very much."

The eldest lady rubbed the bridge of her nose, and said, "Not only did they keep Fei Shazi's bedroom decoration, but they also cleaned it every other day, so that she could go home anytime, and..."

Listening to the eldest lady's rambling explanation, Lin Qiong said dumbfoundedly: "I know, I know! I didn't misunderstand them, but I really don't like their attitude."

Xinhu's father and Xinhu's mother regard "serving the Nakiri family" as a family creed, so their words imply that the secretary——

"Don't think about competing with the eldest lady, and be a dowry maid."

"It's your honor to be able to serve a husband with the young lady!"

"You must not conceive a child before the eldest lady."

——This really made Lin Qiong feel an indescribable embarrassment.

"There's nothing I can do about it, dad and mom are just like this -"

The secretary looked at Lin Qiong helplessly, and said, "Father has taught me since I was a child that I should follow the eldest lady, serve her for the rest of my life, and pass on the spirit of serving the Nakiri family to my descendants—such things. .”

Lin Qiong: "..."

It can only be said that neon national conditions, right?

"Fei Shazi, you don't care what he says."

Lin Qiong stretched out his hand to hold the secretary's left hand, looked at her seriously and said, "Whether it's me or Erina, we don't think of you as a servant!"

"Qiong was right."

The eldest lady held the secretary's right hand and said softly, "Fei Shazi, I have always, always regarded you as my best sister—you are definitely not a servant!"

The secretary nodded vigorously and said with a choked voice: "Yes! I, I understand!"

I am so blessed to have met the young master and young lady.

Oh, it’s also very sexual, no, it’s too sexual!

and so……

Miss Alice, come and help out! !

Chapter 0632

"Evil heart, evil heart, evil heart——"

In the living room of Nakiri's house, Lin Qiong looked at the eldest lady and the secretary who were snickering aside with reproachful eyes, while the eldest sister-in-law was lying beside him, angrily poking his butt with her fingers. Face, "I'm Erina's older sister, huh? But you didn't take me with you even once when you had fun! You're mean!"

My sister-in-law was performing molecular gastronomy with her parents in Denmark, but after learning that Lin Qiong brought the eldest lady home, she left the matter at hand without hesitation and rushed over without stopping.

As for the purpose...

"I want to go to another world to play together!"

The aunt's mouth was swollen into a puffer fish, which made people have an urge to poke it up and deflate it, "Take me, take me, take me!"

"Calm down for a moment—"

Lin Qiong raised his hands helplessly to express his surrender, and then came a wave of misfortune, "You have to ask Erina about this matter, if she agrees, it will be fine!"

Sister-in-law: "Oh! Understood—"

Missy: "!?"

She looked at the sister-in-law who immediately shifted her target and rushed towards her, and couldn't help but glared at Lin Qiong: "Why are you so cowardly?Give you a chance and you are useless! '

Won't you threaten Alice?Like say something...

'Jie Jie, this cousin, you don't want to be able to play in another world forever, do you? '

……some type of!

Then Fei Shazi and I persuaded her from the sidelines, and promised to strip Alice naked and throw it on your bed tonight, and then you can see her using a water gun or even a water cannon.


Lin Qiong: "..."

For some reason, he seemed to understand the look in the young lady's eyes—the large amount of information contained in it made him involuntarily look away.

My dear Erina-san, have you awakened to some strange habit? ?

The eldest lady and Lin Qiong's eye contact (one-sided) only lasted for a moment, and the next moment her arms were held in the arms of the eldest sister-in-law, and a scene of hot dogs sandwiched between two buns was staged with a very visual impact.


The aunt smiled and rubbed the face of the young lady, and said, "We are sisters, right? You won't refuse to take me to play together, right?"

"In principle, of course I will not refuse."

The eldest lady sighed (because of Lin Qiong's cowardice), and said, "However, Alice, I have something to tell you in advance, I hope you understand it."


The aunt tilted her head: "What's the matter?"

"Although the different world is very interesting, people will die."

The eldest lady looked at the elder sister-in-law seriously, and said, "Whether it's me, A Qiong, or Fei Shazi, they have all killed people before."

Auntie: "..."

The smile full of interest on her face froze slightly, and then she said a little uncomfortably: "You, you didn't lie to me, did you?"

"Alice, is it necessary to lie to you about this kind of thing?"

The eldest lady looked at her sister-in-law dumbfounded, and said, "Could it be that I'm a second-year-old child and think killing people is cool, so I lie like this?"

"Well, say, it makes sense—"

The sister-in-law nodded with some hesitation in her eyes, but this hesitation soon turned into determination, "However, since the person who killed... was Erina, then there must be a reason to do this, right?"

This is older sister's trust in younger sister desu!

"So, want to hear it?"

The eldest lady looked at the elder sister-in-law in front of her, and showed a smile that made Lin Qiong cover her face: "Our adventure in another world."

Missy used [bait] on sister-in-law.

The effect is outstanding!

Auntie is hooked!

"Want to hear!"

The aunt raised her right hand and cheered, "I want to hear it! Say it, say it—"

"Then, let's start with the world called the Bone King."

The eldest lady thought about it, and decided to let the elder sister-in-law listen to the darkness of human nature first, "It was also in that world that we swung the knife in our hands for the first time..."

……in this way……

... so...

"...After bidding farewell to Miss Mio, we returned to this world."

The eldest lady took a sip of tea to moisten her throat, and then said to the eldest sister-in-law, whose eyes could already emit the light of Zepeli Ao, "This is what we have experienced during this period."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa—"

The aunt put her head in her hands, and said in a shaken voice, "Damn it! I actually missed so many super, super, super interesting worlds! Ahhhh—"

Rounding it off, it’s equivalent to a loss of [-] million! !

As for the murder, after listening to the story told by the young lady, the sister-in-law already understood that Lin Qiong and the others killed criminals, so there is no problem at all!

"By the way, the taste of the dragon steak is very delicious~"

The eldest lady looked at the elder sister-in-law who was hammering the floor, and couldn't help showing a playful expression, and said, "Even the white-haired Cinderella beef is not its opponent? When you bite off the dragon steak, you can clearly feel it. The feeling that its muscle fibers are broken in your mouth, and then it hits your mouth with its elasticity..."

"Suck it-"

Hearing the taste described by the eldest lady, the sister-in-law sucked a very spineless mouthful of saliva, and then, like a child who didn't get her beloved player, she was so angry that she kicked her legs on the ground regardless of her image, and shouted: "I want to eat too! I want to eat too, I want to eat too, I want to eat too—"

Lin Qiong: "..."

Have you ever heard the saying that "a girl's skirt has a universe"?

As we all know, the total mass of the universe is very terrifying, so according to the principle of gravity, Lin Qiong's eyes were involuntarily attracted to the bottom of her sister-in-law's skirt... In the past...

'I'm super, black lace! '

Lin Qiong hurriedly averted his eyes, and then showed an expression as if his heart was frozen and not surprised... No, no, get out of my mind!

When he turned his gaze back again, he saw the teasing gaze of the eldest lady, which clearly expressed a meaning: Qiong, I saw that you saw it~


Lin Qiong groaned in his heart, and then quickly lowered his head, concentrating on teasing the fairy Ibrahimovic on his lap—as long as I don't face the facts, then the facts will not trouble me!

Heh, swing!

The eldest lady: "?"

Oh, open it, right?

Who do you think I am?Bring the boat over--

"As for the dragon pai, I brought a lot home this time, and it has been stored in the cold storage of Nakiri's house."

The eldest lady looked at Alice with a smile and said, "As for traveling with us..."

The aunt looked at the young lady expectantly: "Hmm!"

"I am very willing to take you on the journey."

The eldest lady nodded, then glanced at Lin Qiong calmly, and said, "But it is Qiong who really makes the decision."

Lin Qiong turned pale with shock: "Erina, why did you kick the ball back again?" '


The sister-in-law ran up to Lin Qiong full of energy, then stretched out her hands to grab Lin Qiong's arm, looked into his eyes full of expectation, and said coquettishly: "Nene! Take me with you! Let's go together Well!"

In the face of my sister-in-law's coquettish attack, Lin Qiong said that this level of coquettishness does not mean anything to me...

... can't resist.

Grandma, how can I say that a woman who can act like a baby is the luckiest?

"All right, all right, all right, all right!"

Lin Qiong quickly agreed to his sister-in-law's request, and said with a wry smile: "Don't be like this, can you please speak properly?"

"Okay, why not~"

The aunt covered her mouth and showed a smirk full of teasing, and said, "Hehehe, I seem to have found your weakness!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

He looked at the eldest lady as if asking for help, but found that the eldest lady was discussing with the secretary what to eat for dinner, and didn't care about him at all - she even gave him a "come on" sign after feeling his gaze. action.

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