come on?What oil do you add? Hey!How much do you want me to date your sister!

Tired and feeling like I can't love anymore.


dinner time.

"Grandpa, I also want to accompany Erina and Qiong Jun to travel to another world!"

As soon as Senzaemon took his seat, the sister-in-law couldn't wait to raise her hand, and made a peer announcement, "Such an interesting thing can no longer be monopolized by Erina alone!"

Old man: "..."

He froze for a moment, then looked at Lin Qiong with a helpless face, then at the young lady with a smirk, nodded in understanding, and said, "If Ah Qiong agrees to take you with me , let’s go then.”

"Yada Thief!"

The sister-in-law was as excited as if she had five Exodia parts in her hand, and she shouted excitedly, "I want to ride a dragon, I want to learn magic, and I want to be an empress!"

"Ride! Learn! Be!"

Lin Qiong waved his hand and said, "It's all trivial, arrange it!"

If this kind of trivial matter can make my sister-in-law divert her attention and energy from him, and stop pestering him to act like a baby, then it would be great—grandma, I won’t just do it so easily Like Erina surrendered too!

Anti-bone!Except for 99.99% of Lao Tzu's body, all the substances are rebellious!

The eldest lady squinted her eyes and showed a malicious smile: "Yong, do you think you can defy me who owns Bayel with such childish means?" '

It is too sweet!Sweeter than the shoujo manga I read yesterday! !

'I, I saw -'

The secretary showed a shocked expression. She seemed to see the menacing hamster and dragon who were confronting behind Lin Qiong and the eldest lady...


Wait, is there really a possibility of a confrontation between the two?

"Yeah yeah—"

The sister-in-law, who was completely unaware of Lin Qiong's eye contact with the eldest lady, hugged Lin Qiong's shoulders excitedly, then waved her right hand, and said impatiently: "So when are we going to go to another world? Afternoon? Tomorrow ? Or the day after tomorrow?"

Lin Qiong: "..."

You smell too good...bah...soft...bah...white...bah...big...bah bah bah!

Too hasty!

Damn, this woman messed with my mind ヽ(Д)ノ.

Chapter 0633 Obviously she did it on purpose

Two days later, the food halberd world.

"Okay? Are you ready to go?"

The sister-in-law, carrying a large mountaineering bag, was doing high leg lifts in front of the crossing gate, as if she could rush out at any time, "Are you ready? Aqiong, are you all right, are you all right!"

"No, do you need a hammer?"

Lin Qiong looked at the sister-in-law who was transformed into the King Jiji with a speechless face, and complained: "People who don't know think that my world-transmitting door can only be opened for a moment, and you must seize the opportunity to use the ejection to start to reach the other world. "

"Oh, am I impatient?"

My sister-in-law jumped to Lin Qiong's side, puffed out her mouth, and made a "Puff" sound, "You must have gotten used to it after traveling so many times! This is the first time for explore another world oh?!"

It wasn't the first time she used the portal, but it was indeed the first time she was able to freely explore in another world—it was either in special training or on the way to special training before, and she would cry if she said too much.

"Okay, okay, I know you're in a hurry, but don't worry—"

Lin Qiong comforted the escaping sister-in-law, then looked helplessly at the young lady who was gloating beside her, and said, "Erina, are you going to take care of your sister?"

"Eh? I don't want it~"

Not only did the eldest miss not come to help, but she even took two steps back, and said with a teasing face: "She finally didn't come to bother me, so I don't want to get angry~"

Lin Qiong: "..."

Ah, damn it!You guys want her to cling to my bed, and then watch the water spray tricks and roll your eyes and make a V up close, right?

He looked helplessly at his sister-in-law, who seemed to have calmed down, but her eyes clearly revealed urging, and couldn't help covering his forehead—he had a hallucination just now, and felt that the sister-in-law in front of him seemed to have changed. It became a large dog that was about to go out for a walk, and squatted at the door wagging its tail impatiently.


"Nene! Don't ignore me—"

When the aunt saw Lin Qiong, she just glanced at her and then covered her forehead. She couldn't help but grabbed his clothes pretending to be wronged, and said, "I won't rush you, okay?"

"I'm not angry, don't get me wrong."

Lin Qiong put his hands on his sister-in-law's head and said, "I know you really want to explore different worlds early, but we have to visit friends in several worlds, so..."

"Yes! I understand!"

The aunt raised her right hand very obediently, and replied loudly: "I will follow you obediently!"

"very good."

Lin Qiong nodded, and then quietly breathed a sigh of relief - one thing to say, he didn't hate the urging of his sister-in-law, but he couldn't stand her acting like a baby.

No, no one can stand it!


Elven world.

The moment Lin Qiong stepped into the elf world, he was stunned.

The culprit is Feng Wang.

"Aqiong, you've come back—"

Feng Wang pawed Lin Qiong's face like a face-hugging bug, and choked up with extreme aggrieved words: "You, don't you know, how miserable I, I was bullied during your absence!"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He held Feng Wang's head mercilessly, and tore her own face off amidst her screams, then ignored Fat Niao's struggle, and looked at the three dogs around his feet. The son said: "You three tell me, what kind of moth is she doing?"


Suicune hesitated for a few seconds, and then said hesitantly: "This, this, actually, is because..."

"Don't say it!"

Feng Wang's expression was distorted, and she said sharply: "Shui Jun, no... woo woo woo!"

Lin Qiong, who stretched out his hand to pinch Feng Wang's bird's beak, turned into the third young master of Gancheng at this moment, showing a face that made Sangou shudder: "Say it quickly! Say it now, immediately, immediately!"

Suicune: "..."

He glanced at Feng Wang, who had tears running down his eyes, and said in pain, "It's because Lord Rogia came over yesterday."


Lin Qiong suddenly showed an expression of enlightenment, then turned his head to look at Feng Wang, whose eyes were dead in his hand, and said in a "distressed" tone: "Ouch! Rocky Asia Pacific is broken! How could she hear that Feng Wang was sealed? After the strength, came here to laugh at her? That's too bad, isn't it? Feng Wang, don't you think so?"


Feng Wang looked at Lin Qiong with red eyes, and said sharply: "Lin Qiong, wait for me to recover my strength, and I will kill you a hundred times!!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

He pondered for a few seconds, then showed a very wicked smile, and said: "You said, if I go to the hunchback brother now and tell him that you threatened me, I am always afraid, and then ask him if he can seal you for a few years ..."

Phoenix King: "..."

She opened her mouth blankly, and there was a big shock in her small eyes—she didn't understand, and couldn't understand, how can a person be so bad as a sauce! ?

"Jie Jie! This Phoenix King, you don't want to be sealed for decades, do you?"

Lin Qiong showed a very evil smile, then put his hands to his ears, made a gesture of listening, and said, "Quick, tell me something nice!"

" kill me!"

Phoenix King transformed himself into a Gusha female knight, and said in a humiliating voice: "Even if I, Phoenix King, die, I will die outside, and Arceus..."

Lin Qiong said unhurriedly: "I'll add two chicken legs tonight."

"Do you think two chicken legs can buy me off? I'm Phoenix King, the god of life, Phoenix King!!"

Phoenix King spread his wings angrily, showing an expression of extreme anger, and said, "If you want to bribe me, you need at least three... no, four chicken legs!"


With a wave of his right hand, Lin Qiong released chips that shocked Feng Wang, "I'll give you ten chicken legs! Shout out to me with a sweet voice!"

Phoenix King: "..."

Ten chicken legs, this is ten chicken legs!

If this is placed in front of the sand sculpture roommate, it is estimated that it will be exchanged for an emotional "Is it true? Foster father".


But, the one here is Phoenix King!Would she be moved by ten chicken legs? ?

Yes, she was moved.

"Brother Lin Qiong!"

Feng Wang blinked his eyes, and said sweetly: "You are so handsome——"

Then, she threw up.

Lin Qiong: "..."

He looked at Feng Wang in his hand and couldn't help but said, "What are you doing?"

"I, I wanted to suppress my nausea and praise you, but I couldn't."

Feng Wang looked at Lin Qiong innocently (but complacently) and said, "I can only reluctantly call you Brother Qiong, but if I praise you, I can't accept it physically."

This is a lie.

She really didn't want to praise Lin Qiong and see his smug look, but she also wanted to whore those ten big chicken legs for nothing, so she chose this ingenious method——didn't expect it, right?This is my white whoring route!

Lin Qiong: "Did you accidentally vomit, or did you do it on purpose?"

' was on purpose. '

King Feng blinked innocently, and said in a half-baked clip voice, "Brother Qiong, you misunderstood Sister Feng! Of course Sister Feng was careless~"

One thing to say, it's a bit disgusting to clip.

Of course, this is also intentional.

Sangouzi on the side: "..."

They looked at each other, and then they lay down on the ground in unison, covering their eyes with their hands, with an expression that we didn't see anything——Sir, what can we do?We are just innocent and weak, poor three dogs who can eat the food in the bowl and be exploited by Mr. Feng Wang!

Lin Qiong's expression gradually became ferocious. He grasped the Phoenix King in his hand tightly, then began to swing the windmill, shouting: "The Ultimate Invincible Hot Wheels Phoenix King Hell!!"

Feng Wang: "Hey, hey, he's going to die, he's going to throw up his brains, he's going to fly out, hey, hey, hey -"

If Rogia were to see his appearance at this time, Hoo-oh's life would be over.



the other side.

Auntie: "..."

She stared dumbfounded at the interaction between Lin Qiong and Feng Wang, and said to the eldest lady beside her, "Nei, Erina! He, have they always gotten along like this?"

"Well, big, maybe so?"

The eldest lady rubbed the bridge of her nose with her hands, and sighed: "Their relationship is that kind - when there is a common enemy, the other party is the most trustworthy comrade in arms, and when there is no common enemy, the other party is the worst enemy."

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