Auntie: "..."

Where did you come from Tongshi and Mizukashiro?

"Then how long does it usually take for them to make a fuss before it subsides?"

The auntie looked at Lin Qiong who was flustered and summoned magic to cleanse his body after being vomited all over by King Feng, and said, "Why do I feel that the two of them can fight like this all afternoon?"

The eldest lady rubbed her temples and said, "If nothing else happens, the person who stops them will soon...oh, appear."

In the middle of the eldest lady's speech, accompanied by a faint brilliance, the figure of the hunchback brother emerged from the air, then lightly landed on the ground, and said in a gentle voice: "A Qiong, welcome back."

Then he conveniently gave Feng Wang a mouth ball (referring to silence).

Feng Wang: "Uh! Uh? Uhhhhh!"

She was stunned for a moment as if struck by lightning, and then she flapped her wings pale and landed on Emperor Yan's body, wrapped in his hair and fell into the emo—the world is not worth it!

Emperor Yan looked at Feng Wang lying on it with distress, and thought: "My hair... I hope it doesn't get tangled. '

"Brother Hunchback, my practice is over!"

Lin Qiong gave his thumbs up to Brother Tuozi, then turned around in a circle, and said, "How about it, do you have a feeling of 'Oh, this person exudes a strong momentum' ?”


Brother Tuozi nodded slightly, and said solemnly: "Oh, Lin Qiong, you exude a strong momentum!"

'Uncle Ni dotes on him! '

Feng Wang rolled his eyes, then wrapped up Emperor Yan's fur in aggrieved manner (Emperor Yan: Stop tying the knot!), thinking: 'One day, I will peck out Aqiong's hair follicles, and let a heart appear on the top of his head. Type baldness!Jie Jie Jie! '

Arceus, who sensed Phoenix King's thoughts: "..."

He glanced at Lin Qiong's bushy head calmly, and thought, "Should I give him a blessing of thick hair..."

It should be useful, right?

Chapter 0634 Returning to the Disciple World

Because Tuo Zige was interested in Lin Qiong's training process in Realm World, everyone formed a circle and held a small tea party.

Facing the dazzling array of snacks on the tablecloth, Feng Wang, who was still in emo just now, immediately threw the emotions in his heart to the back of his head, and then happily started tasting sweets——emo?I'm really unfamiliar, don't bother me to eat a small cake, thank you.

"...after completing the first stage of the course Mio-sister arranged for me, I brought Erina and the others back to the world of food halberds."

Lin Qiong took a bite of the meat floss bread in his hand, and said helplessly, "Look? I've already told you that nothing interesting happened to me in Realm World, but you insisted on telling me."

The training in the Lingwang Palace was really boring. Lin Qiong, the eldest lady, the secretary, and Yoyo were either training or preparing for training, and they could only take a break on the day when they finished the subject ahead of schedule.

"Sounds like tough training."

Brother Tuozi pondered for a few seconds and said, "Aqiong, you have worked hard."

"Hey, Miss Mio is also doing it for my own good, so there's no such thing as hard work."

Lin Qiong waved his hands, and said indifferently: "Besides, work harder now, and you won't be frustrated when you meet troublesome opponents later—I still understand the truth of such a simple answer."

"It's good that you can understand."

Arceus nodded gently, then muttered thoughtfully: "But..."


Lin Qiong moved his ears, looked at Arceus strangely, and asked, "But what's wrong?"

"No, nothing."

Arceus shook his head. He was not prepared to tell Lin Qiong what he was thinking - despite how peaceful he was acting now, in fact his inner expression was already the same as when Zenitsu heard Inosuke's name from Nezuko. distorted.

'King Ono Liling!You nasty sneaky cat!No, we can't wait until we fully control the power to carry out that plan—'

Brother Tuozi felt that his teeth were about to be crushed, "When A Qiong leaves, I will immediately start modifying the shape of this body!" '

Fuck, your spirit king has become, but I, Arceus, can't?Not only do I want to change, I also want to be cuter than you!




After the tea party, Lin Qiong took Feng Wang and Sangou with him again, bid farewell to the world of elves, and returned to the place where he had been away for a long time...

disciple world.

"Liangshan Po—"

Lin Qiong stood at the gate, looked at the signboard on the door, and couldn't help laughing: "I don't know if the master will feel happy seeing us?"

"Surely you will be happy?"

The secretary blinked, and then said expectantly: "I also really want to see Shi Yu-chan and Master Misaki Yueji!"

"Me too, I don't know if Shi Yu-chan still remembers us."

The eldest lady smiled, then put her hand on the heavy wooden door, and said, "Then let's go in first..."

"Wait a minute! We finally came back—"

Lin Qiong reached out and grabbed the young lady's wrist, then showed a mischievous smile, and said, "And I also used the time rule to move the timeline, is it worth my expense if I don't do something?"

Miss: "..."

She covered her forehead with her hands helplessly, and said, "Aqiong, could it be that..."

"Hey hey, is that the one that--"

Lin Qiong smiled, and quickly put on a black hood with a mask on himself, turning himself into a pitch-black assassin, "Hey, let me give Master Misakiyue Temple a disciple shock!"


Hello everyone, my name is Kenichi Shirahama.

I was originally weak by nature, so I was bullied in school. Because of my accidental acquaintance with a girl named "Feng Linji Miu", I joined Liang Shanbo to learn martial arts under her guidance. However, I didn't expect that I accidentally got into trouble with the largest local bad organization. "Ragnarok".

After fierce battles one after another, I finally defeated Ryuto Asamiya, the leader of Ragnarok and my childhood playmate, but just when I thought it was over, the masters told me I—the Killer Fist disciple from YOMI, have already set my sights on me who is the Living Human Fist disciple.

What followed was a more intense and cruel battle, and after I finally defeated the murderous fist disciples who came to attack one after another, I received a letter called "DofD (Disciple Death Fight Conference)" Invitation card……

"What...what to do?"

Shirahama Kenichi looked at the invitation in his hand, looked at the masters around him with panic eyes, and stammered: "This, this, this must be a trap! It is definitely a trap! So..." let's not go?

Before he could say anything, Fenglinsi Hayato stroked his beard with a smile and said, "Hohohoho, of course I'm going!"

Master Misakoshiji exuded a terrifying aura: "This is a challenge letter from YOMI!"

Master Ni Gui showed a frightening expression: "How can we retreat as the bearers of the living fist?"

'woo woo woo woo--'

Under the terrifying aura of the masters, Kenichi shivered and dared not speak, just like the orc Shota surrounded by the elder sisters of elves.


At this moment, an undetectable sound came from the wall of Liangshanbo, which instantly attracted the attention of the masters who were discussing.

"Master, master, master!"

Looking at the figure squatting on the wall, wrapped in black clothes, Shirahama Kenichi hurriedly jumped up from the ground, and said in a panic: "Yes, yes, yes... ah!"

"Jie Jie, the Living Fist·Liang Shanbo?"

Lin Qiong squatted on the fence, looked at Kasaka Shigu, Nigui Zhixu, Misaki Yueji Qiuyu, Ma Jianxing, and Apacha who had already surrounded him, grinned and said: "It's really amazing that five masters surrounded me together. Scary~"

"Without further ado--"

Ni Gui Zhixu looked at Lin Qiong solemnly, and said, "What is your purpose?"

"If you don't answer..."

Ma Jianxing made a fighting gesture and said, "The old man will not show mercy."

"Purpose? Well, I heard that you Liang Shanbo has accepted a disciple——"

Lin Qiong glanced at Kenichi Shirahama, who exuded the aura of "I'm super harmless", and couldn't help but smile and said: "It's not that herbivore over there, is it? Hey, I feel like even the geese are better than him Is it a good deterrent?”

Shirahama Kenichi: "???"

He looked at Lin Qiong angrily, and said, "What are you talking about! I'm very good—Masters, hurry up and refute him!"

What he didn't expect was that the several masters surrounding Lin Qiong fell silent at the same time.

"Master!? What do you mean by silence!?"

Kenichi had an ominous premonition, he hurriedly said: "Quickly refute him! Contradict him!!"

Nigui Zhixu looked away: "Sorry, Kenichi—"

Misaki Yueji lowered his head: "We seem to be unable to refute what he said."

Ma Jianxing shook his head: "Jianzi really has no deterrent power."


Shirahama Kenichi knelt on the ground at that time, and said with tears streaming down his face: "It's too much, too much! Masters are too much—"

"Oh, don't cry—"

At this time, a hand patted Shirahama Kenichi's back lightly, and comforted him with a gentle voice: "I'll treat you to a lollipop, it's delicious."

"Suck, thank you, thank you."

Shirahama Kenichi sniffed, then took the candy handed over by the other party, choked up and said, "You are really a good... good... good..."

Wait, wait!

Shirahama Kenichi's movements froze in place, he lowered his head twitching at the corner of his mouth, and then looked sideways from the corner of his eye—then met the smiling Lin Qiong.

"Wow ah-"

Kenshi Shirahama fell to the ground in fright, and then retreated with both hands and feet—he is not stupid, and the enemy who can make several masters stand up for it must not be an existence that he can deal with.

Fortunately for him, the other party didn't seem to stop him from leaving.

"Get out of Kenichi's way—"

The moment Shirahama Kenichi left Lin Qiong's side, Nigui Zhixu's figure had already appeared beside Lin Qiong, his eyes glowed, and the energy of movement in his body surged, and he swung his fist towards Lin Qiong belly.


Lin Qiong raised his right hand, firmly blocked Ni Gui Zhixu's fist, and then leaned back to avoid Kasaka Shigure's slash.

"I got it-"

The short Ma Jianxing took the opportunity to come to the body behind him, and said in a low voice, "Give it to the old man here!"


The corners of Lin Qiong's mouth curled up slightly, and he lightly supported Nigui Zhixu's arm with his right hand, dodging Ma Jianxing's attack with a horizontal movement in the air, then raised his knee to block Apacha's knee impact, relying on the impact The reaction force broke away from the encirclement of the masters.

'Okay, ok, terrific—'

Kenichi Shirahama was stunned by the confrontation that took place in just a second or two - what is the origin of this man in black! ?Unexpectedly, he was able to survive the siege of several masters! ?

"Hey, as expected of Liang Shanbo—"

Lin Qiong whistled frivolously, then looked at the masters in front of him with a smile on his face, and said, "It's really scary~"

"Listening to your voice, it sounds like you are young -"

Cold sweat was streaming down Ma Jianxing's forehead. He looked at the young man in front of him with solemn eyes and said, "You have the strength of a human being at this age, why do you want to work for YOMI?"

"Because I'm very interested in what they call the 'long sunset'!"

Lin Qiong opened his hands, and said in a mad and sickly voice: "Only what will become of this world has anything to do with me? Hahaha, all I need is to be interesting!"

Several masters looked at each other and reached a consensus in their hearts.

This is a lunatic.

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