Chapter 0635 Are you masters all weirdos?

"I didn't expect that such a young expert is actually a lunatic—"

Misakiji Akiyu sighed helplessly, "It's really pathetic."

"However, this may be the reason why he can become an expert at such a young age."

Ma Jianxing looked at Lin Qiong seriously and whispered: "Pure madness is also a pure kind, isn't it?"

"What are you doing with so much?"

Ni Gui Zhixu took a deep breath, then mobilized all the energy in his body, rushed towards Lin Qiong, and shouted: "Beat him down first and then talk about other things!"

"Makes sense—"

Misakiji Akiyu followed closely and rushed towards Lin Qiong, and behind him was Apacha Popacha, the god of death in the dark Muay Thai world who entered fighting mode.

"Jie Jie, let me taste it, how good are the masters in Liangshanbo—"

Lin Qiong played the role of a pure lunatic perfectly, "Hahahaha, don't let me down? Otherwise, I might do some irrational things!"

'Irrational thing? '

Qiuyu Misaki Yueji narrowed his eyes, and then snorted coldly, "In the situation of one against five, you can still say such a thing, do you..."

"Too underestimated us!"

Ni Gui Zhixu grinned, then began to wave his fists continuously, and shouted: "Iron Ghost Hundred Stages!"

"What a fierce attack—"

Lin Qiong dodged Nigui Zhixu's fist effortlessly, jokingly said: "If you get punched, it will be really terrible~"

'This guy--'

Ni Gui Zhixu tugged at the corners of his eyes, then Mond raised his right leg and shouted furiously, "Stop looking down on people!"

"Pretending to be angry to attract my attention, but actually..."

Lin Qiong suddenly bent down, avoided the flying knee of Apache behind him, took a step forward, and shouted: "Iron Mountain!"


Ni Guizhi tensed his abdominal muscles in a panic to resist this move, but the huge attack force still knocked his body into the air.

Ma Jianxing said hurriedly: "Nigui——"

"Are you still in the mood to care about others?"

Lin Qiong came to Ma Jianxing's back in a flash, and pressed his right hand against the opponent's abdomen, shouting in a low voice: "Inch strength, a little bit of mountain!"


Ma Jianxing's eyes shrank to the size of a needle's eye. He folded his hands on his abdomen without hesitation, then jumped back suddenly, trying to relieve the power of the punch, but...


Lin Qiong stepped hard on the ground with his right foot, and then punched Ma Jianxing flying to the roof.

"Rebellious ghost, old horse!"

Miyuki Qiuyu's face changed, he rushed towards Lin Qiong without hesitation, and said sharply: "Shiyu, go and see the situation of the old horse and Nigui! Apacha, restrain him with me! "


Apala was surrounded by a strong evil spirit, "You dare to hurt the old horse and the ghost, Apacha, you are angry!!!"

Moving energy·Liberation!

"Well done—"

Lin Qiong looked at Apacha who was rushing towards him, laughed loudly, went up to him without fear, and confronted the opponent head-on-for Muay Thai masters, any part of their body is a killer weapons, but it can't do anything about the situation at this time.

"Boom bang bang-"

A series of heavy blows sounded between Lin Qiong and Apacha, and the storm caused by the purest physical collision between the two blew Shirahama Kenichi and rolled out in embarrassment.

'Not good not good not good--'

Shirahama Kanyi, who stabilized his figure, hugged the pillar beside him with a face of horror, thinking: "Then, such strong masters have fallen into a disadvantage!" ? '


At this time, accompanied by a cough, Shirahama Kenichi felt his collar being grabbed by someone and pulled back. When he looked back, he found that it was Nikichi Chio who looked a little pale.

"Kenichi, stay with Miha by the elder's side—"

Niuki Zhio's expression was so solemn that Shirahama Kenichi couldn't even think of resisting, "This enemy is not good, very bad! I don't have the confidence to protect you and Miu in the next battle."

"I, I see—"

Kenichi Shirahama glanced at the invincible superman Fuurinji Hayato next to him, couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said: "I will not leave the elders for even half a step!"

In this world full of dangers, only the elder's stalwart body can bring him a sense of security—woo woo woo, it's so scary, so scary!

"Elder, they entrust you—"

Ni Gui Zhixu took a deep breath, then rushed towards the battle situation again with his eyes shining, and shouted: "I'm coming too!! Take the move--really attacking!!"

Lin Qiong, who was dealing with Apacha's fierce frontal attack and Misakiji Akiu's coordinated attack, took a moment to glance at Nigui Zhixu, then clicked his tongue and said: "This is the so-called 'two fists are difficult to defeat with four hands', right?" ?”

"Can Nian, we are not the 'Four Hands' here -"

Ma Jianxing, with a serious expression, landed on the corridor and said, "It's 'Ten Hands'!"

Kasaka Shigure: "..."

She looked down at her hands, and said aggrievedly, "Old Ma, I... used a sword...."

Ma Jianxing: "..."

He coughed dryly and said, "Cough, two fists are no match for eight hands and one sword!"

"Are you talking about cross talk?"

While coping with the onslaught of Apacha and Nigui Zhixu, Lin Qiong said to Ma Jianxing: "Would you like to consider making a debut as a team? I know a good Tucao player who I can introduce to you... oh yo!"

"In the face of our siege, you are still in the mood to chat——"

Nigui Zhixu clicked his tongue angrily, then further increased the range of the attack, and said, "Did you underestimate us too much!!"

"No, no, I respect everyone very much."

Lin Qiong flapped his hands, seemingly struggling but actually blocked the crowd's siege, and said seriously: "Everyone's strength is also considered to be at the top level among masters—"

"This guy--"

Seeing that Lin Qiong was dealing with the siege of the three of them at this time, while seriously expressing their strong appearance, the faces of Ni Gui Zhixu, Apacha, and Misaki Yueji Qiuyu suddenly darkened.

You are praising us on the surface, but you are actually mocking us, right?

"Rebel, Apache—"

Qiu Yu of Misaki Yueji said in a deep voice, "Let him see our full strength!"

Ni Gui grinned: "That's exactly what I mean!"

Apache let out a low growl: "Apacha, go all out!"

This guy dares to look down on us like this, uncle, I am really angry! !

Ma Jianxing threw the hat on his head in the direction of Meiyu of Fenglin Temple, jumped from the roof, and said, "Sister Shi Yu, old man, I will take a step first!"

"I also……"

Kasaka Shigure held his samurai sword with both hands, stared at Lin Qiong below with sharp eyes, and said, "...will make a move!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

Ahh!It's so strange, I'm clearly praising the strength of several masters seriously, why are they so angry!

never mind!Wait until you defeat them one by one, and then ask carefully!


At this moment, the heart of the boy named Kenichi Shirahama was filled with shock.

The [-]-dan karate master Nigui Zhixu was defeated by the man in black with karate techniques;

Apacha Popacha, the god of death in the dark Muay Thai world, was knocked unconscious by an elbow from the man in black;

The expert Ma Jianxing, who is proficient in the martial arts of the Celestial Dynasty, was defeated by the man in black with an inch of strength;

Misaki Misakiji, a master of philosophical jujitsu, was thrown to the ground by a man in black over his shoulder;

Kosaka Shigure, the daughter of swords and weapons, was snatched by the man in black with his bare hands and kicked away.

All five masters were defeated.

"This, this, how is this possible..."

He looked at the man in black who was still standing in the field after defeating all five masters, and couldn't help opening his mouth—five masters, five against one, were all defeated! ?

"I see, I must be dreaming!"

Shirahama Kenichi showed a sudden smile. He raised his finger with a smile and said: "I really, how could you have such a strange dream? Hahahaha——"

'Already started to escape from reality? '

Lin Qiong glanced at Kenichi Shirahama, who was flying into the sky, and then looked at the invincible superman Hayato Fenglinsi who was standing beside his granddaughter with a smile, and said with a sneer: "Jie Jie! As expected of the elder of Liang Shanbo, how could you So calm? I thought you'd join in halfway through the battle—don't you worry that I'll kill them all!?"

"Hohohoho, although the old man is old, his eyes are not blind yet."

The elder stroked his beard with a smile, and said, "Although you have murderous intent, you don't have the intent to kill—in that case, why should the old man be a person without eyesight?"

"Tsk tsk, ginger is still old and hot—"

Lin Qiong scratched his head, then stretched his right hand forward and said with a smile: "Mr. Elder, do you mind giving me some advice?"

"Jianzi, take Meiyu and stay away."

The elder raised his hands, instructed Shirabin Kenyi, and then said to Lin Qiong again: "I don't dare to teach you—this old man can't see through your strength."

"Oh, oh, the elder is absurd."

Lin Qiong waved his hands like a gossip aunt, and said, "The title of Invincible Superman is a famous brand name! Ordinary people are not opponents at all."

"Where is!"

"There is one!"

"I am over-flattered!"

"No no!"

Kenichi Shirahama: "?"

what happened?What's the matter with you?

No, why do I not understand the development of this matter?Why did the elders talk and laugh happily with this man in black who defeated five masters?

Just when Shirahama Kenichi was in a mess in the wind, Lin Qiong and the elder's figure disappeared from the spot, colliding together in mid-air, and the resulting storm caused Shirahama Kenichi to roll backwards several times in embarrassment.

"Why are you chatting and laughing in the last second, and fighting in the next second——"

Shirahama Kenichi hammered the ground below him like a defeated dog, and complained with tears streaming down his face: "So you masters are all weirdos!" '

Chapter 0636 Are you surprised?Are you surprised?

"Abba, abba aba—"

Shirahama Kenichi stood blankly next to Fengrinji Miu, looking straight at the men in black and the elders who were fighting, and murmured: "This is a dream, this is a dream, right? Miu-san... "

He watched helplessly as the man in black and the elder fought from the ground to the sky (referring to jumping into the air), and then fought all the way from the sky to the ground, then from the east to the west, and then from the west to the east...

Just the fact that someone could confront the elder was enough to scare him to the point where his eyes would pop out, but what made him even more unbelievable was...

The elder seems to be at a disadvantage? ?

"I heard from others that the invincible superman Hayato Furinji has [-] unique moves—"

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