Lin Qiong blocked the elder's spiral thrusts with his stilling force, and grinned, "Why don't you let me see them one by one?"

"Hey, that's not okay~"

The elder touched his beard with a smile, and said mockingly: "These tricks are my unique secret skills, so I won't use them casually~"

This is a lie!

Unique trick, can't use it casually×

The enemy is too strong, and it is useless to use it√

"How stingy! But, since you don't want me to taste your unique skills..."

Lin Qiong muttered something, then grinned, and said, "Then let you taste my moves, how about it?"

"Then I would rather be respectful than obey your orders——"

Hayato Fenglinsi made a sound of "Oh oh oh oh—" and mobilized the huge Qi in his body, "Let me see your master's brilliant move!!"

See Your Excellency ×

Judge the opponent's genre√


Lin Qiong grinned, and then put his hands in the shape of a calyx by his side, making a movement that was very familiar to everyone present.

Kenichi Shirahama: "Huh? This action..."

Meiyu: "It seems to be from the comics..."

Elder: "Qi, Qigong wave?"

"Heaven and earth, I am the only one—"

As Lin Qiong sang, a bright white ball of light slowly appeared in Lin Qiong's palm as the three people stared at it dumbfounded, "Turtle Sect·Dongdongbo!!"

"Fake fake fake fake—"

Shirahama held his head with both hands, and let out a mournful cry: "This is absolutely fake! How can Wushu send out qigong cannons!!!"

As soon as the words fell, Kenichi Shirahama saw a light cannon the size of a bucket shoot out from the hand of the man in black, and then rushed into the sky rubbing his head.

"Da da da--"

Shirahama fell to the ground in fright, and then his teeth couldn't stop colliding, "This, this, this is fake, it is fake! Please tell me it is fake!!"

"Well, it's fake!"

Lin Qiong immediately replied, "So why don't you give it a try? Guaranteed there will be no pain!"

"Liar! Liar! Big liar—"

Kenichi Shirahama burst into tears, "The so-called no pain means that you will die without pain!!"

"Don't worry, baby!"

Lin Qiong put up his thumbs up with a sassy face, and put a wink on Shirahama Kenichi, and said, "Even if you die, I will bring you back to life!"

'Ghost, devil, evil spirit——'

Shirahama Kenichi's body turned pale immediately, "This is a devil more terrifying than the masters!" ! '

"This is really beyond the old man's cognition—"

The elder stared blankly at Lin Qiong's movements and murmured, "This can't be explained by martial arts and Qi, right? How on earth did you do it?"

"Hey, because this is not pure Qi, but a more condensed energy."

Lin Qiong raised his finger with a smile and said, "With this kind of energy, you can do many incredible things?"

The elder was curious: "For example?"

"Like... um... let's say..."

Lin Qiong thought for a while and said, "For example, smash a 50-story building into powder with one punch?"

He was originally going to say——

Can run faster than a car;

Can easily jump more than ten meters;

Can break thick steel plates with one punch;

——But after thinking about it, it seems that such a thing can be done by an expert?Masters in the disciple world are actually supermen, right? ?

So he can only choose a more exaggerated case.

"If you can really achieve this level, then this old man is not your opponent."

The elder stroked his beard, and admitted defeat very bluntly: "It seems that after we parted that year, you have another adventure!"

"Haha, did you recognize me?"

Lin Qiong smiled, then took off his hood and mask, and said, "Long time no see, Elder."

"I haven't seen you for ten years, have you? Qiongzi."

The elder stepped forward and patted Lin Qiong's arm, and said, "I didn't expect that after ten years of absence, you would become so strong."

"Hey, it's all thanks to the foundation laid by Misaki Yueji."

Lin Qiong scratched the back of his head, then looked at Misaki Yueji Qiuyu who was lying on the ground and was losing consciousness, and said with a smile: "I hope Master Misaki Yuesi will not be angry with me after he knows the truth, hahaha -"

Shirahama Kenichi: "Misakikoshi... Master?"

Eh?What is this man talking about! !


Liangshan Park.

living room.

Misaki Yueji Qiuyu: "Look at——"

Kasaka Shigure: "Look at——"

"Oh my, don't look at me like that—"

Lin Qiong waved his hands towards the two of them, and said, "Didn't I want to surprise you guys? How about it, is it a surprise or a surprise?"

"I didn't feel the surprise—"

Misaki Yueji Qiuyu rubbed the bridge of her nose, and said helplessly, "I only felt a shock—I never thought that when we meet again ten years later, you will grow to this extent."

"Erina, Fei Sazi, bad."

Kosaka Shigure hugged his knees in aggrieved manner, patted his stomach pitifully, and said, "Qiong, bully me."

"Ahem, cough, how can this martial arts competition be called bullying?"

Lin Qiong made an excuse, but seeing Kazaka Shigure's puckered mouth, he couldn't help scratching his head, then took out a handful of white rabbit toffee from his arms, and said, "Don't be angry, I'm Give you candy."

"Oh! It's toffee—"

Seeing the familiar toffee, Kasaka Shigure immediately raised her hands and cheered, but then she realized that she shouldn't forgive Lin Qiong so easily, so she quickly put her hands down and twisted them away angrily. scratched his head, "I don't, eat!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

Is this awkwardness kindergarten level?

He scratched his head helplessly, and said, "Hey, I was going to give Shiyu a new samurai sword, but if she doesn't forgive me..."

"Forgive you, and—"

Xiangsaka Shiyu grabbed Lin Qiong's hand expressionlessly, and said, "Knife, don't forget."

'You're too easy to handle, aren't you? '

Lin Qiong nodded towards Kosaka Shigure dumbfounded, and said, "I'll give it to you later, I won't forget it."

"New, knife! And, sugar!"

Kasaka Shigure happily sat back on the seat just now, shaking his upper body happily.

"so good--"

Apacha held his index finger in his mouth, looked enviously at Shiyu who was eating toffee, and said pitifully, "Apacha, I want to eat candy too!"

"Eat, you can eat everything!"

Lin Qiong grabbed another handful of toffee and stuffed it into Apacha's hand, and said generously: "Eat it anyway, there will be more after eating!"

"Wow! Apacha, there is some candy!"

Apacha hugged Lin Qiong with bright eyes, and said excitedly: "You are a good guy! Apacha, I like you very much!"

"Is that so? I like Apache too—"

Lin Qiong patted Apacha with a grin, then turned his head to look at Misaki Yueji Qiuyu, Nigui Zhixu and Ma Jianxing, and said, "The three masters must have a lot of questions, right? Please feel free to ask them!"

"The old man spoke first—"

Ma Jianxing took a deep breath, then looked at Lin Qiong, and asked, "What is your origin?"

"Even if you are not prepared to ask this question, I will answer it."

Lin Qiong, who was let go by Apacha, sat back on the cushion, then winked at Misakiji Qiuyu and said: "Master Misakiji, why don't you tell them the origins of Erina and me?"

"Then let me tell."

Misakiji Temple Qiuyu touched his beard and said with some emotion: "Lin Qiong and his companions are travelers from another world - that is, people from another world."

Apache: "Different?"

Ma Jianxing: "Shi?"

Rebelling against ghosts: "Boundary?"

Kenichi Shirahama: "Human?"

Four people: "People from another world!?" x4


Lin Qiong smiled, raised his right hand, and turned the magic power into flames, water and lightning currents on his fingertips, and said, "This scene should prove enough, right?"

The four people with eyes staring like copper bells: "..."

Although I would like to veto this possibility intellectually, the scene in front of me can never be explained by "illusion" - not to mention, there are elders and Misaki Yueji Qiuyu testifying.

"Old man, I have lived for so long, but I never thought that one day I would be able to see people from another world..."

Ma Jianxing rubbed his head, and then said with a dull expression: "My dear! Is this world still the one I know?"

"Old Ma, don't talk about you, I can't stand the news."

Ni Gui Zhixu held his head in both hands, grinning and said: "I have thought about countless futures, but I never thought that one day, a person from another world would appear in front of me."

"Hey, didn't this appear?"

Lin Qiong smiled at the masters, and continued to say cheerfully: "Is there anything else you want to ask? Please feel free to ask! Now is a special welfare time? There is no limit to asking questions!"

"Well, I have a question too—"

At this time, Qiuyu Misaki Yueji stroked her mustache, squinted at Lin Qiong, and said, "Mr. Qiong, after ten years, you came back to this world just to see us. Or is there another purpose?"

Chapter 0637 Kenichi: You are all evil spirits

"Master Misakoshiji is so annoying. He makes it sound like I have an ulterior motive for coming to see you!"

Lin Qiong puffed out his mouth in dissatisfaction, looked at Qiuyu at Misaki Yuesi with condemning eyes, and said, "Can't I just come back to see you because I just miss you and the elders?"

"I see, I agree with your reason."

Qiuyu Misaki Yueji nodded solemnly, then changed the topic and said, "That means there is no other purpose, right?"

Lin Qiong: "..."

He made a fist with his right hand, put it in front of his mouth and coughed lightly, and said, "It can't be said that there is nothing at all—"

Several masters: "Look at——"

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