'Okay, what a hurtful look! '

Looking at the looks in the eyes of the masters, which seemed to be looking at the scumbag who said, "You will only contact me if you want to book a room." Lin Qiong couldn't help but feel full of guilt - he looked away with a guilty conscience, and then looked towards The eldest lady said: 'Stop watching the show and save me——'

"Puhaha, Master Misaki Yueji, stop looking at Qiong like this."

Seeing Lin Qiong's eyes begging for help, the eldest lady couldn't help laughing, and explained: "The purpose of his coming to you should be a good thing for all the masters."

"Good thing?"

Hearing this, Nigui Zhixu raised his eyebrows, then put his right forearm on the coffee table, leaned forward, showed a smile that could make a child cry, and said, "Tell me listen!"

"Ahem! I don't know how many masters..."

Lin Yiqiong glanced at the few people sitting in the living room, raised his index finger with a smile, and said, "Are you interested in other worlds?"




Hearing Lin Qiong's words, even the most calm Qiuyu of Miyue Temple couldn't calm down. He stared at Lin Qiong who was sitting opposite the coffee table with wide eyes, and asked, "If I understand correctly, your sentence What do you mean, you can take us to another world?"

"Oh, as expected of Master Misakikoshi, I understood it in an instant~"

Lin Qiong raised his right hand and snapped his fingers, and said, "That's right, that's what I mean—the masters have almost reached the end of martial arts in this world, but in other worlds, there are still more profound The martial arts are waiting for you to explore!"


Unstoppable heartbeat!

"This is really..."

Ni Gui Zhixu's left hand firmly grasped his knee, he couldn't help showing an excited expression, and murmured: "It's really good news."

"Tsk, the old man is already old..."

Ma Jianxing pressed the hat on the top of his head, and said with some helplessness: "Can you also ignite your blood?"

"A new martial art? Xiaoqiong, this is indeed a very attractive proposal, but..."

Misaki Yueji Qiuyu closed her eyes and said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! We still have things to deal with in this world."

Hearing his words, Ni Gui Zhixu and Ma Jianxing, who were so excited just now, froze immediately, then looked at each other, and sighed in unison.

"That's right! We can't leave this world until we've dealt with YOMI."

Ni Gui Zhixu scratched his scalp irritably, and said, "Otherwise, God knows what those nasty guys will turn the world into."


Ma Jianxing also took off his hat with a look of regret and sighed: "The old man doesn't want to find that his world has turned into a scene of demons dancing around after coming back from another world."

This is the sense of responsibility of a living boxing master.

"Tell me, is there a possibility—"

Lin Qiong blinked his eyes, then looked at the masters with a harmless face, and said, "I am a disciple of the master of Miyue Temple, so I am a member of Liang Shanbo, so what you say can also be counted as me." One copy?"

"Huh?" xN



"How, Qiong—"

With a gentle smile on Misaki Yueji Qiuyu's face, he looked at the instrument in front of him with nostalgia, and said, "This is my latest invention of 'Miao Miaojun 5th Generation'."

"As expected of Master Misaki Yueji."

Lin Qiong looked at the equipment in front of him with admiration, and said with emotion: "This is really a wonderful invention for exercising flexibility."

"As expected of my proud disciple, who knows my hard work—"

Qiu Yu of Misaki Yue Temple stroked her mustache in satisfaction, then shook her head and sighed, "It's not like my ineffective second disciple, who screams to death every time he uses these devices."

"How could he do this? It hurts the master too much!"

Lin Qiong shook his head sadly, then squatted down, looked at Kenichi Shirahama who was lying on the ground in a cross-horse position, and said, "Junior brother, do you think so?"

"Devil, you are all devils—"

Kelp-like tears flowed down Shirahama Kenichi's face, he choked up and said, "Master is a devil, brother is also a devil ahhhhh—"

Desperate, desperate for this world full of evil spirits!

"Master, did you hear that?"

After hearing Shirahama Kenichi's words, Lin Qiong raised his head to look at Misaki Yueji Qiuyu with a serious face, and said, "Young master still has the strength to shout? This must be because the training is not hard enough!"

Kenichi Shirahama: "?"

"Well, that makes sense."

Misaki Yueji nodded thoughtfully, then sighed, "It's a pity, if you push harder, it might hurt Kenichi's body."

Kenichi Shirahama breathed a sigh of relief.

"No problem, master!"

Lin Qiong gave a thumbs up enthusiastically, and said, "I have brought a lot of panacea from the magical world, which can completely heal any damage to the body, so please feel free to use it boldly!"

Kenichi Shirahama: "?"

"Oh? Is there such a magical prop in another world?"

Misaki Yueji Qiuyu's eyes lit up, and then he showed a smile that made Shirahama terrified, "Hohohoho, I must give it a try!"

Kenichi Shirahama's eyes were dead.


"Ya Butterfly, it's about to crack, it's about to break, it's about to die, Ya Butterfly—"

Hearing the screams coming from the living room, the eldest lady couldn't help but twitched the corners of her mouth, then looked at Mei Yu beside her, and said, "Aren't you going to take a look?"

"Don't worry, Aunt Erina! Every time Kenichi is training, he will scream very miserable."

Meiyu covered her mouth and waved her hands, and said with a normal face: "I was worried at first, but I got used to it after a long time—Master Misaki Yueji knows it well."

Miss: "..."

She rubbed her head helplessly, and thought helplessly, "I didn't expect that I would suddenly rise to the auntie generation?"Obviously I feel that I am still very young...'

"Since you know what's in your mind, that's fine."

The eldest lady exhaled and said, "Okay, let's continue cooking!"


Meiyu nodded vigorously, and said expectantly: "Aunt Erina's cooking skills are really good, I have to study hard!"

Miss: "..."

Goo!Complicated feelings!


"Abba, abba aba—"

Shirahama lay on the ground with a pair of blank eyes, a small ray of soul emerged from the corner of his mouth, as if he was about to ascend to heaven at any moment.

I'm going to die, I'm really going to die, I can't die anymore.

"Kenichi-kun, are you really not coming to eat?"

While helping the elder to add food, Meiyu looked worriedly at Kenichi Shirahama lying on the ground, and said, "Today's lunch was made by Aunt Erina, it's delicious!"

"I, I'll forget it..."

Kenichi Shirahama shook his head weakly, and said with a sob: "Miu-san, I, I may not be able to survive, remember..."

"Speaking of elders, since the younger brother can't survive, then Mei Yu's boyfriend has to think about it."

Lin Qiong took a mouthful of braised pork, and then said casually: "I heard that Meiyu has a classmate named Kazuki Takeda, how about..."


Before Lin Qiong finished speaking, Shirahama Kenichi sat down at the table in a hurry, and hurriedly said, "Mei, Miu-san! I, I don't seem so tired all of a sudden, so, so, please give me some a bowl of rice!"


The innocent Miwa nodded, hummed a song, filled a large bowl of rice and placed it in front of Kenichi Shirahama, and said enthusiastically, "Today's lunch is really delicious! Kenichi-kun must have more rice." Eat some."

Seeing Miu's happy smile, Shirahama Kenichi seemed to have a dog's tail behind him, shaking it wildly: "Mmm! I see, Miu-san!"

Lin Qiong, Ma Jianxing, and Misaki Yueji Qiuyu looked at each other, and then put their eyes on Shirahama Kenichi, showing a wicked smile.

Jie Jie Jie!This kid is too easy to handle, right?

Shirahama Kenichi: "..."

His sixth sense of the weak is like the legs of the heroine of the book who has been drugged, shaking wildly, sending him an unprecedented warning, but...but...

'Sorry, sixth sense—'

Shirahama Kanyi stuffed the steak in front of him into his mouth with tears streaming down his face, and thought: "I can't resist the master and brother at all, they are all to blame...huh?" '

Feeling the texture of the steak in his mouth, as if the muscle fibers were dancing in his mouth, and the taste of the sauce soaked into the depth of the steak, he couldn't help showing a demented smile.

"This, this, what is this!?"

After a while, Shirahama Kanichi, who came back to his senses, widened his eyes, then stuffed the meat steak into his mouth like crazy, and said vaguely: "Why are you so stupefied!"

"Hahahaha, this is the dragon steak cooked by my Erina! Is it delicious?"

Lin Qiong patted Shirahama Kenichi's shoulder with a smile, and said proudly: "Hmph, this is not a dish that everyone can eat, you are really lucky!"

Shirahama Kenichi: "..."

wait wait wait wait wait wait...

What did I hear just now! ?

He said tremblingly: "Long, Long Pai refers to—"

Lin Qiong gave a thumbs up: "It's steak cooked with dragon meat!"

Kenichi: "..."

Miha: "..."

Other masters: "..."

Elder: "..."

Fuck, you should fucking say this kind of thing earlier!

Chapter 0638


Accompanied by a loud belch, Nigui Zhixu stroked his bulging belly contentedly, and said happily: "It's delicious! Hahaha, I never thought that I would get dragon meat one day!!"

"The old man was also frightened."

Ma Jianxing on the side picked his teeth with a toothpick, and said with emotion: "Although I heard from Xiao Qiong that this is a western dragon, is it still considered a dragon anyway? It's really unbelievable."

"Dragon meat is good, eat it!"

Kosaka Shigure also touched his bruised stomach, and said regretfully, "Unfortunately, my appetite is too small."

"Apacha, this is the first time I have eaten this delicious thing!"

Apacha raised his hands, smiled innocently like a child, and happily said to Lin Qiong: "Lin Qiong! Apacha, take back what you said earlier, you are not a good guy!"

Lin Qiong: "Huh?"

Apache continued: "You're such a nice guy! Apache, super, super like you!"

"Hahahaha, then I am really grateful."

Lin Yiqiong was overjoyed. He leaned on Fengsugou's belly flatteredly, and asked casually, "Elder, when are we going to attend that [DD Conference]?"

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