"We can leave tomorrow morning."

The elder stroked his smooth beard and said, "You can go to the island in the afternoon, and rest at the hotel on the island for a night, and the day after tomorrow will officially open."

"Oil shrimp!"

Lin Qiong clenched his fist, then looked at Kenichi Shirahama expectantly, and said, "Brother! If you feel that you can't beat the opponent, you should surrender quickly, okay? Brother, help you avenge yourself!"

Shirahama Kenichi said emotionally: "Brother..."

"As long as you are willing to shout three times, 'Brother who is wise and mighty, come and save your brother who is scared to pee', I will appear in front of you in an instant—"

Lin Qiong put up a thumbs up with a handsome face, and said, "Even the bullet speed of the Barrett sniper rifle is not as fast as mine! How about it, do you feel safe?"

Kenichi: "..."

He fantasized about himself in the DofD conference, in the arena where everyone was watching, and under the watchful eyes of classmate Miyu, he shouted at the top of his voice, "Senior brother, come and save your scared brother who is about to pee"...

Don't do that kind of thing!Absolutely not!

He clasped his head in both hands, and let out an unprecedented cry that belonged to a groundhog in his heart: "I will never, never ask my brother for help—"


Liangshan Park.

After lunch, in order to satisfy the curiosity of several masters about the different world, Lin Qiong and his party told a story about the different world until...

"Oh, is it already this time?"

Lin Qiong looked at the wall clock on the wall and found that it was already 02:30, so he stood up and said, "Masters, I still have some things to deal with, so I will take my leave first—Let Erina and Fei Shazi accompany you to continue. Let's talk."

"go Go."

Nigui Zhixu, who was on his head, waved his hands, and said indifferently: "Go early and come back early, don't get lost outside."

"Haha, Master Nigui, don't worry about it."

Lin Qiong smiled, then walked towards the door, and said, "I'm not a confused junior."

Suddenly couched by Kenichi: "???"

This reminds me too! ?Brother, I beg you to be a human being!

But what Kenichi didn't expect was that after hearing this sentence, several masters sighed in unison.

"That's right."

"Qionzai is much more reassuring than Jianzai."

"It's all because Jianzi is usually unreliable, which made me subconsciously worry."

Shirahama Kenichi: "..."

Tired, tired, this world will be destroyed.


An unknown park resting place.

"Hello? Honey? Yes, it's me—"

A man in a straight suit and black-rimmed glasses, who looks like a financial elite, is sitting on the dilapidated bench in the park with a happy face at this moment, whispering into the old mobile phone microphone in his hand: "Today should be I can go back soon...ummm...I will be careful...um...ok...I love you too..."

Lin Qiong, who was squatting on the top of the slide in the park, watched this scene condescendingly, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "If people who don't know the details see this scene, they will think that Mr. Tanaka is really a happy person, right?"


Hearing this voice, Mr. Tanaka paused slightly, then raised his head with a smile on his face, looked in Lin Qiong's direction, and said, "Where did you know my name from?"

"From various places."

Lin Qiong jumped down from the top of the slide, and landed quietly beside Mr. Tanaka. He glanced at the mobile phone in his hand and said, "A special number for communication testing, right?"

That's right, it wasn't his wife on the other end of the phone, but the cold system announcement, which was also the lingering nightmare and obsession in his heart.

"No! This is my wife—"

Mr. Tanaka's expression turned a bit ferocious, he stared at Lin Qiong like an enraged beast, and asked, "I'll ask again—who are you!?"

"Yes, my name is Lin Qiong."

Lin Qiong smiled at Mr. Tanaka and said, "Don't be so angry, Mr. Tanaka Qin."

Qin Tanaka is a man full of regrets in the disciple world!


Tanaka is one of only two apprentices in the "Tiandi Wuzhenliu" dojo - by the way, the other apprentice is the daughter of the dojo master.

In the process of practicing martial arts, Qin Tanaka and the daughter of the master of the dojo had a mutual affection, fell in love in a natural relationship, and became a couple.

Just when his life was full of happiness, a man named Ogata Yijinsai, a boxer, appeared in his sight.

He challenged the dojo and took the life of Master Tanaka in the battle.And Mrs. Tanaka, who witnessed her father's death, suddenly fell into a rage and launched an attack on Ogata Yishenzhai.

Mrs. Tanaka is an extremely rare, young talent, but this talent has harmed her - if she is weak, then boxing masters will not pay attention to her at all, but her strength can match the fist Saint poses a threat, so...

"In martial arts, all people are equal!"

"Since you have launched an attack on me with killing intent, then I should also go all out to meet the enemy!"

As a result, Mrs. Tanaka also died in the hands of the boxing master.

From that moment on, Ogata Isshinsai became Tanaka Qin’s lingering nightmare, inner demons and obsessions!In order to take revenge, Tanaka Qin gave up everything and fell into the devil's path.

In the end, Tanaka, who had stepped into the realm of mastery, angrily launched an attack on Ogata Yishenzhai, and finally died in the hands of the opponent.


"...But what the boxing master didn't expect was that Mrs. Tanaka, who attacked him, was pregnant."

Lin Qiong looked at the man in front of him with his head lowered, suppressing his anger, and said softly, "He doesn't regret that he took your wife's life, but he feels deeply guilty for killing an innocent child."

In the boxer's view, Mrs. Tanaka's attack on him was a choice made by Mrs. Tanaka herself, so she will naturally bear the consequences—but the child in her belly is innocent, he/she didn't choose The ability to own destiny.

"What a joke!!"

With an angry roar, Tanaka jumped up from the chair, then grabbed Lin Qiong's collar tightly, looked at him with eyes full of grief and despair, and said, "Would he feel guilty? You said he Feel guilty!?"

"I'm not excusing him, but that's what he thought."

Lin Qiong reached out and grabbed Tanaka Qin's wrist, pulled his hand off his collar effortlessly, and said, "Besides, calm down, you have mistaken the person you are angry with."

Tanaka: "!"

He looked at Lin Qiong's wrist, and couldn't help shrinking his eyes—his struggle was like a mud cow sinking into the sea, and he couldn't even shake Lin Qiong's hand.

'So young, but has reached the level of talent? '

After realizing that he was not Lin Qiong's opponent, Qin Tanaka took several deep breaths to calm himself down—he didn't want to conflict with other people and distract himself before seeking revenge from Ogata Yishensai.

After he calmed down, Tian Zhongqin looked at Lin Qiong and said, "The reason why you found me was not to stimulate me by saying these things, right? Then, why did you come here?"

"Why? Well, that's a good question! But before I answer you—"

Lin Qiong raised his right hand, snapped his fingers lightly, and said, "Let's communicate in another place first."

Tanaka: "!!!"

His eyes shrank to the size of a needle point, and then he twisted his neck stiffly, looking around at the scene around him.

In the last second, he was still in an old park;

The next second, it appeared on the beach by the sea.

Feeling the sea breeze blowing over the tip of his nose with a slight smell of the sea, Tanaka could not help but bend down, stroked the wet gravel at his feet, and murmured: "It's not a dream, nor is it a blindfold..."

"Where we are now is an uninhabited island in the Pacific Ocean - because it is too troublesome to explain, so I choose to speak with facts."

Lin Qiong sat on a boulder by the sea, looked at Tanaka Qin with a smile, and said, "As you can see, I have a special power of [-], so I will give you a chance to choose—"

"It is the wife and children who chose to be loyal to me and were resurrected by me."

"Or continue to take revenge and stick to your path of Shura?"

If Lin Qiong hadn't shown his ability, Tanaka Qin might still insist on whether the other party was making fun of him, but when the hard evidence was in front of him...

"Then there is only one answer—"

Tanaka took a deep breath, then picked up a branch at his feet, broke it with his knee, and replied, "I will serve you!"

Chapter 0639 old horse——


Liangshan Park.

"...Probably so."

Sitting in the corridor in the backyard, Lin Qiong took a bite of the pancake in his hand, and while chewing, he explained, "Mr. and Mrs. Tanaka have become my subordinates."

Several masters: "..."

They turned their heads in unison to look at Tsutomu Tanaka, who was standing in the yard, holding his wife's hand, and smiling happily.

"Several masters in Liangshanbo, please give me more advice in the future."

Mrs. Tanaka bowed to several masters, then patted Tanaka Qin on the back with her hand, and reminded: "My dear!"

"Huh? Oh—"

Tanaka, who came back to his senses, hurriedly pressed his hands to the seam of his trousers, then bowed at ninety degrees, and said loudly: "Please give me more advice!!"

Very good and very energetic!

"Qiongzi, can you even revive the dead?"

Looking at this scene, Ma Jianxing couldn't help but stared blankly at Lin Qiong, and asked, "Tell me the old man, what else can you not do?"


Lin Qiong tilted his head and thought for a while, and said, "There are still many things that cannot be done, right? For example, blowing up a planet with one punch, or creating a world?"

Several masters: "???"

No, no no no no!

I (Lao Ma) ask you this question because I hope you can give a more reliable answer, rather than... no...

"Wait, are you serious?"

Ni Gui Zhixu reacted, smashed the beer bottle in his hand, and said: "You are not really practicing with the goal of blowing up a planet with one punch, are you!?"

"Huh? Isn't this a matter of course!?"

Lin Qiong looked at the masters confidently and said, "If you can't even blow up a planet with one punch, what right do you have to call yourself a strong man?"

"No, no no no no..."

Ma Jianxing felt that his tongue was a little knotted, and he asked with an uneasy face: "When did the standard of the strong become a punch to blow up a planet??"

"It's the minimum to blow up a planet with one punch, okay? No way, who let me know a group of real fierce people?"

Lin Qiong propped his chin with his hands, showing a helpless fish-eye-like smile of the same style on Conan's studio, and said: "The group of people eat the planet as if it were chocolate beans - I'm not kidding, it's literally Eating in the sense of the word.”


Hearing Lin Qiong's words, the elder who was pruning the potted plants shook his hands and cut off a large cluster of branches, but at this moment he could no longer care about his potted plants.

What did Xiaoqiong just say? ?

Not only the elders, but everyone else—including Kenichi who was practicing in the yard and the Tanaka couple—showed dumbfounded expressions, staring blankly at Lin Qiong who picked up the yokan after eating the pancakes.

"Little, Xiaoqiong, are you kidding me?"

Misakiji Akisame picked up a handkerchief and wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said a little uneasily: "It is too incredible to eat the planet as if it were a chocolate bean."

"Hey, there are a lot of incredible things in this different world."

Lin Qiong waved his hands, and then said with a serious face: "I also know such a world - in this world, all newborns are male, and when they grow up, they can draw out their holy swords to fight others, The loser whose holy sword is cut off will become a beautiful girl and become the winner's wife."

"Pfft——" xN

It has to be said that when this heavyweight news was thrown out, even the masters who boasted of their extensive knowledge fell silent.

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