"Oh oh oh-"

Senior LSP Ma Jianxing held his head in both hands and let out a wailing cry, "What kind of ghostly world is that!? The old man can't accept it!"

"Eh? Is Master Ma unable to accept it?"

Lin Qiong widened his eyes, looked at Ma Jianxing in disbelief, and said, "That's a world full of cute, beautiful, or sexy girls? There are absolutely no ugly girls!"

"That's also unacceptable!—"

Ma Jianxing's expression gradually became ferocious, "As long as the old man thinks that all the cute girls everywhere are transformed by men, he will feel a kind of... oh, oh, it shocks his brain!!!"

Lin Qiong shrugged his shoulders, well, it seems that Master Ma's operating system is not compatible with the software - but it's not good to let him cry like this, we have to find a way to appease him.

So, Lin Qiong said: "Master Ma, I have some good news for you—the other world I am going to take you to next, but there are real mermaids."

"I can't answer... what did you just say?"

Master Ma, who was still in a state of madness last second, suddenly woke up, looked at Lin Qiong with an expression as if he saw a savior, and said, "Mermaid!? Is it the mermaid I understand!?"


Lin Qiong immediately replied: "It's the kind of mermaid who has the upper body of a human and the lower body of a fish, and has a beautiful appearance!"


Everyone present could clearly hear Master Ma swallowing his saliva.

Obviously, he was very moved, and it was an extraordinary one.

"Suddenly, I feel that the matter of YOMI is not so important—"

Master Ma grumbled a few words with a laugh, then sneered at the sharp eyes of his companions, and said, "I'm just kidding! Don't look at the old man like that, I'm terrified."

Especially Shi Yumei, you just look at me, why do your eyes keep sweeping towards the old man's crotch (sweaty soybeans)?

"Then, what, isn't our topic a bit off?"

Master Ma was eager to be wise, wise and courageous, concentrated, poured into throwing tiles, and quickly changed the subject, "We should be discussing about Qiongzi, right?"

Several masters: "..."

Although, although they knew that Ma Jianxing was changing the subject, they had to admit that what he said made some sense.

"Xiao Qiong, is there any limit to your resurrection?"

Qiu Yu of Misty Yue Temple pondered for a few seconds, and couldn't help asking with a little curiosity, "For example, how long does it take to be resurrected after death?"

"The limitation is probably that the concept of 'soul' must exist in that world."

Lin Qiong thought for a while, and explained for Qiu Yu of Miyue Temple, "Because the basis of the resurrection technique is the 'soul', so if the concept of soul does not exist, naturally it cannot be resurrected."

"Wait, wait, wait! Brother, I have a question—"

Just when everyone was silent because of the information revealed by Lin Qiong, Kenichi at the side looked terrified, "Since there is a soul, does that mean that there are also ghosts?" And monsters... or something like that?"

"Theoretically, it is indeed possible for ghosts and monsters to appear in this world."

Lin Qiong nodded, approved Jianyi's conjecture, and then explained with the other party's more terrified expression: "Because of the existence of 'Qi', it proves that there is a certain kind of 'special energy' in this world—this is exactly what ghosts do. and the basis for the existence of monsters."

"Oh? 'Qi' is not included in the scope of 'special energy'?"

Misaki Yueji Qiuyu showed an expression full of interest. He stroked his beard and said thoughtfully: "Does that mean that human beings in a world without the 'special energy' you mentioned cannot Practicing martial arts?"

"Hahaha, like the masters, you can jump more than ten meters, smash the steel plate with one punch, and run faster than a car. Of course, you can't do it."

Lin Qiong couldn't help laughing, and explained, "However, if it's just to practice some moves and play a role in strengthening the body, then there is no problem."

"Hey, I always thought that practicing martial arts and exercising energy and blood is a very common thing—"

Ni Gui Zhixu raised his eyebrows, and said with a strange face: "Is there still a world where Qi and blood cannot be cultivated?"

"Master Nigui, the common sense of each world is different, and you must not substitute the common sense of your own world into other worlds."

Lin Qiong raised his fingers with a serious face, and said, "For example, there is a certain newborn that is all male..."

"Shut up!" xN

All the masters stopped Lin Qiong's speech with one voice, and Ma Jianxing, who was the most excited among them, rushed directly in front of Lin Qiong, and said like an angry King Kong: "Qiong boy! The old man managed to rely on his love for Miss Mermaid. I have forgotten that dark memory, you must, please don't let the old man think about it again..."


At this time, Shi Yu who didn't know when was squatting beside the old horse put his hand to his mouth and whispered, "The sword...is broken! Become...a girl..."


The next moment, Ma Jianxing flew upside down as if being punched in the face, and then fell heavily on the floor. After twitching twice, he completely lost his vitality.

Ni Gui Zhixu knelt on the ground and shouted with tears streaming down his face: "Old Ma~ah~Old Ma~ah~~"

Misakiji Akiyu: "..."

Speechlessly, he looked away from the two people who were playing tricks, looked at the Tanaka couple who were embracing each other and confessed their love, and said, "Mr. Madam, do a full-body examination? To be honest, I'm quite curious about her physical condition after she came back from the dead."

"For the whole body examination, the young master has already taken me through it before coming here."

While talking, Mrs. Tanaka took out a stack of thick inspection reports from her handbag, and said, "Because it is a top-notch private hospital, I got the report very quickly——Mr. Misaki Yueji, do you want to see it?" ?”

"is it okay?"

Misaki Yueji Qiuyu looked at Tanaka Qin, and after seeing the other party clicked, he reached out to take the report, lowered his head and read it, and said, "Then I will not be polite—"

Let me see, what changes will happen to the human body after resurrection?

Chapter 0640

Liangshan Park.


In the bone bone hospital of Cape Yue Temple.

By the way, this bone setting hospital was run by Misaki Yueji Qiuyu to subsidize his family, and there is an acupuncture clinic run by Master Ma on the opposite side of the shop - of course, the purpose is also to make money to subsidize his family.

After all, Liangshanbo is really too poor (sweating soybeans).

"How about it, Mr. Misakikoshi."

Mrs. Tanaka, who was sitting on the chair, looked at Misaki Yueji Qiuyu opposite, and asked softly, "Is the result of my physical examination passable?"

"This is not something you can't live with! If the private hospital where you did the inspection didn't artificially modify the results of this report..."

Misaki Yueji Qiuyu looked at the report in his hand, and a little surprise flashed in his eyes, "Mrs. Tanaka, your body is the healthiest among all the people I have ever seen—healthy enough to be used as medicine. standard level."

"As expected of the young master!"

Mr. Tanaka now looks like a crazy fan of Lin Qiong. He said with admiration: "It's easy to do what other people can't do!"

"Yeah, it's incredible."

Mrs. Tanaka gently stroked her lower abdomen and murmured in a low voice, "It's like a miracle from the gods."

"A miracle? Well, it's not unreasonable to say so."

Misaki Yueji stroked his chin and said with emotion: "I originally thought that even if A Qiong revives you, you will fall into a period of weakness because of it, but now it seems...it's terrible!"

Machi dumb library.

After putting the documents in his hand back into the document bag, Misaki Yueji Qiuyu said to the two: "It's almost time for dinner, let's go back!"


The next day, in the morning.


"Is this the boat you prepared?"

Lin Qiong looked at the handcrafted wooden boat in front of him, with the words "Chituma No. 2" written on the hull, and couldn't help wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, and said, "One thing to say, the elder's craftsmanship is a bit amazing. "

"Huo Huo, how's it going? It's not bad, isn't it?"

The elder stroked his beard cheerfully and said, "This is the masterpiece of this old man!"

Shirahama Kenichi: "..."

He looked at the "high-end pure hand-made custom-made wooden boat" in front of him, recalled what the masters had said to him before, couldn't help but twitched his lips, and complained: "Master, is this the 'luxury passenger ship' you are talking about? "

How luxurious is this? !It's a fraud, it's a scam, it's a lie! !

"Jianzi! This boat is led by the invincible superman, and it is a handcrafted wooden boat made by several expert-level warriors together?"

Ma Jianxing winked at Kenichi Shirahama proudly, and said, "Isn't this luxurious enough?"

By way of analogy, it’s probably equivalent to Ma Huateng, Ma Yun, Wang Jianlin, and Liu Qiangdong getting together and hand-folding a thousand little stars for you—you don’t care if it’s soiled or not, just say it’s precious or not.

"Ah, it's really luxurious."

Jian said expressionlessly, "Hahaha, I'm so happy."

Great read, [-]% great read.

And the other side...

"Boo boo!"

The aunt held Lin Qiong's hand, puffed out her mouth and let out a dissatisfied voice, and said, "Aqiong Aqiong! I don't want to take this kind of boat! Quickly take out your magical Pokémon—"

"Don't make trouble!"

Lin Qiong tried to pull his hand out of the abyss of his sister-in-law, and explained dumbfoundingly: "Unless I can get out a Howler Whale King, ordinary Pokémon can't hold so many people, right?"

"If Pokémon can't do it, what about Castle in the Sky?"

The sister-in-law hugged Lin Qiong's arm tightly, looked at him with expectant eyes, and said, "I heard Erina say it? Sky City has a hidden magic circle, so it won't be blocked by satellites." Something like this was photographed..."

"But we have to dock, right? It would be too strange to appear at the venue port out of thin air."

Because he was worried that breaking free might hurt his sister-in-law, Lin Qiong reluctantly gave up struggling and said, "Besides, this place is not far from the venue of the DD conference, so there is no need to forcefully bring Sky City here."


The aunt looked at Lin Qiong dissatisfied, and said, "If it was Erina who made the request, would you agree?"

Lin Qiong nodded without hesitation and said, "That's true."

The lover's request is of course satisfied as long as it can be satisfied.

Auntie: "!?"

She couldn't help turning her head to look at the eldest lady, only to find that she was winking at her with pride, and mockingly said with her lips: "Lover, person, special right!"you don't? '



"Come, since Alice wants to ride a Pokémon, let's grant her wish."

Under the fire-breathing eyes of the sister-in-law, the eldest lady walked over with a smile, put her arms around Lin Qiong's other arm, and said, "It shouldn't be so difficult to just borrow a roaring whale king temporarily." ?”

Given the relationship between Lin Qiong and Brother Tuozi, if he wants to borrow a Howler Whale King, that Brother Tuozi probably must gather all the wild Howler Whale Kings from all over the world, and let Lin Qiong pick one who is pleasing to the eye like a concubine—— Just like when you want to borrow a car, your brother with dozens of luxury cars opens the garage for you to choose.

"Okay, I'll go talk to Brother Tuozi."

Lin Qiong nodded, and then said to the eldest lady, "Then master, please go and persuade me."

"Leave it to me~"

The eldest lady nodded, then looked at the eldest sister-in-law, and taunted again with her lips: "Lian Ren Te Quan!"you don't? '

Auntie: "???"

'Erina, kisama...'

Hardened, the auntie's fist hardened, she gritted her teeth and watched the back of the young lady leaving, an amazing idea gradually appeared in her mind: "Erina deserves the position of this girlfriend, I Alice Why not?He already has more than one girlfriend, so it doesn't matter if he has one more, right? ? '

When I also have the privilege of being a lover, let me see how you still mock me! ?

I, Nakiri Alice, will not be weaker than Nakiri Erina in my life!


5 minutes later.

When Lin Qiong returned to the disciple world with the Poké Ball containing the Whale King, he found some "familiar" faces on the embankment—Haruo Niijima from the New White United, Kisara Nanjo, Kaname Kugakan, Takeda Yiji and so on.

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