Of course, the current Lin Qiong theoretically does not know them, so...

"what's the situation?"

Lin Qiong showed a confused expression and asked, "Why are there suddenly a group of unknown people?"


At this moment, two tentacles-like phantoms suddenly appeared on Haruo Niijima's head, and pointed at Lin Qiong with astonishing momentum.

Niijima Haruo: "!?"

A white flash seemed to flash across his mind, driven by instinct, he rushed out of the crowd and ran straight towards Lin Qiong.

"New Island!?"

Kenichi Shirahama's expression changed drastically, and he said in a panic: "What are you doing ↘~~↗~~?!"

The reason for this change in tone is that when he was halfway through speaking, Niijima Haruo bent his knees, slid all the way to kneel in front of Lin Qiong, and held Lin Qiong's right foot flatteringly. , and then took out a white towel from his pocket, and wiped Lin Qiong's shoes.

Lin Qiong: "..."

No, how long have you been practicing this set of moves?Isn't it too fluent?

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah—"

While wiping Lin Qiong's shoes, Niijima Haruo exaggeratedly said: "From the first moment I saw you, I knew that you are a leader among people, a genius in this world, and you stand out from the crowd! Your aura is like …”

Amid the extremely speechless expressions of the crowd, Haruo Niijima performed a 5-minute rainbow fart series—the key point is that this guy's lines didn't even repeat a single line! ?

Duplicate check rate 0% OK!

Lin Qiong couldn't help but shiver and said: "Stop, friend, stop..."

"Friends!? My God! Friends!?"

Haruo Niijima covered his chest with his hands, and let out an unbelievable and extremely moved voice: "Your Excellency actually called me a friend-oh, this is the honor of Haruo Niijima's life!!"

Lin Qiong: "???"

He looked at this sycophant speechlessly - he had no doubt that if Haruo Niijima returned to the ancient Chinese dynasty, he would probably become a famous person around the emperor just by sycophant.

"Nijima, what are you doing!"

At this time, Shirahama Kenichi, who had recovered from the shock that lasted for several minutes, ran over in a hurry, grabbed his friend's arm and tried to drag him out: "Don't disturb senior brother!"

"Let go, Kenichi, you stupid... huh!?"

Niijima Haruo, who was still struggling a second ago, froze in place after hearing Shirahama Kenichi's words, and was easily dragged aside by Shirahama Kenichi.But he didn't care, and hurriedly grabbed Shirahama Kenichi's arm and asked: "Kenichi, who did you just say this is yours?"

Kenichi twitched the corner of his mouth, trying to take his hand out of Niijima's hand: "Uh, my senior brother."

"Senior brother!? You are so lucky..."

Haruo Niijima glanced at Lin Qiong cautiously, then leaned closer to Kenichi's ear, grinning and said: "The moment I saw him, my uncle's 'suspicious sensor' sounded an unprecedented warning—— You, brother, are not ordinary people!"

You know, when he saw Kenichi's masters back then, he never felt such a strong warning!This is completely like a Kakarot popping out of a martial arts drama.

"Of course I know—"

Kenichi Shirahama took it for granted, "Senior brother is stronger than master—even elders."

Haruo Niijima: "...Huh?"

The next second, he widened his eyes, and then sprayed his saliva towards Shirahama Kenichi: "Stupid, stupid Kenichi!! Why are you telling me such important information now!!"

Damn it, if you had told me this information yesterday, wouldn't I have been able to formulate a "Plan to Ingratiate Master Lin Qiong" with hundreds of thousands of words in length! ?

One must know that Haruo Niijima has been able to live nourishingly until now, relying on his ability to please the strong! ?How could he let go of such a golden thigh, no, titanium alloy thigh? ?

Master Lin Qiong, let me lick you well~ Suck~ I will definitely lick you, you will feel very comfortable! !

Chapter 0641 Do you want to sit on a whale?

After Niijima was dragged away by Kenichi, Lin Qiong walked up to the masters with a strange expression on his face, and asked, "So what's going on? Why did a bunch of people suddenly appear?"

"These people are all companions of Kenichi."

Misaki Koshiji hung his left hand on the lapel of his judo uniform, rubbed his chin with his right hand, and said, "They heard that Kenichi was going to participate in the DD...cough...after the DofD conference, they asked to participate together."

The elder beside him stroked his smooth beard with a smile and said, "Isn't it an amazing friendship?"

"Indeed! Pure enough to sparkle..."

Lin Qiong nodded with a smile. This pure friendship is the unique crystallization of the hot-blooded fan, and he has to taste it. "So did the elder agree to them?"

"No, the old man refused."

The elder put down his hand, and said helplessly, "I'm worried that something special will happen, and I won't have time to take care of their safety."

Hearing the elder's words, the main members of Xinbai United all expressed their opinions——

"Elder, in order to catch up with Kenichi, I even went to the underground fighting arena—is it safe there?"

"Ah? Underground fighting arena!?"

"Sister Freya and I have trained with many people holding weapons—we are also not afraid of danger!"

"What? Special training with someone who holds a weapon!?"

'By the way, did a husky get mixed into this pack of wolves? '

Lin Qiong glanced at a certain husky in the wolf pack with a subtle expression, and then said to the elder: "Elder, since they have said so, let them go together."

"Oh oh oh-"

After hearing Lin Qiong's words, the members of Xinbai United immediately cast hopeful glances at the elder.

"But, aren't you going to..."

The elder pondered for a few seconds, then leaned into Lin Qiong's ear, and whispered, "Aren't you going to use a magical creature from another world to drive us to the venue? Don't you fear being exposed?"

In fact, this is the real reason why the elders rejected them - as for safety issues?Damn it, the elder couldn't think of anything else in this world that could threaten Lin Qiong who could easily defeat him.

"Hahaha, it's okay, it's okay! Since they are both Kenichi's friends, they must be good boys—"

Lin Qiong waved his hands with a smile and said, "I am willing to believe them."

"Oh! Senior brother Kenichi, you are such a good person daze!"

Takeda, who had been to the underground fighting arena, approached Lin Qiong with a look of surprise on his face, put his arms around his shoulders enthusiastically, and said, "How about I treat you to ramen when the matter is over?"

"Then I'm welcome!"

Lin Qiong smiled, and joked: "I added extra noodles, and the ingredients are full!"

"Hahaha, just add it!"

Seeing Lin Qiong's attitude, Kazuki Takeda laughed out loud and said, "One bowl is not enough to eat two bowls!"

Seeing this, other members of Xinbai United also gathered around, chatting enthusiastically with Lin Qiong.

The atmosphere at the pier suddenly became more pleasant.


"Master Lin Qiong—"

A few minutes later, with exaggerated shouts, Niijima Haruo appeared in front of Lin Qiong again. He rubbed his hands and said with a flattering look on his face: "As expected of Lin Qiong, you can be easily persuaded. That elder allowed us to go together!!"

You know, before Lin Qiong came back, he spent a long time at the port, but the elder didn't let go!As a result, as soon as Lin Qiong opened his mouth, the elder immediately agreed!

Do you understand what is called card face?Do you understand what it means to be awesome?

As a result, Haruo Niijima made another series of rainbow farts, and Lin Qiong couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "If this guy travels to the world of One Piece, he might not be able to survive with his three-inch tongue alone." The life around Tianlong people is extremely moist. '

Damn, he can really lick!

"Okay, okay! Stop for a moment, we are ready to go—"

Lin Qiong raised his hand to stop Haruo Niijima from speaking, then raised his head and looked behind the reef, and said loudly: "Brother over there, do you want to come with us?"

"Huh?" xN

Hearing Lin Qiong's words, everyone in Xinbai United could not help but follow Lin Qiong's line of sight, and then saw a figure in a black hooded cloak leaning against the reef in a concave shape.

Before everyone could react, Lin Qiong said abruptly, "The rock you're leaning on is covered with barnacles, and there seem to be a few centipedes..."

Then everyone saw that figure jumped off the reef like an electric shock, and then flapped his cloak frantically.

It can be said that the force is gone all at once.

"Pfft haha-"

Seeing this scene, the members of Xinbai United suddenly burst out laughing, which made the man in black even more annoyed.


The man in black—nickname: The Hermit—jumped off the reef, then snorted with a grim expression, and said, "Aren't you going to take that dilapidated wooden boat?"

Lin Qiong glanced at the elders and the others and found that they were squatting in the corner of the pier seemingly very shocked. While drawing circles on the ground with his fingers, he said: "Red Tuma No. 2 is obviously very handsome -"


"However, I'm in a good mood today."

The hermit pointed his thumb at the luxury cruise ship docked not far away with a cool face, and said calmly, "I will give you a ride with mercy."

Seeing what the hermit did, the aunt couldn't help leaning into Lin Qiong's ear, and whispered, "You're a tsundere."


Lin Qiong nodded, leaned into his aunt's ear, and whispered, "It's just that men are not cute when they look arrogant!"

The attribute of being arrogant is indeed more suitable for a beautiful girl-if you really think that a big man is cute when he looks arrogant, I think there is something wrong with you!

Hermit: "..."

Although your voices are very low, you can't hide it from my ears who practice martial arts!

"Don't waste your time!"

The hermit glanced unkindly at Lin Qiong and his sister-in-law who were talking about him just now, and hummed, "Let's go quickly."

"Cough, this—"

After hearing the hermit's words, everyone's eyes couldn't help but focus on Lin Qiong——

The people at Liang Shanbo knew that Lin Qiong left just now to prepare for "transportation in another world", so they were waiting for his opinion;

Because Lin Qiong persuaded the elders to allow them to travel together, the people on Xinbai United decided to give him the right to choose.

"Actually, I also prepared another means of transportation——"

Lin Qiong pondered for a few seconds and said, "Do you want to think about it?"


After seeing Lin Qiong rejecting his proposal, the hermit who didn't like nonsense jumped onto the deck of the yacht without hesitation and said, "Then I'll go over first!"

After finishing speaking, he walked into the cockpit, started the yacht, and sailed to the small island where DofD was held under the eyes of everyone.

A few seconds later, Lin Qiong suddenly asked: "By the way, he doesn't have an invitation letter, right? Does he know the location of the island?"

Everyone: "..."

Fuck, he really doesn't seem to know!



The hermit, whose real name is Tanimoto Natsu, studied under Ma Jianxing's brother, Ma Qiangyue, and is good at Pi Gua Zhang and Baji Quan.

In addition, he is the president of a large group, only a rich man.

However, in the disciple world, money is not everything—for example, after driving a yacht for a certain distance, he realized that he didn't seem to know the location of the competition venue.


So, he simply turned off the engine, then stood on the deck with his hands folded, preparing to wait for the people from Xinbai United to catch up and then follow them to the venue, but...

Hermit: "???"

He raised his hand and rubbed his eyes, looking at Lin Qiong and others sitting on the back of a giant whale with disbelief - is this the fucking means of transportation that that person (referring to Lin Qiong) said? ?

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