When the hermit saw Lin Qiong and the others, everyone sitting on the back of the Whale King naturally also saw him.

"Hahaha, hermit, did you really stop here?"

Nanjo Ji Saluo looked at the hermit who was making a possession, and couldn't help laughing, "It seems that Brother Lin Qiong is right, you really don't know the location of the arena!"

Hermit: "..."

He couldn't help but glared at Lin Qiong with hatred—this is the person who first lied to himself that there were barnacles and centipedes on the reef, then talked about how arrogant and unlovable a man is, and now exposes the truth that he doesn't know the way ...

Very good, this grudge, I will write it down!

The hermit silently wrote Lin Qiong's name on the vengeance book filled with Shirahama Kenichi, thinking that one day... No!Now is not the time to hold grudges!

"What's your situation?"

The hermit looked at the roaring whale king floating on the water, and said, "You can actually ride a whale... eh? Wait, what kind of whale is this?"

When he looked carefully at the Howling Whale King, he realized something was wrong—the whale under the opponent was completely different from the whale he knew in memory.

"This guy is called the Howling Whale King."

Lin Qiong touched the back of the Howling Whale King with his hands, and then said with a smile: "It's a Pokémon from another world."

Hermit: "..."

He was silent for a few seconds, and said, "I'm not Kenichi Shirahama."

Kenichi: "?"

After being stunned for a few seconds, he realized the meaning of the hermit, and shouted angrily: "You, you, are you calling me stupid!?"

Seeing this, the hermit widened his eyes in surprise: "You actually reacted?"

It is true that the strength of ridicule is MAX.

Kenichi Shirahama was incompetent and furious: "Damn it!!!"

"Student Hermit, Kenichi may not be very smart..."

Lin Qiong pointed at the other people in Bai Bin Jianyi's expression of "Senior brother even you..." and said, "But, don't you think everyone else is stupid?"

"Exactly! We're not idiots like Kenichi!"

"That's right, my grades are good!"

"Me too!"

Kenichi Shirahama: "?"

He squatted in the corner with his left hand hugging his knees, drawing circles on the back of the Howling Whale King with his right hand aggrievedly, and muttered, "I'm really sorry for my poor grades!!!"

Damn, I'm so unwilling (';ω;`).

Chapter 0642 the great back collapsed

Except for the little angel Miu who ran to comfort Kenichi, the other members were proving the "authenticity" of the Whale King for Lin Qiong.

"Hermit, we have seen it with our own eyes. The Roaring Whale King was released from a ball the size of a fist by brother Lin Qiong!"

"Yes, yes, there was a 'bang', and after a burst of red light, this whale appeared!"

"It's incredible. How could such a big whale fit into such a small ball?"

"Alien technology, kid!"

Hermit: "..."

He pulled up the brim of his hat with a speechless expression, and said calmly: "Let me guess, did you guys discuss it in advance, work together to deceive me, and then use a micro camera to record my reaction, and then use it to laugh at me afterwards? Do you believe such childish things? Haha——"

Want to lie to me?I, Gu Benxia, ​​have traveled all over the world for so many years, what kind of conspiracy and tricks have I not seen?You guys, it's still a drawing...

Just when the hermit was complaining about other people in his heart, Lin Qiong hooked his fingers calmly and said, "Roaring Whale King! Give him a bit of Pokémon shock - freezing light!"


The Howler Whale King let out a low roar, and an ice-blue light beam shot out from its mouth, directly hitting the sea in front of it, freezing about sixteen square meters of the sea.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of the little guys, including the hermit, nearly popped out.

"My God, what is this!!"

"Is this magic!? Ice magic!"

"This is too handsome!!"

"Roaring Whale King, Sai Gao!"

I have to say, no one of this age can calm down after seeing this scene! ?

Not even the hermit! !

He looked fieryly at the Roaring Whale King who was making a happy sound under Lin Qiong's touch, and murmured: "Does another world really exist?"

He is not a world champion who does not want to be named in the Dragon Ball studio. Even if he sees the protagonist group transforming into a Super Saiyan, releasing qigong waves and dancing air skills, he still has to use hair dye, flying props and wires to hypnotize him. Own.

Is this interesting?

"Well, are you willing to believe it now?"

Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows towards the hermit, and then said in a voice full of temptation: "How about it, do you want to touch the Hou Jing King?"

Thinking, so fucking thinking.

The hermit glanced at the luxury yacht worth more than nine figures (Japanese yen) under him, and suddenly felt that it was not fragrant at all--damn, let alone luxury yachts, there is no luxury cruise ship that can understand you If so, the big whale that releases freezing magic is handsome, right?

"You told me so much, shouldn't it be just to tease me?"

The hermit stood on the deck of the yacht with his hands folded, looked at Lin Qiong calmly, and said, "So, what is your purpose? Money? Or do you want me to work for you—"

Even though the yacht below him was rising and falling with the waves, the hermit's body didn't shake at all, and he fully interpreted the three words "stand like a pine" - which shows how stable his lower body has been exercised.

"Is there a possibility that the money in this world is useless to me, and I am stronger than you."

Lin Qiong looked at the hermit embarrassedly, and said, "So, I just want to tease you, and then see how the tsundere man breaks his defense?"


The sister-in-law who was sitting on the back of the Roaring Whale King immediately laughed and fell into the secretary's arms, and her laughter seemed to be contagious, making others couldn't help but laugh too.

Hermit: "..."

Hard, fist hard!

He silently opened the "Gu Benxia's Notes on Revenge" in his heart, and then added another stroke under Lin Qiong's name—wait, I'll write down this grudge!

"Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore."

Lin Qiong smiled, then waved to the hermit and said, "Come here! For Kenichi's sake, I will let you ride for free this time - you will have to pay for it next time!" "

The hermit glanced at Lin Qiong, then at Kenichi, who was showing joy because of Miha's comfort, jumped off the yacht, and said, "Then let's go."

Takeda Kazuki on the side reminded: "Have you forgotten your yacht? Aren't you worried that someone will drive it away?"

The hermit glanced at the other party indifferently, then slowly took out a satellite phone from his pocket, made a call to the people under him in front of everyone, and asked the other party to arrange someone to recover it according to the yacht's satellite positioning.

"I don't like to say the same thing a second time."

The Hermit sat cross-legged on the Roaring Whale King's back, and while carefully rubbing the skin on the other's back with his hands, he said casually: "I'm not an idiot like Shirahama Kenichi."

Kenichi Shirahama, who just felt better: "???"

Hi, so angry! !



With the help of the Howling Whale King, everyone successfully arrived at the venue of this DD conference - a fortress standing on an uninhabited island.

"call out--"

Lin Qiong jumped ashore, looked at the heavily guarded fortress in front of him, couldn't help but whistled, and said, "To be honest, I feel as if I have come to a military important place."

The members of the New White Alliance who jumped off the Roaring Whale King immediately afterward also showed shocked expressions - this one occupies almost more than half of the island, and a person standing in front of it is as small as an ant.

"Don't you realize that this fortress is a fortress that is easy to defend but difficult to attack?"

The hermit frowned, and said in a slightly dissatisfied tone: "If there is a trap, it may be difficult for us to break out."

"Jie Jie, you can rest assured!"

Niijima·Number One Dog Leg·Thigh Holder·Strong Identifier·Haruo approached the hermit with an arrogant look and shouted: "You have no idea how powerful Lord Lin Qiong is! A fortress of this level , there is no way to stop Lord Lin Qiong!!”

This guy perfectly interprets the words "the villain succeeds", "the fox pretends to be the tiger's power", and "arrogant and domineering".

"To shut up."

The hermit punched Niijima in the face without hesitation, then walked to Lin Qiong's side with his arms folded, and said, "If your confidence is that of Liang Shanbo, then I advise you to be careful—— I got news that there are at least five masters in this fortress."

"Five? I'm afraid there are more than that—well, don't be so nervous, take it easy."

Lin Qiong turned his head and glanced at the fortress, then reached out and patted the hermit on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Take this conference as a trip and enjoy it—as for the others? It doesn't matter, I will make a move."

"Papa papa papa—"

Haruno Niijima, who had just blocked his nosebleed with a tissue, appeared beside Lin Qiong with a flattering face, and exaggeratedly said: "As expected of Mr. Lin Qiong, the speech in this round is truly unparalleled in the world..."

Lin Qiong rubbed the bridge of his nose and said, "Come on, let's go!"

Kenichi came out of the cage, skillfully covered Haruo Niijima's mouth, and then dragged the struggling alien into the crowd of Xinbai Union, where he disappeared.

"Haha~ This person is so interesting~"

The auntie jokingly put her elbow on the young lady's waist, and said, "He can talk too much, I feel like I'm floating~"

The eldest lady squinted at her aunt, and said angrily: "If you go back to ancient times, you must be a stupid king! Then you will perish under the bewitching of a courtier like him."

"If I go back to ancient times, I won't be an emperor!"

The aunt put her hands on her hips, and said confidently: "I want to be a chivalrous woman who walks the world with a sword, heh heh heh!"

As she spoke, she waved the "Air Sword" twice, as if she was in a fierce battle with an invisible enemy, and the childishness of it made the eldest lady laugh.

Hermit: "..."

After Haruo Niijima was dragged away, he glanced at the nearby elders and others, and found that they didn't protest Lin Qiong's speech just now—what's the situation?Could it be that this person is really strong? ?

"Don't think too much, the boat will go straight when it reaches the bridge—"

Lin Qiong raised his hand and patted the hermit on the shoulder, then walked towards the gate of the fortress and said, "Let's go, let's see what scale of entertainment the organizer has prepared for us!"

The hermit looked at Lin Qiong's back and was silent for a few seconds. Finally, he gritted his teeth and followed along with everyone in Xinbai's alliance.


When the metal door with an uncomfortable shape - which looks like the gate of hell - was opened, Xinbai united with this group of impatient young people...


Accompanied by a strange cry that seemed to speed up the horsepower, Master Ma rushed to the tropical swimming pool facing the gate with his eyes shining, and then threw the two guards who came forward to stop him to the branch - all he could see in his eyes at this time was The group of young ladies with hot bodies in bikinis left in front of them.

Lin Qiong: "..."

I can't hold back anymore, why are you the most excited?

He sighed, then handed the invitation letter of the DD competition to the staff with a stiff smile beside him, and said, "I'm sorry, our invitation letter is here—"

"Uh... ok, ok."

The staff member wiped the cold sweat on his forehead with a handkerchief, then checked the invitation letter in his hand, and after confirming that it was correct, he handed it back to Lin Qiong with both hands, saying: "The confirmation has been completed! Next, please follow me to A room prepared for our distinguished guests."

"Kenichi, do you want to call your master back?"

Kazuki Takeda looked at Master Ma who was already obsessed with women, and couldn't help but whispered to Kenichi next to him, "I'm a little worried that he might be too excited and cause his blood vessels to burst."

"Forget it, let him have a good time."

Lin Qiong waved his hand, followed the waiter, walked towards the residential area, and said: "The others are the same, if you are interested in any facilities, just go and play!"

"Oh!" xN

At this moment, in the eyes of everyone in Xinbai United, Lin Qiong's back is so majestic and tall.

"Oh, by the way, remember to submit an [-]-word composition to me after you finish playing."

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