The next moment, that majestic and tall figure collapsed.

Chapter 0643 Not a Date

The fortress on the isolated island on the sea where the DD conference was held—officially called Death Fight Island—had a wealth of entertainment facilities and a wide variety of delicacies.

From pachinko to water parks to fighting arenas; from milk tea shops to fried chicken burgers to high-end western restaurants.

Everything is available.


"so boring--"

Lin Qiong lay lazily in the eldest lady's arms and said hummingly: "I'm so envious of the members of Xinbai United. They can happily enjoy the entertainment facilities here, hey."

Play pachinko?Who the hell would be interested in this thing?I might as well go to see the 121 billion high leg lift of the leather boat and then eat while listening to the screams of the horse fans around me!

Dine?Look at the young lady, sister-in-law and secretary behind me and say this again, okay?With the three of them here, none of the chefs on this island can do well, okay?

Auntie: "!"

After hearing Lin Qiong complaining about being bored, she who was lying in the wind speed dog's arms immediately stood up, crawled up to Lin Qiong with hands and feet, and said excitedly: "Then take me to the magic world? I think Look at those dragons you speak of—”

Lin Qiong: "..."

He turned around pretending not to hear, then rubbed the side of his face against the eldest lady's white thigh, and said hummingly: "I don't know why, but a mysterious sleepiness hit me..."

Auntie: "???"

She looked at Lin Qiong who was pretending to be asleep with a question mark on her face, puffing her mouth out of anger like a puffer fish.

"Master Alice—"

At this time, the secretary beckoned to the aunt from the side, then lowered his voice, and said carefully in the other's ear: "Have you forgotten, your magic weapon to deal with the young master?"

Lin Qiong: "..."

Secretary, oh secretary, why is your caring little padded jacket starting to grow barbs?Just wait for me, if I don't poke you seventeen times tonight, I'll trust you!

At this moment, the secretary, who didn't know that she would be pierced by the holy sword of justice tonight, was looking at the back of her sister-in-law with a face full of merit and fame, cheering for her from the bottom of her heart—come on! !Alice-sama, share the firepower with us!

"Aqiong~ Good Aqiong~~ Brother Aqiong~~"

The aunt gently pushed Lin Qiong's arm with both hands, and then coquettishly said in a sweet voice: "Take me there~ I want to see the dragon~ okay~~"

I can't stand it, I can't stand it at all!

"No wonder others say that a woman who can act like a baby is the best luck—"

Lin Qiong sat up helplessly in the smiling eyes of the eldest lady, then raised his hands and made a French military salute, and said, "Stop, stop! Stop shouting, I'll take you there Bar?"


The aunt suddenly burst from the ground with joy, and then couldn't wait to urge: "Then what are you waiting for!? Let's set off now!"

One more second of delay will mean one less second of fun later!

"Okay, right now."

Lin Qiong raised his hand to summon the world-transmitting gate, then looked at the eldest lady and the secretary, and asked, "Are you two going?"

"I'm not going."

The eldest lady blinked her eyes, clenched her fists at Lin Qiong with an ambiguous expression, and said, "Dating, please do your best!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

He raised his head speechlessly, looked at the ceiling of the bedroom, and couldn't help but sigh.

Forget it, just be happy.



Fairy Tail World.


"Oh oh oh, this is the world of magic!"

Standing on the city street, the aunt closed her eyes, opened her hands, took a deep breath, and said, "There is a very fragrant smell. Is this the smell of magic?"


Lin Qiong replied, "You should smell the smell of that restaurant."

"Dining room?"

Hearing this, the auntie opened her eyes, looked towards the restaurant named "8isLand" on the street, and murmured, "Is it a restaurant in the magic world?"

"Would you like to try it?"

Lin Qiong looked at the interested look on his sister-in-law's face and couldn't help but said: "But let me tell you in advance that the taste of this store may not satisfy you~"

Although my sister-in-law did not inherit the God's Tongue, she is still a direct descendant of the Nakiri family, and her taste buds cannot be satisfied by just any restaurant.

"Hmph! I'm not the kind of stupid, single-minded chef!"

The sister-in-law raised her chest with her hands on her hips and said with a proud look on her face: "Some foods are just about the atmosphere - such as the over-fried fried noodles at temple fairs that are soft, tasteless and have a burnt smell!"

"That's right, that's the truth."

Lin Qiong gave his aunt a thumbs up with a smile on his face, then turned his wrist, pointed in the direction of the restaurant with his thumb, and said, "Then let's go?"


The sister-in-law held Lin Qiong's hand, dragged him to the restaurant impatiently, and said, "Let me taste the delicacies of the magical world!"


After my sister-in-law opened the door to the restaurant, a maid with gray curly hair came up to her and said enthusiastically, "Are there two guests?"

"Yes, just the two of us."

Lin Qiong nodded, then glanced at the lobby where many people were already seated, and asked, "Is there any private room?"

"Yes! Come with me, please—"

The maid bowed slightly, then turned around, stretched out her right hand toward the stairs, and said, "The private room is on the second floor, please move."


Inside the box.

"This is the menu, the two of you can discuss it slowly."

The maid put the two menus on the table and said with a smile, "If you have any questions, you can ask me directly."

The aunt didn't look at the menu in front of her right away, but looked at the maid and asked directly, "Can you recommend some signature dishes of your restaurant?"

"As for the signature dishes, we recommend the grilled chicken with secret sauce and the rainbow pizza!"

With a standard business smile on her face, the maid said, "In addition, the two of you can also try this well-received couple's package!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

"Couple package?!"

The aunt's eyes lit up, then she looked at the maid with a smile, and asked, "Then serve the roast chicken, pizza and couple's set meal you just mentioned!"


The lady maid lowered her head and took a few notes, then looked at Lin Qiong and asked, "Does this gentleman need to add anything?"

"Well, add a fried rice and a potato bacon salad, then..."

Lin Qiong flipped through the menu and found that the couple's set meal comes with drinks, so he changed his tune and said, "Let's have another Black Forest cake."


After the young lady recorded the order content, she took away the menu on the table and said, "Two guests, please wait a moment, we will prepare delicious dishes for you right away—"

After finishing speaking, the young lady left the box and gently closed the door.

"Hehe, Aqiong, did you hear it?"

After seeing the two of them started to be alone, the aunt immediately looked at Lin Qiong in front of her with a smile, and said, "She said we are a couple!"

"After all, we don't look like brothers or sisters from the outside."

Lin Qiong calmly took a breath of lemonade, and then said: "In the relationship between colleagues and couples, it is very normal for her to call us couples in order to sell couple packages."

"Boo boo!"

When the aunt heard the words, she let out an angry voice, and complained: "Aqiong, you are really a motorcycle!"

"I'm sorry, I'm such a boring and cold man."

Lin Qiong put down the water glass calmly, showing a pure man's expression as firm as granite, and said, "I don't have any feelings!"

Sister-in-law: "Look at—"

She put her chin on the table, shook her head from side to side, and stared at Lin Qiong in front of her with a look of condemnation mixed with sorrow.

'The heart is as clear as ice, and the sky is not shocked. '

While reciting the mantra silently, Lin Qiong drank the lemonade in the glass carefully, thinking: "Show cute tactics, just like the prince's tactics, poor and weak!" '


It was obvious that both the eldest lady and the secretary were urging him to capture his aunt as soon as possible, and the aunt herself seemed to have some thoughts in this regard, but Lin Qiong felt that the rebellion in his body was secretly at work - how should I put it?I feel that if I easily obey the ideas of the eldest lady and the others, I will feel like I have won my life but lost my integrity.

That doesn't work.

Lin Qiong does not have the legendary treasure "Zero Hour Exercise" that can restore his moral integrity to the upper limit at zero o'clock every day, so he can only use it sparingly - at least it will fall slower, right?


At this moment, the door was pushed open again, and the maid came in pushing a small trolley, and said with a smile, "The two guests are bothering you!"

"Good guy, so fast?"

Lin Qiong looked up in surprise, and said, "It's only been a few minutes?"

Damn it, could it be some kind of routine where you heat a deli bag in the microwave?No, it seems the Fairy Tail world doesn’t have these things.

"The guest misunderstood, what is being prepared now is not the dishes of the two of you, but—"

The maid smiled slightly, then lifted the cloth covering the cart and said: "——The service provided by the couple's package."

Sister-in-law: "Oh~oh!!"

Red wine, roses, scented candles and a magic spar.

"Aqiong, look -"

The sister-in-law shook her upper body happily: "Candlelight dinner... Oh no, candlelight lunch!!"

Lin Qiong: "..."


He couldn't help grinning, wondering why this restaurant of yours is full of fancy things?Damn, if it wasn't for sure that the eldest lady stayed in the disciple world, he would definitely think that all this was planned by the other party, okay?

Do you want me to be your sister that much?.jpg!

Lin Qiong propped his chin up helplessly, and then watched as the maid was busy arranging the additional services of the couple's package - pouring red wine, arranging roses, lighting candles, and activating the magic spar.

In the sister-in-law's slightly surprised eyes, soothing and elegant music came from the spar, echoing in the slightly dim room illuminated only by candlelight.

Yes, romantic.

Chapter 0644 Not a Date


Lin Qiong put his hands in the pockets of his windbreaker, looked at Magnolia's slightly scorching afternoon sun with a look of sadness on his face, and said, "I've been manipulated again."

He originally planned to be a straight man of steel, not affected by the slightly ambiguous atmosphere of the candlelight lunch, use the fastest speed to finish the food in front of him, and then pat his ass and leave, but...

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