Igunya sank back into the magma expressionlessly, and said in a dead-like voice, "So why don't you hurry up and find another dragon? Don't bother me—"

He just wants to sleep well now, and then on the day of the three-year agreement, he will beat up Naz severely, and prove to Ignilu that he is the best.

Lin Qiong shook his head: "I don't think so."

Igunya clenched his fists: "Then what are you going to do?"

Lin Qiong thought for a few seconds, and said sincerely: "How about you call me dear uncle, and I will leave?"

Bullying the dragon too much! ! !

Ignatius jumped up from the magma and said sharply, "I want to show you what the power of a fucking dragon is!"

Chapter 0645 A Qiong beat up Diego

"Hey, so children in this rebellious period are really bad—"

Lin Qiong sighed and rubbed his shoulders, expressing the emotion of a middle-aged man, and said: "It was fine to have tattoos before, but now he dares to do something to his uncle, what a rebellious nephew!"

Behind him, the white-eyed Igonia was lying on his back in the magma pool, and had lost consciousness—by the way, he was knocked down by Lin Qiong's punch.

"Indeed! What a bad dragon!"

The auntie waved her right fist at Igna and said, "It's delicious and bad!"

If Igunya heard his sister-in-law's comments about him, he would probably be so angry that he vomited blood - from this point of view, it might be a good thing that he was knocked unconscious with a punch.

"Hey! Since the eldest nephew doesn't cooperate, I'll take you to find other dragons!"

Lin Qiong glanced at the unconscious Igunya, shook his head and sighed, "I remember that Mel (water dragon) also lives near here, let's go find him!"

"Hahaha, okay, I'll listen to you~"

The aunt let out a burst of happy laughter, then leaned forward, hugged Lin Qiong's shoulders affectionately, and said with a smile: "Let's go! Find the next dragon!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

Why are you hugging again! ?

Forget it, hug if you like!snort!



Death Fight Island.

Evening, seven o'clock.

"Erina, I'm back~"

The sister-in-law with a big bag in her hand came out of the world-transmitting gate cheerfully, and then said excitedly: "A Qiong bought me a lot of magic world props today! It's convenient and powerful—— Magic is amazing!"

Looking at the appearance of his sister-in-law, Lin Qiong always felt as if he saw some stupid thing who shouted "the power of science is so powerful"-the difference is that Citron's invention can explode, but magic props can't.

"Oh? It looks like your 'date' with Qiong went well~"

The eldest lady came over with a smile, took the paper bag handed over by her sister-in-law, and said, "Hey, Alisa, can I see what you bought?"

"Look at it, just look at it."

The aunt put another paper bag on the chair, then took out the contents one by one and put them on the table next to her, saying, "There is nothing shameful."

"Okay, that's what you said—"

The eldest lady walked over to her sister-in-law, put the paper bag on another chair, and together with her sister-in-law sorted out the strange magic props she had bought.

Lin Qiong: "..."

He shook his head dumbfounded, and said, "Is it true that a woman's nature is to go shopping?"


After half an hour.

When Lin Qiong brought the eldest lady, sister-in-law and secretary to the lobby on the first floor, he found that the masters of Liang Shanbo and the little guys of Xinbai United were already sitting in the rest area.

"Hey, everyone, have you been waiting for a long time?"

Lin Qiong raised his hand to greet everyone, and said cheerfully, "How was your afternoon?"

"Hahaha, it's so cool!"

Nigui Zhixu sat on the bench with a golden knife, and laughed arrogantly and said: "Aqiong, you don't know, the beer here is actually unlimited!!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

He opened his mouth, looked at Ni Gui Zhixu hesitantly, and said, "Master Ni Gui, why don't you just stay here and drink beer all afternoon?"

"How is it possible? I'm not a fool, how could I spend all my time drinking!?"

Ni Gui Zhixu glared at Lin Qiong, and then said confidently, "I even played Pachinko all afternoon!"

Everyone: "..."

No, what's the difference between you and drinking all afternoon?Oh no, from alcoholism to alcoholism and gambling, it's even more serious.

Ma Jianxing looked at Ni Gui Zhixu with a speechless expression, and complained: "Ni Gui, you are completely irresponsible!"

Ni Gui Zhixu: "?"

After he heard Master Ma's words, a big question mark popped up in his head, and he couldn't help but said: "You think I didn't see you hanging out with women all afternoon? After pinching the left and right, After pinching the breasts and pinching the butt?"


Master Ma, who was exposed, let out an awkward cough, and then said angrily: "What do you know! The old man is looking for news, do you understand? In ancient China, brothels and teahouses have always been the most popular The place!"

Lin Qiong: "Fuck (Chinese-Japanese bilingual)."

Don't tell me, there is a little truth in what Master Ma said.

"Oh? Looking for news?"

Ni Gui Zhixu looked at him and said, "Then tell me, what news did you find out!?"

Ma Jianxing: "..."

He pondered for a few seconds, and then said confidently: "The old man found out the measurements of 29 beauties!"

"Cut——" xN

The people who were waiting for him to reveal the information unanimously booed in disappointment.

"Spicy chicken!"



"Hey, hey, listen to the old man—"

Seeing everyone's evaluation of him, Ma Jianxing was anxious at the time, but just when he was about to explain...

"Thump, thump, thump, thump!"

With a blast of exciting music, the lights in the hall dimmed!At the same time, several conspicuous spotlights shone on the center of the stage.

"Everyone here, now I would like to invite Mr. Diego, the chief planner of this [DofD Conference], to say a few words to you."

The master of ceremonies' voice sounded through the loudspeaker in the hall, quickly attracting everyone's attention, "Please look to the stage ahead—"

However, Lin Qiong did not follow the master of ceremonies' instructions to look at the empty stage, but shifted his gaze to the corner of the hall.As he watched, a man wearing a wrestler's mask jumped up from there and landed in the center of the stage.

"Hey, ha!"

With a soft shout, Diego landed steadily on the stage, then handsomely smashed his right hand, and said loudly: "Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the Death Fight Island Apprentice Death Fight Conference! I am Your host, Diego!!"

"Oh oh oh--"

The guests below also gave applause and cheers very, very respectfully, and looking at Diego's expression, it was obvious that he was very useful.

Prosthetic eyes determine the truth, and firmly act as a performance personality!

After enjoying the lights, applause and cheers for a while, Diego pressed down his hand contentedly, and then said in a loud voice: "As you all know, this [DofD Conference] is organized by..."

Under the watchful eyes of many guests, Diego introduced the sponsors of a conference and the regulations of this conference—to put it bluntly, it is the classic KOF competition system, that is, as long as you are good enough, you can beat this competition by yourself. games.

"Tsk tsk, I have to say, YOMI's background is indeed a bit awesome."

Lin Qiong rubbed his chin, and muttered thoughtfully: "One shadow and nine punches plus one piece is ten masters, and if you count Bahuang Sin Blade and other masters, if you round it up, there might be some sycophants 20 people……"

What about the protagonist group?Counting Liang Shanbo and other scattered experts, there are about ten people, which is less than YOMI.

'So, YOMI lost to the Living Fist who had less than half the number of masters? '

Lin Qiong couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and couldn't help slandering in his heart: "Is this a bit embarrassing?" '

"... Huhahaha, next, please enjoy today's dinner to the fullest!"

At the end of his speech, after receiving enough attention, Diego put down the microphone in his hand contentedly, and then, amidst the exclamations of "Wow" from the guests, he jumped to a high place and disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Several masters, let me leave for a while—"

Lin Qiong glanced at the direction where Diego disappeared, looked at Misaki Yueji Qiuyu and the others with a smile, and said, "I'll go talk to that Diego."

"Although with your strength, we shouldn't need to say anything, but..."

Qiu Yu from the Jiaoyue Temple stepped forward, patted Lin Qiong's shoulder lightly, and said, "Be careful in everything! Don't be fooled by some shady tricks."

"Don't worry, Master Misakikoshi-"

Lin Qiong grinned, then patted his chest confidently, and said, "I can't guarantee it in other worlds, but in this world, no one can deceive me yet."

No one can, I said!


"Huhaha, huhahaha——"

Standing on the unoccupied balcony, Diego wore a face mask with a comfortable smile on his mouth, and said with anticipation, "I don't know what kind of performance you can bring to me in tomorrow's Deathmatch Conference?"

Lin Qiong, who was squatting on the roof, touched his chin and said, "How about a dozen or so beautiful ladies dancing in bikinis? It must be very visually impressive——"

Diego: "..."

He turned around slowly, looked at Lin Qiong who was squatting on the roof, and asked, "I don't know if your Excellency is—"

Although he still maintains a bright business-like smile on his face, under the cover of the mask, his eyes have become extremely serious - when did this person touch him?Why didn't he feel the slightest bit of abnormality?

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Lin Qiong."

Lin Qiong jumped down from the roof, landed in front of Diego silently, and said with a smile: "I came to see Mr. Diego this time because I have something very~very~important to think about. Discuss with you!"

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Diego Yangtian let out a series of hearty laughter, and then rushed towards Lin Qiong without warning, and said, "Then let me see your Excellency's skills!!"

In the world of martial arts, the size of your fist means how much power you have to speak!So the easiest way to get others to be honest and listen to you is...

"Mantis Fist!"

"Snake Step!"

"Scorpion Palm!"

"Flamingo dance moves!"

"Flying Hammer!"

"The cat landed!"

"Lobster claws!"

"And crows fly!"

Along with a series of crackling blows, Diego, who was wearing tights, fell to the ground with a "boom".


"Aqiong, beat up Diego!"

Chapter 0646 Have you taken it yet?

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