
Diego opened his eyes suddenly, then turned over and jumped up from the ground, looking vigilantly at the surrounding...uh...

Campfire? ?

Diego: "???"

He looked around in astonishment, and found that he was in the endless prairie, surrounded by people who were looking at the herdsmen's clothes.

"What, what's the situation?"

Diego stood up straight with some uncertainty, and murmured in a slightly dazed way: "I remember I wasn't..."

Wasn't he attacked by a strange guy, then beaten up, and finally lost consciousness?How could it appear on the prairie?

Could it be that I am dreaming! ?

That's it!

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Diego waved his right hand and said enthusiastically, "Since it's a dream, let Diego... vomit, cough, cough..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw that the person who beat him was walking towards him holding a leg of lamb, causing him to choke into the trachea with a mouthful of saliva, which caused a violent cough.

"How old are you, why are you so careless?"

Lin Qiong stretched out his hand to help Diego, who was tall and tall, calm down, and said, "Are you hungry? Do you want to eat roasted whole lamb?"

'Wh, when...'

When Diego felt the touch of Lin Qiong's right hand on his back, he felt goosebumps rising - he didn't realize when Lin Qiong appeared in front of him across the distance of more than ten meters. behind.


In desperation, Diego hurriedly turned around, jumped back, distanced himself from Lin Qiong, and then looked at him with a wary expression - there was nothing he could do about it, the pressure Lin Qiong put on him was a bit too great, causing him to even show his face. I can no longer maintain my business smile.

"No, I'm kind enough to give you the best of luck. What are you hiding from?"

Lin Qiong looked dissatisfied at Diego who was five meters away from him, and said, "Do you know that this is a treatment that even Alan has never enjoyed?"

Diego: "..."

He didn't know who Lin Qiong was talking about Ah Lan, he only knew that the man in front of him was amazing.

"Who the hell are you?"

Diego raised his hands in front of him, made a defensive parry posture, and said, "This is not Death Fight Island, is it?"

"When I first met you, didn't I tell you that my name was Lin Qiong?"

Lin Qiong innocently pointed to his face, and said: "Besides, this is indeed not Death Fight Island, but Mongolia—the food on Death Fight Island is too delicate to taste, so we come to Mongolia to eat Roast the whole lamb."


Diego was stunned for a moment, then raised his head to look at the starry sky with a dull look on his face, and said, "Could it be that I was in a coma for a day and a night?"

"That's not it."

Lin Qiong shook his head and replied, "You must have been unconscious for about 10 minutes in your senior year."

Diego: "?"

A question mark appeared on his head, and he said, "You mean, it took you four and 10 minutes to come to Mongolia from Death Fight Island? Do you think I'm a fool?"

"Please, what's the point of me lying to you about this kind of thing?"

Lin Qiong showed a dumbfounding expression, and said, "If you have a chance to check the date, can't it be enough? Can I ask the whole world to cooperate with me to move the date forward by one day?"

'Does it really make sense? '

The bewilderment in Diego's eyes was even better. He had screwed out his brains, and he didn't even want to understand how Lin Qiong moved him from Death Fight Island to Mongolia in just four to ten minutes. of.

"Oh, don't think so much, come, eat a leg of lamb—"

Lin Qiong handed the roast leg of lamb to Diego with enthusiasm, and said, "My girlfriend baked it for me, the most delicious roast leg of lamb in the world, okay?"

Diego: "..."

He was silent for a few seconds, then showed his iconic smile again, and said, "Hahahaha, then I'm not going to be polite—let me taste the most delicious roast leg of lamb in the world!"

He frankly took the roast leg of lamb in Lin Qiong's hand, then opened his mouth to bite off a large piece of meat, and began to chew.


The next moment, Diego felt a strong wind blowing across his face, making him feel as if he had turned into a cute little lamb, singing, dancing, rapping, and playing basketball with his friends in Yangcun.

"good to eat!"

Diego opened his eyes suddenly, and said from the bottom of his heart: "This cooking skill is the [expert level] in the cooking world! Hahahaha!"

"As long as you're satisfied—"

Lin Qiong smiled, then pointed in the direction of the bonfire with his thumb, and said, "Go and sit for a while? Then talk."


Diego used his teeth to tear off a piece of mutton again, and said generously: "Since I lost to you, I should listen to your arrangement!"

Lin Qiong gave him a thumbs up and said, "Okay! Refreshing! He's a good guy!"

"Hahaha, that's right!"

Diego laughed and raised his hands, saying his mantra: "I am a hero! This is the quality of Diego!"

Lin Qiong sat back by the bonfire with Diego in a daze, then picked up the wine barrel on the ground and handed it over, saying, "Try it? This is a rare good wine."

Although he doesn't drink.

"it is good!"

Diego took the wine barrel, lifted his head and drank a few swigs, then said with bright eyes: "Oh!! This wine, hahahaha, it's great!"

"What a fucking waste—"

Ni Gui Zhixu looked at the wet wine mark on Diego's chest, and couldn't help cursing: "Can you fucking save some drinking? Drink three sips and spill one, waste!"

Diego: "..."

He slowly put down the wine barrel, then took a bite of the meat, looked at Ni Gui Zhixu while chewing, and said, "Oh? Liang Shanbo!? In other words, you are from Liang Shanbo?"

Of course he asked Lin Qiong for this last sentence.

"Well, in terms of camp, I do belong to Liang Shanbo."

Lin Qiong touched his chin and said, "But what I'm going to talk to you has nothing to do with Liang Shanbo, it's my personal business."

"Hmph, you are the winner, so you have the right to order the loser! But..."

Diego threw the mutton leg bones aside, clapped his hands, stood up on his knees, and said, "I want to play again!"

He felt that he was too careless just now, if he had put up all his energy, he would definitely not be attacked by this young man who doesn't speak martial arts.


Lin Qiong swallowed the mutton roll into his stomach in two or three mouthfuls, then walked to the open space beside him, waved to Diego, and said, "No matter how many times you want to fight, I will accompany you—until you are convinced oral!"

"You're really confident—"

The smile on Diego's face is even better, but only those who are familiar with him know that he is now on the verge of rage, "Then let me show you, Diego's full strength!!"

After the words fell, he opened his hands and rushed towards Lin Qiong.


"Well, ah—"

The sister-in-law lying on the wind speed dog yawned lazily, and then asked with a groan: "Fei Shasha, how many times has that big man been knocked over?"

"Seventeen times."

The secretary glanced at Diego, who was easily thrown to the ground by Lin Qiong again, and said calmly: "Oh, it's the eighteenth time now."

The aunt smacked her lips and said, "You're really tenacious."


"Do you want to continue?"

Lin Qiong looked at Diego who was lying on the ground panting, and asked softly, "Your physical strength has already been exhausted, so if you continue to fight, you won't be able to exert your full strength, right?"

"Huh, just, even if I go all out, I'm not your opponent."

Diego gritted his teeth, looked at the starry sky in a daze, and murmured: "I just want to see clearly how you shot."

In fact, after being killed by Lin Qiong for the third time, he realized that he was no match for Lin Qiong, but he was unwilling to not be able to see clearly how Lin Qiong defeated him, so he challenged him again and again.


"Ah, a total failure!"

Diego opened his hands and feet, and laughed in relief: "Hahahaha! Liang Shanbo, you won!"

"Since I am the winner, then——"

Lin Qiong squatted in front of Diego, looked at him with a smile, and said, "Can we talk?"

"Just say what you want to say."

Diego sat up and said openly: "Do you want me to go to jail? Or let me live in seclusion?"


Lin Qiong shook his head and said, "I want you to take me to see you YOMI's One Shadow Nine Fist."

Diego: "..."

Every hair under his mask took the shape of a question mark, and he couldn't help but say, "Huh!? You, do you know what you're talking about?"

"I know."

Lin Qiong nodded his head, then raised his hand and turned his hair with a smile, and said: "The main reason is that I have very important things to do next and I don't have time to play with you slowly, so I am ready to cut through the mess quickly."

"Although I don't want to admit it, there is more than one person stronger than me in One Shadow Nine Punches."

Diego stood up, looked at Lin Qiong with a serious face, and said, "You can beat me, but it doesn't mean you can face Yiying Jiuquan at the same time."

"That's not your thing to worry about."

Lin Qiong patted Diego on the shoulder, smiled, and said, "You just need to abide by your agreement."

"Since this is what you asked for..."

Diego took a deep breath, then nodded, and said, "Okay! When the DofD conference is over, I will take you back to the meeting place."

"Very well, I like a straightforward guy like you!"

Lin Qiong nodded in satisfaction, then winked at Diego, and said, "Also, do you want to know how I moved from Death Fight Island to Mongolia?"

Diego: "..."

He twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Yes!"

"Then, let's play a game—you close your eyes and count down to sixty, and I will use the same method to transfer you back to Death Fight Island before the countdown ends."

Lin Qiong raised his finger with a smile and said: "If I fail to do it, my previous request will be invalid, but if I do it, you will call me boss from now on, how about it?"

"Hahahaha, what an interesting bet!!"

Diego showed a crazy expression, and he said loudly: "Okay! I bet! Let me see how you can move me from here to Death Fight Island within 60 seconds!!! "

Chapter 0647 The opening of the competition

Death Fight Island.


"Abba, abba aba—"

Diego sat on the balcony of the room prepared for him, raised his head, looked at the stars in the night sky with a dazed expression, and murmured: "How is this possible? How is this possible!?"

He has been in this state for an hour and a half, but he still wants to understand how Lin Qiong did it - the other party didn't even use 60 seconds, and he was told by Lin Qiong just after counting down to three : "Okay, it's here! You can open your eyes now."

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