Diego: "How is this possible? How is this possible!?"

I can't figure it out, I can't figure it out at all!


The next day, morning.

"oh oh--"

Lin Qiong, who was standing next to Kenyi, made a look-out gesture and said, "This is really an exaggerated scale!"

This is a huge arena-like arena, surrounded by densely divided boxes. Countless spectators are sitting in their boxes, watching with eyes full of enthusiasm and excitement. Competitors entering the arena.

"Why, why are there so many people!?"

Kenichi looked at the audience around him, couldn't help looking around in a panic, and said, "Where do these people come from?"

"Political figures from various countries, the rich, or the rich second generation who have nothing to do and come here to seek excitement..."

Nigui Zhixu held his head in his hands, clicked his tongue in displeasure, and said, "Anyway, it's something similar."

From the fact that he used the word "something" to describe these audiences, it can be seen how upset he is.

"Haha, Junior Brother, you must be nervous, right?"

Lin Qiong glanced at Kenichi, who had already begun to turn around, and joked: "Relax, relax! Just treat these audiences as dogs with human heads."

Everyone: "..."

Kenichi said speechlessly: "Hello, senior brother, a dog with a human head seems to be more perceptive, right?"

Lin Qiong said disapprovingly: "Then it's better to have a dog-headed person."

Everyone: "..."

Can't you say something about normal creatures?For example, Miss Hyena with two dicks, or Miss Salamander who can barbecue meat on her body, or Miss Slime who penetrates everywhere?

"If you still feel nervous, I'll teach you another way—"

Lin Qiong put his arms around Kenichi's shoulders with a smile, then leaned into his ear, and whispered: "Don't you want to perform well in this competition, let Meiyu see your handsome side, and then admire you ?"

Kenichi: "!"

His eyes became sharp in an instant, and then he fastened his belt with both hands, and said with high spirits: "Brother, let's go!"

A big question mark appeared on Mei Yu's head standing behind them, she moved to Lin Qiong's side curiously, and asked, "Brother Lin Qiong (after Missy's hard work, she finally changed her words), what did you say to Lin Qiong just now?" What did Kenichi say? Why is he not nervous all of a sudden?"

"I said, don't say it, don't say it—"

Lin Qiong chuckled, then followed Kenichi with Miha's dissatisfied eyes, and walked into the venue.

"what the hell--"

Meiyu puffed her mouth and muttered, "Brother Lin Qiong is too much! What the hell did he say!"

Masters who know the details because of their sensitive hearing: brackets laugh.


When all the participating teams stood on the competition field, the audience cheered loudly, which made the students of the Xinbai League show nervous expressions.

As for Missy and Sister-in-Law?Do you think chefs who come out of Yuanyue and have to hold food halberds under the eyes of everyone every now and then will be afraid of this kind of scene?

Kazuki Takeda said with a stiff expression: "Yeah, just a little bit bigger than the underground fighting arena, just a little bit, no, it's nothing special!"

Yu Xitian said grimly, "I, I didn't, I didn't feel nervous!"

Kenichi Shirahama: "Hey! Well, there are a lot of people!"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He glanced at Kenichi Shirahama who started to tremble again, and said with a speechless expression: "No, why are you cowardly again?"

Didn't I beat you up just now?

Jianyi looked at Lin Qiong weakly, and said, "Master, the main reason is that the sense of oppression outside and on the court is not at the same level at all..."

Lin Qiong looked at Kenichi who looked like a small animal surrounded by carnivores, sighed helplessly, and said, "Have you forgotten what I told you just now?"

Kenichi: "!

Ah, yes!

He is also planning to show himself well in this competition, so that Mei Yu will look at him with admiration!How can you be tense and retreat in such a place!

Cheer up, Kenichi!

"Ladies and gentlemen! Now, all the sixteen teams participating in the DofD conference have entered the venue!"

"Next, I would like to invite the chief planner of this conference, Mr. Diego Carlo, one of the One Shadow Nine Punches, to issue a declaration of opening—"

After the master of ceremonies finished speaking, Diego fell from the sky amidst a burst of "hahahahaha" laughter, and landed firmly on the stage.

"I am Diego!"

Diego waved his right hand boldly in front of him, and then said passionately: "I now officially announce that from this moment on, the Disciple Deathmatch Conference officially begins!!"


The audience cheered enthusiastically immediately, while Diego raised his right hand while the iron was hot, pointed to the sky with his index finger, and said loudly: "Then, don't talk nonsense! Just announce the teams participating in the first round. yes--"

"Because of its special nature, a certain country's special forces, the Black Squad, whose nationality cannot be disclosed!"

"The match is... Ouch!"

"It turned out to be a new white union formed by a group of high school students?"

"Oh, did I get the wrong entry list? No! No! That's what it says on the list—"

"Hahahaha, it's really a showdown that people are looking forward to!"

"Is it the special forces who defeated this group of high school students with an absolute advantage—?"

"Or did the high school students upset the special forces—?"

"Let us wait and see!!"


the other side.

Yu Xitian held his head with both hands, and let out a mournful voice: "Why are we the first battle!!"

Takeda Kazuki, who was training with imaginary enemies, said with a disapproving look on his face: "What's the difference if we go up earlier or later?"

Freya nodded, and said softly, "It'll be fine if I win."

"Jie Jie Jie, you are right -"

Haruo Niijima showed the evil expression unique to the villain, and said wildly: "Soldiers of the Xinbai Alliance, win the victory for my uncle... Poof!"

Nanjo Kisara withdrew his right foot, then rubbed the sole of his shoe on the ground with a look of disgust, as if he stepped on something unclean, and complained: "You guys don't talk, no one will treat you as dumb. "

Haruo Niijima curled up on the ground clutching his nose, and shed tears that belonged to the weak——but, damn it!When I hug Uncle Lin's thigh, I must let you all call me Niijima-sama one by one! !

"Okay, okay, stop playing tricks—"

Ni Gui Zhixu plucked his ears helplessly, and said, "Let's quickly decide on the first person to fight."

After he finished speaking, he only heard a voice coming from below: "I'll come -"

At this time, Ni Gui took a look, and a bald man emerged from the crowd... Ahem, a man with glasses.

"Water, Mizuma!?"

Looking at this almost role-playing role, captains such as Takeda, Ukita and Kisaro suddenly showed surprised expressions - they never thought that Minunuma, an ordinary member, would take the initiative to ask to fight.

"Everyone, I have a reason to fight!"

Mizunuma's eyes revealed an unprecedented will, "Please let me be the striker!"

"Ji Jie Jie! I agree—"

Haruo Niijima, one of the two leaders (Chi) of Xinbai United, waved his hand and said frantically: "Mizunuma! Come on!"


Mizunuma replied loudly, then turned around without hesitation, and faced the members of the special forces opposite as an ordinary high school student.


Looking at Mizunuma's back, the people of Xinbai United showed some complicated expressions - unexpectedly, could their courage be inferior to his?

Under the gaze of everyone, Mizunuma stepped onto the stage with firm eyes, thinking: "Master Yalan, I will definitely avenge you!" '

The reason why Mizunuma dared to play first is because his karate master—Alan Suling—was seriously injured in the genre hunting operation planned by YOMI, and has been in a coma ever since!Therefore, Swamp is bound to enter the final, and then defeat the members of YOMI to avenge Master Alan! !

Mizunuma is determined.

Mizunuma's courage is commendable.

Mizunuma's strength is a pity.

He lost.

The proud karate is vulnerable to the experienced special fighters, even if the sneak attack uses crotch kick attack, it can't turn defeat into victory.

"Bah, trash!"

The special member looked at Mizunuma who was being stepped on by him, spat on his face with a ferocious expression, then kicked Mizunuma in the stomach, kicked him out of the field, and faced Xinbai United He gave a thumbs up in the direction and mocked: "Who's next?"

"Oh oh oh oh! Player J of the black team launched a challenge to Xinbai United, and he is ready to continue fighting!!"

"Then, how will the Xinbai Union deal with it?"

"Let's wait and see!!"


Seeing this scene, the expressions of Xinbai and everyone suddenly became gloomy.

"Let me come next."

Kazuki Takeda glanced at Mizunuma who was being sent to the infirmary, then stepped on the edge of the competition platform, walked straight up to J, poked his chest with his hand, and said in a low voice: "Big man, I will let you You regret what you did just now!"

Player J: "?"

He touched his head, showing a blank expression: "What is this neon man talking about?"I can't understand Japanese! '

Chapter 0648 E·M·T!

The second round of battle begins!

"Big man, one blow, I will defeat you with one blow!"

After saying the harsh words, Takeda Kazuki confidently rushed towards the enemy with phantom-like steps, and then swung out his fierce...


The situation is not right!

Player J of the black team dodged Kazuki Takeda's attack with a blank face, and then swung his fists continuously, hitting Kazuki Takeda's face again and again, beating him so hard that he couldn't find his way.

Xinbai United: "..."

Nanjo Kisara covered her forehead: "What is this guy doing?"

Freya closed her eyes: "I will avenge him."

Ukita put his head in his hands: "No! Takeda!!"

"Stop! Stop!!"

Suddenly, Kazuki Takeda took a few steps back in a hurry, then stretched out his hands eagerly and made a stop gesture in front of him: "Wait a minute! I want to pause!!"

"Oh! Shinbai United's Takeda player called a timeout!"

"After seeing Takeda's movements, player J stopped his movements unconsciously!"

"So, what exactly will Takeda do?"

"Hoo, ho, it's true! Fortunately, I planned to act cool like in the comics and take this thing off at the last moment——"

Kazuki Takeda gasped for breath, then tore off his clothes, revealing the spring-filled straitjacket under the clothes, which made people's teeth ache: "But I seem to underestimate you!"

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