"Oh! What an unexpected development!!"

"I didn't expect, I didn't expect Takeda players from Xinbai United to wear high-intensity training equipment to compete on stage!"

"Hahahaha, he is really a natural entertainer, I like it very much!"

It seems that Diego admires a player like Kazuki Takeda who is good at creating program effects—after all, he is a program effect maker himself, and he often pretends to be defeated and then suddenly breaks out to win cheers Voice.

"Hmph, even if you take off that thing, you're still no match for me!"

Contestant J sneered, and then attacked Kazuki Takeda without hesitation, but Kazuki Takeda, who had unloaded his load, easily dodged his attack, and knocked him out with a cat-eyed Giant Frog Punch. up the stage.

The second battle is over!

Winner, Kazuki Takeda!


Something unexpected happened!

In this battle between the black team and the New White United, the winner was actually the New White United composed of a group of high school students!

This upset scene not only failed to lower the mood of the audience, but made their cheers even more enthusiastic - after all, this unexpected situation is more exciting than the clear battle situation, isn't it?

"Next, there will be the second game, and the contestants are—"

"Kaiyan Osugi of the Muay Thai Typhoon team!"


"Mysterious boy, I am X!"


When he saw the contestant named Woliu X, Kenichi, who was sitting in the audience, spit out at that moment, pointed at him and said, "That, that, that's the elder! That must be the elder!! "


Diego, who was sitting on the rostrum, showed a sunny and cheerful smile, and said, "The age I filled out on the registration form is 20 years old! Barely cross the line!"

"He doesn't look like he's 20 years old——"

Kenichi angrily pointed at me and said, "Are your eyes marbles!? Look at his beard, beard!!"

"Hmm, this is..."

I stroked my beard with tears and explained, "It's part of the mask!"

Kenichi knelt down on the ground and said with tears streaming down his face: "Liar, elder, you are a liar!!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

Why did Kenichi show such a big reaction to my Ryu X appearance?The answer is actually very simple.

Although Kenichi cheered up under Lin Qiong's encouragement, after watching the battle between the Black Team vs. Shinbai United and feeling the chilling atmosphere at the scene, he couldn't help becoming nervous again.

In order to relieve Kenichi's emotions, the elder called him out and told him that if Kenichi could win the championship in this conference, then the elder promised to let Meiyu associate with him.

If Lin Qiong's encouragement increased Jianyi's morale by 50 points, then the elder's temptation increased Jianyi's morale by [-] points.


um, but...


Kenichi squatted in the corner of the rest area, aggrieved and drew circles on the ground with his fingers, "Elder, liar, big liar!" '


Elder... I mean, the battle between I Liu He looks like a very young master who competed illegally!

"Boss, elder! My stream X player will retire after defeating a player who violated the rules, right, right?"

Kenichi sat beside the elder tremblingly, and asked obediently: "After all, this competition is only for young people, right?"

If the elder agrees, then there is still salvation!


"What nonsense are you talking about!? I'm an energetic 20-year-old boy! Of course I will aim for the championship and go all out for the competition!"

The elder shouted out his heart in a voice full of courage, then cut back to his amiable appearance, stroked his beard with a smile, and said, "I think that's what he thinks!"

Kenichi: "..."

He knelt down on the ground in despair, and then thought palely: "Is there anything more hopeless than this in this world?" '


"Next, the competition that will be held will be-"

"The Three Great Martial Arts Teams of the Celestial Dynasty—"


"Liangshan Park!"

Seeing the entry form, Ma Jianxing immediately showed a dignified expression, and reminded: "Jianzai! The three major martial arts they use should be Taijiquan, Baguazhang, and Xingyiquan! They are powerful enemies, so be careful."

"I see, Master Ma!"

Shirahama Kenichi tidied up his clothes, then stepped onto the stage with firm eyes, and said, "I will definitely win!"

"By the way, Jianzi! You know what?"

At this time, the elder suddenly clenched his fists and shouted angrily: "If you want to marry Meiyu, the most important condition is to defeat me!"

Shirahama Kenichi: "..."

He knelt down on the ground again, and said with tears streaming down his face: "So, is there anything more desperate than before?"

By the way, this game was won by Liang Shanbo, but Kenichi was also seriously injured and sent to the infirmary.


Game four.

Capolaye vs NY·SF team.

With one against five, Capolaye won with an absolute advantage—the opponents were all eliminated without even touching Capolaye's hand.

Game five.

Mongolian Sumo vs. Kushinabukai Karate Team.

The Mongolian sumo team sent only one player, easily defeated the Karate team and won the game.

"Next, it's the fifth match!!"

"The contestants are—"

"The Bodybuilding Five-"


"Team E.M.T—"


The moment she heard the team name, the young lady who was drinking rainbow juice spit out the juice, and then clutched her throat in embarrassment and let out a series of coughing sounds.

Auntie: "?"

She looked at the eldest lady with a question mark on her face, and asked, "Erina, what's wrong with you?"

"I, this..."

After the eldest lady regained her strength, she looked at Lin Qiong with a look of despair, and said tremblingly, "Qiong! It should be, maybe, maybe it might not be what I thought, right?"


Lin Qiong gave a thumbs up to the eldest lady and said, "That's what you think!"

"Oh! My! God!"

The eldest lady hugged her head with her hands and let out a wailing sound.

Auntie: "???"

The question marks on her head almost overwhelmed her: "No, Erina, what's going on!?"

"Lord Alice!"

The secretary at the side patted her on the shoulder and said excitedly, "Please read on quietly! The answer will be revealed soon!"

"Oh oh - wow!"

The aunt turned her head, but when she saw the secretary's attire at this time, she was shocked——

At this time, the secretary had already put on a support uniform with a gold background and embroidered purple patterns, a belt with "Erina's Own Life" written on his forehead, and a golden Call stick in both hands.

Looks like a rabid fan.

"Feishazi, you..."

Seeing this scene, the eldest lady showed a complicated expression, then she turned her head silently, showing a loveless expression, and murmured: "Tired, tired, this world will be destroyed."


"EMT team?"

The muscular man wearing only briefs looked at Lin Yuqiong, who was standing in front of him with a harmless appearance, and couldn't help asking strangely, "What kind of strange name is this?"

"Oh! Good question—"

Lin Qiong's eyes lit up, and then he raised his right hand.

"Since you asked the question sincerely—"

"Then I will answer you mercifully—"

"The true meaning of E·M·T is—"




"Oh oh oh oh! Master——"

The secretary below frantically waved the cheer stick in his hand, called Lin Qiong, and said, "Master Erina! It's really an angel!!!"

Sure enough, the young master still has my great EMT religion in his heart! !As the deputy leader, I will definitely cheer for him!

Liang Shanbo: "..."

Diego: "..."

Other contestants: "..."

Auntie: "..."

She turned her head silently, looked at the eldest lady who was covering her face with her hands, curled up in a corner, her ears were red, she couldn't help opening her mouth, and said, "Uh, that, Erina, you, you guys are playing very well!" big……"

"do not talk!"

The eldest lady made a voice of shame and indignation, "Alice, I advise you as someone who has experienced it, you'd better be mentally prepared, otherwise..."

Alice: "..."

She seemed to have thought of something, and couldn't help swallowing——Yes, there shouldn't be any "A·M·T"! ?No way!No way! ! !

So, the two sisters squatted in the corner together and fell into autism.

Chapter 0649 I like to reason with you

"Are you here to be funny?"

After seeing Lin Qiong's performance, the pioneer of the bodybuilding five-member group couldn't help laughing: "Then congratulations, you succeeded—the audience laughed at you~"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He looked at the bodybuilder in front of him, and said with a puzzled look: "Is there a possibility that they are laughing at you?"

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