
A question mark popped up in his head and said, "Huh? Do you know what you're talking about?"

"Did I say something wrong? These viewers have no reason to laugh at me -"

Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips, and his attitude was called a righteous one, that was called a righteous speech, and that was called a full of confidence.

"Isn't Erina cute?"

"The eldest lady is so cute——"

"Isn't Erina an angel?"

"Missy is an angel—"

"Isn't Erina great at Nadeshiko?"

"Miss Tetsuyama and Nadeko—"


Lin Qiong's voice became even more arrogant, "Everyone's eyes are sharp! My Erina is the cutest angel in the world!"



He glanced at the secretary who was crazily calling on the sidelines, and said angrily: "She was the only one who responded to you from the beginning to the end!?"

"What did you say!?"

Lin Qiong also showed an angry expression. He looked fiercely at the other contestants and said, "My Erina is not cute!!"

Under the pressure, the members of Xinbai United raised their hands in embarrassment——

Takeda Kazuki: "Well, yes, cute!"

Nanjo Kisara: "I, I think it's cute!"

Haruo Niijima: "Miss Erina is the cutest in the world! She is simply a goddess, the embodiment of beauty!!"

Several people in Liangshanbo cheered excitedly——

Apacha: "Miss Erina, super cute! Apacha! Apacha!"

Shigure: "Erina is so cute...lovable!"

Miu: "Yeah! Erina-nee is really cute!"

As followers, the Tanaka couple responded with a face-saving response——

Mr. Tanaka: "Miss Erina is indeed a genius!"

Mrs. Tanaka: "Miss Erina is beautiful and kind! She is indeed an angel!!"

"Do you see it?"

Lin Qiong looked at Pioneer with his head held high, then pointed to his companion behind him with his thumb, and said, "Everyone is very supportive of me?"


He opened his hands suddenly, and roared like a furious bear: "Are you fooling me? These people seem to be your companions!!"

"Tsk, why are you so stubborn and troublesome?"

Lin Qiong glanced at Pioneer impatiently, then rolled up his sleeves and said, "Today I have to let you admit that Erina is very cute - I like to convince people with reasoning! "

"Huh? Are you out of your mind?"

Pioneer showed a sinister smile, then rushed towards Lin Qiong, and shouted: "This is a place for fighting, and there is no chance for you to reason!!"

Fucking bear power! !


Lin Qiong poked forward with his right hand like a poisonous snake, and poked Pioneer's throat precisely and gracefully with his fingers. The just right impact caused Pioneer to fall to the ground on the spot, and then covered his throat with both hands, screaming and retching in pain: " Ugh, cough, cough, cough—”

Painful, too painful.

"Who said I'm going to be reasonable?"

Lin Qiong stepped on Pioneer's chest, then looked down at him, waved his right fist, and said, "What I want to tell you is physics!"


Damn, who is a good person who convinces people with reason, not reason, but physics? ?

He raised his fists angrily, smashed Lin Qiong's calf again and again, and roared, "Get out of the way... ouch!"

As a result, after several punches, not only did Lin Qiong's legs not be smashed open, but his own hands were so painful that he screamed—how could there be such hard legs?Harder than other people's pancakes!

"I ask you--"

Lin Qiong looked at the grinning Pioneer, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Isn't Erina cute?"


Is this person fucking sick? ?

Pioneer was struggling on the ground, but his strength was too small compared to Lin Qiong, making him look like a kingpin with all four feet in the sky.

"I only give you three seconds to consider—"

Lin Qiong snorted coldly and said: "If you don't give me a satisfactory answer, then I will move to another place!"

Step on another place?

Xianfeng was taken aback. He was about to ask Lin Qiong what he meant when he saw the other party looking at his crotch...

Wait, step on it somewhere else, the crotch! ?

I am!

Pioneer subconsciously clamped his legs, and hurriedly said: "Cute, cute! Your girlfriend is the cutest in the world, and your girlfriend is an angel!!"

"very good!"

Lin Qiong nodded in satisfaction, and after throwing it out of the field, he hooked his fingers towards the bodybuilding five and said, "Who is the sub-forward? Let's talk about physics!"

Second forward: "..."

What, what to do! ?

He doesn't think he has the ability to defeat Lin Qiong, what to do, what to do, what to do! ?


At this time, the backbone reached out and patted him on the shoulder, and said in a low voice: "It doesn't matter if you can't defeat him! The purpose of you, me and the deputy general is to support for as long as possible, so that the general can learn more about his strength! "

"I understand!"

The secondary forward understood that he, the backbone and the deputy general were all "abandoned", "I will do my best to force him to use more strength!"

11 seconds later.

"Your girlfriend is an angel!!!"

Backbone: "Damn it! Did the sub-forward also lose? Leave it to me!"

12 seconds later.

"Your girlfriend is the cutest in the world!!"

Lieutenant General: "Damn it! Did the backbone also lose? Now it's my turn!"

13 seconds later.

"Your girlfriend is the cutest angel in the world!"

General: "Everyone! Thank you for your efforts. I have seen through his strength!"

15 seconds later.

"Your girlfriend is the cutest super angel in the world!"

The other four people: "Whoa, whoa, general!!"


"Easy to do!"

Lin Qiong patted the dust on his hands, then sat on the chair swaggeringly, and said with a look of embarrassment: "Did you see it? Feisako, this is the charm of Erina! Even our opponents admit it!"

Ukita: "..."

Isn't this really a trick?

"As expected of the young master! As expected of the leader of my Great EMT God Sect!"

The secretary looked at Lin Qiong with tears in his eyes, and choked up: "Ben, I am Feisha, and I will follow the young master all my life and contribute to the EMT religion!!"


Lin Qiong nodded gracefully, then turned around to look at the other people behind him, and asked with a smile: "Is there anyone who wants to join my Great EMT God Sect? Now, if you join the Sect, you will also get a gift package worth 4888 for joining the Sect." share!"

Feng Wang, who just fell back on Lin Qiong's head: "..."

No, you put it here for a mobile game server opening spree, right?

"I, I, I, I join—"

Niijima Haruo knelt down in front of Lin Qiong without hesitation, then raised his hands high, and said loudly with a pious attitude as if singing a hymn: "Master Erina is really an angel!"

"very good!"

Lin Qiong stretched out his right hand and patted Niijima Haruo on the shoulder, saying, "Jie Jie! I will give you a big gift!"

"As expected of Master Lin Qiong—"

Niijima Haruo's expression became distorted. He rubbed his hands flatteringly, and flattering words flowed out of his mouth as if they were free: "I knew from the first time I saw Lin Qiong-sama, Lin Qiong-sama. My lord must be a dragon among men, and only Lord Lin Qiong is worthy of an angel like Lord Erina..."

"Shut up, ahhhhh-"

The eldest lady stood up with a blushing face, then walked over aggressively, and said angrily, "I didn't make a sound just now, but you are getting more and more energetic, right? Let me tell you... um!"

The next moment, she was held in Lin Qiong's arms, and her high momentum instantly collapsed.

Today's victory or defeat, the eldest lady's defeat - was instantly defeated by Lin Qiong's loving embrace.

Onlookers: 'Okay, that's amazing! '


That night.


"Oh oh oh-"

Accompanied by the exclamation of everyone, the wounds on Kenichi and Mizunuma disappeared visibly.

"This, this is the magic potion from another world..."

Gu Benxia looked at the empty test tube in Lin Qiong's hands with fiery eyes, and murmured: "If there is such a potion, no matter what level of training you undergo, you don't have to worry about hurting yourself."

"It's called a panacea—a panacea."

Lin Qiong lightly tossed the test tube in his hand, and said with a smile: "It is an almost omnipotent potion that heals injuries, restores physical strength, removes toxins, and replenishes energy."

"No matter how many times I see it, people can't help feeling its magic."

Master Misaki Yueji reached out and took the empty test tube in Lin Qiong's hand, then looked at it with emotion, and said, "If it wasn't for it, Kenichi would have died more than ten times, right?"

Kenichi: "..."

tears flowed down

Who knows the family members!Brother, I have only been in this world for three or four days, and I ended up using ten panaceas!Really down!

"Mr. from another world——"

The hermit Gu Benxia walked in front of Lin Qiong, bent down with a serious face, and said, "Can you sell me part of this potion? I will give you a satisfactory reward——"

As a big entrepreneur, Gu Benxia lacks everything, except money - for him, things that can be solved with money are not a problem at all, they are called customs clearance cheats!

"Little brother, I'm not interested in money."

Under the eyes of everyone in Xinbai United, Lin Qiong threw a few gold bricks on the table, and said with a smile on his face, "If you want to impress me, you should change a chip."

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