Hermit: "..."

Chapter 0650

Hermit: "..."

He glanced at the gold bricks on the table, and began to calculate in his mind——


'The density of gold is 19.32g/cm^3, which means that each gold brick weighs about 28000 grams. '

"The gold recovery price in the market is 8400 yen/gram, so the price of each gold brick is..."

'2.3 million yen! '

After calculating this number, the corner of the hermit's mouth twitched slightly - because what Lin Qiong took out was not one gold brick, but four identical gold bricks!In other words, there are about 10 billion yen on this table now.

"This, this is fake..."

Looking at the gold bricks on the table, Takeda Kazuki couldn't help swallowing, and stammered, "No, it can't be true, right? Otherwise, so much gold, I'm afraid it would cost tens of millions of yen." ?”

"Idiot! How could the things that Lord Lin Qiong brought out be fake!?"

Angrily, Haruo Niijima slapped Kazuki Takeda on the back of the head with a paper fan, and hurriedly said: "And the value of these gold bricks is not tens of millions of yen, but one billion!!"

"One billion!?"xN

Accompanied by a burst of exclamation, members of Xinbai United and even Liang Shanbo couldn't help but focus on the four gold bricks randomly placed on the table.

Billion! ?

Just, just these four items are worth one billion! ?

"A billion, a billion..."

Meiyu looked straight at the gold bricks, quickly counted with her fingers: "Liang Shanbo's monthly living expenses are about [family privacy], if one billion... hiss..."

Not enough flowers, not enough flowers at all!

Let alone one billion, even if it is only one hundred million, Mei Yu can stop worrying about Liang Shanbo's finances for the rest of her life!

"Do you want it? If Meiyu wants it, it's not like I can't give it to you..."

Lin Qiong glanced at Meiyu, who was almost drooling, and said with a smirk, "How about this? On the day Meiyu gets married, I'll give you a gold brick like this, how about it?"

"Knot, get married!?" x2

Miha and Kenichi exclaimed in unison, the two immediately looked at each other, and then looked away shyly with the same face.

Sour, the single dogs around are sour.

"Hey, I'm waiting to drink your wedding wine—"

After Lin Qiong joked about the immature couple, he turned to look at the hermit, and said with a smile, "You can go back and think about what price you can pay."

Hermit: "..."

He nodded silently, and then under Kenichi's slightly worried gaze, he jumped down from the window and disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Okay! Everyone—"

Lin Qiong patted his hand lightly, and said with a smile: "It's getting late, go back and rest early! There's still a match tomorrow—"

"Yes——" xN


Squirting trick night


The next day.

The first match of the second day was also the seventh round of the preliminary competition. The two contestants were——

Nanquan team vs Gemini team.

The Gemini team defeated the Nanquan team very easily, and even the siblings were not hurt.

Immediately afterwards, came the second game, which was also the last round of the preliminary round.

Ancient Boxing Wrestling Team vs Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Team!

But, before we get started, let's shift the lens a bit.


"Humph, you are indeed here -"

After defeating the guard, the hermit looked at the figure leaning on the stone pillar, grinned with a nervous smile in surprise, and said, "Caravan Moon!"

Ma Qiangyue, a boxing hero and ghost, is the elder brother of Master Ma (Ma Jianxing). He is good at steel boxing in Chinese boxing and is also the master of the hermit.


Ma Qiangyue snorted softly, then hooked her finger towards the hermit, and said, "Come."


The next moment, the hermit attacked Ma Qiangyue without hesitation, but before he could make a few moves, Ma Qiangyue pinched his wrist with his left index finger and middle finger, preventing him from advancing an inch.

"Heh, it seems that during the period of separation, you have exercised well--"

Feeling the difference in strength between the hermit and the last time they parted, Ma Qiangyue couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth slightly, and said softly, "It didn't disappoint me."


The hermit snorted softly, then broke free of Ma Qiangyue's fingers, gently moved his wrist, and said: "Ma Qiangyue, I have something very important to tell you."

"A very important thing?"

Ma Qiangyue sat on the chair, then put her feet on the table, took a sip of wine from the wine gourd, and said lazily: "Tell me, what is it?"

"You might not believe it, but—"

The hermit took a deep breath and said, "On the way to Death Fight Island, I met people from another world."

Horse Gun Moon: "..."

He put down his wine gourd with a speechless face, then looked at the hermit in astonishment, and said, "Are you... stupid?"

People from another world?Why don't you say that you met people from other worlds who traveled to the heavens and worlds, talked and laughed happily with the creator god, and had a halo of being funny?

A good student has become a fool now?

"If I'm a fool—"

The hermit leaned against the wall beside him calmly, and said, "Then your younger brother—Ma Jianxing—and all the experts in Liangshanbo are all fools."

Horse Gun Moon: "???"

He couldn't calm down.

Ma Qiangyue sat up straight, then put the wine gourd on the table, folded her hands on her chest, and said with sharp eyes: "Details."

There was a smile on the corner of the hermit's mouth, and he said softly: "The first time I saw him was when..."

He simply said everything he had seen and heard along the way, and gave Ma Qiangyue a wave of shock from another world.

"A whale that is tens of meters long and can freeze the sea surface is contained in a ball the size of a fist?"

"Take a dozen people and move from Death Fight Island to Mongolia to eat roasted whole lamb?"

"Pharmaceuticals that can repair injuries, restore physical strength, remove toxins, and replenish energy?"

Ma Qiangyue was silent for a few seconds, then stood up from the chair, and said, "This kind of good thing, you can't let that guy (referring to Ma Jianxing) monopolize it—go away."

"Yes, master—"

A smile appeared on the corner of the hermit's mouth, and he followed Ma Qianyue and walked towards the field.


The camera pulls back.

"Oh! The surprising one-sided battle is happening again!"

"Facing the attack of the ancient boxing wrestling team, the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu team has no way to resist!"

"Members fell one by one!"


The people on the sidelines looked at the members of the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu team covered in blood on the stretcher, and couldn't help showing shocking expressions.

Xinbai United Zabing A said with a look of disbelief: "Isn't this too powerful?"

Xinbai United Miscellaneous Bing B nodded blankly and said, "It's completely one-sided."

"Although that's the case, but... they feel so strange."

Kenichi frowned, showing a puzzled expression, and murmured: "It's obviously a perfect cooperation, but it doesn't feel calm or harmonious at all. Instead, there is a kind of..."

As if being chased by something, full of urgency.

"Senior brother-"

Seeing Jianyi's appearance, Lin Qiong couldn't help reminding slowly: "I'm thinking, do you still have the mood to think about other things?"

Kenichi: "Huh?"

"Jianzi, come on."

Ma Jianxing patted Jianyi's shoulder, and said with a deep expression, "The old man will pray for you."

Kenichi: "Huh?"

"Kenichi, don't die!"

Apacha looked at Kenichi innocently, and encouraged him, "Kenichi will definitely survive!"

Kenichi: "Ehhh?"

He looked at the attitude of the crowd, showing a somewhat uneasy expression: "No, you, don't scare me! What happened??"

"The opponent for the next match appeared—"

Lin Qiong raised his finger and pointed to the big screen not far away, and said, "Are you ready? I'm going to beat you."

Kenichi: "..."

He turned to look at the big screen with a desperate look on his face, looking at the particularly conspicuous thing on it——

Liangshanbo vs Woliu X

——In the picture, he said in a broken voice: "This, is this moment finally here!!"

The opponent is an elder! !


"Lin, Master Lin Qiong—"

Haruo Niijima approached Lin Qiong, and said cautiously, "Long...ahem, I'm an X player, so I don't think I'm really going to use my full strength... right?"

"what are you thinking about?"

Lin Qiong waved his left hand dumbfounded, and said: "If the elder uses all his strength, he will definitely be the ceiling of force in this world. Who is his opponent?"

Not to mention Kenichi and Meiyu, I'm afraid that all the masters in Liangshanbo were bound together, and Diego and Ma Qianyue on the island were not his opponents.

Do you understand the gold content of one disciple of Ji Guoyuan?

Haruo Niijima breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's good, then... Puff!!"

Before he could finish his sentence, he saw the scene where the elder directly threw Kenichi and Miha into the air with a straight punch.

Niijima Haruo: "..."

He looked at Lin Qiong with a stiff expression.

"What are you looking at me for? The elder really didn't use his full strength—"

Lin Qiong tilted his head, and said with a strange expression: "You don't think that if the elder doesn't use all his strength, Kenichi is his opponent?"

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