One percent of 100 million is still [-] million.

A hundred percent of one hundred is nothing more than a hundred.

"Isn't that the end!?"

Haruo Niijima put his hands on his hair and let out a mournful cry, "How could Kenichi be the elder's opponent!?"

"Don't be nervous! The elders won't do such things as deliberately participating in young people's competitions and then abusing vegetables."

Misaki Koshiji Qiuyu stroked his beard with a smile, and comforted him: "This battle is a [test] given to Kenichi and Miu by the elders——as long as they can break through in this battle, the elders will abstain." .”

Chapter 0651 No Chinese can refuse the temptation to eat melon seeds.

As Master Misaki Yueji said, this duel is an assessment for the elders, so he used one of the [-] secret skills of the invincible superman...

[0.0002% KUMITE]!

He closed his eyes, increased his attack range, slowed his heart and lung function, and reduced his mobility, so that his combat effectiveness plummeted, but even so, he was still the strongest creature (in the disciple world) participating in this conference .

say it one more time.

Do you understand the gold content of one disciple of Ji Guoyuan (tactical retreat.jpg.

"It's so miserable—"

Lin Qiong was holding a handful of melon seeds in his hand, and while eating, he said in a gloating voice: "Junior brother, the road for you to marry Meiyu is really difficult."

"Hey, there are still melon seeds? Hurry up, Qiongzi, give the old man a handful—"

Ma Jianxing's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly sat next to Lin Qiong, rubbed his palms on his clothes, and said, "Hey, I haven't eaten melon seeds for a long time since I came to Japan!"


Lin Qiong took out a handful to Master Ma and said, "This is Asagi's melon seeds made from creamy sunflower seeds, and its taste is definitely master class!"

"oh oh!?"

Hearing this, Ma Jianxing picked up a melon seed and stuffed it into his mouth. With a "click", the melon seeds had already entered his mouth—the next moment, the sweet but not greasy creamy taste accompanied by the fragrance of oil The bloom in his mouth made Ma Jianxing involuntarily show an expression as if he was in heaven.

So, so, so delicious⑧!It is simply the sound of nature!Shall we eat together?Let's be school idiots together!

"The old man has lived most of his life, and he has never eaten such delicious melon seeds..."

Ma Jianxing opened his eyes, looked at the melon seeds in his hand, and said delicately: "This can already be called a work of art, right?"

"Huh? Is it as exaggerated as you said?"

Ni Gui Zhixu sat beside Ma Jianxing curiously, stretched out his right hand and said, "Give me a taste."

Ma Jianxing glanced at Ni Gui Zhixu, grabbed some melon seeds and put them in his palm, and said, "Peel it yourself."

Ni Gui Zhixu: "?"

He looked at the solitary melon seed in his palm, and couldn't help but said, "Just give me one?"

"Try it first and wait until you think it tastes good..."

Ma Jianxing ate another melon seed, and then added the second half of the sentence: "I want to find Qiongzi again!"

Don't take mine.

Ni Gui Zhixu: "..."

He couldn't help but rolled his eyes, then peeled off the skin of the melon seeds with his fingers, and threw the melon seeds into his mouth.


Ni Gui's eyes lit up, and he stretched out his right hand towards Lin Qiong without hesitation, and said, "Xiao Qiong, give me some too!"

Seeing this, Qiu Yu of Misty Yueji stretched out her right hand silently, and said, "Me too."

Members of Xinbai United: "..."

They looked at the big bosses who were sitting on chairs and eating melon seeds, and then looked at Kenichi and Miha who were being beaten by the elders, sweating visible to the naked eye.

Kenichi, be strong, don't cry!


On the other side, in the player channel.

Ma Qiangyue propped her hands on the railing, looked at Lin Qiong who was sitting on the contestant's bench with her legs crossed and eating melon seeds, and said, "Is that the one?"


The hermit nodded, and he said softly: "Don't look at him as harmless to humans and animals, but he is as strong as a monster - the smiling steel fist can't withstand the second move in front of him."


Ma Qiangyue couldn't help raising her eyebrows, then raised the wine gourd and took a sip of the wine, muttering: "That's really amazing——"

"What's great?"

Lin Qiong stood behind Ma Qiangyue and asked strangely, "What are you talking about?"

Horse Gun Moon & Hermit: "!"

The eyes of the two shrank suddenly, then turned their heads stiffly, and looked at Lin Qiong standing behind them.

'when? '

Ma Qiangyue glanced at the direction of the players' seats out of the corner of his eye, and was shocked to find that Lin Qiong's figure on the chair was gradually becoming transparent—he not only pulled the corner of his eye, but thought: "Afterimage!" ? '


He didn't take his eyes off Lin Qiong from the beginning to the end just now, but the other party actually left an afterimage under his eyelids, and then appeared behind him? ?

Is this reasonable?It doesn't make sense at all.

"However, when he thinks that he can teleport from Death Fight Island to Mongolia, he suddenly feels that this behavior is not exaggerated at all—"

Ma Qiangyue couldn't help but raised her hand and rubbed the bridge of her nose, and said, "We're talking about you—a person from another world."


Lin Qiong nodded suddenly, then said with a smile: "Since you are talking about me..."

The next moment, the surrounding scenery changed.


"...Then let's talk about it."

Lin Qiong sat back on the chair, then pouted his mouth at Ma Qiangyue, who had a somewhat astonished expression, and said, "Sit down, you're welcome."


Master Ma, who was eating sunflower seeds, saw the horse gun moon suddenly appearing in front of him. He choked the sunflower seeds in his trachea in fright, and coughed several times before he coughed them out, "Old, brother!? You, what are you doing?" Will be here!?"

"Oh, he was staring at me just now, so I brought him here by the way."

Lin Qiong grabbed a handful of melon seeds, then reached out to Caravan Moon, and asked, "Do you want to eat melon seeds?"

Horse Gun Moon: "..."

He was silent for a few seconds, and then in the eyes of the hermit who was about to pop out his eyes, he stretched out his right hand and said, "Then have some."

"Don't be surprised."

Qiuyu Misaki Yueji stroked his mustache, and said calmly: "There is no Chinese who can refuse the temptation to eat melon seeds."

Especially the taste of this melon seed is so delicious.

Hermit: "..."

I don't understand, but I'm shocked.

"If I'm not wrong, the hermit should have told you about me, right?"

Lin Qiong glanced at the elder who was teaching Jianyi [Quiet Martial Arts Upanishness·Flowing Water Conquering Circle], and then turned his attention to Caravan Moon and Hermit, and said, "Then, one shadow with nine fists Mr. Moon, boxing giant, ghost and horse gun, what do you want to talk to me about?"

"One shadow, nine punches!?" xN

Hearing Lin Qiong's address to Ma Qiangyue, everyone present (the masters and Xinbai Lianhe) suddenly showed astonished expressions, and focused their eyes on Ma Qiangyue.


Ma Jianxing put down the melon seeds in his hand, looked at his brother seriously, and said, "Is what Qiong Zai said true? You joined One Shadow Nine Fist..."

"Hey! You got it a little wrong!"

Ma Qiangyue chuckled lightly, then sat down on the chair gracefully, and said, "I didn't 'join' One Shadow Nine Fist, but 'originally' One Shadow Nine Fist."


Ma Jianxing stood up from his seat, then pressed the hat on his head with his hands, looked at Ma Qiangyue with a serious face, and said, "Is this true?"

"Stop asking such silly questions—"

Ma Qiangyue crushed the skin of the melon seeds with her thumb and forefinger, and flicked her middle finger lightly, and popped the melon seeds into her mouth, "It will only make me doubt your IQ—hmm! The melon seeds taste so good."

Ma Jianxing: "..."

He sighed, then sat back on the chair, casually chewed a melon seed, and complained: "Brother, your method of eating melon seeds will never win the soul."

"Hey, what soul do you want?"

Ma Qiangyue sneered, and used the same method to pop the melon seeds into her mouth, saying: "I'm happy to eat like this, and if you don't accept it, you will hit me?"

It's hard, Ma Jianxing's fist is hard.

"Okay, okay, stop bickering, you two brothers."

Lin Qiong waved his hands helplessly, then turned around, looked at Ma Qiangyue, and said, "Let's begin."

Ma Qiangyue squinted her eyes and thought for a few seconds, then said, "I can withdraw from Yiying Jiuquan and become your thug."

The so-called thugs are nothing more than a simple employment relationship - there is no so-called loyalty, it is just an exchange of benefits.

"A thug?"

Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows, propped his side face with his right hand, and said with a light smile, "For the time being, regardless of whether this condition is tempting to me—let's talk about what you are going to use in exchange."

"The potion in your hand."

Ma Qiangyue looked at Lin Qiong, and said with burning eyes: "If I have that potion, I can practice martial arts without any worries!"

Why in ancient times only rich disciples were qualified to practice martial arts?Naturally, it is because in addition to eating a lot of meat to supplement energy and protein for martial arts training, it is also necessary to use expensive medicinal baths to repair the body's wear and tear.

Obviously, Lin Qiong's panacea is much better than these things!If there is such a thing, Ma Qiangyue can completely practice the forbidden moves that will hurt the body-do you understand the gold content of a meteor plus fairy beans?

"Oh? Are you satisfied with the medicine?"

Lin Qiong looked at Ma Qianyue in front of him, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said frivolously, "Don't you know? I once traveled a world..."

He briefly explained the basic background of the earth fault world to everyone present, which made everyone excited——

grass!An epic drama of gods and heroes!

grass!God and man dance together!

Fuck!It's on fire!

"...It just so happens that I have a very good relationship with Takeyu Lei Shen in your Japanese mythology."

Lin Qiong gracefully pressed his right leg on his left leg, then raised his right hand, gently shook his palm upwards, and said, "Perhaps Jian Yulei, who is the 'War God', can teach you martial arts in person."

Everyone: "!!!"

Hearing this news, even Qiuyu Misaki Yueji couldn't calm down.

"Is this true?"

Ma Qiangyue stood up, looked at Lin Qiong with fiery eyes, and said, "Can you let the Valkyrie teach me personally?"

"It depends on your sincerity."

Lin Qiong chuckled, then glanced calmly at the smiling steel fist on the rostrum who hadn't spoken for a long time, and continued: "Should I continue to waste time in this world? Or choose a higher, wider, and more turbulent place?" What about the ten thousand zhang world?"

"Then there is only one answer—"

Ma Qiangyue took a deep breath, then knelt on the ground on one knee, clasped her fists in both hands, and said in a deep voice, "I will be loyal to you!"

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