'No, wait!I can't seem to beat him? '

Diego held his chin and thought for a few seconds. Then he let go of his hands with a look of relief, leaned back on the chair gracefully, and thought: 'The world is so wonderful once you open your mind. '



the other side.

"Will this dress really be popular?"

Richard tugged on the half-length skirt under him, and asked with a strange look: "Men should only be interested in women's nude bodies, right?"

"Tsk tsk-"

Lin Qiong shook his index finger at Richard with a look of disdain, and said disdainfully: "Naive, so naive! Relying on the naked body to attract the attention of the opposite sex is the most inferior method. Anyone with some rank No woman would take this approach!”

Miss: "..."

She silently covered her forehead, and thought with complicated emotions: "Aqiong, why do you understand so well? '

To be reasonable, if you ask Lin Qiong how to hook up a woman, then he will give you five solutions based on galgame experience; but if you ask him how to hook up a man, then he can talk for an hour and a half.


than men

understand better

the man

"Hey, there is such a thing?"

Richard couldn't help but widen his eyes, showing a very exaggerated surprised expression, "Learned new knowledge!"

"Since you have learned new knowledge, let's practice it—"

Lin waved his right hand and asked majestically, "Richard, have you memorized all the dancing movements in the video just now?"

"Return to the instructor, write it all down!"

Richard saluted Lin Qiong, and said proudly: "This simple dance, I can completely reproduce it after watching it once!"

"very good!"

Lin Qiong nodded in satisfaction, and then said passionately: "Then, let's go on stage, Richard!"


Wearing gold-rimmed glasses, wearing a white shirt, a black half-length skirt and black high-heeled shoes, Richard walked to the center of the stage with his slender legs wrapped in black lace knee socks .

"Oh oh oh-"

"This dress is interesting!"

"Hey, hurry up and give my secretary a set too!"

"Hiss, I can play with these legs for a year!"

'The eyes, such fiery eyes! '

Richard, who was standing in the middle of the arena, felt the blazing eyes of the audience who wanted to eat her, and suddenly felt an urge to drill his temple with his index finger: "Everyone's eyes, all, all are focused on on me! '

Sparsi! !This feeling is really too spazzy! !

"Instructor! Instructor—"

Richard turned his head impatiently, and urged in a fanatical tone: "Hurry up and play the music! I can't wait—"

"Okay, okay, don't rush, don't rush -"

After Lin Qiong connected the tablet to the speaker, he pressed the play button—the next moment, the cheerful and playful AniSong (anime song) rang out throughout the arena.

"Hum hum hum~"

While humming the tune of this song, Richard twisted his body, showing his beautiful curves in front of everyone.

"Oh oh oh oh--"

"Nest, nest! It's too hot—"

“One top one roast chicken!!”

"I can't stand it—"

"Record it quickly, and let the maids at home learn it too! I want to watch them dance—"

"You want to watch the maid dance? I don't know how to expose you!! You clearly want to have a silver party!"

The rich generation, rich second generation, and dignitaries from various countries in the auditorium made excited discussions, and their fiery eyes naturally made Richard's face blush with excitement after the dance.

"Everyone, everyone's eyes are on me..."

Richard kicked Isa away who was in the way excitedly, and then, with his younger brother's aggrieved expression, rushed to Lin Qiong, held his hands with a fiery face, and said solemnly: "Instructor... No! Please allow me to call you Master!"

"I don't care, but—"

Lin Qiong raised his chin in Diego's direction and said, "Your real master is watching us, right?"

What the teacher is doing now is too exciting.

"Master Diego is a master of martial arts, and Master Lin Qiong is a master of attention!"

Only Richard, who is exceptionally smart in terms of "attracting attention", quickly found a solution, "Isn't this going to be a problem?"

"Hahaha, then I will accept you as my disciple!"

Lin Qiong crossed his arms and said with a big smile, "Student! Let's work hard to become the most eye-catching superstar in the world!"

Richard said loudly with fighting spirit all over his body: "Yes! Master!"

Isa on the side: "..."

He was silent for a few seconds, and then said weakly: "Well, although it's not good to interrupt you, but... are we still fighting?"

Richard: "Ah!"

She reacted, and then looked at Lin Qiong with great confusion, and said, "Master, Master Master."

"Fight? No need anymore——"

Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips, looked at Richard in front of him with a smile on his face, and said, "Have you forgotten? The moment we took the stage, the game has already started."

Richard: "Huh?"

"I understand--"

Issa on the side showed a stunned expression, and he explained: "Sister, you just went to the sidelines with him, so..."

"That's right, judging from the 'rules' of the game, you and I have both been 'out of bounds' and eliminated—"

Lin Qiong blinked at Richard, and said with a smile: "So, the Gemini team with only one person left naturally won the victory."

Richard: "..."

In other words, the moment she left the stage behind Lin Qiong, the Gemini team had already won! ?

Master, he is really, he is so gentle, I just cried to death.

"Come on for the next game."

As Lin Qiong walked towards the outside, he waved his right hand smartly and said, "Come on!"

"Yes, Master Master!"

Richard was greatly moved.


"This wave is called multi-win, you understand?"

Lin Qiong sat back on the chair, then put his right leg on top of his left, and said arrogantly: "Richard has gained attention, the Gemini team has been promoted, Kenichi doesn't need to face me, I Seeing the fun—do you understand the gold content of four wins?"

"I don't know if four or four win, but from what I know about you, you must have won -"

The eldest lady saw Lin Qiong, who was a bit unrestrained, and couldn't help but leaned over, and whispered in his ear: "Does it mean that A Qiong likes that kind of dance?"

"Hey, I can't say I like it—"

Lin Qiong coughed dryly, then put down his right leg, and said solemnly: "The main reason is that I only have two states of hunger and astringency, and now I am full again."

Miss: "..."

I'm full now×

Astringent state is constant√

"Hey! Aqiong Aqiong——"

The eldest sister-in-law was lying behind Lin Qiong, and the soft touch from behind made him sit upright at that time, attracting the eldest lady's teasing gaze, "Ah Qiong, you will be healthy and healthy in three ways." A personal dance!"

"A dance for three?"

Lin Qiong was taken aback, then lowered his head and opened the dance video of Pure Land of Bliss, and said, "This should be one of the most famous trio dances."

As for the other one?

It's "Catallena" by the Korean girl group "Orange Caramel"—yes, it's the old regular in the ghost animal area who makes three weird screams at the beginning.


The eldest lady and the younger sister-in-law focused their eyes on the dance on the screen, completely ignoring Lin Qiong's eyes asking for help—please, my dear girlfriend, your sister is attacking me with her child's granary?

'No, I need to calm down...'

"If the heart is as big as ice, the sky will not fall in vain..."

'Still soft despite all changes, refreshing and tender...'

After some calm thinking, Lin Qiong reopened his eyes - at this time, his heart was as cold as steel, and he would never be shaken by anything external again!

"Aqiong go back a little—"

The aunt subconsciously pressed her body forward and said, "I didn't see clearly what happened just now."

"Oh hoo-"

Lin Qiong subconsciously moved the video back for more than ten seconds before suddenly reacting—wait, wait, why did I listen to her subconsciously! ?A mere Alice...




Just when Lin Qiong was mixed between happiness and distress, the process of the DD conference was still going on——

"After enjoying a sexy and hot dance, the next battle will be-"

"The capoeira team—"

"The showdown—

"New White United Team——"

"What kind of wonderful performance will they present for us? Let us wait and see!!"

After hearing the name of his team from Diego's mouth, Haruo Niijima couldn't help showing a wild laugh, and said: "Jie Jie Jie! Thanks to Lin Qiong's help, my uncle is an elite team." The members are all in their prime! Thieves hahaha—”

Why did he say that?

Because last night, a young man named "Ye Xiang" attacked Mei Yu, knocked her out and prepared to take her away!

In order to stop Ye Xiang, not only did Shinbai, Takeda, Thor, and Freya, the three generals, suffer serious injuries, but Kenichi, who had just recovered, was also severely beaten. After suffering that level of injury, they There should be no way to continue participating in the competition, but who gave Lin Qiong the magical panacea?

Once the plug is pulled out, the potion is poured!

The four people who were moaning and chirping in the last second, jumped up from the hospital bed in the next second.

This is the panacea!

It’s really a must-have medicine for home travel and killing people!

Now Lin's Pharmaceutical is doing an event, the original price of 300 panacea, now only 1000 for three bottles! !

What are you waiting for! ?Hurry if you want to buy!hurry up!

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