Chapter 0654 What are you pretending to be?

"Come on! My army—"

Wearing a flag, the new and white joint governor—Haruo Niijima—raised his right hand aggressively and said, "Crush their teeth!"

Nanjo Kisara: "Hmph, I didn't show up in the last competition, this time I will definitely show my skills!"

Takeda Kazuki: "Hmph, even if you don't tell me about this kind of thing, I will do it!"

Freya: "We've come here, we will never admit defeat."

Thor: "Ho Ho Ho Ho, leave it to me!"

"Jie Jie Jie-"

Looking at the back of the four heavenly kings, Haruo Niijima frantically imitated Lin Qiong's appearance just now, resting his right leg on his left leg, and then let out a sharp villain-style grin: "Win the game, let Xinbai United The name has been imprinted in the hearts of these high-level people, and then I can display my business plan! Jie Jie Jie!"

"The reason why this guy (referring to Niijima Haruo) led the Xinbai United to participate in this conference is to treat it as a free advertisement?"

Lin Qiong pressed his chin, and said with a strange expression: "Fuck, what does this kid think?"

"Young master, don't underestimate his plan? Think about it, what are the identities of these audiences (in the disciple world)? They are dignitaries from various countries, rich people—"

The secretary on the side blinked, and reminded him friendly: "In terms of their size, even if only one tenth of them remember the name of Xinbai United, it will not be enough to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on advertisements." The effect is achieved?"

Lin Qiong: "..."

After hearing the secretary's analysis, he couldn't help but hold his chin, and said to himself: "Ichao, what you said seems to make sense? Hey! This kid is really fucking talented!?"

'So, in the original book, Xinbai United did not develop into a large multinational company only by relying on contacts? '

Lin Qiong couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, and silently changed Niijima Haruo's remarks from "King of flattery" to "There seems to be something" in his mind.


After a difficult battle, Xinbai United successfully defeated the Capoeira team and advanced to the semi-finals at the cost of two serious injuries.

"Let's see, the next game is..."

Lin Qiong looked at the battle table on the big screen and murmured: "Mongolian sumo wrestling team vs. ancient boxing wrestling team."

"Lord Lin Qiong~~"

At this moment, Niijima Haruo came over with a flattering face, and while rubbing his palms, he asked, "Master Lin Qiong, which of these two teams do you think will win?"

"Ancient boxing wrestling team."

Lin Qiong dismantled a Snickers bar with a calm face, bit down half of it, and said while chewing: "The Mongolian sumo team doubles in size, and it is not the opponent of the ancient boxing wrestling team."

"Ancient boxing wrestling team..."

Nanjo Kisaro on the side pulled the corners of his mouth and said with a headache, "Is that the group of people who are more cooperative than the army?"


Lin Qiong nodded, clenched his fists at the Xinbai United people with a smile, and cheered up: "Everyone, come on! I believe you can definitely defeat the ancient boxing team!"

This is a lie!

Because the ancient boxing wrestling team will not participate in the next showdown at all - because they are planning to escape from this island.

In fact, all members of this team are children bought by the island owner of Death Fight Island—Fortner—from all over the world in order to satisfy his curiosity about martial arts... No, perhaps it is more appropriate to use slaves.

He trained these children in martial arts from a young age, and then arranged for them to fight against people with weapons, against hungry carnivorous animals, and even arranged for them to fight against lions!

When the number of brothers and sisters was reduced from 13 to five, the eldest brother decided to take advantage of the opportunity of the student death match to escape from this nightmarish island with his only four remaining siblings.

However, what these five people didn't expect was that their plan was discovered by Ye Xiang, YOMI's personal disciple who was hiding in the dark—that is, the person who attacked Mei Yu.

The result is...

"Ancient boxing wrestling teams will no longer appear."

Ye Xiang, who appeared on the field, threw a braid in his hand to the ground with a smile on his face, and said with a smile: "Because I have killed them all with my own hands."

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Hearing Ye Xiang's words, Diego on the commentary stage immediately clenched the armrest of the seat, and let out a happy but angry smile: "Ye Xiang, it's really thanks to you for doing such a thing!!"

"Don't show that expression, Master Diego—"

Ye Xiang had a nonchalant smile on his face, and he said with a smile: "Won't this kind of random development make the game more exciting? This should be the development that Master Diego likes very much, right?" ?”

Diego: "..."

He was silent for a few seconds, then showed a smile of "Although he is very upset, but what he said seems to make sense", and said, "Hahahahahaha! Alright! I have allowed this intrusion—"

"Thank you, Master Diego, for your approval~"

After Ye Xiang bowed to Diego, he turned his head to look at Kenichi Shirahama who was glaring at him, and said with a smile: "Kenichi Shirahama, I will defeat you and prove that I am the most suitable to accompany Miu people around me--"

"Ye Xiang!!"

Kenichi gritted his teeth and yelled angrily at Ye Xiang on the stage: "You actually, you dare to attack them——"

Although he only met the other party once and chatted a few words, but the other party's friendly attitude, gentle words and encouragement to him made him have a great affection for that group of people, however...

"Hahahaha, is there anything wrong?"

Ye Xiang raised his eyebrows, then seemed to remember something, and said: "Oh right! Did you know? When he was cut off by me, he asked me to tell you a word - he said that he knew Gao Xing You, hahaha!"

"Ye Xiang—"

The enraged Kenichi stepped onto the stage without hesitation, and rushed towards Ye Xiang with wide eyes.Facing Kenichi's attack, Ye Xiang also put on a fighting posture with a fighting spirit, but...

"Calm down—" x2

The elder and Lin Qiong stood behind Ye Xiang and Jianyi respectively, easily suppressing the two who were about to collide.

"Kenichi, he is now a contestant, and his next opponent is the Mongolian sumo team."

Lin Qiong pressed Kenichi's shoulder and said to him: "If you want to compete with him, you should beat the Gemini team and join him in the final."


Kenichi took a deep breath, and after the boiling anger subsided, he looked at Ye Xiang in front of him with unwavering eyes, and said, "Ye Xiang, wait for me in the final."

"Oh, interesting..."

Ye Xiang flicked his bangs with his hands, and said in a villainous manner: "Kenichi Shirahama, I will deal with you like an ancient boxing wrestling team!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

He glanced at Ye Xiang, then curled his lips speechlessly, thinking: 'What are you putting here for garlic? '

The original manga has already revealed Ye Xiang's bottom line.

Not only did this guy not attack the ancient boxing wrestling team, but he forged a layer of "dead" identities for them—if they escaped directly from Death Fight Island, then when Fortner found out, he would definitely send people to hunt them down, but was caught The result of Ye Xiang's killing was different.



15 seconds.

The match between Ye Xiang and the Mongolian sumo team took only 15 seconds to decide the winner.

The result was of course that Ye Xiang won the victory.


Lin Qiong turned his head to look at Xinbai United, and said with a smile on his face: "Your opponent for the next match has come out, are you happy?"

Xinbai United: "..."

Sorry, not happy at all.

"Lord Lin Qiong! Lord Lin Qiong, save me—"

Haruo Niijima threw himself into Lin Qiong's arms, and hugged his thigh with tears in his eyes: "Master Lin Qiong, do you have any magical potion from another world in your hand, after drinking it, you can punch Ye Xiang, kick Ye Xiang?" And one?"

Kenichi: "?"

"Don't even think about it."

Lin Qiong flicked his legs, looked at Haruo Niijima with disgust, and said, "I will not allow anyone other than me to cheat!"

Everyone: "..."

This guy actually said that he was allowed to cheat so openly! !

"I, I see—"

After seeing Lin Qiong's refusal, Haruo Niijima immediately gritted his teeth and got up from the ground, saying, "Xinbai United, ready to appear!"


" we abstain."

Niijima Haruo raised his right hand with an innocent face and said, "That's it!"

"Huh!?" xN

Thor, Freya, Takeda Kazuki, and Nanjo Kisara, who were about to attack with all their strength, all made unbelievable voices at the same time.

"Alien, do you know what you're talking about!?"

"We are about to fight to the death, why did the leader surrender first!?"

"What do you mean by this guy!?"

Facing the protests from his teammates, Niijima Haruo hastily raised his hands and explained: "Last night's disastrous defeat has proved that you are not his opponent! Even if you fight again now, it will be nothing more than repeating the same mistakes."

"This guy didn't make a mistake in his choice."

Lin Qiong glanced at the few people around Haruo Niijima, and said: "The courage to challenge the strong is certainly commendable, but it is a foolish move to challenge an enemy whose strength is far superior to one's own."

The former is to sharpen one's own memory, while the latter is pure courting of death.

"Everyone, give him to me!"

Kenichi looked at his companion and said firmly, "I will definitely defeat him!!"

Everyone: "..."

Seeing Kenichi, who had always looked like a herbivore, showing his fangs for the first time, everyone looked at each other and sighed helplessly.

"In that case..."

"Then leave it to you!"



"So, the next game—"

"From Liangshan Park——"


"The Twins—"

"Both parties, come on stage!"

Chapter 0655 Hermit: The Young Master's Task

When Kenichi, Miwa, Richard, and Isa stepped into the arena, they found that Ye Xiang hadn't left.

Liang Shanbo: "?"

Twins: "?"

The eyes of the four of them focused on Ye Xiang who was standing in the center of the ring.

"Ye Xiang, what do you want to do?"

Richard was the first to ask, "Now it's our game!"

"You abstain."

Ye Xiang glanced at Richard, and said in an orderly tone: "That guy (Kenichi Shirahama) is my prey, and I don't allow you to take action against him."

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