"Are you kidding us?"

Richard narrowed his eyes, and said in a bad tone: "I'm sorry, this kind of joke is not funny at all."

"Who is joking with you? Once you start a war, that kid will be crippled by you."

Ye Xiang walked up to the Gemini team with an indifferent expression, looked at Richard in front of him with a look of disdain, and said: "I want to defeat him with my own hands, so you should abstain - give the order as the leader of the YOMI disciples."


Richard clenched his teeth, but he didn't know how to refute - Ye Xiang, as the leader of the YOMI disciples, did have the right to order other YOMI disciples.

"Hey, hey, hey! Thanks to me, I turned a blind eye to your intrusion for the sake of being a human being, but I didn't expect you to go so far and try to meddle in my disciple's battle!? It's really unforgivable -"

Diego on the commentary stage couldn't maintain his smile at all. He crushed the microphone in his hand with his veins all over his face, and roared: "Richard! I punch Diego Carlo's with a smile on my face. Order in name, clean him up for me!"

"Yes, Master!"

After hearing Diego's order, Richard rushed towards Ye Xiang with a mad face, and said in a low voice: "Ye Xiang, take the move!!"


Ye Xiang also went forward without fear, and decided to defeat Richard with the fastest speed, and then teach Kenichi Shirahama a good lesson: "You are not my opponent!"

Just when the two sides were about to collide...

Diego: "Huh?"

Fortner: "Huh?"

Richard: "Huh?"

Ye Xiang: "Huh?"

Amidst the surprise and suspicion of the crowd, deafening explosions came from a distance.

Fortner's face darkened, he took out his walkie-talkie and asked, "What happened?"

Guard A: "It's an air strike!"

Guard B: "An anti-aircraft missile was not fired!!"

Guard C: "The opponent has broken through the defense network!"

Fortner raised his head, looked at the fighter plane passing by in the air, couldn't help crushing the walkie-talkie in his hand with a look of anger, then turned around and ran towards the passage behind him without hesitation.

The wind is tight, shout!

"Heh, you run really fast."

Diego glanced at Fortner's back, then put his gaze on the ring, and said loudly, "Richard! Get ready to retreat!"

Richard turned his head puzzled: "Master?"

"Didn't you notice? The audience has already left—"

Diego stepped on the table in front of him and said loudly: "Have you forgotten what I taught you?"

"Mexican wrestlers, never fight without spectators..."

Richard murmured what Diego taught her in a low voice, then lifted his fighting posture without hesitation, and said to Isa: "Let's go! A stage without an audience is unattractive!"

Ye Xiang looked indifferently at the backs of Richard and Isa who were gradually going away, then put his eyes on Kenichi, and said: "Okay! The guys who got in the way have disappeared——Shirahama Kenichi, Let's decide the outcome!!"

"Exactly what I want!"

Kenichi Shirahama stepped on the ring, then turned his head to look at Miha beside him, and said in a low voice, "Miha..."

"Ok, I know."

A smile appeared on Meiyu's face, she looked at Kenichi beside her, and said: "This is a battle between you and Ye Xiang, I will not interfere."

Hearing Miha's answer, Kenichi couldn't help flashing a smile on his face, then stepped on the stage with his right foot, and said, "Ye Xiang, come to fight!"


"Tsk tsk, it's finally developed to this point."

Lin Qiong stood up from his seat, stretched his shoulders, and said, "Phew! I'm going to meet the members of One Shadow and Nine Fist—will you go with me, or stay here? "

"We won't go—"

The eldest lady raised the tablet in her hand towards Lin Qiong and said with a smile: "The three of us are going to study the dance here - just look forward to it!"

Lin Qiong said that he was heartbroken.

Well, the chicken moved too.


"Huo yo! Helicopter pick-up, is this the card of Yiying Jiuquan?"

Lin Qiong raised his head and looked at the helicopter in the sky, couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and said, "Tsk tsk, do you think I've been honored by the two of you?"

"Hahaha, if those guys know your identity..."

Diego let out a series of hearty laughter, and then said meaningfully: "Then, even if you are interested in nuclear submarines, they will get them for you no matter the cost."


Lin Qiong looked at Diego, narrowed his eyes and said, "So, you already know my identity?"

"Hahaha, after all, Your Excellency has no intention of hiding anything, does it?"

Diego crossed his arms and jumped onto the helicopter first, then turned around and stretched out his right hand towards Lin Qiong, saying, "Welcome to YOMI's headquarters as a guest!"

"Oh, then I'm not going to be polite."

Lin Qiong tapped his toes, and under Diego's gaze, slowly floated into the helicopter cabin like a balloon, and said, "Let's go, Mr. Diego."

Richard & Isa below: "Hey, wait! Master, I haven't boarded the plane yet You, Master, I haven't boarded the plane yet!!!"


the other side.

"Jie Jie Jie-"

The old-looking Fortner stood on the pier of Death Fight Island, looking at the Xinbai United people in front of him with a greedy look, and said excitedly: "I didn't expect my luck to be so good - you guys, come and do it. My son and daughter!"

His greedy eyes swept over the bodies of Nanjo Kirsaro, Takeda Kazuki, Freya and others, and then said in a perverted and twisted voice: "When I saw your figures during the game, I had already restrained myself. I can't help but feel throbbing in my heart - what a wonderful talent! Only Uncle Fortner is qualified to be your father!!"

"Are you kidding—"

Nanjo Kisara stared at Fortner in front of her like a stressed cat, grinning and said: "The ghost will be your child! You weirdo!"

"That's right."

Kazuki Takeda also acted like a boxer, and said with a fighting spirit, "I'm sorry, but I don't want to have another inexplicable dad."


Freya raised the chest stick (milk cut wood) in her hand with a cold expression, and said, "Don't get in the way, or I will crush you."

"Hahahaha, what a bunch of bad kids in the rebellious period—"

Fortner couldn't help but let out a series of hearty laughter, then opened his hands and rushed towards Nanjo Kisara, saying: "Let Father Fortner educate you well!!"

"Meow ah ah!"

The frightened Nanjo Kisara uttered a series of meows, and then kicked his right leg towards Fortner without hesitation, saying, "Don't get close...what!?"

Her kick, which was strong enough to shatter bricks, hit the opponent's body, but failed to make the opponent retreat even half a step.

"Do you know what is the most powerful weapon that humans have evolved since ancient times? Stones? Spears? Flames? Guns? No, none of them! The strongest weapons of humans are humans themselves—"

Fortner glanced at the slender jade leg kicked on his abdomen, couldn't help grinning, then stretched out his right hand towards the owner of the leg, and said: "This old man has an unimaginable curiosity about martial arts, so in order to With the cooperation of powerful martial artists, the old man can't help but develop a powerful ability."

"From Ji Saluo's side——"

Freya rushed towards Fortner without hesitation, and the wooden stick in her hand slammed towards Fortner's wrist, and shouted: "—Get out of the way!!"

"Master James himself--"

The figure of Takeda Kazuki appeared in front of Fortner, and he shouted: "The giant frog circle with cat's eyes!!"

"I'm coming too—"

Thor also raised his fists and roared, "Thor's hammer!"

"Too light!!"

Fortner let out a low growl. He just raised his right foot and stomped down heavily, shaking the four besieging him to one side. "This kind of weak attack can't hurt me at all!"

"But, damn—"

Nanjo Kisara got up from the ground, and said with an ugly face: "This guy is really bad..."

There is no doubt that Fortner's strength is far superior to their group of "disciple-level" martial artists-it is not known whether it is a master level or a higher-level expert level.

"Hmph! You should catch him as soon as possible, and then leave with the old man—"

Listening to the battle report from the earphones, Fortner said a little impatiently: "Tsk, those guys in Liangshanbo are really hateful!"

If it wasn't for Liang Shanbo's experts to take action, how could he fall so easily with the defensive armaments on his island?Hateful Liang Shanbo!

"Oh, I'm afraid it won't be so easy to take this group of people away—"

At this time, accompanied by a haughty voice, the figure of the hermit appeared on the wall of the port, looking down at Fortner below, and said: "Fortner, I am ordered by Master Lin Qiong and Master Ma Qianyue, Come and compete with you!"

"Damn Carpenter Moon, the old man paid a lot of money to hire him, but he betrayed the old man?"

Fortner's expression became distorted, he looked at the hermit angrily, and roared: "The old man has decided! The old man will take you away with him, let Ma Qianyue taste the pain of losing his disciple!! "

"Let the horses come over—"

The hermit opened his battle and roared: "Even if I risk my life, I will crush you!!"


'Student Tanimoto Xia——'

'If you can defeat Fortner, how about I resurrect your deceased sister? '

Wait for me, Feng! !

Chapter 0656 someone is wrong, I will not say who it is

YOMI headquarters.

"As a result, there are only four people here, one shadow, nine punches and ten people?"

Lin Qiong leaned on the sofa, looked at the information in front of him, and said: "Except for you, only Yi Ying, Annihilation Boxer and Boxing Emperor Elbow King are still in this base."

"Hahahaha, there is no other way~"

Diego let out a hearty laugh, and said: "After all, Yiying Jiuquan is just some guys who don't obey discipline!"

Although Yiying Jiuquan—or the entire YOMI organization—is a group, these arrogant masters are more rebellious than each other.

"Who are you, why do you order me?"

"Oh, I still need to report to you when I do something?"

"Hahaha, get out of here!"

——Probably such a picture scroll of hell.

The only way to make this group of masters bow their heads is to defeat them—of course, this method can only make these prickly heads behave temporarily.

"I was careless when I lost last time, let's fight again!"

Probably that's it.

"Disobedient? Diego, have you ever heard a word—"

Lin Qiong looked at Diego, and said with a smile: "The child is disobedient, probably because he is used to it - just give him a good beating!"

Of course, if one meal doesn't work, then another one!

"This sentence makes a lot of sense, hahaha——"

Diego was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said, "I'm looking forward to seeing you show off your heroic skills and punch all the nine punches in one shadow, hahaha!"

Looking forward to your heroic appearance×

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