How can I be the only one being beaten √

"I'd really like to be beaten up if I could—"

Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows, and said with a malicious look on his face, "Yi Ying Jiu punches must feel very good, right?"

"Jie Jie Jie! You're right! I guarantee that Yi Ying Jiu's punch will feel really good!"

Diego, who was completely ghostly, let out an evil laugh at first, but soon showed a worried expression, and said, "However, what if a guy who knows the current affairs is ready to surrender when he sees the situation?"

"Did you do something wrong?"

Lin Qiong glanced at Diego, and sneered, "Oh, whether I beat them or not, when will it be up to them?"

Diego's eyes lit up, and he laughed loudly: "Jie Jie Jie! This is really great!"

"Then what are you waiting for?"

Lin Qiong glanced at the ignorant Diego and said, "Why don't you contact the other Yiying Jiuquan and let them come over and get beaten?"

"Hahaha, I understand!"

Diego stood up from the sofa with a "swish", and then hurriedly walked towards the liaison room in the bedroom, "I'll contact them right away to receive your love education!!"

"go Go--"

Lin Qiong waved his right hand, then pinched his chin with his right hand, lost in thought.

"By the way, I remember that Yiying in the original book was played by Chuanhui who was disguised as Broken Tooth of Fenglin Temple, right?" '

'But in this timeline, wasn't Chuanhui killed by me ten years ago? '

'Then here comes the question—'

'Now Yiying, who is it? '


Late that night.

Because of Diego's connection and what happened on Death Fight Island, YOMI's One Shadow Nine Fists all gathered in the headquarters in a rare event.


The atmosphere was not that pleasant.

"I'll ask again—"

Renyue Quanshen Hongo Jing looked gloomy at the other shadows and nine fists in the room, and said indifferently: "I heard that my disciple, Ye Xiang, died on Death Fight Island! Is this true? "

"Unfortunately, it is true."

Boxing Saint Ogata Isshinsai nodded with regret and said: "I'm sorry, Xiang-kun is a talented person..."

"Smiling Steel Fist, aren't you going to explain this matter?"

Hongo Akira stared at Diego who was standing not far away, and a murderous aura surged from his body, "You were on Death Fight Island at that time, right? Why did you let Ye Xiang..."

"Hey, hey! Don't act like his death is related to me?"

Diego looked at Hongo Akira with an unhappy face and retorted: "Why don't you ask your disciple what good things he has done? He made a mess of the program I carefully prepared? I can't help but not treat him badly. It’s already worthy of him if you take action——”

damn it!How dare you ask my disciple to withdraw from the competition, where did you get the face from?Believe it or not, I will pull out my belt and whip you like a top!

"Okay, okay, calm down, both of you—"

Ogata Yishenzhai, who has not entered the combat mode, persuaded the two of them very gently, saying: "No one would want this kind of thing to happen, right? Regarding Xiang-kun's death..."

"Where is the body?"

Hongo Jing interrupted Ogata Yishenzhai, and asked indifferently: "Where is Ye Xiang's body?"

"Well... I heard that it was recovered by the United Nations army."

Ogata Yishenzhai scratched his hair, and said with an innocent face: "If you want to get the body back, it will probably take a while."

Hongo Jing was silent for a few seconds, then continued to ask: "Then, what is the cause of death?"

"I'm not very clear about the specific situation, but..."

Ogata Yishenzhai looked at Ma Qiangyue in the corner, and said, "According to the information he brought back, Mr. Xiang died unfortunately in order to protect a certain disciple of Liang Shanbo."

"Hahahaha, the old man laughed to death—"

Hearing Ogata Ikamisai's words, the evil fist demon Silquart, who was wearing a mask, sneered disdainfully, and said, "Die to protect other people? This is really the funniest thing I've heard this year." It's a joke, hahahaha—"

It has to be said that he is really good at pulling hatred.

"The Evil God of Fist..."

Hongo Akira's eyes full of murderous intent immediately shifted from Diego to Silquart, and said, "Do you have the guts to repeat what you just said?"

Faced with Hongo Akira's murderous threat, Fist Demon unleashed his aura without fear, and turned back head-on: "Say it again and again..."


Seeing the quarrel between the two gradually escalate, a majestic voice came from the compartment of the room, "Now is not the time to quarrel."

Seeing that "Yiying" who was the leader had spoken, the "Nine Fists" who had been on the verge of saber-rattling stopped for a while, and turned their attention to Yiying.

"Diego, you said you have something very important to tell me—"

Yiying put his eyes on Diego and asked, "Then, what do you mean by 'very important thing'?"

"Hahahaha, good question——"

Diego let out a wild laugh, and the gloating in his laughter could be heard by everyone: "Next, please allow me to introduce a person to you—"

"Huh?" x8

Except for Ma Qiangyue, who already knew it well, the other Yiying Qiquan made voices of doubt at the same time.

Cthulhu Fist: "Is there something wrong with your brain?"

Ren Yue Boxing God: "I'm not interested in this kind of thing."

Annihilation Boxer: "Boring."

"Hahaha, everyone, don't say that -"

Diego looked at his companions with a smile in his eyes, and said, "I promise, when you see him, you won't be bored anymore!"

Demon Fist Girl Su: "Oh? Then let me see who is worthy of your solemn introduction."

Boxing Master: "Hahaha, I'm also somewhat interested! Let the opponent come over!"

"Come here? No, no, no, didn't you notice?"

Diego showed a playful smile. He raised his right hand and pointed to the ceiling of the room, and said, "Your Excellency, you have been in this room from the very beginning."

"!" x8

The next moment, Yiying Qiquan coincidentally raised his head with astonishment, and looked towards the ceiling.


Lin Qiong stood on the ceiling, looked up at the ten people on the ground, waved his hands with a smile, and said, "It's the first time to meet you, all the masters of YOMI~"

"You guy-"

The Fist Demon Evil God subconsciously put on a fighting stance, stared at Lin Qiong on the ceiling with a wary expression, and said, "Who is he!?"

"Who? Good question—"

Lin Qiong lightly landed on the ground, and then said with a friendly face: "My name is Lin Qiong, you can call me Master Lin Qiong, Brother Qiong, or Young Master—by the way, I personally like the third one the most. call."

"Don't be ashamed!"

There was a red light in the eyes of Cthulhu Fist Demon, he snorted coldly, and rushed towards Lin Qiong, "This old man broke your legs, making you regret saying this!"

"Tsk tsk, how violent—"

Lin Qiong looked at the Cthulhu Fist God who was getting closer and closer, raised his right hand unhurriedly, grasped Cthulhu Fist God's wrist precisely and gracefully, and then...


Under the dumbfounded comments of all the experts, Lin Qiong shook the fist demon evil god in his hand on the ground like a rag for more than ten times, just like the Hulk shook Loki.

"Wow, you are indeed an expert, you are really resistant to beating!"

Lin Qiong glanced at the Fist Demon who was glaring at him from inside the broken mask, couldn't help but smacked his lips, and said, "Then continue!"

5 minutes?Or 10 minutes?

Lin Qiong didn't deliberately count the time, but when he stopped, the mask on Fist Demon's face was completely broken, and he himself even vomited blood, his eyes turned white and he fell into a faint.

"I'm a man of reciprocity—"

Lin Qiong casually threw Fist Demon, whose arm had been dislocated, to the ground, then raised his right foot, and said, "You said you were going to break my legs, so I'm breaking yours now."


Accompanied by the clear sound of bones breaking, the legs of the Cthulhu Fist were twisted into weird shapes, and it was obvious that they could no longer be broken.

"In addition to paying attention to courtesy, I also pay attention to fairness and justice——"

Lin Qiong clapped his hands, then turned his head to look at the next Yiying Liuquan, and said with a smile, "So next, who will be beaten."

Diego OS: 'Jie Jie Jie!Hit, hit the fuck!How could only Lao Tzu be beaten?beat!beat! ! '

Carbage Moon OS: 'Tsk, tsk, poor guys!Fortunately, I was smart and surrendered on Death Battle Island, hey! '

One shadow with nine punches and two punches are inappropriate, I won't say who it is.

Chapter 0657 resurrection, my love...... Sister!

Human Yuequan God: "Human Yuequan · Spiral Pipe Hand!"

Lin Qiong: "I'm a big-eared scraper!"

The more skilled a person is at boxing, the more likely he is to pounce.

Boxing Master: "Brain Heaven Hell Kick!"

Lin Qiong: "I'm going to fuck you!"

Fist master, pounce.

Annihilating Boxer: "Night of the New Moon!"

Lin Qiong: "I'm a big mouth!"

Annihilate Boxer, pounce.

Under the eyes of Diego and Ma Qiangyue who couldn't bear to look directly at them, the other six punches—whether male, female, old or young—were all slapped by Lin Qiong alone, and all of them were knocked to the ground.

"Body, I can't move my body—"

The boxing master lay on the ground, moved his eyeballs in shock, and said with difficulty: "The qi in the body has been completely disrupted and cannot be controlled."

"Who the hell are you—"

The Demon Fist girl was lying softly on the ground, with a look of confusion on her face, "With such strength, why have I never heard of your name?"

"He actually defeated me with a slap—"

The Ren Yue Boxing God looked at the floor under him with some doubts about his life, "I didn't even realize what happened."

"Wait, why didn't the two of them get beaten!?"

At this time, Annihilation Boxer looked at Diego who was drinking and laughing, and asked angrily: "Didn't you say you want to be fair?"

"Diego was not beaten because he was beaten by me on Death Fight Island."

Lin Qiong clapped his hands, with an understatement as if he was discussing what to eat tonight, "As for Caravan Moon..."

"Because I am already the young master's man."

Ma Qiangyue took a sip of the wine, squinted her eyes happily, and said, "The so-called one who knows current affairs is a hero, I don't want to be beaten up for no reason."

He was punched six times for no reason: "..."

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot that there is another person here—"

Lin Qiong put his gaze on Yiying who was sitting behind the curtain, and said with a smile: "The nine punches are done, it's Yiying's turn, right? Broken Tooth."

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