Miun Kushida put down the tea cup in her hand, then lowered her eyelashes and said, "It would be a good thing if I could follow you to another world - maybe, my long-cherished wish can be fulfilled in another world."

The long-cherished wish of the demon boxer Miyun Kushida is actually the same as the boxing master Ogata Ikshinsai, to promote the development of martial arts-for this reason, she even planned the "long-term sunset" plan in an attempt to set off a third party. After World War I, martial arts became the mainstream of world culture.

The difference between the two is-

The Boxing Saint promotes the development of martial arts because he is a simple martial arts fanatic who hopes to see more advanced martial arts;

But she promotes the development of martial arts in order to gather the wisdom of the world and further develop her technique of longevity.

Although she looks like a hot and sexy beauty about 25 years old from the outside, her actual age is already over 90 years old - she doesn't want to die yet, and wants to live a few more years.

"Hahaha, is it true that all the members are loyal?"

Seeing this, Diego let out a series of hearty laughter, "Sure enough, no one can resist the chips given by the young master, hahaha!"

"After all, those gathered here are all pure warriors, aren't they?"

The King of Fighters Elbow King grinned, and he couldn't wait to ask: "Then, young master, who is our first integration target?"

"Is there any need to ask?"

Lin Qiong banged the resurrection scepter on the table, chuckled, and said: "Another group of experts from YOMI——"

Eight brilliant sin-condemning blades!


Generally speaking, martial arts can be divided into two categories - bare-handed and weapon-based.

The former is boxing, kicking, palm or sonic skills, etc.; while the latter is sword, knife, spear or stick and so on.

If One Shadow Nine Fists is an organization formed by experts in YOMI's karate group, then Eight Radiance Siege Blade is the place where experts in YOMI's weapons group gather.

"By the way, just like One Shadow, Nine Fist Fist Demon Cthulhu, there is also one of the Eight Brilliant Condemnation Blades who is not chosen by me."

Lin Qiong picked up the simple teacup on the table worth tens of millions, took a sip of the Coconut Tree brand coconut juice in it, and said casually: "I remember a guy with a sickle, what's his name?"

"'Dances With Death', Mihai Stilbe."

Fenglin Temple's broken teeth calmly called out the other party's name, and said: "Among the eight Huang Sin Sentence Blades, he is the only one who uses the sickle."

"That's probably the guy—"

Lin Qiong nodded indifferently, and said, "Although I don't disapprove of killing, I really don't like this kind of murderer who kills innocent people indiscriminately."

After hearing Lin Qiong's words, the masters behind him couldn't help but look at each other, and said in unison: "Understood!"

"Then wait for them to come to the door—"

Lin Qiong leaned on the back of the chair behind him, narrowed his eyes lazily, and said, "Huh, let's integrate the One Shadow Eight Fist and the Seven Glory Sin-Breaking Blades first, and then set off for another world."

Zhongda people: "Huh?"

In just an instant, these nine masters at the pinnacle of martial arts revealed a terrifying aura——Qihuang Sin Blade, we order you to surrender quickly! !

Lin Qiong: In a word, let the nine experts make my heart beat faster.


"It's so boring—"

With a mouthful of jagged teeth, Mikhail Stilbe, carrying his beloved scythe, stepped off the plane with a displeased face, and complained, "What are those guys from One Shadow Nine Punches trying to do? Urgently demanding us gather."

"Be quiet, Mihai."

The leader of the Eight-Huang Sin-Judging Blades, the Second Heavenly King of Yama, Shixihuang Wuzhi, glanced at Mihai who was walking behind him, and said in a deep tone: "Since One Shadow and Nine Fists have issued a gathering notice to us at the same time, then Something extremely important must have happened - I'm right, right? Everyone!"

"The old man's perception is still as exaggerated as ever—"

Diego, who was squatting on the wing of the plane, let out a burst of laughter: "Hahahaha, you are right! Just recently, something big enough to change the world has happened!"

"Oh? I'm quite interested in the 'big event that changes the world' that you mentioned, but -"

Shixi Huangwozhisuke raised his eyebrows, then looked around, and shouted: "But, can you explain what you are doing now!?"

Accompanied by the furious shout of Shige Huangwozhisuke, the members of Hachihuang Sinblade around him unanimously pulled out their weapons, and looked at the shadow that appeared around them at some time and faintly surrounded them. Eight fists.

"Hey, what's going on here?"

Mihai’s face was filled with unconcealable excitement, he looked at the boxers around him with a hint of provocation, and asked with a grin: “Could it be that your karate team finally couldn’t help but attack our weapon team? ?”

"We can't afford this crime."

The fist-holding Brahma clasped his hands together, looked at Mikhai calmly, and said indifferently: "I came here this time just to tell you one thing..."

Shigei Huangwozhisuke asked without fear: "What's the matter?"

"In the name of Yiying, I order—"

Looking at the old man in front of him who could keep pace with his father, Broken Ya of Fenglin Temple said calmly: "From now on, YOMI is officially disbanded."

"!" x8

The eyes of the Eight-Huang Sin-Defining Blade shrank slightly. They looked around in astonishment and found that the shadows and eight fists around them all looked as expected.

"How is this going?"

Chongtong Wugong Mildred narrowed his eyes and asked: "Everyone in the karate team, please give us an explanation."

"Hahahaha! Because I found a new way——"

With a smiling face and fists folded, he looks like a successful person who has found a job and despises his friends who are still looking for a job. "So I don't care about the goal of acting like a house now."

Lin Qiong sitting in the cabin: "..."

Through the window of the plane, he glanced at the unchanging-looking Yaoquan Nusu and the mocked Bahuang Sinner, and couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, then silently gave the smiling steel fist a thumbs up.

What an awesome guy! One sentence not only provoked the enemy, but also provoked the opponent!

Smiling Steel Fist: "!"

Um?The young master gave me a thumbs up! ?He is praising me for doing a good job! ?Ha ha ha ha!

I understand, so I will increase the intensity of my ridicule!

Chapter 0659 not convinced you come to hit me?

"Hahahaha, no one really thinks the so-called 'Long Sunset' project is great, right?"

"By starting the third world war, let martial arts become the mainstream of the world?"

"This kind of plan, which seems to be thought up by a child when he slapped his head while going to the bathroom, will anyone really believe it?"

"I laughed so hard, hahaha!"

"In terms of being funny, I, Smiling Steel Fist Diego, would like to call you all funny masters, hahahaha!"

After receiving Lin Qiong's praise (?) and recognition (??), Smiling Steel Fist intensified his taunting, successfully provoking...

The wrath of the demon fist girl.

"Your Excellency Smiling Steel Fist——"

The demon fist girl who looked like a smiling Shura appeared behind the smiling steel fist without a trace, and said softly: "It seems that you have a big opinion on the plan of the old man?"

Smiling Steel Fist: "..."

He paused for a moment, then continued to laugh loudly: "Hahahaha——"

Demon Fist Girl: "Look at——"

Smiling Steel Fist: "Hahaha——"

The hostess: "Look at—"

Steel Fist: "Haha——"

Female: "Stare——"

Steel: "Ha——"

Female: "Stare——"

Steel: "Ha...ha..."

Everyone: "His laughter turned into a guilty conscience that was visible to the naked eye." '

Hey, cowardly!

'Cowardly?You can’t be a coward!My Smiling Steel Fist has never been weaker than others in my life——'

Smiling Steel Fist maintained the performance-style laugh of a Mexican wrestler, then shifted his gaze under the mask to the direction of the cabin, and sent out an unprecedented mental wave: "Master, save me!" ! ! '

Lin Qiong: "..."

He sighed speechlessly, then walked to the exit of the cabin, and said helplessly, "Diego, you are a fucking talent."

Eight Radiant Sin Severing Blade: "!"

After Lin Qiong's voice sounded, the members of the Hakhuang Sin Blade, including Shixi Huangwozhisuke, all turned around with a look of astonishment on their faces, and looked at this man who didn't know when he appeared in front of him with tense muscles. the man behind them.

The second day Yama King Shixi Huangwozhisuke: "When did he appear?"Why didn't the old man notice his breath at all? '

Fudo Samurai Laihao Seitaro: "I can't perceive his breath at all, as if he doesn't exist here——"

Armored Martial Emperor Mamajuk: "My body...is trembling?"Even though I was wearing heavy armor, it couldn't give me the slightest sense of security! '

Trance Wu Ji·Bao Ke Nai Luo Ji: "I can't beat it, I can't beat it, I can't beat it, I can't beat it——"

Just when the masters of the weapons group were alert, the next actions of the masters of the empty hand group really shocked them.


The nine adults in the karate team including Yiying knelt down on one knee, then lowered their proud disclosure, and said in unison: "See you, young master——"

"Hey, hey hey—"

Baibon Wuyi Tachibana Rin showed a stiff smile, and big drops of sweat slid down his forehead, "What are you doing? Performance art? Street performance? This is not funny at all -"

"One shadow and nine punches in the karate group, all surrendered to one person?"

Laihao Seitaro was silent for a few seconds, and then said with difficulty: "Could it be, the reason why Lord Kazukage wants to disband YOMI..."


Fenglin Temple Broken Tooth nodded lightly, and said with a smile: "Now, our only leader is the young master."

"I see, is this your choice?"

Shixi Huangwozhisuke took a look at the surrounding shadows and eight fists, squinted his eyes and said: "Then, the purpose of your urgent contact with us this time—"

"Oh, Your Excellency guessed right."

Yaoquan Nusu chuckled, and said in a low voice: "The young master's goal is to integrate martial arts masters from all over the world, which naturally includes the Bahuang Sin Sin Blade."

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Hearing this sentence, Shigei Hwangunosuke raised his head and laughed three times, then suddenly pulled out his two swords, bursting out with the courage of a top expert, "Is a karate group still unable to satisfy your ambition? ? Then let the old man come..."

"Hahaha, of course I have to come for this kind of thing—"

Before he could finish speaking, Mihai raised his scythe full of blood and grievances, rushed towards Lin Qiong, and said with a grin: "If I accidentally cut off your head, Don't blame me!"

"I see, is that your last words?"

Lin Qiong's figure appeared behind Mikhail, then he raised his right hand, glanced at the astonished head in his hand, and said indifferently: "Then, I didn't accidentally take your head Twist it down, and I hope you don't blame me."

Mihai: "..."

He opened his mouth weakly, as if he wanted to say something, but the scythe of death had already caught up with his soul and completely took him away from this world.


Ma Qiangyue sneered and said, "This guy can really dance with Death now."

"Since you took the initiative to show your killing intent, even if you get killed, it's your own choice."

The master of boxing squatted on the wing, looked at the headless corpse that was slowly falling, and said softly: "This is the essence of martial arts and the truth of the world!"

"Compared to this..."

Yaoquan Nusu glanced at the companions around her, and said lightly, "Did any of you see clearly what the young master did just now?"

The rest of Yiying Qiquan: "..."

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