The young master's actions are completely...


"...I can't see his movements at all!"

Baiben Wuyi couldn't help swallowing his saliva, then looked at Chongtong Wugong beside him, and asked, "Your Excellency Chongtong Wuyigong, your eyesight should be the best among us, then... "


Chongtong Wu Gong clenched his fists and said with a look of reluctance: "My movements were too fast, I didn't see clearly."

"Even you...!?"

Armored Martial Emperor glanced sideways at his companions, and then muttered, "Where did this guy come from? Why haven't I heard of him??"

Hearing what Armored Martial Emperor said, the rest of the Bahuang Sin Sect Blade couldn't help but look in the direction of Yiying Baquan, but found that...

Chong Tong Wu Gong: "Why do those people in the karate group look so amazing?"

Baiben Martial Arts: "What are they proud of?"

Wu Ji in a trance: "It seems that they are not the ones who are powerful, right?"

I don't know why, but at this time, the members of Yiying Baquan all have expressions of "I'm so amazing", as if it was not Lin Qiong who killed Mihai just now, but them.

Ba Huang Sin Blade: "So what the hell are they arguing about! '


At this time, Fudo Samurai looked at Shixi Huangwozhisuke, and asked, "Old man, can you see his movements clearly again?"

The other six people: "!"

Yes, yes!If it's that old man who can be on par with the Invincible Superman, maybe...

"I disappoint you. Even I couldn't see his movements clearly."

Under the hopeful gazes of others, Shigei Kowonosuke shook his head lightly, and said in a low voice: "That person is an out-and-out monster who surpasses the invincible Superman!"

Liuhuang Sin-Destroying Blade: "...?!"

This is the first time they have heard such a serious evaluation from the old man - in the old man's mouth, is the other party actually a terrifying creature above that invincible superman? ?

"In this way, I can understand why Yiying Jiuquan chose to surrender..."

Baiben Wuyi tugged at the corners of his eyes, and said with a complicated expression: "Facing this kind of monster, it seems that there is no other option, right?"

Mihai, who resisted Lin Qiong just now, is still alive! !

"How do I feel that you have misunderstood me?"

Lin Qiong summoned a ball of clean water, then took out a piece of soap from his arms, and carefully washed the right hand that had touched Mikhail's oily head, and said, "Please, I am not relying on force to let Yiying Baquan is following me?"

Qihuang Sin Severing Blade: "..."

After a brief silence, several people exploded.

Chong Tong Wu Gong: "No, no, no! Did you see it!? That water, that water appeared out of thin air!?"

Armored Martial Emperor: "I saw it too! I really saw it! That water suddenly appeared!!"

Baiben Martial Arts: "What's going on here!?"

You know, all of you here... er... standing here are all master-level fighters, and ordinary magic tricks can't fool them!

"Did you say that?"

Lin Qiong pointed at the sewage floating in the air, waved his hand to let it fall to the ground, and said, "It's just some trivial tricks, please don't pay attention."

"No, no, this is no longer the level of small skills!?"

Baiben Wuyi looked shocked and said, "Super power? Supernatural power? Or magic? Does this world have a deeper dark side that us dark side people don't know?"

For the general public, the radiant sin-severing blades are already a dark side that they cannot touch!But they asked themselves, this ability to summon water polo out of thin air...

The concubine has never heard of it! !

"Hahaha, no, no, you misunderstood."

Lin Qiong smiled heartily, then waved his hands casually, and said, "This is neither a super power nor a special function! It's just a little trick of me, a person from another world, that is not worth mentioning."

Qihuang Sin Severing Blade: "..."

no no! ?

Did this person unintentionally say something extraordinary just now?! ! ! !

"Different, different, different world refers to..."

In a daze, Wu Ji felt that her tongue seemed to be cramped, "Is it the one I understand, a different world?"


Lin Qiong answered immediately, and summoned water balls, fireballs, whirlwinds, and ice cones to surround himself, and said, "It is the different world in your understanding——Hello, my name is Lin Qiong, and I am a traveler in a different world."

I don't know much about the rules of your world, so if something offends you...

You fucking hit me!

Chapter 0660: Answer my question, living fist

YOMI, base camp.

"...such and such, such and such."

After Lin Qiong briefly introduced his background, he leisurely took a sip of the Sprite that he had prepared for him, and said, "So, the members of One Shadow Nine...Eight Fist decided to follow me .”

Qihuang Sin Severing Blade: "..."

They glanced at Lin Qiong with complicated expressions, then looked at the arrogant and proud man standing behind him, and couldn't help clenching their teeth.

Qihuang Sin-Breaking Blade: 'What are these people so arrogant about? ! ! '

One shadow and eight fists: "I'm sorry, we are just arrogant, don't accept it?" ? ? '

Lin Qiong: "?"

He raised his head and glanced at Yiying Baquan and Qihuang Sinblade who were looking at each other, couldn't help but tugged at the corners of his eyes, then clapped his hands helplessly, and said, "Okay, everyone, can you please stop flirting ?”

Eyebrows, eyebrows flickering! ?

Who flirted with them! ?Our karate group (weapon group) and weapon group (kare hand group) are sworn to death! !

"I have announced my background and the bargaining chips I can take out—"

Lin Qiong looked at the leader of the Seven Glory Sin-Destroying Blades, Shixihuang Wunosuke, and asked: "So, what are your answers?"

"Ha, with this temptation in front of you, do I have any other choice?"

Shi Xihuang Wozhisuke shook his head helplessly, he stood up first and walked in front of Lin Qiong, then knelt down on one knee, put his right hand on his chest, lowered his head and said: "The second day Yama, Shi Xihuang Wozhisuke, I have seen the young master."

Several other masters of the weapon group looked at each other, and then stood up one after another.

"The Immovable Samurai..."

"Hundred books of martial arts..."

"Double-eyed Martial Bow..."

"Armor Martial Emperor..."

"Trance Warrior..."

"The executor of Yanwu..."

"I have seen the young master——" x6

"very good--"

Seeing this, Lin Qiong couldn't help showing a smile. He stood up from his seat and said softly, "Get the plane ready, we should go back to Japan."

"Yes!" x17




Liangshan Park.

"Twitch, shake, shake—"

Kenshi shrank at the door of the dojo, tremblingly looking at the scene inside that seemed like an abyss in a demon realm.

"Kenichi, what are you looking at?"

At this time, Miha, who was wearing a martial arts uniform, passed behind him, and asked with a puzzled look, "And why are you posting..."

"Shh, shhh!! Mei, Miu-san, don't, don't make a sound!"

Kane frantically made a gesture of "silence" in front of him, and then trembled - as if he was worried about disturbing the male orc who was a female elf - and glanced at the dojo behind him, and found that no one inside was disturbed. After the monster, he quietly breathed a sigh of relief, and then said with teary eyes: "Miyu, this, this room is a magic mirror, an abyss, and a super terrifying dragon's lair!!"

Mei Yu: "Huh?"

She glanced at the dojo in confusion, then moved to the door of the room suspiciously, and secretly looked inside through the crack of the door.


Liang Shanbo & Yiying Baquan & Qihuang Sin Blade: "..."

"Sorry, the incompetent disciple made everyone laugh."

Misaki Koshiji Qiuyu twitched the corners of her mouth, and then glanced at the door of the dojo with a speechless expression——Stupid Kenichi, when did you happen, your little movement can hide the illusion from the ears and eyes of adults ? ?

'It's such an embarrassment to the master——'

Misakiji Akiyu sat on his knees on the ground, his eyes shining with dazzling light like a flashlight, "Let's double the intensity of training!" ! '

(Kenichi outside the door shudders)

"I didn't expect that the disciple of all the members of Liang Shanbo was actually such a..."

Annihilation Boxer glanced in the direction of the door and said softly: "A person with no talent."

"Hahaha, that kid Kenichi really doesn't have much talent—"

Ni Gui Zhixu laughed and patted his thigh, and said, "Anyone who is talented would have already become a master by now, right?"

The realm of martial arts is divided into "disciple", "master" and "master".

Corresponding to the "starting", "opening" and "mastery" of Qi respectively.

It took Shirahama Kenichi more than a year to reach the disciple level after being taught by five master-level martial arts masters, which is indeed a bit mediocre.


Misaki Koshiji Qiuyu also had a headache, and said: "That kid Kenichi's talent is too mediocre, and it took me more than a year to lay a good foundation for him."

"Ha ha ha ha--"

After hearing the words of several masters, the Boxing Saint couldn't help but cover his head and let out a hearty laugh, and said: "Are you planning to build a castle with a foundation of that scale?"

"Hey, what's wrong?"

Ma Jianxing laughed strangely, and said: "After all, this is the old man's first disciple in his life, so he must train it well, right?"

"Oh, mediocrity."

Renyue Quanshen sneered, and said, "My Ye Xiang is hundreds of times better than your disciples!"


Ni Gui Zhixu put down the beer can in his hand indifferently, and said, "Your disciple is dead."

Renyue Quanshen was furious: "Nigui, you fucking—"

He's getting mad!

Why does this force not open which pot and lift which pot, which is designed to poke people's lungs and heart?

Can it be better? ?

"I tell you, you just wait for me! I will definitely resurrect well, and then revive Ye Xiang—"

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