Lin Qiong performed a wave of perfect interpretations, causing the eldest lady, sister-in-law and secretary who were following behind him to cover their faces at the same time, showing the expression "I don't know this person".

"Erina, what's going on, Aqiong?"

The aunt twitched her lips and said with a speechless face: "Did he receive any stimulation?"

The eldest lady rubbed the bridge of her nose: "How should I put it? Aqiong is probably in a state of insanity after a period of excitement."

Auntie: "..."

She opened her mouth, as if she couldn't believe that Lin Qiong actually had such a rare attribute - but looking at Lin Qiong who was walking in front, like the protagonist of the legend of the bully returning to the village street, she could only twitch at the corner of her mouth. Nod your head.

It can't be washed! !


Soon, the Orario Bully returned to his loyal Astralia Familia.

"Yo! Leon!"

"Yo! Kaguya!"

"Yo! Alishe!"

In the stunned expressions of the girls, Lin Qiong greeted them enthusiastically: "I'm back! Tell me loudly, do you miss me?"

"Huh? A grown man like you actually asks a girl such a question. Can you please stop asking such a meaningless question?"

Gojono Kaguya couldn't help spraying out the stinging venom, she said angrily: "You have been away for so long, how could we not miss you? Really!"

"Hahahaha, Kaguya-chan's mouth is still so poisonous!"

Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips and laughed loudly and said: "But it doesn't matter! This kind of venomous tongue that makes people want to stop is exactly what makes Kaguya cute. Very good, keep it up!"

Kaguya: "..."

She tugged at the corners of her eyes, looked at the young lady next to her in disbelief, and asked, "Sister Erina, brother Lin Qiong has a fever?"

High EQ: Got a fever?

Low EQ: Brain problem?

"Ah ha ha--"

The eldest lady let out a dry laugh, and said helplessly: "Aqiong, because he returned to Olalie, who had been away for a long time, he was too excited and entered a state of madness-don't worry, after he cools down, he will She was so shy that she covered her face and rolled on the bed."

"Although, although it's not kind to say so--"

Elysee coughed a little, then looked away a little guilty, and said, "But, ahem, but I really want to see the picture of Brother Lin Qiong covering his face and rolling."

Kaguya cast a disdainful look at her head, and said, "Alyse, you scum."

"Wulu Sai, don't you want to see it?"

"Of course I did."

"Then you are a scumbag too!"

"Hmph, I'm a loser, so what? You admit that you are a loser!"


"Hum hum hum~"

The victorious Kaguya made a series of proud sounds, which made the defeated dog Alisee turn her head and pounce on Li Ang, saying: "Li Ang! Look at Kaguya, she is bullying me!?"

Fairy-san of justice, help me!

Lyu Lion: "..."

She was silent for a few seconds, then she silently looked away from Kaguya's threatening eyes, and said, "I think what Kaguya said makes sense."

Alishe: "..."


The little human Laila on the side immediately covered her stomach and let out a crisp laugh: "Alyse, you can't ask Leon for help! Because this guy..."

Laila, Kaguya, and Alyse said in unison: "It's Daba Fairy!!"

Liulian: "Goo!!"

Today’s victory or defeat, Liu Li’ang’s defeat——

Daba Fairy's nickname was known.

Chapter 0662 Da Baa Elf-Liu Liang

Liu Liang felt very sad.

It's really hard.

It's like when you have saved money for half a year and are about to airborne to the long-favored Fuli Ji on Twitter, but you are stunned to find that the other party has already entered oranges.

The reason for her discomfort is...

"Dabaa Elf!?"

Lin Qiong's ears were pricked up, and then, as if being drawn by the ears, he moved in front of several people in a strange posture, looking eagerly at Alyse, Laila, and Kaguya, and asked: "Why did Leon get this nickname?"

Leon: (The groundhog screams) Don't! ! ! !

Alice: "Hahaha, because Li Ang, last time I went to a restaurant to eat, I mistakenly ordered an exorbitantly expensive dish and spent half a month's pocket money on it!"

Laila: "After coming back, Leon thought about it more and more and became angrier and more angry! Finally, he decided to go back to find a place, but he couldn't find the place, so he ordered an exaggeratedly expensive dish, and took it for another half a month. Pocket money!"

Kaguya: "And on the way back, I accidentally lost my wallet, and I lost two months of pocket money."

The three of them said, "That's too much!"

"Pfft ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha——"

After Lin Qiong heard about Li Ang's Da Baa deeds, he immediately let out a burst of laughter that shook the entire Astralia family, "Da, Da Baa's name is worthy of its name, hahaha!"


Leon let out a mournful cry, then looked at Lin Qiong, Laila, Alyse and Kaguya who were holding their stomachs and laughing into four balls with red faces, couldn't help stamping their feet, and said: "Don't laugh, you don't laugh, don't laugh." I laughed!!"

Alexie waved her hands out of breath and said with difficulty: "Okay, no, don't laugh."

Lila said maliciously from the side: "Speaking of which, when Leon cried about losing his wallet that day, it seemed that a snot bubble popped out!"

"Ha ha ha ha--"

The laughter that had just stopped broke out again.


Liu Liang became angry and pulled out his wooden sword from his waist, then waved it without any deterrent and said: "I told you not to laugh!!"

"Okay, okay, don't laugh, poof, laugh."

Lin Qiong forcibly controlled the muscles of his face, made himself look serious, and said, "I swear, puff, if I laugh again, I'm a dog, puff puff, woof!"


Leon let out a mournful cry like a defeated dog, then buried his head and rushed into the dormitory - he couldn't beat him again and again, he could only be an ostrich!


The sister-in-law at the side shook her head with a smacking face, and said, "When I saw that elf just now, I thought she would be some kind of heroic knight girl, but it turns out..."

It turned out to be a creature at the bottom of the food chain! ?

"Hmm! If you see Li Ang for the first time, you will indeed have this impression!"

Laila crossed her arms, nodded seriously, and said, "But as long as you get along with him for a long time, you will understand that Li Ang is actually a very clumsy guy!"

"Hahaha, after all, he is a da-mei elf!"

Kaguya put her hands on her hips and made a sound of gloating, "Actually, that guy Liang went to that store for the third time not long ago——"

My sister-in-law asked curiously: "Then what? What happened again?"

Alisee suppressed her smile and said, "Then Li Ang, under the lobbying of the store owner, applied for the only diamond VIP card in that store and spent all his pocket money."

"What level of Da Baa Elf is this!?"

Lin Qiong couldn't help but tilted his upper body back, and said with a non-compassionate expression: "Speaking of her being treated like a pig, why didn't you go and destroy the store? Or did Li Ang ask you not to interfere? Let her handle it on her own?"

"No, neither."

Alishe rubbed her head and said with a weird look on her face: "There is a very, very impressive story in it, so..."

"Pfft, so, puff—"

Laila's smile was almost unbearable, "So, Li'ang's reputation as a good-for-nothing is completely gone."

Lin Qiong and the eldest lady looked at each other and said in unison: "Elaborate--"

Laila: "That's the story of Li Ang's first visit to that store..."

The story that happened to Li Ang is roughly as follows——

Because he was hungry while patrolling the streets, Li Ang randomly found a restaurant to eat.When I entered the store, I discovered that it was a "men's beauty restaurant."

Since she couldn't cope with the Takarazuka beauties in men's clothes who were waiters in the restaurant, Li Ang decided to make a quick decision—she didn't even look at the menu, and said directly to the waiter in charge of her: "Give me the most expensive food here." share."

What Keliang didn't know was that this restaurant was the property of Poseidon's family.After the family members catch very rare seafood, they will deliver it to the restaurant and notify regular customers to come and enjoy it.

Because of Li Ang's behavior of ordering directly without looking at the menu, the waiter mistakenly thought that Li Ang was the "old customer" mentioned by the store manager, so...

"This matter, this matter..."

The eldest lady pinched the bridge of her nose with her fingers and said, "I didn't know for a moment whether she was lucky or unlucky."

Bad luck you say?You can come across rare seafood any time you go;

Good luck you say?Obviously just wanted to eat ordinary food, but accidentally spent half a month's pocket money.

"Well! It was an unfortunate accident indeed."

Lin Qiong asked dumbfoundedly: "What about the second time? Leon won't fall into the same pit twice, right?"

"The second time is even more..."

Alysie couldn't help covering her face with her hands, and said, "You will understand why she is useless after listening."

After a period of EMO, Li Ang picked herself up again and decided to stand up from where she fell - so she came to the store again.

However, she never expected that the Poseidon Familia happened to catch a rare tuna that day, so after she confidently placed her order...

Lin Qiong: "No, didn't she know to ask in advance?"

Fuck, no wonder the nickname is Dabaa Fairy, this is too Dabaa! ?

Miss: "..."

She didn't even know how to judge Leon's luck - the other diners had to wait until the Poseidon family contacted before they could eat the precious dishes, but Leon hit them all twice!

The point is that she doesn't want to eat these at all!

"Phew, thank you guys."

Lin Qiong rubbed his face that had been stiff from laughing, and then said with emotion: "The next half month will be fun—yes! I want to laugh at her for half a month, Jie Jie Jie!"

"Huo Huo, big brother Lin Qiong, you are evil~"

The little human girl with short pink hair, Lila, smiled and put her elbow on Ding Lin Qiong's waist, and said, "If you bully Leon like this, she will cry?"

"Hmph! Look at what you said -"

Lin Qiong pressed Laila's head with his hands and rubbed it. Then, while the other party screamed "Wow!", he said evilly: "Don't tell me you don't want to see Li Ang cry 'Wow!' Picture."

"This is..."

Kaguya, Laila and Alishe looked at each other, and then they all showed funny smiles: "Hey hey hey!"

Ang Bao is relieved to cry, and we laugh wantonly!

"Ahem, master—"

At this time, the secretary coughed dryly twice to suppress his smile, and then said solemnly: "Did you forget the purpose of coming back this time?"

"Oh, yes, yes -"

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