Lin Qiong patted his head, then looked at Alyse and asked, "Alyse, is the goddess Astoria in the family? I have something to ask her."

"If the goddess was here, she would have come out to greet you long ago."

Alyse shook her head lightly, and said, "Unfortunately, the goddess just happened to be attending the banquet of the gods—according to the habits of the group of gods, they will not disband until after ten o'clock in the evening."

"Ten p.m……"

Lin Qiong looked at Sister Sun who was pinning Brother Moon under her body to stir up a stir, couldn't help but scratched her hair, and said, "Good guy, can't we wait for more than ten hours?"

The eldest lady at the side suggested: "Why don't you take this opportunity and take Alice to the dungeon for actual combat training?"

Lin Qiong thought for a while and said, "It seems possible?"

So, the eyes of the two people were on the elder sister-in-law.

Auntie: "?"

No, don't come here! !



"Why do I need to conduct actual combat special training mouth teeth!"

The aunt held a long gun, puffed her mouth out with dissatisfaction, and said, "I don't like fighting!"

"Idiot Alice, is this a relationship between whether you like fighting or not?"

The eldest lady crossed her arms, looked at her sister angrily, and said, "The world we travel is not all a safe world! In case of danger, are you going to hold back?"

"Hey! What's the matter—"

The aunt puffed her mouth and hugged Lin Qiong's arm, humming: "Anyway, Aqiong is so powerful, why not let her protect me?"


The eldest lady narrowed her eyes and said, "What if we meet an enemy who can restrain A Qiong? What if Fei Shazi, me, Yoyo, and even the other guardians are all restrained?"

Auntie: "..."

"Ah, I know, I know!"

She stomped her feet, then let go of Lin Qiong's arm, walked towards the depths of the cave angrily, and said, "Isn't it just actual combat training? Can't I do it!"

Damn Erina, hateful, hateful, hateful!Bastard!


At this time, the goblin who heard the footsteps of his sister-in-law turned around, opened his mouth full of fangs, and rushed towards her, "Garu... karma!"

Before he finished speaking, his head was blasted by the spear in the hands of his aunt!

"Hmph! The monsters in the dungeon are nothing more than that!"

The aunt looked at the goblin whose head was blown away by her shot, and then disappeared into dust, puffed up her chest proudly, and said, "Isn't this easy?!"

Miss: "..."

"First of all, this is only a monster on the first floor, and with your current physical fitness, you must have at least a depth below forty floors to play a role in exercise!"

She tugged at the corners of her mouth and said with a dark face: "Secondly, who told you that the attack method of a spear is to hold the spear with both hands and swing it horizontally? Did you think you were playing baseball!"


The scolded sister-in-law who couldn't keep her eyes open: (';ω;`) Woohoo, Erina is so scary

Chapter 0663 this commission, we took over

My sister-in-law before downloading the copy——


The sister-in-law after the dungeon——

_(:3 ”∠)_

"Wooooow, training is so tiring——"

The sister-in-law lay lazily on Lin Qiong's back, shaking her legs with her shoes and socks off, while puffing out her cheeks and moaning and complaining.

"Aqiong, my shoulders are so sore, give me a massage!"

"It's not impossible—"

"Aqiong, Aqiong, my legs are so sore, please help me too!"


"Aqiong, Aqiong, my chest is also very sore, please press it for me!"

"Okay... what a ghost! What kind of battle needs to use that kind of place!"

"Bah! Ah Qiong is so emotionless! At this time, you should just pretend to be stupid and agree!"

"No road race! I won't agree... Wait, don't put your chest on my back!"

"Hey, this is Aqiong's reward for carrying me!"


Seeing the interaction between the sister-in-law and Lin Qiong, the eldest lady and the secretary couldn't help but look at each other, and then showed the expression of planning at the same time - it seems that it won't be long before Alice can train the water gun and even the water cannon skills

Looking forward to drip pinch!



It was already 10:30 in the evening when the group of four returned to the Astria family.

As soon as he stepped into the residence of the Astria family, he saw the goddess Astria who hadn't changed her red dress.

"Asteria, good evening~"

The eldest lady walked over very naturally, and said with a smile on her face: "This dress is so beautiful——Asteria must be the center of sight at the dinner party tonight, right?"

"Hahaha, how is it possible? Don't praise me—"

Astoria waved her hand and said casually: "With Freya present, it's not our turn to be the center of sight~"

Not only did the eldest miss not hear the jealousy from Astoria's tone, but she felt an indescribable joy, which made her guess...

"Asteria! Don't you want to avoid being approached by a male god..."

The eldest lady narrowed her eyes and said, "So you specially selected the banquet that Freya will attend and let her be your shield for free?"


Astoria trembled all over, then looked away guiltily, and said, "No, no? I, I am the goddess of justice? How could I do such a wicked thing!? "

"Look me in the eyes and say it again!"

"do not want!"



Soon, the goddess of justice sat down on a low stool with her head downcast, and a wooden sign hung on her chest with a line of words written on it -

[I am the cunning goddess of justice (laughs)]

"Puff puff--"

Alicia, Kaguya, Laila and the others on the side are desperately covering their mouths with their hands, so as not to accidentally laugh out and irritate their goddess.


After Lin Qiong took a few photos, he put away his mobile phone contentedly, and said, "Asteria, put down the wooden sign! Just make sense."

"I'd be touched if you said that before the photo was taken."

Astralia looked at Lin Qiong angrily and said, "But saying this after taking the photo is completely unconvincing!"

"Oh, everyone who cares about details is ⑨!"

Lin Qiong waved his hands with a smile and said: "Compared with this, let's talk about business!"

Astoria: "..."

So shouldn't the business be said at the very beginning? !



Astoria family.

meeting room.

Astoria, who had changed back to her casual clothes, sat on a chair, propped her chin with her hands, and said in an unfriendly tone: "Hmph, tell me! Mr. Lin Qiong, who always comes back to Olalie, come find me What's the matter?"

"Wow, what's going on with this prickly, cactus-like attitude?"

Lin Qiong covered his chest with a hurt expression, and said sadly: "After all, the relationship has faded, right? Have you forgotten..."


Astoria interrupted Lin Qiong's deliberate expression with a blank face. She pointed to the Surface, iPad, and other devices lined up in front of Lin Qiong, and said, "You change the wallpaper first. , Tell me what you just said."

"Why change?"

Lin Qiong looked at Astoria with innocence mixed with anticipation, eyes that seemed to have twinkling stars, and asked pretending to be puzzled: "Could it be that you want to deny the charm of the goddess Astoria?"

"First of all, I am the goddess Astoria."

Astoria looked expressionlessly at Lin Qiong, who seemed to have black stars twinkling beside her, and said, "Secondly, I don't think this photo can show my charm."

After all, the wallpapers of these devices are all photos taken by Lin Qiong just now, of Astoria wearing a dress, carrying a wooden sign, and looking downcast.

It's black history!It's a bad civilization!


Lin Qiong tapped his head, then stuck out his tongue pretending to be cute, and said, "What are you talking about, people don't understand it!"

"Big man, stop being cute!"

Astoria complained, then covered her face helplessly, and said, "Is the business you said really serious? Why do I think you are not in a hurry?"

"Well, maybe it's because it's really not that urgent?"

Lin Qiong scratched his face in embarrassment and politeness, and said with a dry smile: "How should I put it, the agreed time is about three days later, so..."

"You... forget it."

Astraea waved her hands helplessly and said, "Anyway, please explain the matter quickly."

"Oh hiss!"

Lin Qiong gave his thumbs up and said, "Actually, I want to invite the Astria family to go to the next world with me."


Astoria froze for a moment and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Well, it's actually like this - in that world, there is a group of people who call themselves 'descendants of gods'. They... um..."

Lin Qiong opened the file on the computer, opened the video, and said: "I'm not sure, but I edited the plot of the group of Tianlongren's appearance, let's watch it together."

Goddess Astria and her four heavenly kings—Alyse, Kaguya, Lila, and Leon—set their sights on the computer screen together.


"Wow, you look very angry——"

Lin Qiong leaned on the crack of the door, looked at the five people in the room who showed the appearance of Shura, and whispered to the eldest lady beside him, "I'm sure, if a Tianlong pig is thrown into this room now, it will be designated by them Cut it into Tianlong sauce!"

"It's not that exaggerated, is it?"

The eldest lady leaned into the crack of the door and glanced inside, then retracted her head and said, "Well, yes, absolutely!"

At this time, the expressions of the five people in the room are like those of pure love fighters who watched the first half of the Tachibana House, just entered into the main character, and then were baptized by the second half of the Tachibana House—that is a kind of situation if JIN appears In front of them, they will definitely cut him into a Jin-chan expression.

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