After the four of them waited outside the door for a while, Astoria's voice came from the room: "Aqiong, come in."


Lin Qiong responded cheerfully, then carefully opened the door, put his head in with a smile, and said, "After watching the video just now, what do you think?"

"Sin deserves death."

Li Ang exuded an awe-inspiring aura all over her body, she just held the wooden knife in her hand, and said through gritted teeth: "To do such a thing that both people and gods hate for one's own selfish desire..."

Wicked, scum, scum! !

Please forgive Leon's lack of vocabulary, as a noble elf, she is already very angry if she can say these "dirty words".

"Man and God share the wrath..."

Lin Qiong glanced at the room——

Humans - Alysia, Kaguya;

Spirit—Lyu Leon;

The villain - Leila;

God - Astoria.

——Nodding his head involuntarily, he said, "It's true that both humans and gods are angry!"

"Aqiong! This commission across the world..."

Astoria stuck her hands to her lips, cosplaying Commander Ikari with a gloomy face, and said in an unquestionable tone: "Asteria's family, next!!"

Dragon people, right?Claiming to be a descendant of God, right?

Did I give you face? ?

Accept the punishment for me ヽ(Д)ノ

"Oil shrimp!"

Lin Qiong clenched his fists and made a cheering gesture in front of him, "As expected of Astoria, with your help, it is really reassuring!"

Astoria shook her hair, and said seriously: "After all, you chose to rely on me instead of others..."

"Then, the next step is to find Loki, Mihe, Ajian and Hephaestus and ask them if they are ready to play together!"

Lin Qiong snapped his fingers excitedly, then turned to look at Astoria, and said, "By the way, what did you just say?"

Astoria: "..."

She was silent for a few seconds, then waved her hands with a look of "after all, it was the wrong payment", and said, "No, I just think that you are really a playful scumbag."

Lin Qiong: "Huh? Huh?? Huh???"

What the hell?Why was he suddenly crowned a scumbag! ?

Missy: "Congratulations! Qiong, this is a scumbag personally certified by the Lady Justice!"

The secretary: "As expected of the young master! To have won such a rare title!"

Sister-in-law: "Why don't you just stop doing the same thing and become the top scumbag?"

"Shut up! I'm not a scumbag—Asteria, explain to me!!"

Astoria puffed her mouth and turned her head away: "Huh!"

"Eh? What about Alishe?"


"Eh? Hui...just forget it."

"Huh!? Super scumbag!"


Today's Lin Qiong is also a day of (heart) injury.

What a joy, a joy.

Chapter 0664 Lin Qiong’s Defeat

"Gentlemen, I have a big plan to work on!"

Lin Qiong sat on a chair, looked at the gods lined up in front of him - Loki, Mihe, Jian Yulei, Hephaestus - and said seriously: "I need your help!"

"Brother Qiong, your business is my business!"

Jian Yulei patted his chest very happily, and said seriously: "As long as it's not about chasing girls, just leave it to me!"

Cold knowledge, Ah Jian seems to be passive.

"The kindness of Nazha's arm is always in my heart."

Mihe showed a gentle smile and said, "So Brother Qiong, if you need help, just say it."

"Hehehe, our sixth sense is crazily reminding us that if we follow you, super interesting things will definitely happen!!"

Loki put the soles of his feet facing each other on the chair, then supported the side of his feet with his hands, swayed his body back and forth, and said excitedly: "So we've been tempted, let's talk!"

"I've been relatively free recently—"

Hephaestus thought for a while, and said, "As long as it's not a big order to build equipment, then just tell me if you need help!"

"Hey, do you want to accompany me to the new world?"

Meeher: "Go—"

Loki: "New-"

Ajian: "Shi——"

Hephaestus: "Bound—"

"Go to the new world!?" x4

The four gods looked at each other, and then said in unison: "Of course I do!"

Mihe: "It's better to say—"

Jian: "In the whole of Olalie, no god can refuse your invitation, right?"

Hephaestus: "How many interesting things are there in a completely unknown world? Just thinking about it makes the gods excited."

Loki: "Aqiong, I think if you (who have the ability to travel to another world), you might be able to make Freya protect you like a jade..."

"No no no—"

Lin Qiong shook his head like a pest, he waved his hands vigorously, and said: "Forget it! I don't want to be missed by those guys from Freya's family all day, and then live a life of being tied up!"

It’s better to let things like using a bus for private use happen in this book!

What's more, my buddies don't want to live a life where you can run into ten male gods who have been fucked by Freya just by taking a walk in Olalie.

"Cut! With your current strength, can you overturn Olalie by yourself? Are you still afraid of them?"

Loki curled his lips, fearing that the antenna would not be messed up and encouraged: "How about just killing Freya's family without stopping, and then kidnapping the goddess back to your Demon King's city?"

"Then the Loki family can follow the trend and become the strongest family of Orario?"

Lin Qiong glanced at Loki sideways and sneered: "I tell you, if I were the Demon King, I would be the first to attack you!"

Loki: "?"

"I didn't expect you to be interested in us?"

She put her hands on her chest and thought for a while, then said with a smile: "It's not impossible? As long as you promise to help us cultivate our family members, and then take us to various worlds to play, we can be your own confinement—how? Like? This is the promise of the goddess!"

"Good guy! As expected of Loki—"

Lin Qiong leaned back at that time, then gasped and politely refused: "But forget it, I still have some problems with files..."

Loki: "A file?"

She tilted her head in confusion, and then she saw Lin Qiong's eyes falling on her "Sigh of the Gods" that seemed to be a vertical line. It couldn't be said that it had any curvature, it could only be said that it had no arc at all.

Mihe & Ah Jian: "Puff cough cough --"


Loki's expression became ferocious at that moment, and she rushed towards Lin Qiong without hesitation, gnashing her teeth and said: "Die, die for me! Why are you still not dead!!!"

"Ahem, I, if I die——"

Although Rocky's physical fitness at the level of ordinary people at this time can't hurt Lin Qiong at all, Lin Qiong still looks like he is strangled by his neck and can't breathe-do you know what a man with high EQ is? ——said with difficulty: "You, you can't go to another world—"

Loki: "..."

But, damn it! ! !

Feeling that he had been manipulated, Loki jumped off Lin Qiong with an angry look on his face, then sat on the chair with a golden sword, slapped the table with a bang, and said: "Do you men only like big!?"

Ah Jian: "Ah, yes, yes, no, no, no! Actually, Loki, you are also very charming..."

Loki said blankly, "Shut up."

A Jian Guangspeed lowered his head and picked up the teacup: "Okay."

Lin Qiong: "..."

He glanced at his good brother with hatred, beat his chest and said: "Ajian, I am very disappointed in you, look at Mihe——"

Mihe: "Z~zzz..."

Lin Qiong: "?"

He turned his head, looked at Mihe, who was lying on the table with a flushed face and smelled of alcohol, and then looked at the black tea in front of him, and couldn't help cursing: "Mihe, you fucking..."

traitor!You are all fucking traitors! !

“Don’t even think about changing the subject——”

Loki stretched out his hands and broke Lin Qiong's head, then looked at him with a sullen face, and said, "Answer me! Do men only like big ones!"

"No! Only children can make choices——"

Lin Qiong shook his fingers with a serious face, then stretched out his palm to hold it slowly, and said, "And I like them all!"

Loki: "..."

She let go of Lin Qiong's face with a speechless face, and then said lying on the table: "Suddenly I feel that I am an idiot who cares about this kind of thing with you just now."

"I'm glad you have such self-understanding."

Lin Qiong reached out and patted Loki's shoulder, and said with a serious face: "But don't be sad, and think about the best in everything - although you are an idiot, there is no way for others to laugh at you for having big breasts and no brains, right? Yes Didn't you suddenly feel happy?"

Ajian & Mihe: "Pfft cough cough hahaha goose goose——"


Following Loki's furious roar, she rushed towards Lin Qiong as if possessed, "Bastard, I must fight you today!"

"No, we still need to decide whether we are male or female?"

While dodging Loki's pursuit, Lin Qiong complained, "Or did you finally decide to confess that the reason why you are so flat is because you are a god instead of a goddess?"


Loki raised his hands high, exuding an aura as if possessed by a demon all over his body, "Kill, kill, kill! Today I will kill you bastard!"

"Ah, I'm dead—"

Lin Qiong pretended to fall to the ground, then folded his hands on his chest calmly, and said: "The aura of the goddess Loki is so powerful that it has shocked her... I'll blanch her!"

Lin Qiong turned sideways abruptly, avoiding Loki's "deadly beating chicken", and then said with lingering fear: "Good guy, do you want me to die?"

"No road race! You guys don't regret dying!!"


Lin Qiong looked at Loki sadly, and said, "I treat you as a good brother, but you actually want to kill my queen!"

There is one thing to say, if Lin Qiong said this kind of thing in normal times, then Loki would laugh and put his arms around his shoulders, and raise his glass high and call out good brother, but now...

"Okay, good brother..."

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