Loki tugged at the corners of his eyes, then looked at Lin Qiong with a gloomy face, and said, "Ah Qiong, come and be a sister with me!!"

"I'm super!"

When Lin Qiong heard this, he hurriedly dodged and hid behind Ah Jian and Mihe, and shouted: "Ajian save me! Mihe protect me!"

Jian Yulei & Mihe: "???"

The two male gods looked at Loki in front of him who looked like a demon from hell, then turned to look at Lin Qiong who was shivering behind him. They couldn't help but look at each other, and then...


Under Lin Qiong's unbelievable eyes, the two male gods grabbed his wrist from left to right, and said in unison: "Loki, we caught him for you!"

"You two traitors!!"

Lin Qiong's expression changed, and then he shouted in a panic: "Damn it, let go!"

"Jie Jie Jie-"

Looking at Lin Qiong who was bound by the two male gods, Loki couldn't help showing a ferocious smile, and said, "Today, I'm going to let you see the horror of the god Loki!!"

"no, you can not!"

Seeing what Loki took out, Lin Qiong showed a terrified expression, he screamed, he struggled, he shouted, but...

To no avail.



Astoria family.


"Pfft, hahaha, hahaha -"

Looking at Lin Qiong who was sitting on the bed, looking helpless, the sister-in-law hammered the floor beneath her very unconscionably, and said out of breath: "A masterpiece, this is really a masterpiece, hahahaha - —”


Lin Qiong let out a cry of sorrow, and after looking at his sister-in-law sadly, he said to the eldest lady and secretary who were beside him, although their faces were expressionless but their bodies were shaking non-stop: "You can laugh if you want to, don't hold it in" ,not good for health."

"Hahahahaha——" x2

The next moment, barbell-like laughter rang out in the room. The eldest lady, sister-in-law and secretary curled up on the ground holding their stomachs, and laughed so hard that Lin Qiong couldn't bear to live.

"Damn it, this is the shame of my life!"

Lin Qiong clenched his fists, and said bitterly: "I never thought that Ajian and Mihe would betray me! Damn it! Don't let me catch them! Otherwise, I will not have them to eat juice !"

"Compared to this..."

The eldest lady, who had regained her strength, glanced at Lin Qiong's abdomen, which would be full of anger on a woman, but there are some subtle patterns on a man with eight-pack abs, and standing on the pattern, holding his hands high, Holding up Lin Qiong's two Xingtian Eyes on the left and right, he held back a smile and said, "Aren't you going to wash this thing off?"

"I want to wash it, of course I want to wash it! But this thing can't be washed off!"

Lin Qiong hammered the bed sheet under him like a defeated dog, and said angrily: "Onore Loki! Just wait for me, one day I will definitely come back with revenge!!!"

Today's victory and defeat Lin Qiong's defeat.

Strange patterns were drawn on the chest and abdomen.

Chapter 0665 Talent Radar, there is a reaction

The three days were over in a blink of an eye.

For Lin Qiong, the eldest lady, and the secretary, these three days are just a relaxing and happy vacation time-after all, after obtaining the demon armament, as long as they don't enter the place below the [-]th floor (if any) depth, then no matter how many monsters there are in the dungeon, they will not be able to affect them.

What?Physical exertion?

Did you understand the food?

This is a skill from the gourmet world. Its effect is to store the energy in the food in the body by eating a lot of food, and then use it as a backup energy during battle.

energy?It can't be used up, it can't be used up at all!


For my sister-in-law, these three days were simply a nightmare.

Every morning when I wake up, I have to puff my mouth, hold a long gun, and follow Lin Qiong and the others with a slumped face to go deep into the depth of the dungeon below forty floors for actual combat training-only at lunch And dinner time can take a little break.

"It's finally over, there's no need to go to the dungeon—"

The aunt held a spear in both hands, like a brave man who just defeated the demon king, looked at the warm sun rising in the morning of the fourth day with a vicissitudes of life, and murmured: "For the first time, I feel that the sun is so wonderful. "

I hate early seven.

"What's over?"

Lin Qiong stuck his head out of the bathroom with a toothbrush in his mouth, and said vaguely: "Why do you think I brought Astoria, Jian and Mihe with me?"

The real training is yet to come!

Auntie: "..."

Originally immersed in the tranquility of the morning, her expression froze, then she turned her head sadly, and said in a whimpering voice, "Aqiong, are you a devil? Can't you let me have a relaxing and happy vacation!?"

"Ah, it's not impossible?"


"After all, it's your choice whether to train or not. I don't have to force you."

"Yeah! Aqiong, I love you to death!"

"Well, but in this case, we won't take you to more dangerous worlds in the future."


"Hey what? What if you are in danger?"


The sister-in-law showed a very painful expression—the degree of entanglement was about the same as that of a red and white witch who did not want to be named was entangled in whether to ask for [-] yuan or morality. After hesitating for a long time, he gritted his teeth and said: "Ah, I get it, I get it! I'll practice, can't I practice? For a pleasant trip to another world, no matter if it's training or anything, just let it go!"

"Very good, very good."

Lin Qiong retracted his head with satisfaction, then hummed and twisted his buttocks, and began a pleasant journey of brushing his teeth.



Astoria Familia Resident.

Lin Qiong crossed his arms, looked at the team in front of him, and couldn't help but click his tongue: "Tsk tsk, what an exaggerated team—"

Loki Familia——

Loki, Finn, Riveria, Ace trio.

Mihe family——

Mihe, Nazha.

Hephaestus Familia——

Hephaestus, Tsubaki.

Astoria Familia——

Astraea, and all members at Level 2 and above.

"Mih and Hephaestus finally brought someone out, but..."

Lin Qiong looked at Jian Yulei, the only one present who was obviously the bare-handed commander, but still had his arms folded and showed a great look, and complained, "A Jian, hasn't your family started to build yet?"

"Those kids are just Lv.1 beginners—"

A Jianli looked at Lin Qiong confidently, and said, "The world you mentioned is too dangerous for them."

"It seems that your family has just started?"

Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows, then put his arms around Jian Yulei's shoulders enthusiastically, and said, "But it's okay! My buddy will introduce you to a seedling later, all of them can be beaten by thieves!"

"Is it true??"

Jian Yulei's eyes lit up, and he said with a smile: "Brother Qiong, you are indeed my best brother!"

"Oh, I seem to have heard something interesting—"

At this moment, Loki leaned over like a dog smelling shit (Jianyu Leiyu), stared at Lin Qiong with his squinted eyes, and said, "Aqiong! You are not kind! Why? Can there be good things only for Ah Jian?"

Lin Qiong took a half step back with a vigilant expression, then raised his hands and said, "There are a lot of potential candidates, you can recruit by your own ability, can you?"

"That's a good feeling~"

Loki grinned, then looked at the depressed Jian Yulei with joy, laughed and patted his shoulder, saying: "Ajian, you have to work hard!"

Come on with a hammer!

Damn it!The Loki family, one of the three giants of Olali, and I, a fledgling Jianyulei family, are robbing people. How shameless are you... Oh, you are Loki, then it’s okay.

Oh, files!

"Well, good brothers, get ready to go——"

Lin Qiong waved his right hand, summoned the world-crossing gate, and said: "First stop, the world of disciples!"



Elven world.

Castle in the Sky.

"Oh oh oh oh--"

Those who came to the Sky City for the first time, the masters of the disciple world (and the Xinbai United people who mixed in) exclaimed with excitement. There is a feeling of being dazzled.

This, is this the world of adults?Sri Lanka one desu!

"How about it?"

Lin Qiong's face was filled with unabashed pride and pride. He was like a man who couldn't wait to show off the PS5 and 4090 his girlfriend bought for him. He couldn't wait to sit on the subway with these two things all afternoon, "This This is my castle, my city in the sky!”

"Awesome! Brother, this is too powerful!"

Shirahama Kenichi stared at the magnificent garden that seemed to appear only in animation, and said, "This is the first time I have seen such a beautiful castle—but why is it called the Castle of the Sky?"


Lin Qiong showed a smug smile. He folded his hands on his chest and said happily, "Very good! As expected of my junior brother, you got the point! That's because..."

"It's because this castle can fly~"

Loki interrupted Lin Qiong's pretense at the side, and then let out a strange cry of "Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" and fled like flying away, "hey hey, you can't hit me~"

Lin Qiong: "..."

Hard, fucking fist hard!

He gritted his teeth and looked at Loki, who was as happy as a runaway husky after releasing his divine power, and squinted his eyes and said, "Loki, don't let me get the fuck out of you! Otherwise, I won't give you good juice!" !"

"Do you think my great Loki is scared?"

Lin Qiong stepped on the rockery with his left foot, pointed at his chest with his right hand boldly, and said with his head held high: "At worst, I beg you to forgive me! Can you still beat me to death?"


Lin Qiong's expression gradually turned ferocious, "Damn it, how can there be such hob meat?"

"That, that, brother..."

At this time, Kenichi at the side showed the trembling expression that seemed to be the face of the big bad wolf that was squeezed dry when he met Little Red Riding Hood again, and asked weakly: "Then, that, the name Loki, shouldn't be what I imagined. The Loki in the movie, right?"

Lin Qiong grinned at Kenichi and said, "It's the one you imagined, the god of mischief Loki who triggered Ragnarok~"

Kenichi: "..."

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