To be honest, if Lin Qiong hadn’t mentioned before that he knew the God of War, Jian Yulei, Kenichi wouldn’t have connected Loki with the mythical Loki, but now it seems...

Goo!Brother, what kind of gangsters do you know?

"Then do you mean..."

Jianyi looked at the other gods, swallowed nervously, and said, "Those are also..."

Lin Qiong glanced at the other members who were also curious, couldn't help but smiled, and introduced them.

"The long-haired brown-haired knight is the goddess of justice, Astoria, in Greek mythology."

"That red-haired beauty in men's clothing is Hephaestus, the forged body in Greek mythology.

"That noble young man with blue short hair is the god of medicine in Irish mythology, Meah."

"That poor-looking one is the god of war in Japanese mythology, Takeyulei."

"Wait, wait, wait!"

At this time, Ah Jian, who looked poor, couldn't hold back any longer. He ran up to Lin Qiong with a dark face, and said, "Brother Qiong, why is my introduction a little bit too much?" ?”

"Have it?"



"It is true!"

Lin Qiong and A Jian looked at each other for a few seconds, then sighed, then twitched an oil-based pen from his arms, and said: "You let me draw a picture on your chest, and I will give you another introduction How about it?"

Jian Yulei: "..."

He recalled the patterns on Lin Qiong's abdomen and the lifting cat above him a few days ago, and couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Lin Qiong: "?"

A big question mark appeared on his head, and he rolled up his sleeves without hesitation, then puffed up the muscles on his arms, and said, "Do you want to fight?"

"Ahem, misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding!"

Jian Yulei gave a dry cough, then looked at Lin Qiong pretending to be serious, and said, "Then, Ah Jian with a poor face, leave now!"

slip away!

"Oh shit--"

Lin Qiong stomped his feet angrily, and said, "A bunch of bastards!"

Can't this group of Orari gods have a bit of integrity! ?It costs [-] yuan for Hongbai to sell his integrity, so you are not less moral than Hongbai! !

Kenichi: "..."

Everyone in the disciple world on the side has been completely dumbfounded, okay?

"No no no no, as expected of Lord Lin Qiong!!"

The alien Haruo Niijima rushed to Lin Qiong with an exaggerated expression and sang loudly in an aria-like manner: "Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, unexpectedly! Actually chatting and laughing with the gods from another world! Ah, young master, you are the one. The bright light on our way forward is an oasis in the dry desert, a piece of tranquility in the storm, and a fire in the eternally frozen ice field..."

Loki on the side: "!?"

The talent sensor radar has responded!

Chapter 0666 Nonsense

After making a fuss for a while, everyone finally calmed down.

"Don't move, just stand still -"

Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips, glanced at the troops in front of him, and said, "Let me be healthy!"

The first square is the disciple world——

Masters and disciples of Liangshanbo, Baquan and disciples of YOMI, Qihuang Sinblade, and several main members of Xinbai United;

The second square is the realm world——

Except for Balegang, who is obsessed with farming and can't help himself, all the members of the Holy Shield and the remaining Quincy party came here;

The third phalanx is the wrong world——

Four gods with core members of their own families, and a poor face who didn't bring anyone with him, and mainly wanted to accompany him;

The fourth square is Fairy Tail World——

All the dragons who migrated to Sky City, as well as members of the (original) Twelve Shields of the Western Continent, gathered together.

The fifth square is the world of elves——

There was no one else, just the obedient Sangouzi squatting with his tongue hanging out, and the majestic Phoenix King.

"Be good-"

Lin Qiong touched his chin, and complained to the eldest lady beside him with a strange expression: "Do you think I am exaggerating? I feel that this lineup can almost promote the world of One Piece a hundred times. "

"One thing to say..."

The eldest lady calculated the combat effectiveness of these worlds with her fingers, and also calculated the performance of Pirate World, and couldn't help but said: "Indeed."

Except for a very few monsters who have mastered knowledge and color, 99.99% of the members of Pirate World can't pass the level of Aizen, okay?

"Aqiong Aqiong! What are you still doing?"

At this time, Loki, who had been disciplined for a minute, stopped a bit. She raised her right hand and waved towards Lin Qiong, saying, "Let's go! I can't wait to go to the world you mentioned, and then make a big fuss." One match!"

"Hey, you guys, take it easy—"

When Lin Qiong heard Loki's words, he immediately looked at the god of pranksters who had a bad record in the God Realm, sweating profusely, and said, "That world can't stand your troubles!"

"Don't worry, Aqiong."

Astoria smiled slightly, and said softly: "I will watch Loki and not let her mess around."

"Me too."

Hephaestus sighed, then propped his chin helplessly, and said, "If Loki acts recklessly, I will reduce my cooperation with Loki's family."

"Eh!? Eh——!?"

Loki's eyes widened by a tenth of a millimeter. She crossed her arms and said in disbelief, "Aren't we good sisters? Aren't we members of the 'Persecution of Hestia Dwarfs Club'!? You actually betrayed me!?"

He & Ah: "?"

No, who is a member of your broken club! ?

"Oh! As expected of Astoria, she's so reliable! I'll introduce you to a suitable new member—"

Lin Qiong gave Astoria a thumbs up, then moved his thumb to Hephaestus, and said: "Hephaestus too, I will give you new rare materials, feel free to look forward!"

The material on the dragon has already filled three warehouses!Hurry up and consume some!

"What about me! Aqiong, what about me?"

Loki raised his hands expectantly, and said, "What about me!?"

"Your words……"

Lin Qiong thought about it, and with Loki's urinating nature, if you don't give her some sweetness, this fellow might not be able to poke his head out of the gap in the cubicle to scare you when you are squatting on the toilet, "I'll give you Introducing the mermaids on Murloc Island? Every one of them is super beautiful, right?"

Loki: "!"

Her painting style suddenly switched to the sharp-edged Beidou Shen Fist style. First, the macho man raised his right hand to hit his chest, then gave Lin Qiong a thumbs up and said: "Good brother! Good brother for life." !”

Lin Qiong: "..."

In a sense, Loki is also...

Good deal, right?



Pirate world.

Haiyuan Calendar, 1498.

Rogue Town.

Thousands of residents gathered here, and countless video phone bugs were arranged around the execution platform, and the images were broadcast to all parts of the world in real time.

Today, in this town, a big event that will attract the attention of the whole world is about to happen.

One Piece, Gol D. Roger, will be executed here!


"It's One Piece!"

"One Piece, I was really caught—"

In the midst of everyone's attention, accompanied by the crisp sound of chains colliding, the somewhat disorganized Roger came to the top of the execution platform under the escort of the navy soldiers.

"Ha ha--"

Looking at the crowded crowd and the familiar faces hidden in the crowd, Roger couldn't help grinning, and sat cross-legged on the execution platform with a big grin.

At this time, there are still 3 minutes before twelve noon.

These 3 minutes are so difficult.

It's like the last hundredth of a download progress bar.

It's like the last 5 minutes before school before the holidays.

It's like the torment of waiting for your girlfriend to take a shower in a hotel.

As time goes by, whether it is the executioner on the stage, the onlookers off the stage, or the audience from all over the world, the emotions in their hearts become more and more tense and uneasy.

at last……

"It's noon!"

Accompanied by Vice Admiral Sakarski who was in charge of maintaining the scene, he stood up from his seat and said in a deep voice, "Soldier, prepare for execution!"

"Has this moment finally come?"

Roger chuckled, then lowered his head, and said, "Come on, quickly end everything!"


The two soldiers holding long-handled knives were silent, and raised their weapons profusely in sweat—it was somewhat psychologically stressful to execute One Piece.

At this moment, from under the execution platform, a strong man in a denim vest put his hands to his mouth and shouted: "Hey! One Piece! You must have obtained the legendary secret treasure 'OnePiece', right? Where did you hide it? Is it really the 'Great Route'!?"


Hearing this voice, Roger immediately raised his head and let out a hearty laugh.A few seconds later, he suddenly lowered his head and shouted with a voice full of determination: "Do you want my treasure? If you want it, I can give it all to you - go find it! I put all the treasures in It's... um!?"

Roger's voice fell silent.

Not only him, but the onlookers present, the executioners on the execution platform, the sailors in the stands, the crowds from all over the world, and the Navy Headquarters...

"That, that is..."

Seeing the huge castle looming above the town of Rogge, Marshal Sora at the Navy Headquarters stood up in astonishment, and said, "Could it be the Golden Lion!?"


Warring States stood up from his seat and said in disbelief: "Hasn't the Golden Lion been defeated by us?"

That's right!

In order to prevent the Golden Lion Shiki from making trouble during Roger's execution, Sengoku, Garp, and Sora joined forces to lure the Golden Lion to the Marine Headquarters, Marine Vandor, and successfully defeated it and poured it into the prison. so……

"It can never be the golden lion—"

Kong pinched his chin, lost in thought: "But if it's not the golden lion, then who is it?"



"It's Shiki... No, it doesn't seem to be."

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