Roger squinted his eyes. He tried to observe the castle above with his kenwensebaqi. However, he found that the area was like a pitch-black hole and could not sense anything. .

"Who the hell dares to interfere with the navy's execution!?"

The brave red dog, who is not afraid of difficulties, jumped into the air on his moon steps, rushed straight towards the sky city, and shouted: "The villain who hides his head and shows his tail, get out of here—Meteor Volcano!"

The lava fist, like a meteor shower, swung from Akainu's hands, and then fell towards the castle in the sky like a rain of fire.

"The Roar of the Ice Dragon—"

At this time, with a cold roar, an icy blue beam of light shot out from the castle, and under everyone's shocking gaze, it swept through the rain of fire in the air and condensed all of it into ice.


Watching this scene, the navy and even the pirates, who are familiar with Akainu's strength, all showed expressions of astonishment.

what's the situation! ?Akainu's moves were actually frozen! ?There is no mistake! ?That's magma, with a temperature of thousands of degrees! !

"Hey, hello, Mr. Navy, are you too rude?"

At this time, a figure in a black windbreaker appeared on the city wall. He looked at the surprised red dog and said dissatisfiedly: "Attack us at a glance, you are infringing on our right to fly freely?"

At this time, Lin Qiong decided to temporarily incarnate as the E·M·T God Cult, High Sin Bishop, and Strong Desire.

"Ridiculous! Who gave you permission to fly over Rogue Town?"

"Huh? Which regulation doesn't allow us to fly above Rogue Town?"

Akainu: "..."

He couldn't help but ponder for a few seconds, then suddenly reacted, and shouted angrily: "There is no law with you pirates!"

"Wait! Pirate? What pirate?"

Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips and said confidently: "First of all, my castle does not have a pirate flag! Secondly, your navy does not have my arrest warrant! Then, I have not committed any illegal acts! Finally, I did not claim to be Pirates—so why do you dare to assume my identity?"

At this time, Lin Qiong decided to temporarily incarnate as a political correctness fighter and boxer.

Akainu: "..."

He was silent for a few more seconds and said, "If you are not a pirate, why did you come to Rogge Town?"

"Please! One Piece is coming, can't I come to the scene to join in the fun?"

Lin Qiong spoke in a stubborn manner, "Besides, there are so many onlookers below, are they all pirates? Then why don't you arrest them all!?"

Akainu: "..."

Hey, how can this person talk nonsense so much?I can't fix it all at once.

Chapter 0667 Kneel Down

'This guy, what the hell is going on—'

Akainu frowned his eyebrows a little irritably, but recalling the scene where his meteor volcano was frozen by the opponent's attack, he couldn't help suppressing his emotions: "The most important thing now is Gol D. Jay's execution!Before he's put to death, it's better not to make a fuss—'

Although he hates pirates, he can clearly distinguish the seriousness of the matter and ease it. In addition, he has never seen the arrest warrant for this person, and the other party has indeed not violated the law...

Thinking of this, his face darkened, and he said in a majestic voice: "Since you are here to watch the execution of One Piece, then stay here honestly!"

After finishing speaking, he was about to stop the moon steps and fall from the sky, but at this moment, he heard Lin Qiong's leisurely voice: "Ouch! The vice admiral is so powerful—"

Akainu: "..."

He fell slightly, then stepped into the air again and flew up again. He looked at Lin Qiong with a dangerous look and asked, "What do you mean?"

If it is an ordinary little pirate, I am afraid that he is already trembling under the eyes of Akainu...

Oh, Kenichi is already shaking?That's fine.

"What do you mean? Could it be that the Lieutenant General has forgotten what he did just now?"

Lin Qiong covered his mouth with his hands in surprise, and made an unbelievable sound that could be heard by the audience.

"My God—

The city of the sky was only close to the sky above Rogge Town, and was attacked by the lieutenant general for no reason!

If the soldiers under my command hadn't been a little bit stronger (swipe my thumb and index finger), I'm afraid the city in the sky would have been destroyed by the Lieutenant General's natural disaster attack, right?

The results of it?As a result, the Lieutenant General not only did not apologize for attacking innocent (accent) us for no reason (accent), but actually threatened and intimidated us! !

God!God!So this is the true face of the Navy?Master Lieutenant General, what an official authority you are! ! ! "

Akainu: "..."

In just an instant, his face turned completely dark, as if a volcanic eruption of anger began to brew in his heart—he can guarantee that if this moment is not the execution time of One Piece, then he will definitely Nie Guren greeted him.

But, no.


Sakaski looked at Lin Qiong who was full of veins and was panting heavily.

'calm!Calm down, Sakalski! '

'The most important thing now is the execution of One Piece!This is the common expectation of the whole navy, the whole world, and all the five old stars! '

'Absolutely, never let an accident happen in front of you—'

"Hiss, whoo—"

After three consecutive deep breaths, Akainu suppressed the tumbling lava in his heart again, and then said with a fierce face: "Okay! I apologize for my behavior just now!"

"oh oh!"

Lin Qiong showed a surprised expression, and then said with a playful smile: "But I don't accept it!"

"You bastard—!!"

The volcano in Akainu's heart erupted, and his body overflowed with magma visible to the naked eye, dripping on the buildings below, "Are you fooling me!?"

"No, no, how dare I fool the lieutenant general?"

Lin Qiong waved his hands in fear and said: "I just think that if an apology is useful, wouldn't it be okay if a pirate just said sorry after robbing other people's property and killing other people's whole families? What about the navy? What is the meaning of existence?”

What does it mean to press every step of the way, what does it mean to push an inch, and what does it mean to just rub but not get in?

Akainu: "..."

He clenched his fist tightly, and then took a breath with all his strength, making the muscles in his chest bulge up—he held this breath for 20 seconds before spitting it out again.

He understood that this messy guy was here to make trouble!

"The soldiers below—"

He lowered his head, looked at the soldier standing on the execution platform with a dazed expression, and said in a deep voice, "Execute immediately!!"

"Ah, yes!"

The executioner trembled all over, then subconsciously raised the long-handled knife in his hand, ready to stab Gol D Roger in the heart, but...

"Ignoring me? That's no fun—"

Seeing Chiquan's response, Lin Qiong couldn't help frowning, raised his right hand and pressed it down lightly, and said, "Since you don't play with me, don't blame me for flipping the table."

"—get down on your knees."

The next moment, an aura as if falling from the sky enveloped the entire Rogge Town, causing everyone in the town to kneel on the ground involuntarily.

"This, what is this?"

"Could it be domineering look?"

"But, but, I have never seen such an overbearing color..."

The experienced powerhouses in the crowd couldn't help but raise their heads with difficulty, and then saw the appearance of the Vice Admiral falling from the sky, sweating profusely.

"It's a pity! Originally, I was planning to chat with you a few more words."

Lin Qiong put his hands behind his back and gently landed on the execution platform. Looking at the red dog that fell to the ground and turned into a lump of magma, he shook his head in disappointment and said, "If the one guarding the yellow ape today is , he might accompany me until the support from the Navy Headquarters arrives here."

"You, who are you..."

After the lava squirmed a few times, it re-condensed into the appearance of Akainu. Staring at Lin Qiong standing on the execution platform, he asked: "Is your goal from the beginning to be the Pirate King?"

"Well, more or less like this."

Lin Qiong squatted on the body of Gol D. Roger, who was at a loss because of the super-expansion of the plot, and said with a smile: "Your Excellency, One Piece, good afternoon."

Roger: "..."

He looked around for a while, then raised his head to look at Lin Qiong, and said with a little bewilderment, "Who is your Excellency?"

"My name is Lin Qiong, the city lord of the Sky City."

Lin Qiong stretched out his fingers and stroked the shackles on Roger's hand, and with a "click", the wooden shackles broke in two and fell on the execution platform, "If there is no accident, you will be loyal to me in the future." people."

Roger: "???"

A few big question marks popped up on his head, and he asked with a look of astonishment: "I've never seen Your Excellency, have I?"

"Is such that."

"Then what did you mean by what you just said?"

"I saved your life, shouldn't you be a cow and a horse to repay me?"

Roger: "..."

He opened his mouth, and then let out a burst of hearty laughter: "Hahahahaha! Maybe your own way of doing things is the reason why you have such a powerful overlord!!"

In this world, the only "qualification of a king" that cannot be acquired through acquired training is the domineering color and domineering power. In Roger's view, Lin Qiong's willful and willful way of going his own way is not a "qualification of a king". "King's qualifications"?

Lin Qiong smiled and stretched out his right hand towards Roger and said, "So you agree?"

"Sorry, I can't leave with you."

Roger shook his head lightly, and he said, "Because... cough cough cough, cough cough——"

Before he could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by a hasty and embarrassing cough.The once all-powerful One Piece is now curled up on the execution platform with his mouth covered like a sickly consumptive ghost.


Finally, after the cough subsided, Roger wiped the corners of his mouth, then smiled wryly and spread out his palms, a smear of scarlet was clearly visible on his palms, "As you can see, I'm not going to die soon."

If he was not terminally ill, how could Roger surrender to the Navy and exchange his own life for the safety of other members of the Roger Pirates?

"Is there any mistake? You are the One Piece, how can you die because of a small terminal illness?"

Lin Qiong stretched out his right hand in dissatisfaction, picked up Roger's collar in a stunned expression, and said, "But you seem to have misunderstood something—I'm not discussing with you, but telling you."

Roger: "..."

His Excellency the One Piece, who was unable to move all over his body, was carried by Lin Qiong to the Sky City like a bunny under the gaze of billions of eyes all over the world, and disappeared behind the city wall.

"Oh, right--"

Lin Qiong's head popped out of the city wall again, and then waved to the video phone bugs below with a smile, saying, "Goodbye!"

Under the watchful eyes of the immobile Rogge Town residents, onlookers, pirates with ulterior motives, and the struggling navy, Sky City slowly left the sky above Rogge Town.


A few seconds later, accompanied by a roar of extreme anger, the furious red dog jumped into the air from the big hole on the ground, and then stepped on the moon steps towards the sky where there was only one black spot left. The city rushed over.

"Thief, stop for me!!"

Red Dog's furious voice echoed over Rogue Town, he raised his right hand high, and roared: "Leave One Piece for me!! Dog bites red lotus—"

Just when Akainu launched the pursuit, a voice full of majesty, as if holding the sword of vowed victory, came from Sky Castle: "The harbinger of the end, white snow. Facing the dusk, roll up the wind. Enclosed light, frozen earth. Blowing snow all over the sky, three severe winters—my name is Alf!"

The next moment, the world was silent.


Naval Headquarters.

"Roger was rescued by an unknown person, and Sakaski was frozen by the other party..."

Kong slumped on the chair, rubbed the bridge of his nose with a tired face, and said, "How could this be? How could it be!"


I originally thought that after sending the only golden lion who might cause trouble to prison, there should be no more problems in this execution, but...

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