Why did it become like this?I caught One Piece for the first time, and I defeated the morale of the pirate for the first time. The combination of these two happy things should bring me more happiness.But why, why is this so...

Admiral Sora is also in the amazing emo today.

Chapter 0668 Turn into a cow and a horse to work for me

In the spacious marshal's office, the mainstays of the navy fell into deep silence.

Qing Zhi sat on the sofa with a solemn expression, his head lowered and he didn't know what he was thinking about;

Kizaru leaned back on the chair with a leisurely look on his face, polishing his nails with a file gently;

Warring States put his hands on his forehead with a heavy face, thinking about what to do next;

Garp stretched out his right hand calmly, and touched the senbei in front of Zhan Guofang;

Sora stared at the ceiling with a blank expression, his whole person immersed in sadness.

"Blu blu blu—"

At this moment, the notification sound of the phone bug broke the silent space, and immediately the eyes of several people present focused on it.


He came back to his senses, and then whispered: "Is it really here?"

There is only one possibility for calling him at this time, and that is...


Kong answered the phone, and then said in a deep voice, "I am Kong."

"What the hell is going on today!?"

The voice of one of the five old stars came from the mouth of the phone, and from the appearance of its forehead with blue veins, it could be seen how angry the caller was, "Why was Roger rescued!? Sarah Why can't Kaski stop the other party!? What were you doing at the time!?"

"It's all my fault."

Kong lowered his head deeply and said in a deep voice: "I will resign from the position of Navy Marshal..."


What Rang Kong didn't expect was that the second of the five old stars on the other end of the phone rejected his proposal without thinking, "Sakaski has disgraced the navy in front of the whole world, how can he be promoted to general at this time?" ?”

When talking about this matter, Wu Laoxing became very angry.

They had already planned-

After Roger was executed, Steel Bone Kong was promoted from Admiral of the Navy to Commander-in-Chief of the World Conquering Army, while Sengoku was promoted to Admiral of the Navy, and Sakaski, Polusalino, and Kuzan were promoted to Admiral of the Navy.

Through this wave of promotions of many people at the same time, the navy's combat power, reputation and deterrence will reach its peak.

The results of it?

As a result, under the auspices of the whole world, reserve general Sakaski was easily defeated by the thieves who kidnapped Roger, and was completely humiliated!If he is promoted to general at this time... not only will it not improve the deterrent effect, but it will make the world think "Admiral? Oh, that guy who was killed instantly? It seems that the navy is nothing more than that."

No, absolutely not!


He pondered for a moment and said, "Please give instructions."

"First, immediately prepare a reward order for the man who kidnapped Roger!"

"Then, I will arrange CP personnel to search the whereabouts of that castle all over the world. Once there is news, you will immediately lead Sengoku and Garp to hunt it down!"

"This matter must not be neglected, understand?"

Wu Laoxing, you and I arranged the matter in a word.


Kong lowered his head respectfully, and said in a firm tone: "Once I get the news, I will definitely strike with a thunderbolt!"

Sin will never be tolerated!



Castle in the Sky.

"Is this guy the Pirate King?"

Loki looked at Roger who was sitting on the ground and smiled bitterly, and said with a smile: "I heard that you got that 'One Piece'? What on earth is that thing?"

"Hey, do you want it? I can give you all—"

Roger smiled slyly and said, "It's just that I put it in..."

Who knew that Loki had just listened to the first half of what he said, and waved his hand and said, "Forget it if you don't say it, then I don't want it!"

Just kidding, who am I?I am Loki, can I be fooled by you?

Roger: "..."

He has a feeling that when he just took off his clothes and took out the props to have a good time, he found that the boutique collection he just downloaded was a looping video of a white-skinned foreigner twisting his waist and singing.

feeling bad.

"Your Excellency."

Seeing that Loki wasn't fooled, Rogge smiled helplessly, then turned his attention to Lin Qiong, and said, "As you can see, I'm near the end of my life, so what's the point of you bringing me here?"

"Who said your life was not going to be long? Who allowed you to be dying?"

Lin Qiong put his right hand on his hips, looked down at Roger in front of him, and said, "You can't rest yet? Let me squeeze out your remaining value!"

Roger: "..."

He opened his hands dumbfounded, and said, "Your Excellency, do you think I'd be happy to die here?"

He also has a beloved wife, an unborn child, an unfulfilled dream, and a companion that he can't let go of. If the god of death hadn't been chasing him too closely, how could he have made the choice he made now?

Who wouldn't want to live two extra days?

"In other words, you don't want to die either, right?"

Lin Qiong raised his right hand and snapped his fingers, and said, "Isn't that simple? I will let you continue to live, and you will spend the rest of your life working for me!"

Roger: "..."

This was the first time that he felt tired of "being unable to communicate with this person": "Sir, I have told you that I am not going to die soon..."

"Did I just say, 'I let you live'?"

Lin Qiong waved his hands behind him and said, "A Jian, let Mihe go!"

Ah Jian shouted: "Okay! Mihe is out!"

Mihe, who was pushed out of the crowd by Jian Yulei: "..."

He turned his head and glanced at Jian Yulei who was winking at him, then walked to Lin Qiong's side helplessly, and said, "Brother Qiong, it doesn't matter if Miss Xinhu takes action, right?"

"That can't be done! Only me, Erina, Alice, and Yoyo can enjoy the healing of Fei Sazi's love."

Lin Qiong shook his head, then waved his right hand towards the secretary with a smile, and said, "Am I right~~"

Secretary: "..."

Feeling the meaningful teasing eyes from everyone, she couldn't help lowering her head and coughing dryly, and then said in a serious manner: "Well, the young master is right!"


Loki stuffed his index finger and middle finger together into his mouth, then let out a sharp whistle, and said, "Such an open and aboveboard show of affection! It's really enviable! Stupid couple——whew!"

It has to be said that Loki's level of booing and firing is inversely proportional to her figure--that's all said, I think everyone can understand how powerful her shooting ability is, right?

"Go, go, go! Don't make a fuss here—"

Lin Qiong waved his hands in disgust, and said, "Let me tell you, if you don't recruit them again, be careful that all the newcomers will be snatched away by Ah Jian."

Jian Yulei: "?"

He pointed to himself and said, "No, Brother Qiong, can you stop helping me to hate? Is it easy for me to recruit some new people?"

Lin Qiong ignored Jian Yulei's protest, but reminded Loki very kindly, saying: "Loki, don't forget, there are many beautiful and passionate girls in the Eight Fist Hao and the Seven Brilliance Sin-Judging Blades. ?”

Loki: "!"

She directly staged a face-changing Sichuan opera, ran towards the backyard without hesitation, and said, "Damn it! It's okay to let those stinky men go to Jian, but the crush must be mine!"

"Finally got rid of this guy."

Lin Qiong pouted, then looked at Mihe who was squatting next to Roger, helping him check his body, and said, "How? Can it be saved?"

"Brother Qiong, are you looking down on me when you ask this question?"

Mihe raised his head, dumbfounded, and said, "You never doubted Jian's martial arts, Loki's fire fighting ability, and Hephaestus' forging ability, but you only doubted my medical skills? "

"I'm not me without you, don't talk nonsense!"

Lin Qiong immediately denied it and took three consecutive shots, then smiled and put his arms around Mihe's shoulders, and said, "Oh, I'm not worried about the intractable diseases of people from other worlds, what if there are some professional mistakes? Right? Really No, I'll give him a few liters of panacea to try!"

Everyone in Orario: "..."

The envious back molars are almost broken! !How could there be such a luxurious speech! ?

"The main effect of the panacea is to repair the injury, and it is not very effective in curing the diseases in his body."

Mihe shook his head with a chuckle, and explained: "Don't worry, I already have a cure for the terminal illness in his body."

"Oh! He is indeed the legendary god of medicine. He is so reliable!"

Lin Qiong gave Mihe a thumbs up, and said: "Then Roger's illness is left to you! Get him cured as soon as possible, and let him turn into a cow and horse to repay me!"

"Yes Yes Yes."

Mihe nodded, then stretched out his right hand to Rogge, who was still confused and unresponsive, and said, "Mr. Rogge, follow me to the pharmacy to get the medicine."


Roger held Mihe's hand, and after being pulled up by him, he said with a blank face: "Are you really not joking? I still have treatment now?"

"Tsk, tsk, you just need to know that there is no disease in this world that he can't cure."

Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows, and said proudly: "My brother Mihe, his medical skills are inversely proportional to Loki's figure, right?"

Hephaestus: "Pfft, cough, cough—"

The beauty dressed in men's clothing who was drinking beauty juice suddenly covered her mouth and said happily: "Fortunately, Loki is not here."

Otherwise, there will be endless troubles.

"I'm afraid of her?"

Lin Qiong glanced at the direction of the training ground, and after confirming that Loki was not nearby, he stretched his neck and said wildly: "Even if she is here, I dare to point at her nose openly and say that she has small breasts and don't talk!"

"Ah yes yes yes—"

Hephaestus nodded perfunctorily, and said, "I hope you will always be so brave!"

'Tch, I won't take the initiative to provoke that unscrupulous guy——'

Lin Qiong curled his lips. Based on his understanding of Loki, that guy would definitely be able to listen outside his bedroom door and then bang on the door at the critical moment while shouting "FBI! OpenTheDoor!" This kind of thing would make people and gods angry.

Can't be bothered, really can't be bothered.

"Violet, change direction——"

Lin Qiong put his hand on his temple and said with a smile on his face: "Next stop, South China Sea, Badelila Island!"

Chapter 0669 wash the toilet for me ヽ(Д)ノ

South China Sea.

Bateri La Island.


Portgas Lujiu gently put the flower pot in his hand on the ground, then straightened his waist, wiped the sweat on his forehead with the back of his hand, exhaled softly, and whispered: "Today is also a good day day."

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