The warm sun in the morning sprinkled on the ground as always, covering the flowers in the garden with a dazzling golden coat; the white clouds in the sky floated in the sky as always, persistently following Miss Feng's footsteps; the nearby birds Standing on the tree trunk as always, chirping and stretching his throat, let the crisp birdsong echo in his ears.


Lujiu lowered his head, raised his right hand and touched his chest, murmuring: "But why does it feel like everything is different from the past?"

Are they the ones that change?No, it's me.

Because her beloved husband died yesterday at the hands of the navy.Although it was his own choice, she still had a sad feeling.

"No, no, no—"

Lu Jiu came back to her senses, patted her face with her hands, and said to herself: "Lu Jiu, you have to cheer up! You can't let your emotions affect the baby!"

Because she was worried that she would lose her mental balance when she saw the scene of Roger being executed, she didn't even go to the big screen in the village to watch the live broadcast of the execution yesterday, so naturally she didn't know about the big event that shocked the world that happened yesterday.

"Knock Knock-"

At this moment, there was a light knocking sound from the fence in the yard, which made Lu Jiu tense up subconsciously—she didn't rush to open the door, but carefully hid in the bushes, Use the gap between the leaves to peek in the direction of the door.

"Is there anyone please?"

A polite voice with a touch of kindness sounded from the door, "Ms. Portcas Luju, are you at home? There is a package for you here -"

'pack! ? '

Lu Jiu was puzzled, she frowned slightly, and thought: "Not only do you know my detailed address, but also my name?"Could it be that……'

"Ms. Lu Jiu, are you home?? Here is your package—"

The voice sounded again, and he shouted: "It was sent to you by a man named Straw Hat Crooked Hu!"

'Straw hat hook Hu! ? '

Lu Jiu's eyes narrowed slightly, she subconsciously stood up from the bushes, and said, "I'm here! Please wait a moment—"

Knowing her real name and address, and having such distinctive features, I'm afraid that's the only person, right?

"Well, blond wavy hair, freckles..."

Lin Qiong pretended to look at Lu Jiu, who was panting slightly, and then said with a smile: "The characteristics match, it is indeed Ms. Portgas Lu Jiu! Please put away your package!"

Lu Jiu reached out and took the package that Lin Qiong handed over, and said in a low voice, "Thank you for your hard work."

"It's just for work!"

Lin Qiong showed a bright smile, then seemed to remember something, and said, "Oh yes! That gentleman asked me to tell you that there is a letter he wrote to you in the package."


Lu Jiu was taken aback, then hurriedly lowered her head, and opened the package in her hand, revealing a wreath and a letter inside.

[Lu Jiu:

By the time you receive this letter, the execution will probably be over.

I am worried that your mental state will affect the fetus in your belly, so I asked someone to give you this garland, which is said to soothe the soul.

I hope all is well. ]


Lu Jiu covered her mouth, then set her eyes on the garland in the box, and put it on her hand tremblingly—I don’t know if it was a psychological effect, when the garland was on her wrist At that moment, she suddenly felt that her heart seemed to be much calmer.

After Lin Qiong watched this scene, he nodded in satisfaction and said, "It seems that Mr. Straw Hat's gift has been delivered."


Lu Jiu showed a grateful smile to Lin Qiong, and said, "Thank you very much, sir."

Lin Qiong waved his hand and said modestly: "No, you are too happy."


"I am now officially notifying you, Ms. Lu Jiu, that you were kidnapped by me."


"Millerton! We elbow!"


In Lu Jiu's bewildered expression, a blue-purple snake-shaped creature descended from the sky, carried her on its back, and then rushed towards the air.


Lu Jiu subconsciously supported Millerton's body—under the influence of the bracelet, she didn't appear flustered or nervous, but fell into thinking calmly.

"Jie Jie! Ms. Lu Jiu, are you surprised or not?"

Lin Qiong floated beside Lu Jiu, and said with a wicked smile: "One Piece, Gol D. Roger probably never thought in his life that his wife would be taken away by someone, right? Jie Jie!"

"Sir, if I'm not mistaken..."

Lu Jiu looked at Lin Qiong calmly, and said, "You should be Roger's friend, and you were entrusted by him to help me, right?"

Lin Qiong: "Huh?"

"It stands to reason that I should be very disturbed and terrified, but my mood now has an indescribable calm."

Lu Jiu lowered her head, looked at the wreath on her wrist, and said softly, "If I'm not wrong, it should be the effect of this wreath that has the effect of soothing the soul, right? You just waited for me to wear the wreath before robbing me, just because you were worried I affect the fetus in the womb because of my mood swings, right?"

Lin Qiong: "..."

"Besides, your act of taking me away was too gentle."

Lu Jiu gently stroked Millerton under her body, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and said, "Neither stunned me nor used rough methods, but specially arranged for such a flying animal to pick me up .”


Lin Qiong couldn't help but scratched his head, and then complained: "Ms. Lu Jiu, do you know that your analysis makes me look stupid?"

No wonder that stinky beard didn't seem worried at all when I proposed this "insured prank"!So he already knew that Lu Jiu could guess it? ?

Hearing Lin Qiong's words, Lu Jiu couldn't help laughing, and said, "It seems that I guessed it right?"

"Hmph! You guessed wrong! From today onwards you will suffer the pain of being enslaved by me—"

Lin Qiong said a little angrily: "From today, you have to work for eight full hours every day, but your lunch break is only a short two and a half hours! And only three meals and snacks are provided a day, not only in the morning Milk, and we won’t provide afternoon tea or midnight snacks!”

Lu Jiu: "..."

Where are you from, a good person?



Castle in the Sky.

"Hee hee hee--"

Looking at Lin Qiong with a stinky face, Roger couldn't help but let out a burst of laughter, and said, "Master, it seems that your plan has failed."

"Hey, you bastard—"

Lin Qiong reached out and hooked Roger's neck, and then said with a displeased face: "Did you know the result from the beginning!? You deliberately put it here to see my joke?"


Roger couldn't help laughing heartily, then turned his head, opened his hands towards Lu Jiu who was covering her mouth excitedly just after landing, and said: "Because, Lu Jiu is the woman I like!"


Lin Qiong clicked his tongue, then tactfully let go of Roger's neck and stepped aside, giving this small space to the reunited couple.

"I thought you had..."

Lu Jiu buried her face in Roger's arms, and said in a slightly choked voice: "Great, it's really great that you're still alive."

"Yeah, it's great that I'm alive."

Roger hugged Lu Jiu's waist with emotion, and said in a low voice, "Lu Jiu, we will never be separated again."

Lin Qiong: "..."

What to do, hearing Roger's words gave him an urge to rush over and separate the two.


"Master, master, master—"

Accompanied by a burst of yelling, the lively Zoe waved the reward order in her hand excitedly, and said, "Young master, don't offer a reward!!"

Lin Qiong: "Huh?"

All of a sudden, all the members who were interested in this matter came together in front of Zoe, and looked at the reward order in his hand—everyone looked down, directly skipping photos, life and death, names, and went straight to The reward amount at the bottom.

"One, ten, hundred, thousand, ten thousand..."

After counting all the way down, the smiling steel fist couldn't help but widen his eyes, and said: "Hey, 35 billion!? It's a big deal!"

"Eh? Why is it only 35 billion?"

Looking at this number, Lin Qiong couldn't help showing a disgusted expression, and said, "Fuck the hammer! Roger, who washes toilets in Sky City, has 55 billion! Why am I only 35 billion!?"

Roger: "???"

He glanced at Lu Jiu who was covering his mouth and snickering next to him, then looked at Lin Qiong incredulously, and said, "Master, when did my job become washing toilets!?"

"just now--"

Lin Qiong looked at Roger with arrogance, and said arrogantly: "This is a punishment for your bounty exceeding this young master, punishment!"

Roger: "..."

He pondered for a few seconds and said, "Master! Although you only have a reward of 35 billion, your subordinates have a reward of 55 billion. Doesn't this just show your greatness?"

Lin Qiong touched his chin: "It seems to make sense?"

Luo Jie strikes while the iron is hot: "The young master only has a reward of 35 billion, because the five old stars have no eyes! With the young master's ability, it is no problem to offer a reward of tens of billions!"

Lin Qiong clapped his palms and said, "Yes, very right, very right! Roger, you don't need to wash the toilet anymore!"


Roger took a long breath, and then made a face at his wife who was laughing so much that her nose was about to pop out.

"Lu Jiu has already boarded the boat, so the next stop—"

Lin Qiong raised his right hand, swung it forward, and said, "Xihai O'Hara!"

For Miss Know-It-All!Duck!

Chapter 0670 Even Heathcliff sees more clearly than you!

The city in the sky is on the way to the west sea.

"Huo, everyone is very energetic—"

Lin Qiong sat down on the ponytail next to the training ground, then raised the sugarcane he was holding in his right hand, took a bite, and said while chewing: "I like this kind of scene full of vigor, not bad .”

Miss: "..."

She took a look at Lin Qiong's attire at this time - the upper body was a fairy cloth printed T-shirt, the lower body was black casual shorts, and a pair of shark slippers on the feet - and she couldn't help but said in a fit of laughter and tears: "Qiong, your dress is really casual. .”

"How do you feel comfortable——"

Lin Qiong spat out the bagasse into the plastic bag with a nonchalant expression, then took a bite, and said, "If anyone criticizes my clothes, I will definitely let him wash the toilet in a black silk bunny girl."

The eldest lady: "?"

She rubbed the bridge of her nose and said, "I heard you right, you said 'he (Kare)' instead of 'she (Kanojyo)?"

"Isn't that natural?"

Lin Qiong said bluntly, "If it's a girl, put me in a doll costume of a sad frog and dance in Ginza... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

The eldest lady tilted her head: "What is that?"

"A very interesting, dynamic dance, I'll show you—"

Lin Qiong grinned, and took out the tablet from his pocket, then deftly opened the bookmarks, found the video of Baby Chiu Mi (laughs), and deftly dragged the progress bar to the position of the ending song.

A cheerful and rhythmic prelude sounded from the computer speakers, causing the eldest lady to raise her eyebrows, and said, "It seems to be very lively... Pfft!!!"

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