Before she could finish her sentence, she saw Annai and Sonia appear on the screen, and started a cheerful and ghostly dance.

"No, no, no, Master, a human who can dance normally can't do this, right!?"

The secretary saw the dancing movements of the two villains in the picture, which could be called ghosts, and immediately said with black lines: "Just the movement of jumping up on the spot, shrinking legs in the air, and landing on the forehead can make ordinary people Got a concussion?"

"It's not a big problem, I'll arrange shock pads!"

Lin Qiong gave a thumbs up in a cheerful manner, and there seemed to be a faint flash of light at the corner of his mouth, "Don't you want to see the Sad Frog Doll dance this dance?"

Miss & Secretary: "..."

The two looked at each other, then nodded with great pain, entanglement, hesitation, and difficulty, and said, "I want to!"

Sorry, unknown girl, but we really want to see it!

"Look! I'll just say—"

Lin Qiong chuckled, then took another bite of the sugar cane, and said vaguely: "Speaking of which, Chew Chew, why didn't you see Alan and Xi'er?"

"Tell the truth, Archer."

The eldest lady twitched her lips and said with an extremely subtle expression: "If outsiders hear what you just said, they will definitely think that you are calling a girl."

"It's not a big problem, and there are no outsiders here."

Lin Qiong threw the last piece of sugar cane into the plastic bag, then clapped his hands and said, "I'm going to see what new stuff they are making. Do you want to come with me?"

"I'm not too interested in those."

The eldest lady shook her head gently and said with a smile: "I'd better continue watching Alice train."

We watch Alice training×

Watch Alice deflate√

"Just a mouthful."

Lin Qiong stood up from the saddle, then swaggered towards the "mortal restricted area" of Sky City.


"What interesting things have you researched—"

Lin Qiong pushed open the door of the laboratory and said in a powerful voice: "Let me be healthy!"

"Qianjun, I am very happy to see that you are still as energetic as ever."

Lan Ran looked at Lin Qiong who came in, and couldn't help showing a gentle smile that could make Chisentao cry in the middle of the night, and said in his extremely magnetic voice: "About our current research... um... …Let Ms. Know-It-All explain it to you.”

Aizen: Do you understand what a person with high emotional intelligence is (tactical back.jpg.

"We're working on devil fruits."

Miss Know-It-All jumped up from her seat, then threw herself into Lin Qiong's arms like a baby swallow returning to its nest, and said, "The devil fruit in this world is so interesting."


Lin Qiong turned to look at the laboratory table - to be precise, the weird "fruit" on the table - and said, "Holy shit! Where did you get the devil fruit?"

"When I went for a walk after dinner yesterday, I picked it up on a pirate ship."

Ms. Know-it-All lightly erased a popular black-and-white plot, and said with some regret: "Unfortunately, it's just the most common animal fruit."

Lin Qiong put his arms around Miss Wanshitong's waist, walked to the table curiously, reached out and picked up the novelties on the table, and said, "What animal fruit?"

"Chinchilla fruit."

Heathcliff calmly pushed the flat mirror on his face and said, "That's what we call Totoro."

Lin Qiong: "..."

He looked at the devil fruit in his hand delicately, and said, "If I understand correctly, I'm holding a cute creature manufacturing device in my hand now?"

"As expected of you, your thinking circuit is different from ordinary people."

Heathcliff made a voice of admiration from the bottom of his heart: "But it's not impossible for you to understand it this way—from the perspective of public aesthetics, Totoro is indeed very cute."

"So, do you want to stop eating?"

Lin Qiong looked at Heathcliff full of malice, and said, "I think Antiline (Jue Shi Jue Ming) will definitely like your new look."

"Please excuse my refusal! I have no interest in this kind of garbage fruit."

Heathcliff looked at the fruit in Lin Qiong's hand with disgust, and said, "If I had to choose, I would choose to eat the dolphin fruit."

Lin Qiong expressed curiosity: "Why? Because dolphins are very smart animals?"

"Do not."

Heathcliff shook his finger, then pointed to his head with longing eyes, and said: "Because dolphins can make the left brain and right brain sleep alternately to stay awake - if I eat dolphin fruit, I will You can give up your sleep time and concentrate on research.”

Lin Qiong: "..."

He gave Heathcliff a thumbs up with admiration, and said, "As expected of a researcher, I really admire this spirit."

"No, you misunderstood."

For some reason, Heathcliff's right hand that pushed his eyes trembled slightly, "Mainly because recently, whenever I'm getting ready to rest, I always see Antiline lying on me wearing a gauze nightgown when I lift the quilt. on the bed.”

Lin Qiong: "Fuck."

You have been doing it for a long time to avoid Antiline's night attack, not to increase research efforts! ?

I misread you!Heathcliff!

"The girl has been delivered to your mouth, but you don't eat it?"

Lin Qiong glanced at Heathcliff with contempt and said, "You're really worthless! Are you still a man?"

Miss Know-It-All: "?"

Where did you get the face to mock others?

Heathcliff: "?"

He pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose with a grim expression, and said, "Who told you that I didn't have anything to eat?"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He couldn't help but took a slight breath, his eyes widened slightly with the movement of his upper back: "You are no longer a virgin!?"

Heathcliff: "??"

He tilted his head slightly, then looked at Lin Qiong with a little doubt, and said, "Why do you think I'm a virgin? Just because I'm a science student? Is there a possibility that I'm following When you left, you were no longer a virgin?"

Lin Qiong: "..."

He thought for a moment, pondered for a moment, and then said: "Then what, having a relationship with a Two-dimensional paper man through NERvGear, isn't that called losing one's virginity?"

"I fucking—"

Hard, Heathcliff clenched his fist.

He clenched his fists tightly, and said with a veiny face: "I am on a normal human woman, and I surrendered myself for the first time!!!"

Lin Qiong understood, he understood, he suddenly realized.

He showed a meaningful smile towards Heathcliff, and said, "Ah~ I understand! Is it aid..."

"Yes! God! Dai! Rin! Son!"

Heathcliff looked at Lin Qiong expressionlessly, and said word by word: "She is my lover, do you have any questions?"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He thought for a moment, then pondered for a moment, and said: "Wait, then, wouldn't it mean that you left your lover in the world of swords for several years, then went to another world to be free and unrestrained by yourself, and also found a little wife in another world! ?Fuck, you scumbag!"

"Master, have you forgotten that you have mastered the power of time?"

Heathcliff pushed his glasses calmly, and said: "You only need to adjust the time week of my world when you open the portal to let the time go back to the time we just left, and there will be no problem. .”

"Fuck, where did you come from Doraemon?"

Lin Qiong put Miss Wanshitong on the sofa, and complained: "Even if this problem is solved, what about you looking for a little wife? Are you going to abandon Rinko Shindai?"

"Didn't you keep trying to match me and Andilin back then? Now you're telling me these things?"

Heathcliff looked at Lin Qiong strangely, and said, "I can go to another world, why should I abide by the laws of the original world? Can't I date Rinko and Antiline at the same time?"

Miss Know-It-All glared at Lin Qiong with hatred, and cursed in her heart: 'Look!Look!Heathcliff sees more clearly than you! '

Lin Qiong: "!"

He widened his eyes and looked at Heathcliff in front of him, then kept his expression and applauded, and said, "Wait! After the matter in Pirate World is over, I will immediately send you back to Sword World!"

Then I want to see the first-hand gossip in Shura Field, Jie Jie!

Chapter 0671 Congratulations, this place is occupied by me

"So, you study this thing-"

Lin Qiong tossed the fruit of the Menghua Department Totoro in his hand, and said curiously: "Did you find anything?"

"Qiongjun, under the leadership of Ms. Wan Shitong, of course we have research results."

Aizan seemed to be dreaming back to the captain of the fifth team, and said in a voice soft enough to make Sentao bite a handkerchief in bed and cry in the middle of the night: "As for the content of the result, I will let Ms. Know everything tell you."

Aizan (open hands): pattern.jpg; emotional intelligence.jpg, can others do it.jpg.

"To explain it in layman's terms, Devil Fruit is a kind of 'contract', and its 'contract object' is a single 'law fragment'."

Miss Know-It-All picked up the tangerines on the table, peeled them and said: "So after eating the devil fruit, the contractor can easily master some strange abilities—by the way, since the contract is engraved on the heart , so under normal circumstances, a person can only bear one contract."

"Based on my years of experience in reading fantasy novels, I can understand what you just said."

Lin Qiong touched his chin and said with a strange expression: "But this statement can only explain the superhuman and natural systems, right? What about the animal system?"


Miss Passionate stuffed a citrus into Lin Qiong's mouth and said, "Have you forgotten the Druid, one of the classic professions in the Western Fantasy world?"

"Hiss! I understand, how powerful, the road is under your feet!"

Lin Qiong smacked his lips, then stroked his chin, and said thoughtfully: "In this case, the reason why the black beard can eat so many devil fruits may not be the same as the analysis of those old brothers on the Internet, but because he How many hearts do you have?"

"I don't know about that—"

Miss Know-It-All blinked and said, "Can you help me catch Blackbeard, and I can dissect him myself?"

"Okay, I'll catch you when I get a chance."

Lin Qiongxin nodded happily, then winked at Miss Wanshitong, and said, "I'm going to O'Hara Island soon, is my lovely Miss Wanshitong looking forward to it?"

"This is a gift prepared for me by my host, how can I not look forward to it?"

Miss Know-It-All leaned on the back of the sofa, propped her chin with her right hand, looked at Lin Qiong with a smile, and said, "Even if you give me a stone, I will treasure it as a unique gift—just because it You sent it."


Lin Qiong closed his eyes, fell down on the sofa with a peaceful face, and said in a peaceful voice: "Sajia's life is worth it!"

The book is over (fog).



West Sea.

O'Hara is a famous archaeological sanctuary in the West Sea. It has the largest number of scholars in the world and the building with the largest collection of books in the world - the Tree of Omniscience.

Its status in the hearts of scholars all over the world is no less than that of Dijia in the hearts of post-[-]s generations-it is an unshakable existence!


Today, O'Hara faces its biggest disaster since its founding.

"Good morning O'Hara scholars—"

Lin Qiong rode on Millerton, surrounded by dragons, looked at the fearful scholars below, and said with a smile: "Although I have only debuted for less than a week, I think everyone should understand Does my face look familiar?"

Scholars below: "..."

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