How could it be unfamiliar! !

Openly rescued One Piece, stomped the face of the navy under his feet, Lin Qiong, a super crossbow-level criminal known as "the evil that pierces the sky"! !

"It seems that everyone knows me, so it's easy."

Lin Qiong looked at everyone's expressions and couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction, and then said loudly: "Everyone, I officially declare that O'Hara has been occupied!"

Scholars: "Huh?"

Scholars: “Eh——!!”

Their eyes widened at the same time, and they opened their mouths wide - just like Enilu saw Luffy.

"Lin, Master Lin Qiong—"

O'Hara's most prestigious Dr. Clover looked at Lin Qiong tremblingly, and asked, "Please, may I ask, occupation refers to..."

"Is it literally?"

Lin Qiong glanced at O'Hara strangely, and said in a very natural tone: "From this moment on, this island is our property—all of you, including all the books on this island, are Everything we have."

Scholars: "..."

These people are just so stupid.


"Tsk tsk, our city lord is really leisurely—"

Loki held the back of his head with his hands, walked slowly to Lin Qiong who was lying on the beach chair, and said, "If it wasn't for other people to help you appease the residents on the island, they might have started to resist?"

"A group of scholars with no fighting power at all, even if they resist, what can they do?"

Lin Qiong supported his side face, and said dumbfoundedly: "Throwing eggs? Pulling banners? Or parading in the street to protest? You think highly of them, don't you?"

To be honest, Lin Qiong always felt that the scholars of O'Hara seemed to have that serious illness!

Under the circumstances that World Conquest clearly stipulates that the study of historical texts is not allowed, they have to risk the disgrace of the world to explore the truth of historical texts - of course, Lin Qiong is not saying that their spirit of exploring the unknown is wrong, but ...

Although this group of people knew that they were studying forbidden knowledge, they failed to keep it secret, causing the news to leak to the ears of the Five Old Stars, and finally led to the demon-slaying order to destroy O'Hara.

One word, ⑨!

Two words, Phoenix King!

Three words, Akuya!

Four words, Satania!

Five words, Yatogami Tohka!

"Well, you're right."

Loki sat on the chair carelessly, pressed his butt against Lin Qiong's butt, and said, "Sit over there and make room for me."


Lin Qiong had a speechless look on his face and took out half of the chair space, complaining: "Can't you get a chair by yourself? Do you have to squeeze into the same chair with me?"

"Ugh~~ The place where the chairs are placed is too far away, we don't bother to move!"

Loki stretched comfortably, then leaned on the back of the chair, and teased with a smile: "Or, because of your physical contact with us, you felt our charm, so the deer bumped around and your heart beat faster. ?”

"You fart! I was worried that if someone saw me sitting on the same beach chair with you, they would think I was the same address book!"

Lin Qiong showed an extremely disgusted expression and complained: "Where do you get the confidence to think that my heart will beat faster for you? Is it just because of your breasts that can't even compare to mine?"

Loki: "???"

She lowered her head to look at Lin Qiong's chest muscles, then looked at her own wall of despairing sighs, her nose was crooked in anger, and she cursed: "Niety! Do you understand what it means to hit someone but not face, curse someone?" Don't tell me, you bastard!!"

"I'm trying to make you realize the truth!"

Lin Qiong raised his hands to block Loki's crazy claws, and said, "You have lived for hundreds of millions of years, haven't you seen this kind of thing?"

"Wu Lu Sai! How can such a thing be ignored!!"

Loki gritted his teeth and looked at Lin Qiong, and said cursingly: "I tell you, I'm very angry now-do you know what I did when I was extremely angry last time!?"

Lin Qiong thought for a while and said, "Have you ever been extremely angry for a whole day when you were extremely angry?"

Loki: "?"


Loki used his emotion management ability of hundreds of millions of years to barely suppress his emotions and not laugh out loud, "I'm telling you something very serious, don't make me laugh!"

"Okay, you go on, you go on—"

Lin Qiong supported his face with his right hand, nodded perfunctorily, stuffed potato chips into his mouth, and said vaguely: "Go on, I promise not to interrupt."

"Can you have a better attitude?"

Loki snatched the potato chips from Lin Qiong's hand, put them all into his mouth, chewed and said, "Do you know what terrible things I did when I was extremely angry last time?" ?”

Lin Qiong thought for a while, and then said, "You crushed all the potato chips in the supermarket?"


Rocky scored twice, and she once again controlled her emotions with great perseverance, and then said with a sullen face: "Please, you are so smart! I'm really angry if you make trouble like this again? I will let you You know I'm not made of plastic?"

"Ahem, okay, okay, I promise not to interrupt!"

Lin Qiong raised his right hand with a serious face and said, "Go on!"


Loki brewed his emotions again, and then said angrily: "Do you know what terrible things I did when I was extremely angry last time!"

Lin Qiong looked at Loki in feigned horror, and said tremblingly: "What terrible thing did you do!?"

Lin Qiong: "..."

She opened her mouth, then fell into thought.

Lin Qiong: "?"

He hesitated for a few seconds, then said suspiciously: "You haven't compiled it yet, have you?"

"No way! It's not because you disturbed my train of thought—"

Loki looked at Lin Qiong angrily, and said incompetently and furiously: "I don't care, you make it up to me quickly! Introduce me to the beautiful and charming mermaid lady!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

"That's all you've got -"

He twitched the corner of his mouth, and said with black lines all over his head: "Rocky, now in my mind, your figure has successfully overlapped with Master Ma."

He could even imagine the scene of the two people getting together to admire Liu Bei and then letting out weird laughter of "hehehehe".

"What are you talking about!? The image of a beautiful young girl like us is actually the same as that bald old man in your mind!?"

Loki covered his chest with his hands, and wailed like a cuckoo crying blood: "Hey! We, our young hearts have been hurt like never before. If we can't get the comfort of Miss Mermaid, then the next few hundred million of us Years will be shrouded in psychological shadows - what a cruel, what a cruel thing!"

Chapter 0672 Do you understand the value of conquering O'Hara in seven days?

"Whoa, whoa—"

Loki wiped the air from the corners of his eyes with a pitiful look on his face.


Lin Qiong looked at Loki in front of him with a look of disgust.

"Can't you express something?"

Loki groaned for a while, and after realizing that Lin Qiong had no response, he couldn't help complaining, "Please, why don't you have any inner fluctuations when a popular and beautiful girl like us cries in front of you?"

"There is no fluctuation in my heart, and I even want to laugh."

Lin Qiong put his hands on his knees, stood up from his seat, and then sighed: "Loki, the so-called 'popular beautiful girl' refers to someone like Ai Sitan or Riveria."

Loki: "?"

She jumped down from the seat in shock, then gritted her teeth and grabbed Lin Qiong's collar, and asked, "Iron! Are you looking for our Ai Si Meimei and Riveria's mother?" Right!? Let me tell you this kind of thing is absolutely awesome! They are all our property!"

Lin Qiong:_

He looked at Loki in front of him with disgust and asked: "Loki, let's not talk about whether I have any thoughts about Ace and Riveria. Let me ask you a question - do you have the tools to commit the crime? Oh, no Chicken Talk.”


Loki stood there as if he had been struck by lightning. His look of despair really made Lin Qiong extremely happy.

"Don't worry, there will be bread, milk, and the young, beautiful and charming mermaid lady."

Lin Qiong raised his hand and patted Loki's shoulder, persuading him earnestly, "When did I ever lie to you, didn't I? When O'Hara's side settles down, I'll send you and Master Ma to Fishman Island right away." go, okay?"

"Are you done?"

Loki stretched out the little finger of his right hand, looked at Lin Qiong vigilantly, and said, "It's a dog to cheat."

"Don't make trouble."

Lin Qiong stretched out his little finger to pull the ditch with Loki, and said softly: "Everyone says that cheating is a dog repair, but a dog repair never deceives people."

It will only love you.



Day [-] of Sky City's occupation of O'Hara.

The scholars in O'Hara seemed to have suffered a great insult. One by one, they started protesting and hunger strike. If the books in the Tree of Omniscient were not too precious, they might have to burn their boats and tear up all these things.

the next day.

Miss Know-It-All, Captain Aizen, and Queen Irene walked gracefully into the Tree of Omniscience, found the most resistant scholars, and started a discussion.

Day three.

In conversation.

Fourth day.

More scholars reached the tree of omniscience.

Day [-].

In conversation.

Day [-].

The scholars stood at the gate of the Tree of Omniscience, reluctantly sent away Miss Know-It-All, Captain Aizen, and Queen Irene, and enthusiastically expressed the hope that they would come to visit again in the future.

Seventh day.

The dark clouds that had originally shrouded O'Hara dissipated, and the sunshine of wisdom once again filled the tree of omniscience. Scholars welcomed the city of the sky with songs and dances.


"Do you understand the gold content of conquering O'Hara in seven days?"

Lin Qiong was sitting on the seat, holding a bunch of mutton with his right hand, and said with a look of scolding Fang Qiu and pointing Jiangshan, "Now I go shopping, who sees me and doesn't call me master?"

"Ah yes yes yes—"

Feng Wang nodded perfunctorily while pecking at the edamame in the bowl, and said, "It's amazing, it's in Siguo."

Very perfunctory, very perfunctory.

Lin Qiong: "?"

He stretched out his chopsticks, picked up a edamame and threw it into his mouth under Fengwang's glaring gaze, and criticized: "Student Fengwang! Your attitude is very bad! Can't you face up to the credit of this young master?"

"Your credit?"

A question mark visible to the naked eye appeared on King Feng's head. She looked at Lin Qiong in confusion and asked, "What credit do you have? Do you mean staying at home for seven days?"

"No Road Race!"

Lin Qiong glared at Feng Wang and cursed, "Isn't it my credit that Miss Know-It-All, Alan and Irene are able to come to this world!?"

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