Lin Qiong put his left hand in his trouser pocket, put his right hand in front of his face, looked at the horizon in the distance, and said, "Let me take a look—oh, Steel Bone Kong, Sengoku, Karp, Sakaski... Heh , the formation is really big enough."

"Hahahaha, they are all old faces——"

Roger giggled, then turned his head to look at Lin Qiong, squinted his eyes and said, "Master, do you really need me to take action? I still have some confidence in my own strength."

"Take it easy, Roger."

Lin Qiong reached out and patted Roger on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "This kind of self-confidence will disappear soon."

Roger: "..."

He looked helplessly at the back of Lin Qiong jumping off the tree trunk, then scratched his head, and muttered: "Is the young master so confident? How fierce is the fighting power of the Sky City—"


"Hahahaha, marines—"

Lin Qiong stood on the coast of O'Hara, looking at the naval warships getting closer and closer, and couldn't help but let out a heroic laugh: "Welcome, my O'Hara!"


Kong raised his foot and stepped on the edge of the boat, and then said angrily: "Do you like to regard the things you robbed as your own property so much? Ha, pirates are pirates!!"

"Hehe, whatever you say--"

Lin Qiong raised his head, showed a disdainful smile, then hooked his fingers towards the navy and said: "If you have any tricks, just come over!!"

"Is this the 'Sinful Criminal'? It's so scary—"

Kizaru pursed his lips and let out a strange sigh, then raised his right index finger and said, "Let me test it out - laser, laser!"

"call out--"

A golden laser shot out from Huang Yuan's fingertips and flew straight towards Lin Qiong's head - the speed was so fast that it covered a distance of tens of meters in the blink of an eye.


"Shield of Dawn——"

Leona raised the shield in her left hand and easily blocked the laser from the yellow ape, then raised her head and looked at the opponent with disgust, and reprimanded: "You little insect, with your lowly attack, are you trying to hurt the young master? !?"

Yellow Ape: "..."

No, no, although the old man did sneak attack, but there is no need to go too far! ?

A little angry.

"It's not rude to come and go!"

Lin Qiong raised his right hand and said with a grin: "Geraint, the guy who shoots the laser will be left to you."

"As ordered."

Golden Dragon Geraint nodded lightly, he spread his golden wings and flew into the air, then took a deep breath, and said in a low voice: "The roar of the golden dragon——"


The golden light cannon pierced the sky, heading straight towards the naval warship, making the eyeballs of the soldiers on it almost turn into springs.

"Yeah, lasers too!!"

"Is it the same ability as the lieutenant general!?"

"He can still fly -"

Hearing the exclamation of the surrounding navy, Huang Yuan couldn't help squinting his eyes, then crossed his hands in front of him, and said softly: "Bachi Qiong Gouyu!"


Laser beams shot out from his fingertips, bombarding Geraint's roar one after another, blocking it in midair.

"Block, block it!!"

"As expected of a lieutenant general!"

"Although it's obscene, it's amazing!!"

Yellow Ape: "..."

Damn it, why do enemies spray me and friendly forces spray me too?I'm really sorry for not being handsome!

"Having the same ability as me is really scary——"

Huang Yuan came to Geraint on moon steps, and said curiously: "The old man is the Shining man who ate the Shining fruit, how about you?"

"Me? I am Geraint of the Sky City, the Shield of the Holy Guardian, and the Magic Squadron——"

Geraint looked at the Kizaru in front of him and grinned. Then the navy's astonished expression slowly turned into a giant dragon covered with golden scales. He said in a deep voice: "I ate the Lizard Fruit, the Phantom Beast." A golden dragon in the form of a golden dragon!"

"It's actually a phantom beast. It's really scary——"

With a bitter face, Huang Yuan complained: "It's very troublesome to defeat the phantom beast!"


"It's actually a phantom beast!? I didn't expect that this group of thieves actually have such a background..."

Kong's face darkened, and he whispered, "However, it's just a Phantom Beast fruit, nothing to be afraid of!"

"Sakaski, let's go too—"

Aoki took a breath, and then rushed towards the island, and beside him was Akainu who followed closely: "Kuzan, don't order me!"

"Sorry, your opponent is me—"

Ice Dragon Guy stood in front of Aokiji.

"Hahaha, if you want to take action against the young master, you must get through me first!"

The purgatory dragon Atlas Flame stood in front of Akainu.

"Get out of the way—"

Aokiji raised his right hand without hesitation, and shouted: "Freezing Moment!"

"Go away—"

Akainu yelled angrily: "My opponent is not you—Big Flame!"

Facing the attacks of these two people, Ice Dragon and Purgatory Dragon opened their mouths expressionlessly, and easily swallowed the opponent's attack.


Then, under the dumbfounded expressions of everyone in the navy, the bodies of the two of them gradually elongated and enlarged.

"Sorry, ice-type attacks don't work on me—"

The ice dragon with light blue scales all over its body flapped its wings and stared at the green pheasant in front of him who was sweating with the vertical pupils unique to reptiles. He said: "Because I ate the lizard fruit and the phantom beast species." ·Ice dragon in ice dragon form!"

"Hahaha, me too—"

The Purgatory Dragon, surrounded by fiery flames, laughed wildly. He looked at the red dog in front of him jokingly, and said, "I am a purgatory dragon that ate the lizard fruit, phantom beast species, and purgatory dragon!"

"Three, three phantom beast species..."

Cold sweat dripped from Kong's forehead, he held his arm firmly, and murmured: "Am I dreaming?"

Chapter 0674 Aizen:?

at the same time.

New world.


After seeing the picture projected by the image phone bug, Kaido, who had not yet taken action against Wano Country, immediately sat upright with a look of astonishment on his face, and then let out an excited shout of "Ouch", "Three, three pills" Phantom beast species!? There are actually three phantom beast species!? But, damn it! I want it so much! I want it so much!!!"

Yan Calamity Jin stood calmly behind his boss and said, "Boss, calm down! You probably won't get them."

Kaido: "..."

He was silent for a few seconds, then drank a few sips of wine with an emo face on his face, and finally sprayed a fountain of tears with an "ow", choked up and said, "I can't get it, woo woo, why can't I get so much?" Phantom beast species? You can only use ancient species to make up the number, woo woo woo..."

Kaido the defeated dog, oh Kawaii Kudo.


"Cyborg Kong, all three of your Nature Element prizes have been blocked."

Lin Qiong snapped his fingers with a smile, then hooked his index finger towards the steel bone, and said, "Continue! Let me see what cards you have."

"Boy, don't be too arrogant!!"

Seeing Lin Qiong's rampant appearance, the former general Black Arm Zefa took a step forward with a gloomy face, then looked at Lin Qiong with unfriendly eyes, and said: "The power in this world is not only the devil fruit A sort of!"

"You're right."

Lin Qiong nodded seriously and said, "So, are you the next one to appear?"

"Former General Zefa!"

Zefa took a step forward, and the black arrogance covered his arms, and said: "Let you see the power of the black wrist!"

"Oh, is it an enemy of the fist type?"

Lin Qiong touched his chin and said, "Valusina, I'll leave it to you."

"Eh!? Master, why is my opponent not Karp but this guy?"

The wrathful pterosaur Valushina complained suddenly, "I want to fight Karp! Let me fight Karp, and assign this guy to Peda?"

"Hahahaha, Valusina, just accept your fate!"

Red Dragon Peda crossed his arms and let out a hearty laugh, "This proves that in the young master's heart, my power is greater than yours!"


The Angry Winged Dragon cursed and kicked Peda, then walked out of the queue with a dragon lady on his arm, came to Zefa, and said: "Ex-general, right? I ate the lizard fruit·phantom beast species· Angry wing people with the mentality of an angry wing dragon! Let me try your skills!!"

Under Zefa's gaze, crimson scales burning with traces of flame gradually covered the body surface of the Angry Winged Dragon. A giant dragon composed of orange and crimson hovered in the air and rushed toward him. .

Another fucking phantom beast! ?Dude, are you a wholesaler of fantasy beast species?

Gang Gukong was numb all over. He looked at Lin Qiong with a playful smile, moved his lips, and finally didn't ask the question "Do you have more Phantom Beasts?"

He was afraid that he would not be able to bear it.

"Karp, you go!"

"My uncle is the red dragon who ate the lizard fruit, phantom beast, and red dragon form!"


"Warring States, come on!"

"Selene in the form of a moon dragon!"


"Peach Rabbit!"

"Kurnuki in the form of the sword master dragon!"


"Tea dolphin!"

"Medalikana in the form of an iron dragon!"


Numb, completely numb!

Not only was it numb, but all the viewers who watched the live broadcast were also numb.

You said that you sent phantom beasts to fight against the general, the former general, the alternate general, and the hero Garp, we can still understand, right?But why are Ghost Spider, Dauberman, and Huoshaoshan all assigned Phantom Beast species! ?

"You guy-"

Steel Bone Kong looked at the group of dragons circling in the air, couldn't help but gritted his teeth and asked, "Where did you find so many Phantom Beast fruits!?"

This is too wrong! ?The phantom beast fruit, which is said to be rarer than the natural type, is now popping out as if it’s free! ?Is this reasonable? ?

"Hahahaha! Cyborg Kong, have you forgotten what I did in Rogue Town!?"

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