Lin Qiong opened his hands, showing a very villainous smile, and said: "I rescued that One Piece, Gol D. Roger mouth teeth! As a reward for saving him, I asked him about the location of OnePiece ——Hahaha, over there, the fruits of phantom beasts are piled up everywhere like fruits in a fruit stand!!"


all around the world--

"What!? OnePiece is the fruit of countless phantom beasts?"

"Damn it! If I get OnePiece, wouldn't I be able to form an army of phantom beasts!?"

"Brothers! What are we waiting for? Go to sea, let's go to sea! The goal is OnePiece!!"

Ambitious young people, under Lin Qiong's words, ignited a fanatical pursuit of OcePiece.


"Countless phantom beast species..."

Cold sweat ran down Steel Gu Kong's forehead, and he couldn't help but ask, "Is what you said true?"

"No, I'm just talking nonsense."

Lin Qiong couldn't help scratching his head, and asked, "Is there any fool who really believes it?"

Steel Skeleton: "..."

Restless young people all over the world: "..."

How can this person be so cheap! ! !

Steel Bone Kong clenched his fists tightly, then rushed towards Lin Qiong stepping on the razor, and shouted: "The thief! Let's kill him!!"

"Let me taste the purity of the Admiral!"

Lin Qiong opened up the formation with both hands, then faced Cyborg Kong's attack, and shouted: "Mysterious Comet Exploding Fist!"

Kong's eyes shrank suddenly, and he raised his hands without hesitation, towards Lin Qiong's arm... huh?Wait, what is a flying kick! ?

The admiral subconsciously withdrew his fists, then staggered his arms to block in front of him, using the enhancement of the armed color to firmly block Lin Qiong's flying kick.

"Isn't it a blaster punch!?"

Kong couldn't help but cursed: "You bastard, don't you have any self-esteem as a strong man!?"

"No way race! Why can't flying kicks be called blasting punches!?"

Lin Qiong withdrew his right foot, and said confidently: "How can boxing be so inconvenient!?"

"You seem to have a point..."

Kong subconsciously nodded, and then he reacted, and hurriedly said: "You fart! You just called the wrong move name on purpose to mislead the old man!"

"No, no, no, no matter what you think, it's all your fault, right?"

Lin Qiong waved his hands expressionlessly, and retorted: "One thing to say, we are enemies, right? How can you believe what the enemy says?"


So how did this person manage to say such despicable things in such a serious manner! ?

Can't bear it, can't bear it at all!

With a gloomy expression on his face, he raised his right arm covered with black armor, and said in a low voice: "Thief boy, I won't pay any attention to any of your words from now on—"

Lin Qiong thought for a while, then stared at Steel Gu Kong's crotch with wide eyes, and said, "You didn't zip up!"

Sora lowered his head subconsciously, only to find that he was wearing zipper-less pants.

"Eh? Didn't you say you would ignore my words?"

Lin Qiong picked out his ears, then looked at Kong with an innocent face, and said with a funny face: "You are lying~bad~"

"Thief, die!!"

Kong clenched his fist with a furious expression, and then smashed it towards Lin Qiong like a black meteor: "Cyborg·Meteor Nail!!"


Under Kong's unbelievable gaze, his right fist hit Lin Qiong's face without hindrance, causing his neck to turn about 45 degrees.

Hit! ?Just, was it such an easy hit?Um?Um? ?

What kind of feeling is this?

It's like preparing to confess to the girl you like, but when you open the chat page, your mind goes blank, just like when you see "I like you" popping up on the screen.

Three points of surprise, three points of surprise, three points of astonishment.

"The power of the Admiral—"

Just when Kong was doubting his life, Lin Qiong turned his eyes to him and said, "Are you so poor and weak?"


Kong's eyes shrank suddenly, and he subconsciously distanced himself from Lin Qiong, then looked at him with a vigilant face, and thought, "You're unscathed after taking the old man's blow?"What kind of monster is this? '

"Marshal! Why do you want to distance yourself from me? Didn't you say you wanted to arrest me? Then you should get closer to me, right?"

Lin Qiong tilted his head slightly, and straightened his clothes leisurely: "Or, are you afraid that if you get too close, some part of my body will be out of your sight?"

Aizen: "?"

Kong's eyes darkened, and he said sharply: "Thief! Stop talking nonsense!"

"Master Marshal! Do you know that distance is meaningful only in a battle where both sides are equal in strength! But between me and you, distance is meaningless—"

Lin Qiong ignored Kong's angry shout, but put his finger on his left chest with a light smile, and said with a light smile, "Look, I can easily touch your heart like this."

Aizen: "??"


His eyes shrank to the size of a pinhead in an instant, his muscles tensed up, and he instinctively distanced himself from Lin Qiong...

No, it didn't pull away.

"Didn't I say so?"

Lin Qiong kept pressing his fingertips against Kong's chest, and teased with a smile: "With your fingertips and mine, the distance is meaningless."

Cold sweat, streaming down.

Kong turned around several times in a row, but found that he still couldn't distance himself from Lin Qiong, so he couldn't help feeling angry: "Since you can't distance yourself, then just beat him up!" '

Cyborg·Comet with nails!

One punch, two punches, three punches, four punches...

Kong, who was red-eyed, mercilessly threw his right fist at Lin Qiong's body one after another - judging from the strength of the feedback from the fist, his attack obviously hit Lin Qiong's body every time. body.

However, is this really the case?

Chapter 0675 I killed you within three days, and the ashes are scattered——

"Not even a hit!"

Aizen sat gracefully in the courtyard of Sky City, looked at Lin Qiong who was being "beaten violently" in the picture with a smile, and said: "As expected of King Qiong, I have arranged a layer one nanometer away from my body. The shield perfectly blocked the opponent's attack."

"Wow, one nanometer?"

After hearing the distance, Yijigu on the side immediately revealed a mask of pain, and said, "Really!? Has the young master's precision operation been exaggerated to this point?"

"Hehe, after all, Kurosaki-kun is not good at this kind of fine manipulation."

Lan Ran glanced at the orange-headed boy beside him, and said with a chuckle, "He's a player with a simple mind and a wide open mind."

"Huh!? Who are you calling simple-minded—"

Ichigo Kurosaki looked at Aizen with a furious look and said, "I'll kill you!"


Aizen showed a meaningful expression, and said: "This kind of behavior is exactly your immaturity! Kurosaki-kun, I am already at a different level from you, you..."

"You were beaten by the young master."

Aizen: "...No."

"You were beaten by the young master."

Aizen: "That incident has passed."

"You were beaten by the young master."

Aizen: "I'm better than you!"

"Don't be beaten by the young master."

Aizan: "Break it, you're a mirror image!!"

Ichigo: "Call your name, Zangetsu!!"


Ishida Uryu on the side took off his glasses with a speechless expression, then rubbed the bridge of his nose with his hands, and said speechlessly, "Why are you fighting again?"

Aizen, aren't you very mature?Why do you always break the defense in front of Kurosaki!



Twenty punches?Or fifty punches?

Because he was too tired, Sora couldn't remember clearly.

"Sad, deplorable."

Lin Qiong casually threw Marshal Kong to the ground, clapped his hands regretfully, and said, "The once mighty Admiral of the Navy, but now his physical strength has declined due to age."

Before he could make a move, Sora himself collapsed.

"No, it's impossible..."

The domineering Kong struggled to sit up, looked at the unscathed Lin Qiong with an unbelievable expression, gritted his teeth and said, "How could you be unscathed!?"

He is indeed old, but what should be affected is only his domineering and physical strength—his attack power should not have changed before his physical strength and domineering are exhausted, but...

"Why? Maybe it's because I'm a little better than you?"

Lin Qiong stretched out his right thumb and index finger in a friendly manner, gestured a small distance, and said with a smile: "Master Marshal, it seems that this time, it is the navy's defeat."

"What are you kidding!?"

Kong gritted his teeth and stood up unsteadily from the ground, then roared: "I haven't given up yet! My soldiers haven't yet..."

However, before he could finish his words, the figure of the third lieutenant general of the natural department, whom the navy placed high hopes on, fell heavily on the beach in front of his eyes, and then he closed his eyes and opened his mouth and let out a "huh ah ah ah ah" Scream.

"It's not over yet."

Lin Qiong took the time to pat the gravel on his body and said softly: "I said it before - this time, the navy will be defeated."

In the next few minutes, Sora watched with a blank expression as the backbone of the navy fell in front of his eyes one after another——

Karp, Sengoku, Zefa, Peach Rabbit, Tea Dolphin, Ghost Spider...

Down, all down.

"Choose, Admiral—"

Lin Qiong floated into the air, then opened his hands, showing a playful smile: "Should we continue to fight and let the future of the navy be ruined here? Or should we raise our hands and surrender, and keep the hope of the future of the navy?"


Kong glanced desolately at the group of dragons surrounding Lin Qiong, then knelt down on the beach with a "boom", and said in a daze, "I admit defeat, so please spare their lives."

He is already a dying old man, but they are not!They are still young and can continue to grow, and one day they will become the new pillars of the navy, so they must not let the future of the navy be ruined in their own hands.


"Very well, I just like a guy who knows current affairs like you!"

Lin Qiong landed on the ground in satisfaction, then hooked his fingers towards the CP0 member who was standing on the deck of the warship and was dressed in white, and said, "You, come here."

CP0: "..."

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