He was silent for a few seconds, and then he came to Lin Qiong and said: "I am not a member of the navy, but a CP0 member serving the supreme Tianlong people..."

While cutting power with the navy, he brought out the name of the Tianlongren, trying to make Lin Qiong cast a mouse, but...


Accompanied by a crisp slap, his words were stuck in his throat.

"The young master hasn't asked any questions yet..."

The red dragon withdrew his right hand and said contemptuously: "Who allowed you to speak without authorization? It's just..."

"Okay, Peda."

Lin Qiong interrupted Peda's speech by raising his left hand, and said with a smile: "There is no need to be as familiar with this kind of dog who begs for mercy at home at home and grinning at strangers outside."

CP0: "..."

The mouth under his mask wriggled a little, but then he puffed up his chest proudly - What's wrong with me being a dog?Even if I were a dog, my master would still be a Celestial Dragon, and I would be the best dog in the world, and even other dogs would not be envious of me!

Lin Qiong waved towards CP0: "Bring it here."

CP0: "?"

"The phone bug talking to Wulaoxing, you should have it with you, right?"

Lin Qiong frowned and complained speechlessly: "With this kind of reading comprehension ability, how can you be a dog? I'm afraid you can't even make your master happy - no wonder you were sent here to work as a slave , the popular dogs should all stay in Mariejoia to serve the Celestial Dragons, right?”

CP0: "..."

Although he didn't say anything, it can be seen from his body that has become more and more rickety that this guy's heart has been hurt a lot.

After a few seconds of emo, CP0 tremblingly took out a small phone bug from his pocket, dialed the phone, and said: "The phone will be connected later, you must not treat the five old stars... "

"Here you go! Too much bullshit—"

While snatching the phone bug, Lin Qiong kicked CP0 away, and then said to the phone bug that had already dialed: "Five old stars, right? You five old Bidens are waiting for me at Mary Joe Yee." , I killed you within three days, and I will give you the ashes!"



Holy Land Mary Joa.


An old star kicked over the coffee table in front of him with a full face of anger, and said with a full face of rage: "How dare he talk to us like this, how dare he!?"

"Calm down."

The two old stars glanced at each other and said calmly: "Now is not the time for incompetence and rage."

"Second is right."

San Laoxing pondered for a moment, and said: "Kong, Sengoku, and Karp were all defeated by the opponent! It can be seen that the strength of the opponent should not be underestimated."

"Hmph, so what?"

Si Laoxing poked the ground with the samurai sword in his hand, and said with some disdain: "He is strong, but my sword is not good for him?"

"No matter how sharp your sword is, can you still defeat many phantom beasts with your own strength?"

Wu Laoxing glanced at Si Laoxing with dissatisfaction, and said, "It's not like you haven't seen it, that kid is surrounded by people with phantom beast fruit abilities."

"It's really weird."

Er Laoxing scratched his bald head and said in disbelief: "Where did that kid find so many phantom beasts of the same kind? Could it be through..."

"Be careful!"

The three old stars glared at each other, and then said in a deep voice: "The most important thing now is to gather all the fighting power in your hands! We must bring the biggest evil in the world to justice!"

"Second!" x4

At this moment, the world's largest power structure began to operate at full capacity.


"Gahahaha, gahahahaha!!"

Morgans seemed to be drunk, his bloodshot eyes let out a piercing laugh: "Big news, there is no doubt that it is world-class big news!"

The new force, the world's evil criminals who surpassed Rocks, not only defeated all the high-level personnel of the navy, but also threatened to kill the Holy Land Marie Gioia, and raised the ashes of the five old stars! ?

Pinch it!

Morgonz thinks he's got a Segony high iron duck, okay?He wished he could use an electric drill to drill his temples to relieve the joy and excitement in his heart.

So fucking exciting!

"Master Lin Qiong, my dear Master Lin Qiong, my most precious Master Lin Qiong also—"

Morgans flapped his wings and rushed to Lin Qiong who was eating the leg of lamb, and helped him beat his shoulder with a flattering expression, and said, "You must survive! The happiness of the rest of my life depends entirely on you! "

Lin Qiong: "..."

He glanced at the white-haired rogue with a speechless face, and said, "Don't worry! I won't die even if you die-it's just a five-year-old star, can you turn the world upside down?"

"Ouch! Master Lin Qiong, you can't say that!"

Looking at Lin Qiong who swelled into a pufferfish, Morgans quickly said earnestly: "If the Five Old Stars are really only as good as they show, why have they ruled the world for so long!? Be careful! Be careful! "

What he is most worried about now is Lin Qiong - in his eyes, Lin Qiong is a living "hot search maker", okay?Since this guy made his debut, which one of the news that has been caused is not world-class? ?

Rescuing One Piece, destroying all the high-end military forces of the navy, and threatening to kill Mary Joya within three days, raising the ashes of the five old stars...

The turtle is so strong in midwinter!

"Don't worry, I know—"

Lin Qiong put down the leg of lamb in his hand, squinted his eyes and looked in the direction of Marie Gioia, and murmured: "Of course I know what the hole card Wu Laoxing is holding."

Isn’t it the Im on the Throne of the Void?Don't wait obediently among the flowers!

After the promotion of the five old stars, you will be the next one to be promoted!

Chapter 0676 Ichigo's rare highlight moment (probably

Lin Qiong has always been a very honest person.

For example...

If you say you killed the Five Old Stars and raised their ashes within three days, then you will definitely not wait until the fourth day.

So, on the morning of the third day, City in the Sky, accompanied by Morgans throughout the whole process of photography, arrived in the sky above the Holy Land, Mariejoia.


Lin Qiong stepped on the wall of Sky City with one foot, looked down at the CP members below, and said loudly: "Where are the five old bastards of Wulaoxing? Get out of here—"

However, no one paid attention to Lin Qiong.


Following the commander's words, the soldiers standing on the ground pulled the triggers in unison, and hundreds of bullets formed a dense firepower net, covering Lin Qiong.


Lin Qiong chuckled disdainfully, then raised his left hand, and said contemptuously, "Shenluo Tianzheng!"


The next moment, all the bullets bounced back under Lin Qiong's fine control, precisely piercing the brain of the musketeer who fired them.

"Hey, hey! I gave you three days to prepare, but you just took out such a thing?"

Lin Qiong was completely speechless. He scratched his head and said, "Can you have some potential? What about your background? You can't be so big that Marie Joa can't afford a few award-level members, right? "

"Little thief, Hugh is rampant!!"

The next moment, accompanied by a domineering look that seemed to be able to overwhelm the world, an old man with a bald head and glasses walked out of Marie Gioia on foot - his steps were very slow, but each step covered a distance of tens of meters, and soon Then he came to Lin Qiong, "Let the old man meet you! Let's see what you are so arrogant——"

"You? Old man Deng, can you do it? Can you fight me?"

Lin Qiong looked at the opponent's skinny body up and down, and couldn't help complaining: "Don't worry, I haven't taken action by then. You fell to the ground and broke your bones while swinging the knife."

I can't stand this.

"Heh, it's not your turn to worry about the old man's health!"

The old man sneered, he raised his right hand, slowly took off the glasses on his face, and said in a low voice: "The old man usually moves in this form, just to reduce useless consumption and show the enemy weakness by the way!"

The moment the glasses were taken off, the body of the skinny old man seemed to be inflated, and the naked eye swelled up visibly. In just two or three seconds, he changed from a skinny old man to a muscular tyrant. macho.

This is exactly the life return that has been refined to the extreme.

"Okay, little thief!"

Seeming to be only 40 years old, Huo San slowly pulled out the harmless sharp knife in his hand, and said with a gloomy face: "Your life will pay for the sins you dare to offend us!"

"Hey, old man, did you make a mistake?"

Lin Qiong raised his right hand and plucked his ear, and said with a disdainful smile, "Do you understand what is meant by 'king against king, general against general'? You are not worthy to be my opponent!"


After hearing Lin Qiong's words, Wu Laoxing with the knife narrowed his eyes, and boundless astonishment surged in his heart like a stormy sea.

he knows! ?He knows the existence of Lord Im! ?Otherwise, why would he say "the king is against the king and the general is against the general"? ?Damn it, how did Lord Im's news get out...

"Ichigo, I'll leave this old thing to you."

Lin Qiong turned his head, and shouted at Kurosaki Ichigo, who was squatting by the campfire and roasting marshmallows for Orihime Inoue, who was squatting by the bonfire: "Don't worry about your hard cotton candy, hurry up and get to work!"

"I know! Don't rush me, it will be ready soon -"

Kurosaki Ichigo carefully handed the cotton candy to Orihime Inoue, then jumped to Lin Qiong's side, and said helplessly, "Why do you have to let me play? Grimmjow or Ulquiola doesn't care. May I?"

"Stop talking nonsense! Aren't you happy with me giving you a chance to show off?"

Lin Qiong kicked Kurosaki Ichigo angrily, and said, "Hurry up! Give me that old man!"

"Yes Yes Yes--"

Kurosaki Ichigo dodged Lin Qiong's attack, then jumped down from the city wall with a strawberry-shaped face, landed in front of the old man holding the knife, and said in a bad tone: "Over there, let's hurry up. Let's end the fight—”

The old man with the knife: "?"

Damn it, how many years has he not been treated in this tone since he became the Five Old Star?

Can this be tolerated?

This is absolutely unbearable, okay? ?

"Boy, it's time to let you know that there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky!"

A hint of murderous intent flashed in the eyes of the old man with the knife, and the domineering jet-black armed color covered the first-generation ghost in his hand, making the blade that was originally exuding an ominous atmosphere even more sinister, "This sword of the old man , can you take it?"

"Swastika! Solution!"

Seeing the opponent's rising momentum, Kurosaki Ichigo couldn't help grinning, and then let out a roar full of anger—the purple-black spiritual pressure rising into the sky tore through the clouds, shattered the earth, and let The ordinary soldiers around fell to the ground like dominoes.

'This overbearing color...'

A trace of horror flashed in the eyes of the old man with the knife, and he said in disbelief: "How is that possible!? With such a domineering look, why would you submit to others!?"

"Huh? I don't understand this kind of thing!"

Kurosaki Ichigo shook the sky lock Zhanyue in his hand, grinned and said, "Let me see the sword in your mouth!"

"as you wish--"

After seeing Ichigo's domineering look, the old sword-wielding man no longer looked down upon him. "This sword is the pinnacle of my martial arts and the strongest symbol!"

Supreme · Slash!

The innocuously sharp knife that was as black as ink, wrapped in a domineering arrogance like thunder and lightning, swung towards Kurosaki Ichigo's neck indomitably - this one, as if to cut the whole world.

"Good to come!!"

Kurosaki Ichigo was so happy to see Hunter Heart that he held the Tensuo Zangetsu without fear and faced him, saying: "You also take my move - Getsuga Tenshō!!"

The pitch-black crescent soared into the sky and collided with the slash of the old man with the knife.


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