Castle in the sky, backyard.

"God, it's cracked."

Roger looked at the clouds in the sky that were divided into two halves, and couldn't help expressing emotion: "The young master's men, are they all monsters?"

If he read correctly, the guy named Kurosaki Ichigo is only about 20 years old, right?

Grandma's, can you break the sky at the age of 20? ?

What kind of monsters are these!


"Ding ding ding--"

The sound of swords clashing sounded one after another between Ichigo Kurosaki and the old sword-wielding man, causing swordsmen from all over the world who watched the battle through phone bugs to let out loud shouts of relief.

There is no doubt that this is a battle between world-class swordsmen... no, it is not even an exaggeration to call it the "battle for the world's greatest swordsman".

It's so exciting! !

However, someone in the battle didn't think so.

"Your spirit... Domineering is much weaker than before."

Kurosaki Ichigo frowned, showing a dissatisfied expression, and said, "Is it not enough anymore?"

The old man with the knife: "..."

Damn, you son of a bitch!

Don’t even think about it, how old is this old man?Even if you can temporarily restore your youth through the return of life, how can you really compete with young people in terms of physical strength and domineering! ?

Besides, every blow of this old man is domineering!Do you understand?Do you understand how much the consumption of the bully is! ?

You do not understand!

You only care that I am not as domineering as before!

The old man with the knife was very angry, and the consequences were not serious at all.

'It can't go on like this—'

He stared at Kurosaki Ichigo's vitals with eagle-like sharp eyes, and murmured: "If the stalemate continues, then I must be the one who loses."

The word "aging" is really scary!

No matter how strong you were when you were young, once you get old and weak, your physical strength and arrogance will be irreversibly weakened, and in the end you can't even display half of your strength when you were young.

"Boy, the next move, the winner!"

The old man holding the knife slowly retracted Guiche into the scabbard, then put on a posture of Ikai, and said in a low voice: "This knife brings together the old man's life."

Extreme · Supreme · One Sword Yama!

Sensing the will and strength contained in the blow of the old man with the knife, Kurosaki Ichigo couldn't help showing a serious expression - he wrapped the dark crescent moon around the blade, and then faced the attack of the old man with the knife.

Crescent Moon Celestial Confrontation Duo!

The sky, the double 叒叕 cracked again.


New world.

Whitebeard Pirates.

White beard:"……"

He held up his side face, stared at the scene in the picture with complicated eyes, and murmured: "Are all young people today monsters?"

The Beast Pirates.

Teacher Kai: "!!"

He took a big gulp of wine, then looked at the scene in the picture with burning eyes, and muttered: "Only women use armed sex, real men should use bullying!"

Big Mom Pirates.


Charlotte Lingling, who is now 44 years old and has gradually gained weight, looked at the sky-shattering scene projected by the phone bug and couldn't help laughing: "Are you entangled in the overlord's lust? It won't work if you don't master it now!" "



Kurosaki Ichigo exhaled, and then lifted his swastika, showing a satisfied but not completely satisfied expression, and said: "It would be nice if you were 50 years younger, it's a pity."


The old man with a bone-deep wound on his chest let out a chuckle. He was unable to maintain his life and was shrinking back to his original size little by little: "The old man 50 years ago did not have the strength today... …”

An old man with peak physical strength, but not enough domineering and skill;

The domineering peak of the old man, but not enough physical strength and skills;

This old man is at the peak of his skills, but he doesn’t have enough physical strength and domineering power.

I can't have a hearty battle with you in the peak state... Really, it's extremely regrettable...

One of the Five Old Stars was confirmed dead.

Chapter 0677 you are dead, you can bite the lighter

"It's dead—"

"Ah, it's dead—"

"That idiot—"

"It's really stupid—"

In Marie Gioia's supreme conference room, the other four five old stars looked at the delayed old man with a knife in the picture, and reprimanded them one after another, but from their slightly trembling tone, it is not difficult to see their true feelings .

"It's time for life and death. I propose to activate 'that'."

"Second the proposal! This is the only way without alarming Lord Im."

"In the final analysis, it is because the navy is too incompetent! It has no power to resist!"

"Okay! Let those thieves who don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth experience the shock of the Tianlong people!"



"Do what you say, that's my way of ninja!"

Lin Qiong looked at the withered corpse in front of him expressionlessly, and said in a tone without mercy: "However, compared to those four shrunken losers, you are still a little more responsible, so I decided to spread your ashes. It's a little more spectacular - Youyou, it's your turn."


Youyou nodded lightly, then closed her eyes and raised her staff, singing softly: "The light suddenly blooms, and the fireworks come into view..."

Super position trick·Firework!

Under the complex gaze of everyone, the body of the old man with the knife was wrapped in a red magic circle and flew into the sky, and then turned into a bright fireworks with a "bang".


Lin Qiong smacked his lips and said, "If I had known that he would be praised in this way, I should have come back at night."

Watching fireworks during the day always feels less interesting.

The people behind: "..."

Master, you can be a person!

"Okay! Next, there are four old guys who want to show off——"

Lin Qiong turned to look at Marie Joa's supreme conference room, showed a villainous smile, and said: "You old immortals, are you ready to explode the gold coins?"



As the Sky City slowly advanced towards the conference room, it was discovered that the entire Mariejoia was now empty - it seemed that all the Celestial Dragons here had been forced by the Five Old Stars to move to other areas for refuge. .

"Tsk, what a pity."

Lin Qiong clicked his mouth in displeasure, and then complained: "To be honest, I was quite curious about how much fat such a fat pig can squeeze out."

"Wow, don't say such disgusting things!"

The eldest lady patted Lin Qiong on the shoulder with a look of disgust, then rubbed her arm, and said, "Although the sky pig is indeed damned, the act of extracting oil is also very uncomfortable, right?"

"Please, of course it's impossible to do this kind of thing by yourself!"

Lin Qiong waved his hands dumbfounded, and said, "Guess what, if I said I wanted to know how much oil the Tianzhu could squeeze out, how many slaves they abused would volunteer to do such a thing?"

"If those slaves no longer fear the Sky Pig..."

The secretary thought for a while, and said firmly: "At least people over [-] will choose to take revenge and go back?"

"Be bold, okay? It's [-]% fine."

Lin Qiong smiled at the secretary. Just when he was about to complain about Tianzhu's inappropriate behavior, he suddenly frowned and looked in the direction of the supreme conference room: "Huh? What's the noise?"

"It seems that five... oh, the fourth star was pushed by you and made a big move directly?"

The eldest lady moved to the edge of the city wall and looked down, and said curiously, "I just don't know what their hole cards are."

"Who cares about him? The soldiers will come and cover up the water and earth. If he makes a move, let's break it up——"

Lin Qiong jumped onto the edge of the wall, then stretched out his right index finger and middle finger, waved handsomely at the eldest lady, and said, "I'll go down to explore the way first! Let's see what their hole cards are!"

let's go!


"Hey - whoop -!"

Lin Qiong landed steadily back on the ground of Marie Gioia, looked at the phone bugs on the street with an expectant expression, and said, "Where is your support? Hurry up and let me taste it!" "

"Hmph, thief, don't be complacent!"

A voice full of anger spit out from the mouth of the phone bug, "The world conquered and ruled the world for hundreds of years, not only relying on the navy!!"

"Ah yes yes yes—"

Lin Qiong nodded perfunctorily, and said, "It depends on the arrogance of the shit-minded Tianzhu under your command, right? As long as the Tianzhu sticks up its butt and farts loudly and stinky, The admiral must be fainted, right?"

Four Old Stars: "?"

Fire, rise up.

"Little thief, wait to die!!"

The most irritable fourth star grabbed the phone bug and said, "Let you see, the ultimate creature that Marie Gioia is proud of..."


After Lin Qiong blasted the phone bug's head, he blew on his fingers and complained, "Why do you talk so much? Do you think you have long black hair, purple eyes, and tear moles?" , height 162cm, birthday January 1th, zodiac sign Capricornus, do you like the Witch of Love who eats hearts?"

Feng Wang on Lin Qiong's head: "?"

She thought for a while, then lowered her head and said, "Can I ask..."

Lin Qiong replied immediately: "No."

Feng Wang ignored it: "Why can the example you give be so specific?"

Lin Qiong replied: "It's just an illusion—well, the enemy army has entered the field, it's time to crush them!"

Appearing in Lin Qiong's line of sight were ten shaky figures that looked like corpses, but what didn't match their figures was the aura that surpassed the general.


Lin Qiong elongated his voice, showing a playful smile, and said, "You actually have the combat power of more than ten generals in one go? I didn't expect that Laobushi would have such a trump card."

However, what puzzled him was, what the hell were these things?How come the world of One Piece is the same as the fucking Resident Evil?

"Profound Truth·Extreme·Life Return——" x10

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