The next moment, the ten mummies, like the old man with the knife before, swelled into muscular men in just a few seconds.

Lin Qiong: "..."

He couldn't help complaining: "If you are dead, you can wear a Batman mask and bite a lighter."

I thought what was your hole card, why did you come up with this trick after a long time?

Can't you take out an EVA, Gundam, space battleship or Ultraman to make me Kangkang?




naval headquarters


Steel Gu Kong, who was wrapped in a bandage, stood up suddenly, looked at the screen projected by the phone bug with a look of astonishment, and said, "Why, how is it possible!? How could it be him!? How could it be him!?"

Other navies: "?"

Warring States couldn't help asking: "Marshal Kong, who is this 'he' referring to?"

"When I was still a general..."

Gang Gukong held on to the table in front of him, gritted his teeth and said, "He is the old man's marshal!!"

The navy: "..."

They turned their heads with dull expressions on their faces, looking at the figure in the picture who was attacking Lin Qiong like a mad dog, and couldn't help but fall into a long silence.

Is this mad dog-like posture the end of us mariners who have dedicated themselves to the world government?



"Left, right, sit..."

With his hands behind his back, Lin Qiong evaded the joint attack of the ten top sea powerhouses gracefully, and said, "Ah Feng, how do you evaluate the cards of the four old stars?"

"Why do I feel that these guys' attacks are a bit rigid?"

Feng Wang thought for a while and commented: "It's like a pre-set routine."

"Congratulations, you got it."

Lin Qiong leaned back, letting the enemy's fist brush the tip of his nose, and then said with disdain: "These people no longer have self-thinking, they are just pieces of meat driven by instinct."

The previous state of mummy was probably just to prolong the "shelf life" of these "weapons".

It can only be said that it is worthy of the world government of Pirate World, and it is not surprising that it can do such a thing.

"Stop playing, hurry up and push it over."

Feng Wang yawned and said boredly: "I want to eat the pudding made by Erina."

"Hiss, let me tell you something, I kind of want to eat chocolate lava."

When Lin Qiong heard what King Feng said, he couldn't help but smack his lips and said, "Okay! Let's push it quickly, first promote the four old stars, and then promote Yim!"

So, with Lin Qiong's order, thirty giant dragons rose from the ground, and amidst the stunned expressions of audiences all over the world, a scene of giant dragons riding on their faces and extremely ferocious was staged.



meeting room.

Four Old Stars: "..."



Yi Laoxing rubbed the bridge of his nose and said, "I don't understand! I really don't understand! How the hell did these phantom beasts come out?"

These are not three phantom beast species, but thirty or ten phantom beast species, and the key point is that they are all different forms of the same fruit—no, you are an Indian lizard, so you laid a bunch of eggs, right? ?

"No time for surprises here!"

The old star's face darkened and he whispered: "Marie Joa has encountered the biggest crisis in 800 years - I propose to unblock all the remaining corpse soldiers!"

"Are you crazy? Corpse soldiers are disposable items—"

Sanlaoxing looked at Erlaoxing and said, "The current inventory has been spent by the sages of the world government for 800 years..."

"Stupid! When the corpse soldiers are used up, they can be remade and sealed, but the world government must not be destroyed in our hands!"

The four old stars interrupted the three old stars, and he said sharply: "Do you want to engrave our names on the pillar of shame forever after Lord Im wipes out all the invaders and rebuilds the world government?"

The other three: "..."

His name will always be engraved on the pillar of shame! ?

The three of them felt chills all over their bodies just by imagining this scene!

"Open it!!"

"I agree!"

"For the future of world government!"

Chapter 0678 I am Im, I will never get angry casually

The world government has ruled the Pirate World for more than [-] years, and during these [-] years, how many creatures are eligible to be made into corpse soldiers?

The answer is, counting the ten who besieged Lin Qiong before, there are a total of 110 four.

"Tsk tsk, it is indeed a world government, it is really a big deal——"

Lin Qiong floated in the air, with his arms crossed, staring down at the corpse soldiers who had used Pole·Life Return one after another to make themselves burn and bloom, and sneered, "However, you bastards, don't you?" Do you really think these things can stop me?"

Protector's Shield Realm Squad, come out!

"Hehe, let me wait to open up the way forward for Lord Qiong."

"My spirit child longbow is already hungry and thirsty."

"Ishida-kun, do you want to compare who has the highest headshot rate?"

"For Aqiong, Nilu will work hard!"

Astoria Familia, come out!

"Okay! It's our turn to show our talents!"

"Tsk tsk, we have to show ourselves in front of our companions from other worlds!"


"Lian, don't baa this time!"


Disciple World Master Team, come out!

"Oh! Is this Miss Feishazi's strengthening magic?"

"This is a piece of tile, Si Guoyi!"

"Hahahaha, the current steel fist is the best steel fist!"

"Burn it, my essence of martial arts!"

Elf World·Sangouzi, go out into battle!

"Is it really necessary for the three of us to appear?"

"You can't just eat without work, can you?"

"You can't say you won't work, right? Aren't the three of us being raped all day long these days?"

"You shut up!" x2

Protector's Shield·Magic Squad, come out!


"Turn him upside down, brothers!"

"Jie Jie Jie, I'm already on fire!"

"Don't steal my lines, this is the mantra of our fire dragon series, what do you say, a red dragon?"

"Stop arguing! Start working!"

Lin Qiong: "Everyone, follow my instructions..."





Supreme meeting room.


With a loud bang, Lin Qiong kicked the luxurious door of the meeting room into the air, swirled in mid-air and drew an arc, and then fell to the ground with a bang.


The next moment, four figures came towards Lin Qiong at the door like meteors, and they were the four old stars who had already used life return to return to their peak for a short time.


"Blazing Flame Impact—"

"The Blade of Zenith—"

"Luna Sprint—"

"Dragon Tooth Spike—"

The figures of Kyle, Leona, Diana, and Shivana appeared in front of Lin Qiong, and they pushed the four old stars back into the conference room with fierce expressions.

"Pathetic inferior creature—"

Kyle held his Starfire Rune Blade, looked at the old star in front of him with a cold face, and said, "Don't try to touch the young master with your dirty hands."

"You insects on the ground—"

Leona looked proudly at the second elder star who was kicked away by herself, pointed at the tip of the other's nose with the eclipse gold in her hand, and said, "I only deserve to prostrate on the ground to welcome the young master."

"No, they don't deserve it."

Diana waved the eclipse silver lightly in her hand, and said with a look of disdain: "My good sister, don't you think it would be an insult to the young master if such a filthy idiot stays with the young master?"

"That's right."

Shivana looked sullenly at the four old stars in front of her, a trace of dragon flame overflowed from the corner of her mouth, "How can such a dirty, stupid and low-quality inferior product deserve to crawl under the young master's feet?"

Four Old Stars: "??"

What do you mean, what do you mean! ?

We dignified five...four old stars, the person in charge of the highest command of the world government with one person under one and tens of millions of people, has become the most inferior creature in your mouth! ?

How dare you! ?

"Kyle, Leona, Diana, Shyvana..."

Lin Qiong raised his feet and walked towards the direction of the flowers, and said in a voice with a hint of smile: "These four old guys are left to you - just break their limbs, and wait for me Come out from among the flowers, I want them to be launched into the air by Yoyo together with Im."

"Yes!" x4

After receiving Lin Qiong's order, the four guardians responded in unison.

Kyle: "Be sure to behave well and let the young master touch my head!" '

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