Leona: "If you perform well, maybe you can let the young master practice with me—"

Diana: 'If you behave well, can you let the young master accompany me to admire the moon? '

Shyvana: 'This reward must be mine!I want to change back to my dragon form and let the young master give me a bath——'

'Go all out! ! 'x4



among the flowers.

"This year's five old stars..."

Sitting on the Void Throne, Im looked at Lin Qiong who stepped into the flowers, and a trace of deep displeasure flashed in his eyes, "It's really incompetent."

"Hahaha, I feel the same way."

Lin Qiong let out a hearty laugh, then walked towards Im, and said, "How about dismissing them? I can make the decision and let you farm on the moon."

Im: "..."

He looked expressionlessly at Lin Qiong, who was getting closer and closer, and just when the other person's feet were about to step into his beloved garden...


An invisible impact hit Lin Qiong's body head-on, causing Lin Qiong's body to take two or three steps back.

Im: "!"

"What's wrong? Why is it that I'm the one who's being attacked, but you're the one who's surprised?"

Lin Qiong touched the tip of his nose, then grinned and said, "Could it be that... you are surprised why I just took a few steps back?"

Im: "..."

He didn't seem to have any intention of communicating with Lin Qiong.

Facing Lin Qiong's inquiry, the owner of the Void Throne just raised his right hand indifferently.


Invisible shocks hit Lin Qiong from all directions, but an attack of this magnitude...

"Hey, are you kidding me?"

Lin Qiong frowned, easily dodged one invisible impact after another, and said: "This level of attack is more than enough to deal with some pirates in the first half of the great route, but it is a bit difficult to deal with pirates who have mastered knowledge. Isn't it enough to watch?"

Using this level of moves to attack me, is it a test?Still teasing?

Im: "..."

After hearing Lin Qiong's words, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his raised right hand was slightly clenched.

"oh oh!"

In Lin Qiong's perception, the speed of the invisible impact suddenly increased to three times the original, "Can you continue to improve? Let me see your limit, Yi~m~big~ren~"

Im: "..."

This foolish tone made Im's eyes a little colder than before, and his right hand shook again.

"Whoosh whoosh—"

The speed of the invisible impact has been further increased, and it has reached a flying speed of over 300 meters per second - at this speed, many pirates may not be able to react even if they have mastered the arrogance of knowledge.

"Hahahaha, this ability is really interesting——"

Lin Qiong laughed out loud. While skillfully dodging Im's attack, he walked towards him again and chatted: "Hey, tell me, is this the ability of a Devil Fruit? Is it the superhuman type? Or the phantom fruit?" The special ability of the beast species?"

Im: "..."

He looked at Lin Qiong, who was trying to step into the garden again, with a flash of deep displeasure in his eyes, and said, "Inferior creatures are prohibited from entering my garden."

The next moment, an invisible impact like a city wall struck Lin Qiong, which was bound to turn him into a pulp.

"I'm a little tired of this kind of attack——"

A golden light flashed in Lin Qiong's eyes, and he shouted: "Give it to me, break it!"

Under the sky, White Night King!

The moment the demon's armament was disarmed, Lin Qiong swung his right fist towards the invisible impact ahead.

Im: "!"

In his stunned gaze, the invisible impact he condensed shattered like glass in front of Lin Qiong's fist.


Lin Qiong sneered, stepped heavily into Im's beloved garden with his right foot, and taunted: "The superior creatures, the inferior creatures you speak of have already stepped into your garden, what are you going to do?" what??"

"If you are trying to anger me..."

Perhaps because of the impact that Lin Qiong shattered him just now, Im didn't ignore his words anymore, "Then, I might disappoint you."

He is Im, and he will never be angry because of other people's actions...

"By the way, what kind of flower is this, I've never seen it before—"

Lin Qiong squatted on the ground, picked a flower he had never seen before, held it up in front of him, looked at it, and asked curiously, "Is it a new species you cultivated?"

He is Im, and he will never be provoked by such nonsense...

"But it feels so simple."

Lin Qiong threw the flower in his hand casually, and looked around with some disappointment, "Is there no flower that makes people's eyes shine and makes people sigh like 'Woooo'?"

He is Im, and he will definitely not because of...

"Wow, isn't this true?"

Lin Qiong uttered a strange cry, then picked a strange-shaped flower into his hand, and laughed loudly: "It's just so ugly, hahahaha! If it's so ugly, it's the first time I've seen this ugly flower." If so, puff puff!"

He's Im, absolutely...

"Oh, and the one over there—"

Lin Qiong was like a husky having fun, running around in the garden recklessly, "Wow, this one is also very good, and that one is also very beautiful! This garden needle does not poke!"

He is Im...

"I said, do you want to come and help me plant flowers??"

Lin Qiong looked at Im standing in front of the throne with surprise, and said enthusiastically: "My house has a very big garden? With your ability, you can definitely make it beautiful, right?"

He... fucked you, I can't bear it anymore! !

"Mortal, I want to crush you!"

Im raised his right hand with a ferocious face, pressed down hard, and said sharply: "Then, let your corpse become my flower fertilizer!!"

Chapter 0679 Do you think you are in COS flower mom?

"God damn Huafei—"

Lin Qiong just didn't collapse, and laughed out loud and said, "Where are you putting your cosplay mother here? Don't you look at your aggressive nature? Laughed at the family members!"

Im: "?"

I have to say, it's not very harmful, but very insulting.

"Kneel down!!"

Im shouted angrily, and pressed his right hand down with a weight that could crush the earth, and said: "Then look up to me!"

"I give you a hammer—"

Lin Qiong suddenly wanted to kick with his right foot, and after smashing the "collapsed sky" easily, he said with some disappointment: "No, brother, you pretended to be forced for a long time, but this is it? The one next door to me Grandma Mary can pump a spinning top with a copper-headed belt harder than you can—my advice is to push harder, or you will definitely not have good juice."

It's not that Lin Qiong likes to talk a lot... Well, actually, considering that he is idle when he is idle, Im always feels ashamed of his ten years of practice in Zu'an - and the countless parents who have passed away if he doesn't ridicule him.

"Don't regret it, mortal."

Im gave up the attack method of invisible impact, turned his palms upside down, squeezed them hard, and shouted: "I'm going to tear you apart!"


Along with the roaring sound of the earth, a large number of branches emerged from Lin Qiong's feet and wrapped around his body like snakes.

"Oh! I thought your fruit was a superhuman fart fruit, isn't it?"

Lin Qiong showed a surprised expression, and said, "That is to say, your attack just now was not an invisible serial fart awakened by the fart fruit?"

Im: "?"

He doesn't understand, he really doesn't understand.

How could this person be so sloppy! ?

"shut up!"

Im gritted his teeth and moved his fingers, a vine quickly stretched out from the side, and then sealed Lin Qiong's mouth tightly, "I won't cut you into pieces, but I will pinch you." Into meat sauce!!”

With a firm grip on her right hand, the vines wrapped around Lin Qiong immediately pressed towards the inside...

Em: "Huh?"

She squeezed her right hand hard, and the vines immediately pressed toward the inside...

Im: "Huh??"

She squeezed hard, and the vines suddenly...

Im: "Huh???"


Lin Qiong easily tore off the branch with his right hand, then tore off the vine wrapped around his mouth, and said, "Are you looking down on me? Where is your armed color? Where is your domineering color? The majestic master of the Void Throne, Wouldn’t it be a waste that doesn’t know how to be domineering? No, wouldn’t it, wouldn’t it? Could it be that you ruled the world by serial farts?”

Im: "..."

There is one thing to say, it’s really not a joke, she just strangled by vines, even a pirate with a bounty of [-] million can be easily strangled on the basis of using armed colors.

So, is there a possibility.

It's not that my attack is too weak, but your body is too outrageous?

But that's all!

"You have exhausted my patience."

Im raised his foot, stepped on the void, and came to Lin Qiong step by step, and said expressionlessly: "I will, completely crush you!"

Fruit awakening!

Throne Guard·Flower Giant!


Accompanied by the roar of the earth, flowering branches emerged from the ground, and then wrapped around Im's body, forming a plant giant about five meters tall, composed of vines, and dotted with flowers on the body.

The next moment, the dark armed domineering energy covered the surface of the Flower Giant, forming a shiny, dark shell.

"Huo, have you shown your real skills?"

Lin Qiong narrowed his eyes, looked at the Throne Guard Armed Giant in front of him, and couldn't help but said: "With your power, Lockes or Roger are not all-in-one enemies in front of you, right? And why did you let them wreak havoc on the sea?"

"Silly question."

Im showed a disdainful smile. After her voice came out of the armed giant's body, it became a little more dull, "Only if there is an appropriate threat, can I rule the world better."

Without the threat of pirates, how could the member countries of the world government obediently donate money from the sky to seek the protection of the world government and the navy?

Without offering heavenly gold, wouldn’t the economic development of the countries that join the world government get better and better?How could I allow them to develop so comfortably?

"Ha, so it was such a stupid reason?"

Lin Qiong sighed, then raised his right hand, pointed at Im with his index finger, and said, "Wait for me, my young master is going to drag you out of that thing, break your limbs and use them as fuel to spark fireworks Heck!"

"If you can do it, just try it!"

Im controlled the giant to raise his right hand and shouted angrily: "Try this armed Seba Matang that has been trained for more than [-] years!!"

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