Swallow solution!

Star God White Night King!

Accompanied by the sound of metal rubbing, a set of silver-white armor covered Lin Qiong's body. White magic power flowed from the black patterns, and golden gemstones shone faintly on the joints such as the back of the hands and shoulders.

"Is 800 years of cultivation the capital of your arrogance!?"

Lin Qiong crossed his hands in front of him, then stepped on the ground with his right foot, and shouted: "Then try to receive this punch!!"

100 Favorability·True Love Invincible Fist! ! !




Accompanied by a white beam of light that soared into the sky, the sky between the flowers was completely overturned, revealing Yim, who was posing a defensive posture with bruises all over his body, exuding heat, and who was slowly recovering from the swastika, retracting his right hand. Lin Qiong of boxing.


Lin Qiong let out a foul breath, then wiped the bottom of his nose with the thumb of his right hand, and said coolly: "800 years? Huh! You want to defeat me, 2 years too early!"

Im: "..."

He opened his mouth weakly, then fell to the ground with blank eyes.

He couldn't understand why the flower giant he was going all out for was so vulnerable under the blessing of the armed color and the overlord color-you know, even Lockes who ravaged the sea a few years ago, he was confident. Fist seconds.

But why...

"Morgons, have you taken a picture of this young master's heroic appearance?"

Lin Qiong stepped on a stone among the flowers, and then said loudly to Morgonz, who was flying in mid-air "clicking" non-stop: "Tell me loudly, am I handsome or not!"

"You're so handsome! You're so handsome!"

Morgans jumped up and down to take pictures of Lin Qiong and Im lying on the ground, and said excitedly: "Brother is too strong! Brother is too strong!!"

One thing to say, Morgans has never seen such a fierce buddy!This combat power is really too exaggerated-it has a feeling of star destroyer vs water gun.

"Master! You are really too powerful, too strong!"

Just when Morgons was thinking about how to praise Lin Qiong, a figure rushed over from the side—to be precise, he jumped up from a position about ten meters away from Lin Qiong, and then the tiger fell to the ground, sliding and kneeling all the way In front of Lin Qiong, he warmly held his right foot, took out a handkerchief and wiped his shoe upper obsequiously, and exaggeratedly said: "Master Wu Zhidao is born without birth, eternity is like a long night! The punch just now by the master His heroic demeanor should be recorded in history, so that people in the next ten, hundred, thousand or even ten thousand years can admire the young master’s heroic demeanor..."

Morgans: "!?"

Are you the holder of flattering domineering? ?

The gods who came over: "!?"

Are you the god of flattery?

Guardians: "!?"

I learned it, next time I'll flatter the young master like this!

"Hey! Overrated, overrated!"

Lin Qiong clasped his fists in both hands, and said embarrassedly: "It's an exaggeration! How can I be as powerful as you say?"

"Master! Be humble, be humble!"

Niijima Haruo said exaggeratedly: "Young master's heroic appearance is like a shooting star flashing in the dark night. It is so eye-catching. It only takes a short moment to be deeply engraved into the depths of our memory. Unforgettable forever!"

Everyone: "..."

Fuck, is this guy endless?

If you keep blowing like this, do we still have words? ?

No, I have to find a way to interject a few words... What a fart!He finished all the words!

"Okay, okay, the bragging is over!"

After being blown a few times, Lin Qiong pressed down his hands contentedly to signal Haruo Niijima to stop, then looked at Morgaus and asked, "By the way, have the previous battles been broadcast live all the time? "

"Well, until Master Lin Qiong entered the Flower Room, there was a live broadcast."

As Morgons said, he glanced secretly at the four old stars lying on the ground with twisted limbs, and said: "The battles of those four were also broadcast live through the phone bug - of course, including our current comminicate."

"Really? That's good—"

Lin Qiong waved to Morgas and said, "Give me the phone bug."

"You are preparing to..."

Morgons handed over the phone bug, and then saw Lin Qiong touch his bangs with his left hand, and looked at the phone bug in his hand with contempt.

"Actually, from the very beginning, there was no one in the sky."

"Whether it's nobles, Tianlong people, or the world government..."

'This lowly creature, does he even know what he's talking about! ? '

After hearing Lin Qiong's speech, Im, who regained his sanity a little, immediately struggled to raise his head, then stretched out his right hand towards him with all his strength, and thought fiercely: "Damn guy, come with me!" Let's be annihilated together under the might of the ultra-ancient weapon, the king of heaven! '

Space-based Lockdown Holy Land Mary Joya!

emission! !

The next moment, lasers filled the entire sky, filled with palpitating energy, descending from the sky with the momentum to blast the entire Marie Gioia to pieces, and then...

"Didn't you see I was giving a speech!?"

Lin Qiong looked at the sky with his golden eyes, and growled, "Go back!"

The next moment, soaring magic power gushed out from Lin Qiong's body. This magic power easily swallowed up the laser light fired by the Heavenly King, and went upstream, directly causing the Heavenly King in outer space to explode into a gorgeous firework.

Im: "How...could..."

He swallowed his last breath in despair.

"Just doing messy things."

Lin Qiong glanced at Im's body with disgust, and then looked back at the frightened Phone Bug.

"Where did you just say that? Oh yes—"

"From the beginning, there was no one in the sky."

"Even me."

"However, the vacancy of the throne of the sky is coming to an end at this moment."

"Next, I will stand in the sky!"

After Lin Qiong finished speaking, he gently hung up the phone bug in his hand, then threw it to the stunned Morgons, and said, "You know what the next headline of the world economic news should be? Bar?"

"Of course I know—"

Morgans bent down with fanaticism, and said with burning eyes: "Your Excellency, the new king of the world!"

Chapter 0680 desperate for the future of the navy

Castle in the Sky.

meeting room.


Loki sat cross-legged on the chair, shaking his upper body back and forth with a dissatisfied look on his face, and said: "Aqiong, if you make such a big noise, can your plan of spreading and suppressing the world still work!?"

She is in a hurry, she is in a hurry!

Only after implementing this plan, can she go to Murloc Island openly and aboveboard, and then meet those bubbling mermaid beauties... ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Cough, not good, my saliva came down.

Lin Qiong: "..."

He glanced at Loki, who looked like a king in a hurry, and couldn't help complaining: "Loki, are you being blinded by the mermaid's fish tail? I don't believe that the god of mischief can't see the current situation clearly, you bastard." !"

Loki: "!?"

She crossed her arms, then thought for a while, then suddenly realized, and said, "Oh! We understand—the destruction of the world government will not make those ambitious people settle down, but will make them feel that it is a good time to make trouble now." opportunity……"

Lin Qiong: "..."

Fuck, you can think of a question in three seconds, just press it and don’t think about it, right?My mind is full of Miss Mermaid, right?

Hard, hard fist!

Want to play bellybutton with Rocky!

"Huh, this world is really a mess—"

Astoria rubbed the bridge of her nose with her hands, and said, "I have never seen a world where morality is so broken."

Lin Qiong: "?"

He thought for a while, and then said, "Then what, Astoria—"

Lady Justice: "Huh?"

Lin Qiong took out a tablet from his arms and said, "Then what, do you want to mend Zhan·Crimson Eyes, pitch-black bullets, and the abyss?"

Astoria: "!?"

Looking at the tablet in Lin Qiong's hand, she couldn't help but leaned back her upper body, and then showed an expression of seeing a scourge.

Bad, bad.

Teeth are white, very white.

Although I don't know the specific background of the three worlds mentioned by A Qiong, what is certain is that it will definitely make her feel very uncomfortable!

But, but, but...

However, she is the goddess of justice! !

Even if you know that there is an abyss ahead...even if you know it is an abyss...

Therefore, Lin Qiong saw that Astoria showed an expression as if she saw snail noodles boiled with stinky tofu dipped in soy juice, then tremblingly stretched out her right hand and took the tablet from her hand, and said with difficulty: " Me, I'll make up for it when I go back today."

"Ah this..."

Looking at Astoria's appearance, Lin Qiong couldn't help but said softly: "Why don't you make it up by the way..."

"You can hold back your words!"

Astoria interrupted Lin Qiong's description with a black face, and then said through gritted teeth: "Do you want me to die!"


Lin Qiong lowered his head meekly, and then said: "Ahem! In short, as you all know—after the world government is dismantled, the world will probably usher in a period of extreme chaos for a short time, so please suppress it. Some of those ambitious people."

"Don't worry, young master!"

Purgatory Dragon grinned and patted his chest, and said: "With us here, I guarantee that those pirates who are greedy for profit and careless about their lives will disappear from this sea without a trace!"


Holding the mask of pain in her arms...I mean the tablet, Astoria said with a serious face: "Bet on the reputation of the Astrigaya family, I will never let pirates bring disaster to this world again! "

"The meaning of the existence of our holy shield is to relieve the worries and problems of Lord Qiong."

Aizen showed a harmless smile with a smile, and said: "Since maintaining order is the order of Qiongjun, then I promise to make the entire second half of the Great Channel the most stable area in the entire sea."

Purgatory Dragon: "?"

He waved his hand and said: "No, no, no, the most stable area should be the first half of the great channel that our dragon group is responsible for, right?"

Astria said not to be outdone, "Do you want to compete for the maintenance of order? It must be my family of Astria!"


Kyle held up the Starfire Runeblade in his hand, and said in a deep voice: "Betting on the glory of the guardian, Xihai will definitely become the most peaceful and law-abiding area!"

Looking at the people who were facing each other, Lin Qiong couldn't help touching his chin and said, "How about holding a competition?"

Everyone: "!"

"Exactly what I want!"

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