"bring it on!"

"I will win!"

Among the noisy crowd, only a group of people were silently eating snacks on the table.

Masters in the world of disciples: "..."

Is it too difficult for ordinary humans like us to compete with monsters like you?

Master Misakikoshi sighed, and said: "So, I suggest that we should increase the training of Kenichi."

Ni Gui Zhixu nodded helplessly: "That's the only way to go."

Master Ma, who was unable to go to Fishman Island, nodded disappointedly: "I agree."

Kenichi: "??"

What happened to me! ?



After Morgens issued the declaration of "I will kill you within three days, and the ashes will be given to you" by Lin Qiong, he began to use the World Economic News to create a frantic campaign, and almost everyone in the world witnessed Mary's death. How Qiao Ya was destroyed in the hands of Lin Qiong.

"pia ha ha ha ha! The world government is dead, now is a good opportunity to fight for the world!"

The fat pirate armor raised the full moon scimitar in his hand and said loudly: "Wuhu! Boys, set sail! First go and capture the One Piece of One Piece, then recruit troops and conquer the world!"

"Gu thief thief thief thief! The world government is dead, and the Tianlong people are dead!"

The king of a certain country raised his hands above his head, and let out a wild laugh: "No one can dominate my head anymore-Gu Zie Zie Zie! From now on, I will be a Tianlong person!"

The evils visible to the naked eye began to spread all over the world—it can even be said that the speed at which these evils spread was even faster than the era of great pirates started by Gol D. Roger in the original book.

at the same time.

Naval Headquarters.


Kong smashed the seventh table since Lin Qiong's appearance with a face of rage, and then said through gritted teeth, "He actually did that!!"

"The news has been received."

Crane sitting on the sofa rubbed the bridge of his nose with the mask of pain on his face, and said: "It is conservatively estimated that the number of pirates in the world is at least twice the original number - there is no doubt that he opened a Worst of times."

"We must not let those pirates be so rampant!"

Kong clenched his fists and said in a trembling voice: "All crimes will be brought to justice!"

"Brother Sora, now is not the time to worry about pirates—although I am also worried about these things, but..."

Warring States couldn't help sighing, then looked at Kong helplessly, and said, "But have you ever thought about it? Now that the world government is being destroyed, how will the navy survive?"


Wash, wash Martha!

As we all know, the funding of the navy is in the hands of the world government, but now that the world government has collapsed, how can the navy with no financial resources survive?

"That bastard who doesn't go through his brain!!"

Sora slammed his chair and shouted angrily: "Why doesn't he think about the negative consequences of the destruction of the World Government!?"

"I've thought about it, okay? It's just that I think the advantages of destroying the world government outweigh the disadvantages."

Lin Qiong squatted on the window sill and said with a dissatisfied look on his face: "Can you not think of me as a wild monkey like Garp?"

Empty & Crane & Sengoku: "?"

Karp: "???"

"What is a wild monkey?"

Garp violently overturned the tea in front of him...

Crane: "Look at—"

Karp flipped over the senbei packaging bag in front of him, and said angrily: "You say it as if the old man is an idiot!!"

"Isn't it?"

Lin Qiong asked back: "If you don't believe me, ask Warring States."

"Warring States!"

Karp looked at his friend and said, "Tell me, is this old man an idiot!"

Warring States: "Uh, um, um..."

He silently averted his gaze, then showed an awkward yet polite smile, looked at the crane beside him and said, "Xiaohe, the weather is not good today, is it?"

"Cough cough."

Lieutenant General He also nodded gracefully and politely, and said, "Indeed."

Karp: "..."

He understood, he understood very well.

He said incompetently and furiously: "The old man is not an idiot!"

"Then let me ask you a question: Suppose you, Kong, and Sengoku live in a hotel together, and the accommodation fee is [-] yuan each, but the boss finds out that it is a discount day, so he asks the clerk to refund you [-] yuan, but the clerk is refunding you. At that time, I secretly hid [-] yuan, and only refunded [-] yuan to each of you, which is equivalent to only paying [-] yuan each."

Lin Qiong snapped his fingers, and said to Karp: "Then here comes the question - 27 each, 29 in total for the three of them, plus the [-] hidden by the clerk, a total of [-], and [-] more Where did you go?"

After hearing this question, Zhan Guo thought for a few seconds before reacting—the above question is a classic misleading question, because the 27 that the clerk took away has already been included in the [-] paid by the three people. Can it be repeated?


He raised his head and looked at the crane who was also awake.

They looked at Sora first.

Kong held his head in his hands and murmured with bloodshot eyes: "Three-nine, 27, 27 plus two, 29, so where is the remaining ten thousand? Where did the other ten thousand go!?"

Sengoku & Crane: "..."

No, that's the Admiral of the Navy?How clumsy!

They looked at Garp again.

Garp squatted on the sofa, clasped his fingers, frowned and muttered: "Nine plus nine is..."

Warring States & Crane: "???"

Fuck, do you want to start counting from here? ? ?

Desperate, desperate for the future of the Navy.

Chapter 0681 sooner or later green garlic you!

Warring States is very difficult.

He was worried about the future of the Navy.

Crane is also very sad.

She is worrying about the future of the Navy.

The two benchmarks of naval intelligence looked at each other, and then sighed deeply.

"Okay, okay, you two don't forget."

Lin Qiong looked at Kong and Karp's look that the CPU was about to burn, and couldn't help but said: "It's my fault, I shouldn't let you use Celeron G530 and GT210 to run Cyberpunk, my fault .”

Four people: "???"

Zhan Guo asked with a confused face: "What are you talking about? Why can't I understand?"

"Oh, let me put it another way."

Lin Qiong scratched his head and said, "It's my fault. I shouldn't let a newborn baby fight Rocks."

Four people: "..."

"Pfft hahaha-"

A few seconds later, Sengoku, who had reacted, let out a frantic laugh: "Karp, Karp's IQ is indeed no different from that of a baby, hahahahaha!!"

Karp: "???"

He rolled up his sleeves angrily, and then rolled them down angrily, saying: "I can't beat you! But I won't accept it! If you ask another question, I will definitely answer it!"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He sneered, then took out a deck of playing cards from his pocket, and said, "Then let's play blackjack!"

24 points is a classic small game, and its game method is also very simple-draw four cards from the playing cards with the king and king removed, and then use the above numbers to calculate 24 points.



10 minute later.

Empty put his hands on his chest and stared at the four cards on the table with eyes full of learning, while his right foot trembled unconsciously, causing the heel of his heel to collide with the ground, making a "da da da" sound.

Garp put his hands on his knees and looked at the cards on the table angrily, making people feel that the breath he exhaled from his nostrils was almost covered with military color.

Zhan Guohe He sat leisurely on the sofa, holding a handful of melon seeds with his left hand, and put one into his mouth with his right hand. With a "click", the melon seeds were sucked into his mouth, and the melon seed shell was thrown away. to the ground.

"Warring States!"

Garp raised his head, and said angrily, "Slow down your voice when cracking melon seeds! Originally, the old man almost figured out the answer, but I forgot after being interrupted by you!"


Zhan Guo glanced at Garp with disdain, then pursed his lips, and said, "You idiot, you should just give up honestly! With your IQ, you can't think of an answer even if you try your best."

"You fart!"

Garp stared at Zhan Guo with a beard and said, "Just wait, the old man will come out in 5 minutes!"

"That's what you said five minutes ago."


"You were like that 10 minutes ago."


"That's what you said five minutes ago."

"Warring States, do you want to fight! This old man won't be afraid of you!"

"I figured it out."


"I figured it out 28 minutes ago."


"I have figured out three solutions."

"The old man will come out in 5 minutes! Ignore you!"

After that, Garp raised his hands and feet again, then wrinkled his old face, and calculated bitterly.

Warring States: "..."

Your mother is really mentally retarded. Your hands and feet combined are only twenty, so you count yourself as a hammer?


He sighed, then turned his attention to Lin Qiong who was teasing the birds with the dog's tail, and said, "Your Excellency Lin Qiong, you didn't appear at the Navy Headquarters just to make things difficult for their IQs, did you?"

"That's not it."

Lin Qiong raised his head, waved his hands, and said with a smile, "I mainly want to ask you, are you interested in following me?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

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