Kong stood up with a bandage on his abdomen, waved his hand and said, "You are the criminal who destroyed the world government, how could our navy follow you?"

"Oh, that's fine."

Lin Qiong clapped his hands and stood up, and said, "Then you all find ways to raise military expenses yourself."


Lin Qiong stretched his neck, then put King Feng on top of his head, and said, "Let's go! Go back to the world for conscription, and then create my own naval force."

"Your Excellency Lin Qiong, please stop!"

Lieutenant General He saw that Lin Qiong had stepped on the window sill with one foot, and hurriedly said: "Don't listen to Brother Kong's nonsense! You have seen it too, he can't even count 24, he is a big fool!"


"That's right! I'm a wise general, and Xiaohe is a naval staff officer, so we must discuss this matter with us!"

Zhan Guo also nodded his head hastily, and helped out, "Don't listen to that idiot who can't even count 24!"


He couldn't help but said, "Are you the admiral of the navy or am I the admiral of the navy?"

Crane: "Then you pay for the military expenses?"

Warring States: "If you don't have money, don't talk!"


He hugged his knees with his hands, squatted in the corner of the room aggrievedly, drew circles on the ground with his fingers, and whispered, "Obviously I am the admiral of the navy..."

"It seems that the navy is still a sensible person—"

Lin Qiong looked at He and Warring States and couldn't help but smile. Then he sat back on the sofa and said, "Since you are willing to communicate, please allow me to introduce the negotiators of Sky City."

Miss know-it-all.

as well as--

Goddess Astoria!


Naval Headquarters.

"Ton ton ton—touch—"

The drunk Zefa slammed the wine glass in his hand on the table, then burped and muttered: "What a former admiral of the navy, burp, what a black-armed Zefa, burp, he is just a waste."

The one who can't even protect his own family, the one who can't even defeat the criminals, is nothing more than trash.

"Tsk tsk, although you are a bit miserable, but there is no need to drink too much?"

Lin Qiong leaned against the door of the bar, looking at Zefa who was suffering from pain in his throat as he drank the bitter wine, and reminded him: "I remember that you are not in good health to begin with. Won't it get worse if you drink again?"

"Yes, it's you? Forget it, I can't beat you, hehe..."

Zefa turned his head to look at Lin Qiong, then turned his head back with a wry smile, and muttered, "No, it doesn't matter! I, hiccup, I'm just a, a waste."

Since it’s trash, then it doesn’t matter if it’s even more trash, right?

"Oh, you can't say that -"

Lin Qiong frowned and used his hands to dispel the alcohol in front of him, then reached out and took the wine glass in Zefa's hand aside, and said with concern: "If you drink your body down, you won't be able to become a cow and a horse like Roger Work for me!"

Zefa: "?"

He paused slightly with the hand holding the wine glass, then looked at Lin Qiong with a question mark on his face, and said, "No, no, no, what did you just say?"

"I said, you have to take good care of your body!"

Lin Qiong looked at Zefa sincerely, and said, "Then turn into a cow and horse, and work hard to repay me."

Zefa: "??"

He suddenly threw away Lin Qiong's right hand and roared: "Are you kidding me!? Even if I, Zefa, die, die outside, jump from the Navy Headquarters, and drown in the sea, I will not do anything for you. This is the job of a criminal!!”


"It's delicious."

Zefa hugged his wife and son tightly, choked up and said: "You, you are really resurrected, I, I am not dreaming, no!!"

Lin Qiong played with the resurrection scepter in his hand, feeling the empty magic power in his body. He clicked his tongue in displeasure and muttered: "No, I have to find time to eat something."

"I, I, I'll catch you!"

Zefa hurriedly climbed up, then patted his chest muscles and said: "Ahem, I, I cough, although I, ahem, although my strength is beyond my reach, can I help you catch a few Neptunes?"

"No, you can spend time with your wife and children."

Lin Qiong waved his hand and said with a smile: "Remember to report to Xihai within a week, do you hear me?"

"Yes, I understand!"

Zefa bowed towards Lin Qiong's departing back and said loudly with tears in his eyes: "Master, thank you!!"

Lin Qiong didn't reply, just waved his right hand with his back to Zefa, and then disappeared in Marin Fando - according to the plan of Miss Passer-Tone, he still needs to go to the Chambord Islands.

Looking for the wallet of the future.



Chambord Islands.

At the moment when the world government is destroyed and "the dragons have no leader", the number of ships coming to the Chambord Islands has surged.

"Tsk tsk, it's really lively."

Lin Qiong casually grabbed a human trafficker who was about to hit him with a sap, and after throwing it into the sea [-] meters away, he clapped his hands and said, "But it's really chaotic here! I'm afraid it's not a group of demons dancing around, ghosts are rampant."

Feng Wang, who was squatting on his head, complained: "In just a short period of time, I have already seen three cases of human trafficking - wasn't Mary Joa beaten by you? Why is there still so much slave trafficking? market?"

Lin Qiong curled his lips and said, "You don't think the ordinary nobles in this world are good people, do you? They are all the same as Tianzhu, the kind who light up sky lanterns."

exist?Have a look at Goa Kingdom in the East China Sea and Magnetic Drum Island in the Great Route?

The former is known as "the most beautiful country in the East China Sea", but in fact it is just garbage and the poor are isolated outside the city, regardless of their life or death.

The latter is hailed as a "big medical country", but in fact, the medical resources are firmly controlled by Walpo, and ordinary people will be beaten to the bone to see a disease.

It can only be said that most of the "superior people" in this world have become worms under the influence of the sky pigs. Nobles like the Neferutali family in Alabasta are a minority after all.

"Do not worry."

Lin Qiong squinted his eyes, looked at the chaotic Chambord Islands with a slightly dangerous look, and sneered: "It won't be long before all these scum have to be liquidated!"

As I said, Im's resurrection won't protect you!

Chapter 0682 the little green hair

Chambord Islands.

Island 44.

At this time, in a restaurant on this island, the deafening and angry cry of a passer-by was heard——

"Kora!? You green-haired brat, do you know whose food you knocked over!?"

"This is the original bounty of 8000 million, the captain of the Mad Blade Pirates, Master Mad Blade Dalyan!"

"Captain Dalyan is the man who is destined to capture One Piece and become the king of the world!"

"You actually dared to overturn his food. Do you know what a big mistake you made!?"

"How are you going to compensate us!? Ah↗!?"

Gilder Tezzolo, who was being held by his collar, endured the stinky saliva sprayed from the other party's mouth, and said with a pale face: "I, I am willing to compensate you for one... no, two, two meals!"

At the same time, he bitterly calculated in his heart how much he would have left after subtracting these two meals from his daily salary.

"Fuck! Are you clueless, kid!? Just two meals and you want to send us away?"

The minion B next to him stepped forward and patted Tezolo's face with his hand as if he was dragging two to five or eighty thousand pele, and said, "Who do you look down on? Today's matter is not one hundred thousand, no, five hundred thousand pele , don't think about it!"

"50 million!?"

After Tezuolo heard this number, he couldn't help taking a breath, and said, "You, if you kill me, I won't be able to get so much money!!"

This is a lie.

In order to rescue his beloved woman from the human trafficking market, he worked day and night, and his savings had already exceeded 50 Baileys!But once the money is taken out, the time for him to rescue Stella will be delayed again.

So, never take it out!

"Don't take it!?"

The minion raised his eyebrows, raised his right foot and kicked Tezzolo in the abdomen, sending the thin man flying out and hitting the table behind him, "I gave you face, didn't I?"

"Ugh, ugh—"

Tezolo was pale and clutched his stomach, the pain from the abdomen made him retch.

"Did you make a little mistake?"

The minion stepped forward, stepped on Tezolo's chest, and glanced at him with distorted eyes: "I'm not fucking discussing with you, understand? This is a notice—you understand what a notice is ?"

"Yes, but..."

Tezuolo said with difficulty: "I, I really, really, no, I don't have any money."

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Hearing Tezolo's words, I immediately let out an extremely sharp and mocking laugh: "I have already found out clearly that you have at least 100 million Baileys in deposit - I only want half of it, and you don't want to pay for it?" Thank you Dade for taking it out obediently!?"

Tezolo: "!!!"

He understood that he had been betrayed.

Not only that, he even knew who betrayed him - the reason is very simple, the amount of deposit he disclosed to everyone is different, and knowing that he has a deposit of 100 million...

It is the owner of this restaurant.

'Damn dammit dammit...'

Tezuolo clenched his teeth tightly, but he didn't dare to show any strange expression.

"Boy, if you understand, just obediently hand over the money."

With a playful face, I put the long knife in my hand on Tezolo's neck, and said, "Otherwise, you will say goodbye to this world~"

Facing the threat of pirates, even though Tezolo's teeth were rattling in fright, he still stuck his neck and said, "I, I have no money!"

Faced with Tezzolo's answer, the pirate gangster immediately raised the long knife in his hand with a gloomy look on his face and shouted angrily: "Then let me try the knife!! Fall down for me -"

Tezzolo closed his eyes in fear, but several seconds passed, and the severe pain he imagined never came.

He quietly opened his eyes a little, and found that the pirate holding a long knife was looking at the gate of the hotel with a blank face at this time. The man in the windbreaker was leaning against the door frame with a smile.

"excuse me."

Lin Qiong glanced at the customers in the hotel, and said with a smile: "I'll look for Mr. Gilder Tezzolo, I wonder if he's there?"

Everyone: "..."

After a while of silence, everyone turned their gazes to Tezolo, who was being trampled under the feet of the pirates.

Looking for me?

Tezzolo looked at Lin Qiong at the door with a blank expression.

"Oh, it looks like this is Mr. Tezolo?"

Lin Qiong walked to Tezolo's side knowingly, and then smashed the pirate who was stepping on him into the wall next to him, and said, "It's the first time we meet, I am the Lord of Sky City, Lin Qiong."

"Abba, abba aba—"

Tezuolo looked at Lin Qiong standing in front of him with a dazed expression, and a feeling of PDD overload flooded his brain——no, no, no, what the hell is going on! ?

Castle in the sky, he knows!

Lin Qiong, he also knows!

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