However, why are entries like [Sky City] and [Lin Qiong] associated with [Gilder Tezzolo]? !

This, this, this feeling is as outrageous as when the police opened the door of the hotel room and found that Trump was playing the Star Railway with Abe.

"Mr. Tezzolo."

Lin Qiong looked at the demented Golden Emperor Lily, and asked with a smile, "I intend to hire you to be the Minister of Finance of Sky City. I wonder if you are interested?"

Tezolo raised his right hand blankly and pointed at himself.

Lin Qiong nodded: "Well, it's you."


Tezuolo climbed up from the ground with weak hands and feet, and then stammered and asked, "I, can I ask, ask, why did you find me?"

He was completely confused - it was as if he was selling pancakes on the street and was selling well, and then Jack Ma came over and invited him to be the CEO of Alibaba.

EXM?How virtuous and capable I am! ?

"Well, there are very complicated reasons..."

Lin Qiong scratched his head and said, "I just need you to answer, whether you are willing or not."

Tezzolo replied without hesitation: "I do! Of course I do!"

He didn't know whether he could do a good job as the so-called "finance minister", but he knew clearly that this was probably his only chance to get ahead in his life.

"very good."

Lin Qiong smiled, then walked towards the door and said, "Let's go, go to the exchange to pick up your lover."

Tezolo's breathing was a little short, he raised his right hand to wipe away the tears in his eyes, and then followed without saying a word, at the same time secretly swore in his heart: 'Gilder Tezolo!You must, must repay his kindness well! '

Under the silent gaze of the crowd, Lin Qiong and Tezuolo walked out of the hotel slowly.


After Lin Qiong took Tezolo out of the hotel, the pirates who had previously threatened Tezolo breathed a sigh of relief, and then showed a smile of relief...

In the next second, accompanied by clusters of flames, the smiles of these people officially disappeared from this world.



Tezolo had never seen such a macho man.

Lin Qiong led him swaggeringly into the human trafficking market, and as the two of them advanced, all the staff in the market disappeared in a cluster of flames.


Tezzolo threw himself in front of the exhibition cabinet with an excited face, looked at the lover locked inside, and showed an excited expression: "Stella, I'm here to save you!"


Stella put her hand on the glass cabinet, and said with an excited, affectionate and moved face: "I knew it, you can definitely do it!!"

The two of them pressed their foreheads together through the glass, making a choked up sound.

"Have you cried enough?"

Lin Qiong picked out his ears, and said with a blank face: "If you haven't cried enough, I can give you a little more time to cry a little longer."


Tezolo blushed, obviously realizing that his actions just now seemed to have interfered with Lin Qiong's rescue work, so he stepped aside with a smile and said, "Enough crying is enough! Young master, please, please—— "

Lin Qiong waved his hand to signal Stella to fight back, then bent his index finger and flicked lightly on the explosion-proof glass. With a "snap", the hard surface of the explosion-proof glass was immediately covered with cracks.

Tezuolo clenched his fists and shouted in his heart: 'It's too fierce brother!Brother is too fierce! '

He swore that from now on the young master would be his only idol, and he would be Lin Qiong's single recommendation!

When Stella came out of the "Exhibition Showcase of Boutique Goods", she saw her boyfriend holding his hands in front of him, looking at another man with adoring eyes.

Stella: "?"

Why is there an inexplicable sense of tension?

"Okay, let's go back."

Lin Qiong patted the glass shards on his hands, and then said casually: "Everyone else should go back to their homes to find their mothers - don't worry, the chaos in the Shampoo Islands will disappear in half a month at most. Without a trace.”

I said.

The sky pig can't change it even when it comes.



Castle in the Sky.


Loki pinched his chin, tried his best to keep his narrowed eyes wide, looked at Tezolo who was a little restless, and said: "Aqiong, is this kid really as powerful as you say?"

"Please, when did your brother Qiong lie to you?"

Lin Qiong put his hand on Tezolo's shoulder (Tezolo: flattered) and said proudly: "I'm not bragging, okay? As long as you give this guy enough start-up funds and background support, within three years, he will It can help me build a big business empire—controlling more than 20.00% of the world’s property is not a problem.”

Tezzolo:! ?

It turns out that the young master actually has such expectations for me! ?Oh oh oh——

He was shocked, he was terrified, his blood was boiling, and he was on fire!

Just wait, master!I only need two years, and I will definitely let you win 30.00% of the world's money oh oh oh! !

Gilder Tezzolo has no limits!

Chapter 0683 Aizen: Have I become a melon?




Lin Qiong sat cross-legged on the sofa in the laboratory, crossed his arms and made strange noises one after another.

Aizen: "..."

He sighed inconspicuously, then stopped recording the data, looked at Lin Qiong and said: "Qiongjun, you took the time out of your busy schedule to come here to see us. Is there anything wrong? Need our help?"

"Oh oh oh! As expected of Lan——"

Lin Qiong's eyes lit up, then he snapped his fingers and said with joy, "I would have forgotten it if you didn't tell me. I do have a small favor that I want to ask you for!"

Aizen: "..."

Erin: "..."

Jeff: "..."

The devil fruit research trio looked at each other, then sighed in unison.

"Master, I wonder if there is anything you can do for us?"

Jeff picked up the towel next to him and wiped his hands, then said sincerely: "Please speak out, we will do our best to help you."

"Hmm! It's actually Jiangzi—"

Lin Qiong coughed dryly, and then said solemnly: "As you know, didn't Sky City send all its personnel out recently to carry out a worldwide suppression of pirates?"


"However, I realized later that this method seems to only suppress 'pirates going to sea'."

Lin Qiong pressed his fingers to his forehead in distress, and said, "But there are not only pirates in this world's scum."

For example, the aristocrats who are rich and jaded, the human traffickers of the Chambord Islands, or the mafia who dominate one side, etc.-it can only be said that this is really a rotten world.

Lan Ran sat on the sofa opposite Lin Qiong, and asked with a chuckle, "So, what does Lord Qiong want us to do?"

"I remember that you created the prototype of 'Fairy Law', right?"

Lin Qiong looked at Zeref who was sitting on the other sofa, and said expectantly: "Then can you create the same spiritual magic to distinguish the good and evil of others?"

"Uh, this, master, the principle of 'law' is to judge 'friendly troops' and 'enemy troops' based on the subjective will of the caster."

Hearing Lin Qiong's words, Jeff showed an awkward yet polite smile, and explained: "But you mentioned magic just now, and the basis for judging it is on the 'caster'—if a person who kills innocent people indiscriminately If a murderer feels that he is a good person from the bottom of his heart, then this magic will judge him as a good person."

I did kill people, but my purpose was to send them away from this world full of evil. I am such a good person.jpg.

"Hey, this is indeed a problem..."

Lin Qiong rubbed his head, and said with a distressed face: "Could it be that we can only use the method of carpet search to check out those big villains bit by bit?"

"Qianjun, maybe... I just said maybe—"

At this time, Lan Ran pressed her chin, and said thoughtfully: "I have thought of a solution."


Lin Qiong put his eyes on Lan Ran, and said expectantly: "Oh! As expected of my trusted Lan! Come on, what is your method?"

"The goddess Astria is the goddess of justice, so does she have the power to 'distinguish between good and evil'?"

Aizen's eyes flashed with a strange light, and he said softly: "If you master it, can you use her authority to judge 'sin'?"

"Oh! I see, the power of the rule system—"

Lin Qiong showed a dazed expression, then nodded his head seriously, and murmured: "Indeed! The power of the rule system is the most unreasonable, maybe it can really work? But..."

Aizen: "But?"

Lin Qiong frowned in distress: "However, if all the crimes in this world are to be judged by Astoria, I'm afraid she will die from overwork."

Aizen: "emmm..."

This is indeed a problem.

For a moment, the laboratory fell into silence again.

"I asked, why can you make such a simple problem so complicated?"

At this time, Miss Know-It-All, who was holding a plate of fruit salad, leaned against the door frame with a helpless look on her face and sighed: "As a friendly reminder, do you still remember a certain Princess Mononoke?"

"Princess Mononoke?"

Lin Qiong froze for a moment, then reacted, and said, "You mean Perona?"

"That's right! In the original book, Perona once used a move called 'Negative Ghost'."

Miss Know-It-All put a piece of cantaloupe into her mouth, then chewed it and said, "Do you still remember how Zoro and Luffy reacted after they were hit by ghosts?"

"Confess your life? I seem to understand what you're trying to say—"

Lin Qiong touched his chin and said, "But the question is, what if those evil people don't feel remorse for their actions?"

Miss Know-It-All: "..."

She covered her forehead, and said dumbfoundedly: "My dear Mr. Host! I think you can expand your thinking—what if I add 'honesty' instead of 'negative' to the other party?"

Lin Qiong: "Huh?"

"Do you still remember the Tricky Expert starring Zhou Xingchi?"

Miss Know-it-all raised her eyebrows at Lin Qiong, and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't remember, you just need to know that in that movie, there are two kinds of bean paste buns, lies and honesty - the former will be full of lies if you eat it, and the latter will be full of lies if you eat it." It will be extremely sincere.”

Lin Qiong couldn't help giving his thumbs up to Miss Wanshitong, and said, "As expected of Miss Wanshitong, you can come up with such a tricky method, Si Guoyi!"

"Then the question is - how to make those two kinds of red bean paste buns that Ms. Know-It-All talks about?"

Aizen pushed his glasses, and asked helplessly: "It might not be too difficult to simply use the power of rules, but to add it to cooking..."

Hearing Lan Ran's words, Lin Qiong couldn't help casting a disdainful look, and complained, "Alan, you are so stupid!"

Aizen: "???"

Ok?Ok? ?Ok? ? ?

Who are you calling stupid?

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