Who says I'm stupid?

At this moment, Aizen was in a mess in the wind.

"It's not our turn to worry about things like 'how to make bean paste buns'?"

Lin Qiong stood up from the sofa, then put his hands on his hips and said confidently: "I just need to tell Loki this idea. Within three days, that guy will definitely research it spontaneously - I just need to sit back and enjoy his achievements. alright!"

Aizen: "..."

He raised his hands and hugged his head with a doubtful expression.



Fishman Island.

This magnificent island located thousands of meters under the sea was once a disaster area for human trafficking - a large number of slave traders lurked here incognito in order to capture a fresh and delicious mermaid.

Come on, this is a mermaid?As long as you can catch one and take it to the Chambord Islands, you won't have to worry about money for at least the next ten years.


Well, but, that was "once".

"Hahaha, wahahahaha—"

Surrounded by mermaid girls, Loki, like the incarnation of Mori Kogoro, let out a laugh that made the members of the Loki family feel ashamed.

"I'm so sorry, King Neptune."

Riveria couldn't help but sigh, then looked at the huge male mermaid sitting on the throne with an apologetic look, and said, "Loki is really... disrespectful."

"No, no, it's okay, it's okay."

Neptune stroked his beard with a smile and said, "Compared to your kindness to Murloc Island, His Royal Highness Loki's actions are nothing at all!"

There is one thing to say, since the Loki family arrived on Murloc Island, and then planted the flag of the city of the sky (with a white cat's head on the top and interlaced knives and forks below) on Murloc Island, Murloc Island is simply better than kindergarten. But also harmony.

slave trader?Hehe, before you can do anything, your colleagues will push you up first!

Others: 'Sun thief, don't drag us together if you want to die! '

"Hiahiahia~~You big man is quite transparent!"

Loki raised the wine glass in his right hand towards Neptune with a satisfied face, and said with a big smile, "Come on, take one!"

"Big man? It's really a new name—"

King Neptune laughed, then nonchalantly raised the wine glass in his hand - considered a bath bucket to others - and said: "Cheers!"

"Ha—King Neptune, you'd better not let Loki go like this, or she will become more and more arrogant."

Finn helplessly put his finger on his forehead and asked Neptune, and then looked at Loki, who was lying in the arms of the smiling mermaid lady, who was bubbling with joy, and said, "Loki, you I also feel that enough is enough—you don’t know that you are being targeted by Brother Qiong, do you?”

"Hey! Finn, who is the boss of your family? One mouthful and one brother! He's not here—"

Loki patted the floor under him dissatisfied, and shouted: "Besides, what can he do here? My old lady dares to say it in front of him..."

"What do you dare to say?"

"Dare to say... uh... that brother Qiong is mighty, domineering and chivalrous!"

Loki swallowed a mouthful of saliva, then sat up, looked at Lin Qiong behind him with a dry smile and said, "Oh, isn't this a busy person? Why do you have time to come and play with me today?"

Neptune: "!"

Big guy!

"Ben, I came to find you with very, very interesting things, but when I came here, I saw you lying among the women—"

Holding a laptop in his arms, Lin Qiong looked at Loki, who was exuding a woman's body fragrance, with disgusted eyes, and said, "I said, you guys can't be a thank you, forcing these mermaid sisters to accompany you Bar?"

"You, you, you, what did you say!?"

When Loki heard this, he grabbed Lin Qiong's collar angrily and shouted: "We will never threaten a beautiful girl's teeth! This is our aesthetics - apologize to us! What are you doing? Questioning our character and eloquence!”

Chapter 0684 Lin Qiong failed

Facing Loki's accusation, Lin Qiong pondered for a moment, then looked at Ais, Finn and Riveria, and asked: "Do you think Loki has a so-called personality?"

Finn pinched his chin and pondered for half a second, then said, "I can't tell."

Aisi recalled Loki's behavior of often trying to steal herself, and shook her head: "No."

Riveria denied it without hesitation: "No matter how you think about it, it doesn't exist."


Lin Qiong looked at the frozen Loki with extremely cold eyes and said, "Don't you have no personality at all?"

"Yes, damn it!"

Loki knelt on the ground, blew the floor unwillingly, and said: "We also have personality, bottom line, and dignity..."


"Where!? Where where-"

Loki quickly raised his head, looked towards the gate with bright eyes, and shouted: "Where is there a super-explosive nun Seqin? Where is there—"

Everyone: "..."

Even Neptune, looking at Loki at this time, has a little bit of subtlety.

"That...Master Lin Qiong, Miss Rocky actually didn't threaten us."

At this moment, the big-breasted mermaid who was holding Loki just now looked at Lin Qiong nervously, and said, "We entertained her voluntarily out of gratitude."

"Your Excellency Lin Qiong, they are right."

King Neptune also bent his waist, and said sincerely: "Your Excellency Loki did not threaten us, and we warmly entertained her out of gratitude to her and to Sky City."

"Okay, big man, don't be so serious."

Loki waved his hand towards King Neptune and said with a smile: "Don't worry! Brother Qiong and I were joking just now - we are close buddies."

"Hahaha, then I'm nosy."

King Neptune immediately felt relieved, then waved his hands at the mermaids and murlocs in the hall, and said, "Why are you still standing there? Keep playing the music and dance!"

"Oh!" xN

Lin Qiong took advantage of the opportunity and sat down beside Loki, then refused Miss Mermaid's service, and said to her: "Loki, I remember you are the god of mischief, right?"

Loki tilted his head: "Huh?"

"Then I think this game must be very suitable for you."

Lin Qiong blinked, then put the laptop in front of Loki, and opened a game with a smile: "This game is called Tricky Neighbors. Its essence is to play tricks on evil neighbors through the combination of various props—— How about it, do you want to give it a try?"

"Hmm, is it a game that uses pranks as a gimmick? Then let me try it!"

Loki rubbed his nose with his handheld hand, and then started the prologue of the game with a confident face, operating according to the novice tutorial, "So that's it! It's easy to clear the level, but how to get the 'three stars' is the difficulty. ——”

In the level, neighbors will accumulate a certain amount of anger when they are pranked. If the interval between two pranks is short, the neighbor can be "furious" - if you want to pass the level with "three stars", you must Precisely arrange pranks according to the neighbor's movement trajectory, making him constantly angry.

'Hmph, these levels are not easy--'

Lin Qiong recalled the scene when he used to play tricks on his neighbors and racked his brains to make the neighbors burst into anger. He could not help but walk behind Loki with a smirk on his face, and prepared to do it the first time the other party got stuck. laugh at.part

Then he saw that Loki had arranged one prank after another in a smooth manner, successfully making his neighbors furious and getting a perfect score.

Lin Qiong: "?"

He couldn't help poking Loki's shoulder with his hand, and asked, "Have you read the strategy?"

"This simple little game still needs to read the strategy?"

Loki turned his head, looked at Lin Qiong with slightly satisfied eyes, and said, "Brother Qiong, don't underestimate the god of mischief!"

Good guy!

Lin Qiong looked at Loki's back with a strange smile of "hehehehe" while clearing the level. He couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth - it felt like he had seen the prankster who once caused trouble in the God Realm. A corner of God.


After the banquet in the Murloc Palace, Lin Qiong followed Loki back to her residence on Murloc Island.

"Speaking of which, how was your life on Fishman Island?"

Lin Qiong picked up the scented tea poured by Riveria, took a sip, and asked with concern: "After all, this is under the sea. Is there anything uncomfortable or inconvenient?"

"Thank you for your concern, Brother Qiong. Everything is fine with us."

Finn smiled, then glanced at Loki who was attacking Tricky Neighbor 2, and said to Lin Qiong: "However, Brother Qiong came to see us at this time, shouldn't it be just to visit us?"

Lin Qiong said slightly dissatisfied: "Do I look like someone who doesn't go to the Three Treasures Palace for anything?"

Finn didn't speak, but looked at Lin Qiong with a caring expression—he didn't seem to say anything, but he seemed to say everything.

Lin Qiong couldn't help but blush, coughed twice and said: "Ahem, okay, I admit, I do have something to do with Loki -"


Hearing Lin Qiong's words, Loki immediately paused the game, and then came to Lin Qiong's side with a look of trepidation, put his hand on his shoulder, winked and said, "What do you want me to do? Tsk, put it nicely of!"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He squinted his eyes, then showed a stiff expression like a robot, and said in an emotionless voice: "Ah, super feminine Goddess Loki, please help me."


Finn, who didn't collapse, covered his mouth with his hands, then shrugged his shoulders, and said with difficulty: "You, you go on, pretend, pretend that I don't exist."


Loki, who was stimulated, looked at Lin Qiong angrily, grinning his teeth and said: "You are so weak! Can't you say something nice when you ask me to do something!"

Lin Qiong blinked innocently, and said, "Isn't it nice enough to praise you for being super feminine?"

Loki: "?"

She rolled up her sleeves with veins all over her face, and said, "You call that boasting? Do you want to fight?"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He sneered, rolled up his sleeves without flinching, and said, "Hit me, I'm afraid you won't succeed?"

Splash 3, open!



Looking at the prompt that appeared in the upper left corner of the screen, Loki stood up with a proud look on his face, raised his hands elegantly, and walked around Lin Qiong as if on a catwalk, completely looking like "I am the queen, confident." "Shine the light" attitude: "It's 5:0, this kid!"


Lin Qiong hammered the floor under him in pain, and said, "How is it possible! With my reflexes, I'm not Loki's opponent! Why! Why!"

"Oh ho ho ho ho ~~~"

Loki put his hand in front of his mouth and let out a domineering laugh, "Because you're a battle game bastard~bad fish~"

Lin Qiong: "?"

What bitch?It’s hard, the fist is hard!

"Damn it! When I was in Orario, I obviously won easily. Where is it... huh?"

Having said this, Lin Qiong was stunned for a moment, then looked at Loki with a suspicious and questioning look, and said, "Loki, you couldn't have used your divine power, right?"


Loki trembled all over, and then patted his chest vigorously, making a crisp sound of "papapapa", "What nonsense are you talking about!? My majestic goddess Loki, is it the kind that wants to fight in the battle game? A woman who cheated with divine power over her best friend!?"

Lin Qiong replied, "Yes."


Seeing that the matter was exposed, Loki suddenly became angry and said: "So what if we use our divine power!? Divine power is also our power, so why can't we use our teeth!"

"Are you yelling so loudly, Sen Gan Sen Mo?"

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